
BioWare Is Not Afraid Of Either 'The Witcher 3' Or 'Dark Souls 2'

DSOGaming writes: "It seems that a lot of Dragon Age 3 fans are a bit worried about BioWare’s upcoming RPG. After all, Dragon Age 3 was announced a while back and we have not seen it in action. We do not have any screenshots for what BioWare is planning, and we don’t even know much about it. If you were a common fan, you’d think that BioWare is a bit ‘afraid’ of two upcoming RPGs that everyone keeps mentioning these days; The Witcher 3 and Dark Souls 2."

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DaThreats4179d ago

What, they are going to say they are?

dedicatedtogamers4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

They should be. Witcher 1 and 2 outclassed every Bioware game made within the last 7 years. I wouldn't really compare Dark Souls to anything Bioware has done, but Witcher definitely showed Bioware how to properly make a fantasy RPG.

Ironically, Witcher 1 was made with Bioware's own Aurora engine...

And if I'm not mistaken, following Mass Effect 2 and 3, a lot of the key members of Bioware have left the company, including the co-founders and several of the lead writers.

theWB274179d ago

I haven't played The Witcher..but I HIGHLY doubt it outclassed any of the Mass Effects save for an ending no one liked. Other than the endings that was a top tier experience..bar none.

AznGaara4179d ago


Then ... Maybe you should play the Witcher games. Mass Effect 1 was the pinnacle of the series for me. With every other iteration they toned down what made ME1 so great of an RPG the roaming around and exploring. Sure it was "messy" but instead of fine tuning it, Bioware stripped it down to the point of no relevance.

Comparing TW1 from TW2 to ME1 to ME2 is laughable. CD Projekt Red did what Bioware didn't and that's expand both combat and world exploration. And yes I love Mass Effect. Played and beat all three multiple times and I can say that TW blows it out of the water when it comes to raw Rpg elements. ME kept me hooked with story and characters and that's what Bioware I great at. But even saying that, Geralt and Triss are some pretty great characters themselves.

BiggCMan4179d ago

Hasn't played something...

Immediately says it's not as good as something he has played.

Wonderful logic.

grimmweisse4179d ago

If you haven't played the game, then don't make assumptions on something you have no personal experience on.

theWB274179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

@everyone else

It's all a matter of opinion...but judging from my personal experience with Mass Effect and reading other people's opinion on The Witcher my conclusion is my conclusion.

There were things pointed out about the Witcher across the board that made it not outclass Mass Effect. I'm not stating my opinion as fact either...which is why I stated I highly doubt.

I may not have played the Witcher..but there are also plenty of videos out there that let me get a good jest of what the game is.

I said I doubt it outclassed Mass Effect..didnt say it wasnt as good as Mass Effect. There's a HUGE difference in that.

Purely your opinion..stating it as fact does nothing.

pompombrum4179d ago

@theWB27 You're in no position to make a conclusion, that's the problem with your statement here.

Likewise I haven't played Mass Effect but I wouldn't go around and saying that there is no chance that Mass Effect can't be better than The Witcher because it would be ignorant and a completely baseless statement.

NegativeCreepWA4179d ago

Having played all of them, I'd say DA:Origins is far better than TW1 and TW2 far is better DA2.

Between DA:Origins and TW2, that's a tough choice.

theWB274179d ago

You're right. Because everyone only comments on games they've played here on N4G. Thanks for that memo.

To outclass something makes it far superior than it's competition in every aspect. The Witcher is not considered to be that product.

You know...looking at videos of the Witcher gives me all the evidence I need to make said conclusion. It's not hard to do so.

RememberThe3574179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

Yall sound like b*ches. Do any of you hear that?

Instead of attacking someone for not necessarily liking what they've seen from your precious game, maybe try to convince them of it's worth. A glowing endorsement has much more impact than immediately going into defensive formation.

I don't mean to defend you WB, I know you got it, but I had to say something. It's just pathetic to read this stuff some times.

pompombrum4179d ago

Now you're trying to take words out of my mouth. Anyone can comment on any game but to suggest Mass Effect is better than a game you've never played is just stupid.

Imalwaysright4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

@ theWB27 Don't talk about games you never played. Your opinion on TW as a franchise is as worth as dirt.

@ RememberThe357 No people gave theWB27 the answear he deserved. Its not our job to sell him a game. How the hell can he form an opinion or get to a conclusion about something he never experienced? Also he basically admitted that he was wrong and he himself admitted that he is a sheep.

"You're right. Because everyone only comments on games they've played here on N4G. Thanks for that memo."

CalvinKlein4179d ago

I really liked mass effect series but I only played the witcher 2 and it was awesome. All I know is im looking forward to the witcher 3 far more than whatever the next mass effect game is.

The witcher 2 has a dragon. ANd I felt the witcher series has more meaningful decisions in the game than mass effect. The combat in the witcher is more challenging.

I feel the mass effect series isnt really getting better, just improving some areas and getting worse in others. I thin the witcher 3 will be better than 2 in every way most likely, and 2 was pretty awesome.

anticlimax4178d ago

I played both the witcher games, and the mass effect trilogy, and i liked ME more. TW2's combat system is just not my thing.

More importantly, I can't believe people keep putting Dragon Age up against games like the Witcher and Dark Souls. These games are miles apart in terms of gameplay. So they're all RPG's, that's like comparing FIFA with with NCAA Football saying they're both sports games.

Bigpappy4178d ago

Comparing the Witcher with ME is a stretch. It would make more since to compare it to Dragonage.

ME is a much more complex series that get into details about the team you work with and their back ground. There is also a lot more variety in choices. The Witcher by contrast, lacks discovery and customization. It is completely linier with minimal side quest. So even though some might prefer the more the up close and personal, melee focused combat and the you don't spend a lot of time looking for stuff to level up, it does not mean that Witcher is a better RPG. They are just different types of RPG's.

dedicatedtogamers4178d ago (Edited 4178d ago )

@ BigPappy

"The Witcher by contrast, lacks discovery and customization. It is completely linier with minimal side quest."

^^^^ has never played Witcher.

Witcher has far MORE customization than Mass Effect, unless you're talking about costumes and hairstyles. Witcher is also far LESS linear in comparison, especially Witcher 2. There are several endings, several different sub-plots, and the entire middle Act of Witcher 2 is completely different, depending on your choice in Act 1. Side-quests? Eh, ME has more, yes, but the ones in Witcher 2 tend to have more choices and are more involved. Witcher 2 could have certainly used more hunting quests like W1 had. As far as exploration goes, I would say they're about equal. ME lets you travel to different planets with smaller environments, while Witcher 2 confined you to one area, but gives you tons of sections to explore.

awi59514178d ago

I played both series and the witcher is better by far. The only problem i have with it is how they changed the combat for witcher 2 they dumbed it down.

Mass effect killed itself buy going multiplatform for a ps3 version;EA's idea i bet. So they dumbed down the game and made the decisions we made useless because it would make the ps3 version a joke. So they killed their own series its their own fault.

Linsolv4178d ago

@awi - I'd agree and disagree with that.

Witcher 1 had a lot of great fights where you had a choice of stances based on what points you'd spent and the makeup of the fight, which was highly tactical and a lot of fun.

On the other hand, it also occasionally used that very interesting and fun system to just play rock-paper-scissors, which was dull and boring and tedious.

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joab7774179d ago

Good. They only have themselves ti fear. Instead of taking from skyrim they should look at From Software and CD Projeckt ti see what they used to be...original and game changing. Get back to your roots.

Mariusmssj4178d ago

I think Dragon Age 3 will be a great game BUT I don't think it will be as good as Witcher 3.
It's explained in a single picture: http://i.imgur.com/jiwAYl5....

Mounce4178d ago

And just because Bioware says they're not afraid - Doesn't mean it's because they're confident, it could be because they're stupid - full of themselves - or blind to know what potential both those series have and what willingness fans may have on why would they want to buy a Dragon Age game after DA2?

Witcher and Dark Souls has done nothing but please gamers. DA2 did nothing but spit at fans and gamers alike.

'Not afraid'? I only see blindness, potential arrogance PR-Talk.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4178d ago
Godmars2904179d ago

One tells an involving story in a cohesive manner, while the other goes for minimalism. Neither establishes narrative rules, only to break them in the next scene out of sheer convenience.

Know what? You hacks should be afraid of them.

humbleopinion4178d ago

And neither offer either fraction of the narrative depth of Dragon Age, nor focus on tactical combat and group management.
If anything, they're both closer in form to the Elder Scrolls.

Godmars2904178d ago

Don't know about DA, but in ME narrative depth gets regularly mangled because of cinematic value. Which was my point.

And seeing as how both focus on one character, can't see how they'd even touch on group management. Tactical combat for that matter.

Baka-akaB4178d ago (Edited 4178d ago )

the Witcher easily beats the narrative depth of DA imo , especially when building off from Novels . hell if anything DA's grey warden are poor man's versions of A song of fire and ice's nightwatch and the witchers to me .

i'll agree however than DA is a different beast and offer instead a group management

humbleopinion4178d ago

@Godmars. ME cinematic depth certainly hurt the narrative, but DA:O never had the same cinematic target and that's why I believe it can travel deeper (and wider). Not talking about DA2 though as I haven't played it.

I don't even find the Watchers closely resembling the warden, especially as the story unravels and the whole "tainted" backstory comes in. Both play around the paladin order trope, but completely diverts. Not to mention Witchers which are entirely different altogether.

I also found the DA:O story much deeper than both Witcher games, but I didn't read the novels so that's just the game I'm talking about.

Blastoise4179d ago

Forgot dragon age 3 existed to be honest. Meanwhile, Dark souls 2!

Qrphe4179d ago

I like how people, when comparing DA3 and The Witcher, talk about their plots. Yet on this other side of the ring, we have Dark Souls 2, which is pure gameplay.

PotatoClock4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

I like how people can prefer the plot over gameplay and other people can prefer gameplay over the plot.

At some point they both cooperate and enhance each other, but I've never been able to stick to a game that doesn't have a strong story to support it. Hence why I'm plot over gameplay.

KingMe424175d ago

My best friend thinks the same way you do. I myself am a gameplay over plot guy. Doesn't matter how good the plot is, if the gameplay feels like a chore or is simply boring, theres no way I can finish it.

But even he agreed gameplay will always be more important. Simply because its easier to find games with poop story but still fun as balls to play for hours than a good story worth putting up with possibly the worst gameplay ever.

US8F4179d ago

Oh how once upon a time bioware was one of my favorite developers. I just wish they redeem themselves.

Maybe EA realized their mistake in trying to control the last mass effect, and kinda gave them the ultimate freedome like they claim to have right now?. i really really hope so. I want the old Bioware back GodDarnit!

luoshuigui4179d ago ShowReplies(2)
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PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for August

Embark on a legendary dark fantasy adventure, mix tech and monsters for thrilling hunts, build a community of woodland worshippers, compete in two-wheeled races and more with August’s PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup!

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Wild Hearts, Cult of the Lamb, Ride 5 and more titles are playable from August 20 for PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium members*.

We’re also announcing new classics – including the legendary TimeSplitters series – and PS VR2 game offerings coming to PlayStation Plus Premium

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37d ago Replies(1)
Einhander197237d ago (Edited 37d ago )

This is a great month for me, I have almost bought Wild Hearts a ton of times and same for Cult of the Lamb.

Some really good variety here, and some serious playtime on offer here with all the RPG's. Good luck finishing all these games in a month heh.

Time Splitters is fantastic on the classic side, and glad to see they keep supporting PSVR2 with games

37d ago
TheEroica37d ago (Edited 37d ago )

Really grateful I had the good sense to drop pay to play multi-player. It's a rip off.

Einhander197237d ago

At least when you buy the basic PS+ tier you actually get new games often including AAA games.

This month PS+ got the Star Wars Skywalker Saga, Five Nights at Freddy's:: Security Breach, and Ender Lilies

Xbox hasn't gotten any new games for their basic tier since July and before that it was in August 2023. And if that wasn't bad enough the games they got were just recycled from game pass.

TheEroica36d ago

14 people downvoted and enjoy paying for something millions of pc gamers get for free. Lol.

seanpitt2337d ago (Edited 37d ago )

They could have included the dlc for the Witcher 3 game of the year addition geez..

How many times do they want to keep putting WD2 on

Einhander197237d ago

PS+ 17 games this month unlike game pass which only offered 7 almost half of them I got years ago on PS+,.and the rest are indies from companies I haven't even heard of.

And the Sony Pictures movie collection will probably get updated with new movies and shows from Crunchy Roll too.

Not bad for a subscription that costs significantly less game pass even before they raised the prices.

crazyCoconuts37d ago

Still not as good as it was a year ago. I think they're walking back on the quality of games just like XBGP is. It's a good thing though...ppl gotta start buying games again.

darthv7237d ago

For me, the redeeming titles are the Time Splitters ones. Sadly i do not subscribe to premium, only extra.

VersusDMC37d ago

Well you can still buy them. PS2 titles range from 5 (the clone wars) to 20 (tomb raider legend). So it may be a good price.

Becuzisaid37d ago

I'd bet these are in the expensive side. People have been wanting some kind of timesplitters remaster for a long time now.

pwnmaster300037d ago

I thought it was a pretty good month, then I saw time splitter. It made it so much better. I always wanted to play this game but never did

Deeeeznuuuts37d ago

Not the best month for me other than timesplitters!! Can't wait to replay them again, be nice if they have trophies too but no danger of they don't, can't wait!

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23 Best PlayStation 4 RPGs

The PS4 suffers from no shortage of great RPGs. From expansive open world ventures to fully realized fantasy offerings, there's a lot to try.

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The Witcher Trilogy bundle just hit its lowest-ever price thanks to Steam Summer Sale

The Witcher Trilogy bundle is currently listed with an 89% discount on Steam, and you can save over $60 thanks to this Summer Sale discount.

anast80d ago

It's been cheaper on GoG and you can own the game DRM free.