
PS4 Has 48 Announced Games So Far With Tons Of Third-Party Launch Titles

Gaming Blend "With all the talk about whether Sony's lack of enforced DRM will hamper third-party support, Sony is actually in a position whether they don't have to worry about garnering third-party support at all. A complete list of games confirmed, so far, lays out all the titles we knew about and a few titles we didn't."

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pedrof933983d ago

My priority list :


By the way is the new FF exclusive to PS4 ?

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

My Lord...

The legends are true!!

PS4 is for gamers first!!

I am buying psvita and ps4 same day!!

I want to play Knack on my toilet on vita!!

No load times while I unload mines.

lodossrage3983d ago

Yeah, his comment made me laugh too lol

Divine3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

My main list :
Killzone Shadow Fall
Infamous second son

Ezz20133983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

lol XD

Peppino73983d ago

Just 48?? How disappointing. ;-)

Brazz3983d ago

"No load times while I unload mines. "
You sir will gain a bubble! lol

BootyBandit3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

Come on N4G mods. Step in and give SUATMM a bubble. Hell give him 2 bubbles.
That sh!t (literally) was hysterical.


Dee_913983d ago

Oh My
and thats just the PS4 list.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr33983d ago

Out of 48 games you chose those as your top priorities? Those must not be 48 interesting games.

Christopher3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

***PS4 is for gamers first!! ***

Not to be a wet blanket, but the majority the ones not in bold are going to the Xbone as well. Both are going to have games. Therefore, I'm not quite sure how this makes PS4 for gamers first and not the xbone or the PC.

I'm happy that anyone is excited for either/both consoles, but this does nothing to really sway me to thinking that one will support gamers more than the other.

wastedcells3983d ago

Nice! There are more games still to come....eta 2 days!

nosferatuzodd3983d ago

my list is Knack shadowfall second son
the witness love those type of games and sony is full of em and oh yeah RAIN I cant forget that one

thechosenone3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

found this over on reddit.

-studios working on PS4 titles-
Naughty Dog
Sony Santa Monica Studios
Quantic Dream

-rumored sh*t-
The Last Guardian
Destiny of Spirit

Media Molecule
inFAMOUS: Second Son
Killzone: Shadow Fall
Deep Down(exclusive?)
War Thunder (PS4/PC)
Blacklight: Retribution (PS4/PC)
Planetside 2 (PS4/PC)
Warframe (PS4/PC)
Doki-Doki Universe
DC Universe Online (PS4/PC)
Primal Carnage: Genesis (PS4/PC)
Super Stardust

Ritsujun3983d ago

WrAiTh Sp3cTr3's so mad.

justastranger103982d ago

There are no games in the PS4 lineup that interests me. I will be getting an X1 mainly because of Forza 5. I may get a PS4 one day but not at launch.

Sincere01213982d ago

Meh, Quality over quantity. So Wii u is definately my first choice.

RedHawkX3982d ago

yep no reason to not get the ps4.

kelixaleir3982d ago

Last time I checked, Microsoft announced 15 exclusive games at their unveiling, 8 of which are brand new IPS. This is all just in the first year....seems more than PS4 just sayin'

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3982d ago
Cam9773983d ago

I hope we see "RIIIDGE RAAACER" PS4 at E3.

waltyftm3983d ago

Agreed, my favorite arcade racer, love the old games, but not that new shite, Rage Racer ftw.

andrewsqual3983d ago

Rage Racer was also my fave. ^_^

Pillsbury13983d ago

Wasn't there a free to play ridge racer announced? Or am I going crazy?

Double_O_Revan3983d ago

I think we need a Genji 2 as well.

ShinMaster3983d ago

You mean Genji 3. The first Genji was on the PS2.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3983d ago
abzdine3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

i think it will!
source: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Greatness awaits

dedicatedtogamers3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

I'm beginning to wonder if Sony's push for indies (as well as their big push over the last few years to increase/improve new IPs and new internal studios) was in preparation for this DRM nonsense. Honestly, I am doubtful publishers will block Sony if they don't do DRM because I believe that it is actually Microsoft themselves who are pushing this forward. Publishers are just going along with it, but even if that was the case, it would make sense that Sony is building a fortress of indies to prepare for the possibility of bigger publishers snubbing the PS4.

EDIT @ below

I'm not saying EA or Activision (Activision, by the way, have never put an online pass in CoD, which should not be ignored) are not responsible. However, people may be thinking of this backwards. They're thinking "man oh man. The Xbox One is so restrictive. These policies suck so bad! Man, I bet EA did it. Yeah! EA did it! Microsoft was coerced into doing this! It isn't their fault! It's all EA's fault!" which then leads into even more illogical thinking like "Because EA forced Microsoft to do this, I bet they'll force Sony, too! Man, oh man! EA is forcing PS4 to have this horrible DRM, too!"

I reject the initial (unproven and illogical) premise that these policies are not Microsoft's fault and that somehow EA convinced Microsoft to spend billions of dollars and years of R&D to build a console that Microsoft didn't really want to build. Yeah, I find that totally believable.

gamertk4213983d ago

Yeah, EA and Activision didn't make this happen. OK!

jts18913983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

I totally agree with you that Microsoft is the primary force behind DRM. Frankly, publishers have long had the ability to crack down on used games and such if they wanted to. And yet, the most we've seen is EA's little experiment with online passes which was widely regarded as a failure.

Also, I think people need to realize that publishers couldn't -afford- to boycott the PS4. Games from major publishers like EA have massive budgets that require massive sales to make a profit. If they boycotted the PS4, they'd probably be cutting their sales in half.

It would be a game of chicken. Would the lack of major titles like Call of Duty, Madden etc. damage PS4 sales badly enough for Sony to relent and implement DRM, or would the lack of profit force publishers to drop the boycott?

Given that Sony has deeper pockets and could suffer larger losses, I think Sony would win that contest, easily.

loulou3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

what are you lot going to say next week when it emerges that sonys drm is a bit different from m$?

but still drm all the same..

this is what i posted in another thread and cant be arse to write it again...

i think that the disc will come with a once only activation code for ps4 games. then when you sell it, in the partner only chains. you will have to pay either an extra fee in the shop for a new activation code. or you take it home, and buy the code on-line when you boot it up in your ps4 that is connected.

if you sell it anywhere else, then the buyer either connects and pays, or goes to the shop and pays.. simple

and, the activation fee will be the same across both platforms.

either way, you still pay extra.

there you go.. there's my take on the situation

edit above. did you just say that the ps4 would be ok without cod, and that sony has deeper pockets and actually mean it???? rofl. do some research please

kneon3983d ago


How will this one time activation code work when the PS4 can be completely offline with no requirement for an internet connection?

The answer is it can't.

Sure some publisher might choose to go this route but Sony won't which will result in a backlash for any publisher that tries such nonsense.

jts18913983d ago

Uhm, yeah. Your the one who should do some research. Sony has deeper pockets than EA. EA has roughly 5.5 Billion dollars in total assets. Sony has roughly 150 billion. Sony gets about 75 billion in revenue each year. EA gets 4 billion.

If it came down to a matter of who could stand to lose the most money, EA would fold long before Sony. Especially since console sales can be recovered.

loulou3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )


are you certain about that? that it is impossible for some sort of lock to placed on the disc?

lol@ jts. sony is not rolling in money. please do some research

DOMination-3983d ago

Its not a requirement but publishers will still have the choice to require users to stay connected on ps4 games. Sony have pretty much said as much.

jts18913983d ago

Your telling me to do research when your the one who isn't providing any proof? Ask me that again when you can back it up with numbers. Fact is, in terms of raw income, Sony leaves EA in the dust.

They could afford to take a hit, especially since their largest markets are outside of the US, where games like Call of Duty and Madden lack the level of popularity they have in the US.

SecondSon3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

Publishers can't miss out on the PS4 but they can sway their games into being slightly better on the Xbone to attract people to the more profitable console for them :/

This is going to be messy and MS has caused both X1 and PS4 gamers a lot of trouble this time around -.-

Edit: Not to mention that places like gamespot will now need to raise more money from second hand PS4 games since X1 games won't be as profitable making used games more expensive even for PS4 users.

I just hope gamespot hides all the X1 consoles at the back of its stores and pushes users to buying a PS4 instead.

rainslacker3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

I don't think anyone forced anyone to do anything. It was likely a mutual decision among big publishers and at least one console maker. Any "force" as more likely an unparalleled partnership which gave strong benefit to a particular system in the way of exclusive deals involving games or extra content or advertising.

More likely publishers just saw the money GameStop or other retailers were making off of 2nd hand sales, and just saw a way to monetize it for their own gain. It's what business men do, they monetize everything they can to increase revenue, thus increasing their bonuses.

There have been a couple of publishers that have complained about 2nd hand sales, starting just a few years ago....hmmm coincidence that they would suddenly bring that up to try and convince the public long before such measures went into practice, isn't it? Kind of strange that we didn't hear about any of that in the other 25+ years that gaming has been around, isn't it?

Truth be told, it's not really like used game sales saw a huge explosion compared to new game sales percentage wise. People still buy, sell, and trade their games like they always have.

Gorilla_Killa_X3983d ago

@rainslacker, the used game market has seen an increase over the past 25 years, but it is the cost of making games that has exploded. It cost a lot more money now than it has in the past is why publishers are trying to come up with ways to get money on the sale of used games.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3983d ago
Ezz20133983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

i want those games plus more new ips like the last of us and beyond

i want sony to keep trying new things .... playstation is on another level now

Enemy3983d ago

My list:

InFamous: Second Son
Drive Club
Killzone: Shadow Fall
Battlefield 4

Pretty sure the new FF is Versus.

PlayStation_43983d ago

he said a completely new FF, so I doubt it is versus

MRMagoo1233983d ago

from what i have heard the ff versus has actually been changed to ff14 or 15 one or the other

3-4-53983d ago

I knew PS4 had tons of games coming, I didn't realize it had that many.

* The free to play games are huge to have right away at launch. It helps fill the void until the other games are released.

* I can vouch for Planetside 2 being a really fun game.

Look at PS4 becoming the go to FPS console. As long as the new controller analog sticks aren't floaty they will all play well.

McScroggz3983d ago

I agree about F2P, I think it's incredibly smart of Sony (though fairly obvious) to not only include that market, but to make it available Day 1. I'll likely only be able to afford 2-3 games at launch, so I assume I'll be playing some of those F2P games myself.

Plus, Planetside 2 and another one (can't remember) are Sony owned, so it makes even more sense.

RedHawkX3982d ago

yeah with the free to play games its smart to get the ps4 over the xbox one especially at the start because you are getting free games right out the box basically and then free online as well. on the xbox one you will have to buy all your games and even then you wont own them really or be able to sell them on top of that you need to pay for xbox live and they probably gonna increase the price for that to pay for the extra drm servers that take your rights away from you. I call them eagle eye checks/ slave owners.

liorishot3983d ago

The ps2 days are back people sony supreme

LuditPRIME3983d ago

Oh my daze. They are announcing some of these games like they are all exclusives?! At least 22 of these titles are coming to xbox on the same day of each individual release. Plus the 15 xbox exclusives puts it in the same amount of known ones. Don't be to hasty micorsoft unlike Sony is waiting till Monday to announce a few of them. No good blowing your load without a tease. Lol

Smoovekid3983d ago

Microsoft has no games. I also doubt they have 15 exclusives.

HammadTheBeast3983d ago

Relax, I'm sure everyone here realizes that.

Of the 15 Xbox exclusives we already know 6 and they're not amazing. Lets hope E3 is better.

McScroggz3983d ago

What's not on this list are several of the Son exclusives we've yet to see, so it is still quite impressive.

ToZanarkand863983d ago

Microsoft can suck my balls.

TheSurg3982d ago

@ HammadTheBeast

we know 6 that are not amazing? Can you please provide a list? To remind you the 15 exclusives that were talked about come from MS STUDIOS only.

RedHawkX3982d ago

ps4 will have the superior versions as its the most powerful console. Not only that but you actually own your ps4 games and can resell them. On top of that you dont have to have a online slave check in every 24 hours. xbox one has you being a slave to microsoft. 24 hour worhsip check in crap. on top of that xbox one will mostly have kinect crap and b tier exclusives. xbox one exclusives are not even close to the quality, variety, and pure epic awesomness of the exclusives from the other platforms. drive club destroys the same old forza crap(#fight club).

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3982d ago
Felonycarclub83983d ago

I doubt it but you never know nowadays

GamerzElite3983d ago

Sony reveals PS4's 3 Exclusive Game Trailers + 1 PS3 Exclusive Game Reveal Trailer:

Daylight - PS4 http://www.youtube.com/watc...
Dying Light - PS4 http://www.youtube.com/watc...
Warframe - PS4 http://www.youtube.com/watc...
Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII - PS3 http://www.youtube.com/watc...

BDSE3983d ago

My priority list:

No restrictive DRM at all ever.

jessupj3983d ago


"E3 is definitely looking exciting and all Sony has to do is reconfirm what they've already confirmed and make it known to the public on the grand stage of E3 that the system won't have any restrictive DRM and they've got this console generation in the bag."

If sony are smart that will be laughing all the way to the bank.

farhad2k83983d ago

Drive club looks sexy as hell!
Can't wait to give that a go, hoping my old Logitech G25 Steering Wheel will work with the PS4.

vishmarx3983d ago

and thats why we should buy a wii u

hellzsupernova3983d ago

Drive club!
Planetside 2

Braid3982d ago

This is merciless, as if we're sh#tting golden coins.

Bring them on.

SpongebobGAF3982d ago

Based on a mounting amount of evidence the new Final Fantasy is probably Versus XIII moved to the PS4 and re-branded as XV. Likely a PS4 exclusive.

joe903982d ago

Most of the Titles are 3rd party and a lot of the PS4 exclusives are playable on windows PC's, So its not like sony are doing anything special here.

avengers19783982d ago

Looks like Sony is going to have a good flow of games coming the first year, and we still haven't seen everything. E3 in 1 day, less than 24 hours to go.
Long Live Play

3982d ago
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ThatCanadianGuy5143983d ago

I going to buy them all and roll around in the pile of them.

HammadTheBeast3983d ago

I hope you don't mean the disks right? Otherwise it could get painful.

3983d ago
jc485733983d ago

i guess going first does give you an advantage.

CaEsAr-3983d ago

Ok time to rob a bank. Who's in? I'm recruiting.

Lubu3983d ago

Not until Payday 2 comes out.

NovusTerminus3983d ago

I'm all in, I can be the inside man!

kingmushroom3983d ago

I'll be the electrician guy, yeah some one try pressing the alarm hahahaha!!!

Soldierone3983d ago

If we have to wear clown masks, I'm out! I'm not getting shot just as I get in the safe haha

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