
GameStop is at the mercy of Microsoft and the Xbox One

GameZone writes, 'In an attempt to learn the truth of Microsoft's used game policy regarding the Xbox One and retailers I learned something much scarier: retailers, particularly GameStop, are at the console-maker's mercy. What Microsoft says goes, and there's really not a damn thing anyone can do about it -- well, unless you're a consumer, because then you can choose to speak up with your wallet.'

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jc485734007d ago (Edited 4007d ago )

gamestop did say something I believe. They said that Microsoft simply wanted a piece of the pie meaning they saw the money making business in used game sales. My question is whether or not consumers realize this. The majority of concerns come directly from gamers who are well versed on this.

dcbronco4007d ago

Or maybe it's the developers that want a piece of the action. Though there isn't a game develop out there that has half the talent of Gamestop. Who but Gamestop could have come up with a business model where you cheat people selling used games to you and then you turn around and sell them at nearly new prices for huge profits that you don't have to share with the developer. That is the work of true talent. Or are they real pimps? Whatever, it's all the same.

You that pimp Gamestop. Tell 'em.
"I want to be your Motha, your Fatha, your Sista, your Brotha. ....I want to be everything to you baby.

4007d ago
timmyp534007d ago

We still don't know Sony's stance on any of these issues. My guess is they went first this feb to see if microsoft would play their hands but they are both pretty hush hush. Major Nelson keeps saying that nothing is finalized. Cat and mouse for sure. Hopefully us gamers don't lose in the long term though... =(

jc485734007d ago (Edited 4007d ago )

man, do you really think Sony is stupid enough to play the same ball ? I sure hope not. I mean, just look at the backlash microsoft has been receiving.

CerebralAssassin4007d ago

It very well Could happen. From a business standpoint, if the rumors about xb1 are true that would push a lot of people to sony because they dont want to support such a monopoly. But if sony does it as well the gamers have nowhere to turn. Your stuck. Unless you want a wiiU. Pc isnt the answer because this system is implemented already for that with cd keys. So for me this isnt too big of a deal because I spent a lot of time on pc but I too have grown into the resale business. Not the end of the world though.

Sovereign594007d ago (Edited 4007d ago )

Exactly. Sony has yet to make an official statement on how the PS4 will treat pre-owned games, it's unwise to assume their own plans are or are not similar to Microsoft's.

Yes, hopefully they have no plans to implement something like what Microsoft is doing with One, (and hopefully there's still time for Microsoft to change their minds on this) but for now we simply do not have confirmation one way or the other, so far it's all nothing more than speculation.

Darrius Cole4007d ago

Actually they have been fairly clear on it.

About used games




About requiring an internet connection, without which used games can't be blocked, detected, or charged for.


Unless Sony does a 180 then Microsoft and the new Xbox One are going out there alone. I guess they believe that they can make a good profit on 30 - 35 million consoles if those users all get all of their games from Microsoft.

timmyp534007d ago

@Darius Cole If you seriously look at those two articles its still a bit unclear. Shuhei Yoshida sort of implies that its up to the publishers. I'm just like you guys I think it'd be stupid as well if they did it. But I wouldn't count it out guys.

Sovereign594007d ago

Unfortunately nothing in those articles brings total clarity to the situation. Each one basically states that used games won't be blocked, I don't take this to mean it rules out the possibility of Sony choosing to charge some sort extra fee somewhere along the path between coming into possession of a used game and playing it on the console.

From the last article: "Speaking at a roundtable session with the press attended by Ars Technica, Shuhei Yoshida stated that "when you purchase the disc-based games for PS4, that should work on any hardware." When asked whether games would require online registration, Yoshida noted that that decision was up to the publisher. When asked if Sony, as a publisher, would require games to be registered online, Yoshida said, "we are not talking about that plan."

Maybe I'm just exceedingly cynical, but it seems to me...
Best case scenario: Online passes still prevalent next-gen
Worst case scenario: Sony will also adopt a used game policy similar to that of Microsoft's

Sovereign594007d ago

And now this... I just don't know what to believe anymore, this whole reveal was such a mess. http://www.polygon.com/2013...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4007d ago
S2Killinit4007d ago

it seems that Sony is leaving it up to the developers. They are not going to be the ones that charge (unlike MS) but they wont stop developers from doing it if they please. Especially in light of their partnership with Blizzard (which does link each game to a single account). So the reason Sony is hush hush, in my opinion, is because they have clearly said that they don't believe in blocking used games but that they are going to "do the right thing by developers and consumers." They don't want to come out and say that there will be no 'fees' only to be blamed by the consumers when the developers apply their own fees to used games. That way Sony hopes to stay out of this while keeping the developers happy, letting retail know that they aren't directly putting their hand in their pockets, and letting the consumers know that they will not be taking their money if they wish to play used games. Thats what I think.

wastedcells4007d ago

GameStop lost most hardcore gamers a long time ago. They cater to kids, moms and dads or their location. If anything they will tell their staff to push Wii u or PS4 if it leads to potential trade ins in the future. I buy almost every decent new release because I know I can trade up later. If I can't trade in xo games then I simply won't buy them..... Or an xo.

dcbronco4007d ago

Timmy we do know Sony's stance. They said they wouldn't do it but they would leave it up to publishers to do it with their titles. With Sony tech BTW.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4007d ago
wishingW3L4007d ago

not just Gamestop but the entire industry. Remember that USA is the biggest video game market in the world and the Xbox brand is the biggest there. Lots of stuff could happen....

Brawler4007d ago

Exactly, and remember gamestop employees to give their two pieces to uninformed people buy consoles. If the used game fee goes through you can assume gamestop will just push ps4 and wii u. Which can hurt the xbox one sales.

2pacalypsenow4007d ago (Edited 4007d ago )

Gamestop just need to side with Wii U and PS4 and PC

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PUBG Team Considered Bringing Back OG Bugs for Erangel Classic Event

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Dandizzle22m ago

Just bring back global voice chat in lobby/plane/match Not old bugs.


Boycott EA trends on X as community savages FC 24

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anast4h ago

It's like boycotting 'your' local crack dealer. I'm sure it will change everything...

Xzila113h ago

they manipulated the pack weight and admitting it on twitter

Kaozz19793h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Stop buying the fucking game! It is no secret that the game is based around opening packs that need to be bought with real money if you want to be competitive. Yes I know, you have the chance to get the cards without investing real money, but that is a real grind and you still may never get the cards you want. This is not new and it will not change if people keep buying the game/packs.

TheColbertinator16m ago

Stop buying the game. EA won't make any more improvements and will charge full price again for new roster updates and UT.