
PC gaming will dominate the PS4 and Xbox 720, and here's why

GameZone's Mike Splechta writes, "We're at the eve of a new console generation, with the PlayStation 4 being released later this year and information slowly leaking about the the new Xbox. Unfortunately, most of this info is upsetting a lot of people.
It took me a while, but with each and every new announcement/leak, I'm actually growing more and more wary of a new console. In fact, I'm so pro PC that I've come up with five reasons why I'm most likely going to stay away from next-gen consoles."

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puamdefokejpn4052d ago (Edited 4052d ago )

Not when it is not unified and has 3-4 times the price and people like AAA exclusive games,.. and Sony is one of the biggest publishers in the world,.. and people still love Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Halo,..

Do more people game on pcs globaly? Well they always have,.. but the question is what,.. My mom playing peggle all the time,.. isnt exactly gaming in my eyes

iGAM3R-VIII4052d ago

Agreed, I think that even though PC is more customizable and can have more RAM and stuff, console gaming will not be dominated, there are many exclusives and things. I bought my consoles because of the exclusives, social, and media features.

SPAM-FRITTER-1234052d ago (Edited 4052d ago )

"console gaming will not be dominated, there are many exclusives and things. I bought my consoles because of the exclusives, social, and media features."

I wish my PC did all them things, I am tired of my computer only being useful for MS Paint. /s

cayleee4052d ago (Edited 4052d ago )

Fact is its all about the games. When the new consoles launch, they will have no BC. Meaning their gaming library will be nothing. It will be a rebuild from 0.

On the other hand PC has thousands of games and counting. It also has emulation BC to pretty much every console ever released (except PS3 and Xbox 360).

Hence PC has a significant upper hand in the games department.

User base- Well again consoles will be starting from a user base of 0. PC already has 50million users on Steam alone, never mind all the other networks. Hence i think PC gaming should pretty much dominate. Consoles will have a lot of catching upto do.

Specially can you imagine how empty console MP games will be since many people will take time to upgrade from PS3 and Xbox 360 to the next box. Until they do so and a decent player base is established, console game sales will be low. I think PC should have a very good advantage due to Steam.

Besides all that console gaming just is expensive. I mean 500usd for a Low - mid range locked down PC, thats not upgradable and you need to pay a royalty on every game bought and on a certain case you even need to pay to go online.

dedicatedtogamers4052d ago

I guess it depends on what the author means by "dominate", because what I'm seeing is PC-centric developers flocking to consoles, or at least making their games multiplatform. Additionally, the PC once had a very sizable "casual" crowd (think of the people that made PopCap Games popular, or The Sims, or Roller Coaster Tycoon). Now, the majority of these people play on smartphones and tablets, so the PC continues to lose marketshare.

But wait. The indie scene on PC is thriving. It has thrived for years. However, again we're seeing console companies (Sony especially) making it easier and easier for PC indie devs to put their games on consoles.

I'm not saying gaming PCs are dead or dying. I'm a PC gamer myself and there are a lot of games that I simply won't accept second-best by playing it on a console. However, it's silly to think PCs will "dominate" next-gen consoles when next-gen consoles are going to be closer to PCs than any other time in console history.

Outside_ofthe_Box4052d ago (Edited 4052d ago )

an after thought...

You think developers and publishers are going to shift focus on the PC while it remains the most pirated platform in the industry? You think console gamers are going to come to platform where they have to constantly worry about their PC meeting the system requirements to play the latest games on highest settings? Nah, not at all. The PC definitely won't dominate next gen consoles. Consoles will keep their dominance.

MysticStrummer4052d ago

PC gaming will remain popular with people who like to mess around with tech, upgrading and changing parts every once in awhile. Console gaming will remain dominant because most people don't want to do that. Secondly, there will always be good games on PC too, but if you look at the GotY lists for the past decade, the winners are mostly console games.

DragonKnight4052d ago

How many times has this been said. It's not going to happen. Developers have been favouring consoles for the longest time and that doesn't look to be changing any time soon. Developers make more money on consoles, that's just the way of things. This articles is also ridiculous.


B.C. is irrelevant. It only matters in the beginning and then is cast aside for newer things.

"I shouldn't be expected to keep my Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 alongside both new consoles, only to keep playing my favorite current-gen games."

Why wouldn't you want to? Did your other consoles suddenly stop working? Pointless argument.


The funny thing is you diffused your own point. With Steam and SimCity. Add Diablo 3 and originally Assassin's Creed 2. Don't think it's going to not happen to the PC, because it will and with far more restrictions thanks to hackers trying to get around the DRM.



That never helped PC dominate over consoles before, it won't help now.


Even though I don't use that Xbox 360 controller (MotionInJoy allows for the Dualshock 3 to be used), enjoy your potential carpal tunnel syndrome and a ridiculously unintuitive method of control. Besides, how does this mean PC is going to dominate over consoles? You think people are going to swarm over the KB/M setup in droves? Because they won't.


Again, hasn't helped the scene claim dominance over consoles before, what makes you think things are going to change?

Such a naive individual.

SilentNegotiator4052d ago (Edited 4052d ago )

"Fact is its all about the games. When the new consoles launch, they will have no BC. Meaning their gaming library will be nothing. It will be a rebuild from 0"

I have all of my old consoles. None of my games evaporated when the next gen started. I've gone through several PCs, too, because you can't upgrade the same motherboard forever.

By the time my consoles go bad, there will probably be an emulator for it. And bully for the PC for it. But really old PC games also need emulators to work and other old games need patches to work on modern OSes.

I DL'd Max Payne 1 on Steam not long ago, for example. No problem right? PC has infinite BC with zero issu...wrong, I have to scramble for an unofficial patch to get the audio to work.

Playing old software will ALWAYS require some hassle, PC OR consoles. But neither my PC or console library has evaporated.

FanMan4052d ago


you keep claiming that next gen consoles will be low end pcs. where are you getting this info? we still dont know the gpu. its rumored to be from the radeon 7000 series which is a high end gpu. just because its not in the top ten of gpus does not make it a low end gpu. we also still dont know the price which you claim is 500.

BattleAxe4052d ago (Edited 4052d ago )

It doesn't make any sense for someone writing an article to compare PC gaming as a whole to consoles. Like the OP said, people will flock to consoles because of the high quality exclusive games, and because of Playstation and Xbox Live ecosystems.

If the author wants to write an article that actually makes sense, he should write about how Steam is in a position to rival Playstation or Xbox concurrent users within the Steam ecosystem. At the end of the day, Steam is one of the only reasons that I game on my PC. They've got super awesome deals during their many yearly sales, and they have an ecosystem that is much like the Playstation Network or Xbox Live.

specialagent45324052d ago

The problem with consoles is that these systems are becoming too PC like from a software point of view. First Sony is abandoning the uniqueness of console architecture by replacing it with the PC gaming architecture (x86). We have to create accounts for consoles now; however, that account ceases to exist at the end of the generation like our psn account or most likely the xbox live account no longer valid for the next xbox or PS4 which leads to our digital library gone (games and movies). Now these corporations are heading to an always online with subscriptions (xbox live and play station plus). To make matters worse console staples like survival horror, arcade sports, arcade racing, platformers, even fighting games are becoming a rarity. Instead these corporations are focusing on PC gaming staples mmo western rpg fps, etc. In a way console gaming is dead and buried. PC gaming has won

MaxXAttaxX4052d ago

And no one cares.

PCs have been doing the same things forever and yet it's less appealing. None of these things have helped PC dominate consoles, ever.

Washington-Capitals4052d ago

Do more people game on pcs globaly? Well they always have,.. but the question is what,.. My mom playing peggle all the time,.. isnt exactly gaming in my eyes
============================= =================
What an ignorant comment. Do you know what the most popular games in the world right now? League of Legends. World of Warcraft. Guild Wars. All these games have more active users online than all console games combined. Black Ops 2 (which is primarily the only game I play online) has about 200-400k people online on the PS3 and about 500k on the xbox at its peak. These are the most popular games on either console. League of Legends has on average 3-5MILLION active users online in any given day. Dont be so naive.

Blackhawk34052d ago

Seriously. PC gamers. Stop. I'm one myself but no, it will not be dominating consoles. I'm sorry. It just won't. My nephews, my parents who aren't as technically inclined, the rest of society who doesn't have the cash to throw into a decent PC to run games properly. Convenience is key, and that belongs to the consoles. Are most of you really that insecure about your rig and the funds you've spent keeping it top of the line that you continually have to talk down consoles? Damn.

GrizzliS19874051d ago

Its as if people cant comprehend the appeal of a 70 inch LED screen and a sofa with graphics maybe a scale down from top PC games at a fraction of the price, if you have the tv already.

I have both a gaming PC and a huge entertainment center, and i promise you, no matter how much of a geek you are for you hardcore PC lunatics, gaming on a ps3, and soon ps4, will be hundreds of times better and more entertaining.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4051d ago
kneon4052d ago

There also the issue that people like your mom are ditching PCs and switching to tablets and phones for their casual gaming, facebook, email and light surfing. That just about covers almost everything the ordinary person does on a PC.

Many people start gaming on PC because they already have a PC available. With fewer PCs making it into the home there will be fewer PC gamers.

Lisica4052d ago

Fewer PCs making it into homes?

kneon4052d ago

PC sales are in a downward trend, particularly for home use.

specialagent45324052d ago

Actually there will be more pc gamers. The hardware for pc gaming rigs are at the lowest. Extremely affordable games along with Valve allowing gamers to select the games worthy of being on Steam via steam green light. Endless customization plus it offers console gaming staples like platformers giana sister twisted dreams, arcade racing games like track mania, deathrally along with mech action games like hawken and striking suite zero and survival horror like amnesia dark descent, lone survivor. Kick starter also helps. Anyhow is a great time to be a PC gamer than a console gamer that has to pay and pay and continue paying plus being tied down to a corporation just sucks specially a corporation that doesn't allow gamers to participate or be part of the gaming industry. :-P

kneon4052d ago

Most pc gaming is done on whatever machine is available, the people who buy a pc specifically for gaming are in the minority.

Most people don't buy a pc with gaming in mind. And now many of those people aren't buying a pc at all which will reduce the number of people who get into pc gaming.

Once you are into it then sure you will eventually get a proper gaming machines, but there will be fewer people that goes this route.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4052d ago
maniacmayhem4052d ago

There are more games than just Peggle on the PC. Every major 3rd party AAA game that is on the console is also available on PC. Not to mention a thousand more RTS's, MMO's and FPS's. Not to mention the million of indie titles and other obscure games that can only be found on the PC.

Plus you have all the mods available which most make a game completely different from the original.

Why o why4052d ago

unreal tournament and its mods ruined my education

I have a reason to prefer consoles ;)

Moncole4052d ago

You fully upgrade you PC once and once every few years you change a part. And it's cheaper in the long run because how cheap you can buy games. Also there are tons of exclusives on PC.

starchild4052d ago

I think PC and console gaming will co-exist just like they always have. That said, I do believe that PC gaming is growing and there are several turns of events that spell good things for the PC gaming platform.


x86 architecture in consoles

price and power of PC components relative to console hardware is more favorable than ever

more and more games are going multiplatform and PC gives you the most options and best performance

Now I need to go read the article.. hahah.

specialagent45324052d ago

I still see consoles evolving into gaming tablets. I mean it starts with a second screen right like the game pad or the PS4 and vita remote play plus xbox smart glass. Lol

Lisica4052d ago

You didn't read the article, didn't you?

For the beginning, you can buy a nice PC for $700 now.
You are here, so you have a PC and a console. How much is that? $1000+?
Why not buying an awesome PC for $1000?

AAA exclusives? Man I can't wait for Company of Heroes 2 anymore.

Metroid, Mario, Zelda, Halo... Read the article. You can play them all on a PC.

kingPoS4052d ago

Good luck trying to cobble together a pc with enough juice to fully render a ps3 game.

Bladesfist4052d ago

@KingPoS But that is why I own a PS3. For the exclusives. If we can afford £1000+ rigs and we want to play PS3 exclusives then we will most likely own a PS3.

SonyPS3604052d ago


That's very easy right now, actually. Hence why most multi plats look best on the PC.

In fact you can "cobble together" a PC today that will run next gen graphics before any of the new consoles come out. All it would take for most is one or two upgrades at under $400.

The problem with you console fanboys is you forget most people only have to buy upgrades, and not an entirely new PC.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4052d ago (Edited 4052d ago )

"Not when it is not unified and has 3-4 times the price and people like AAA exclusive games,."

u sure?

"Xbox 360 led the pack, bringing EA $292 million in the past three months. That compared favorably to the PS3 which did $267 million for the firm. But the PC platform actually managed to outperform Sony's console with $276 million."

Seeing how titan is already passed ps4 I wonder if mid range will go head to head with ps4?


If laptops can out do consoles sooner than last gen who knows. People may get a free copy of bf4 with a lappy.

hellvaguy4052d ago (Edited 4052d ago )

In terms of hardware (not figuring in console optimization), the Nvidia 660 is already ahead of the ps4 (it costs $199). The Titan card (although ridiculously priced at $1,000 is light years ahead--4k res on 3 monitors).

ATi_Elite4052d ago

PC Has already Dominated the PS4 and X720 cause the PS4 and X720 are Full fledge PC's.

You don't see the PC manufacturers trying to Force The Cell or Power PC chips down our throats. NO you don't cause x86-64 WINS!

Sony/MS are copying DX11 and x86-64 cause it is a PROVEN WINNING format made possible by PC Gaming and IBM.

What else are the console makers copying: Digital Downloads, Micro-transactions, MMO's, F2P, user created content, Online DRM, Indie Games, etc. all came from PC Gaming and now Sony and MS are COPYING the PC to the fullest cause the PC is the BEST!

The PC is the Originator and SOny/MS just copy the hell outta it. Seriously what has a console invented in the last 10-15 years that took the Games industry by storm?

Motion Gaming but that was already done on the PC for handicap Gamers way before the Wii or PSEYE

anyway PC Gaming makes more cash than PS#/xbox# combined and is set to out earn all three (Nintendo) by 2015.

Not dogging consoles but just wish people would realize what really goes on with PC Gaming as it is Global and very successful even without the 24/7/365 advertisement that consoles get.

To each his/her own so enjoy what ever platform you like just DO NOT make up LIES about PC Gaming, have a question then ask a PC Gamer.

Just don't make up crap!

4052d ago
ps3_pwns4052d ago

also can we bring up the sales of pc and console multiplat game sales so people can trully understand where everyone is at playing games online and such.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4051d ago
PeaSFor4052d ago

omni gamers will dominate the silly pc elitist, nuff said.

tachy0n4052d ago (Edited 4052d ago )

PC will always and has always dominated, there is a reason it has NEVER DIED!!!! thats the truth like it or not.

Hicken4052d ago

Is that why the largest releases each year are advertised on consoles?

GamerzElite4052d ago (Edited 4052d ago )

As a gamer, I want to play good games and new games. It doesn't matter what platform i am using. But if I am a console gamer then I will be more beneficial, reason there is more exclusive titles available on Consoles not on PC. Mostly Big publisher prefer Console first (May be due to piracy), There is so many games and DLC released on console first. As a gamer i would like to enjoy the game not its graphics. Again 1 major difference between PC and Console is, whenever I want to play PC game I can play on my PC (In this era everyone have atleast 1 PC at home), but if I am a PC only gamer, I can't play Console exclusive games on PC. On console I never worried abt my hardware upgrade on every Big game release, I saved a lot of money to spend on new games. God Bless You PC gamers.

Bobby Kotex4052d ago

PC gamer here, and this idiot is just looking for hits. I wish the content here was better. So much BS to sift through.

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-Foxtrot1d 11h ago

How can you trust people when you have shit like this going on

Honestly I think the game looks average first impressions wise and will probably die off within a year or so.

senorfartcushion2m ago

As a former Overwatch player, I know first hand where games like this lead. I'll not be wasting my time with it.

XiNatsuDragnel1d 5h ago

Jeez man we want games to grow and develop and if we're prevented from that this is how games dying amidst other complications.

Kaii1d 3h ago

Strike one: Netease
Strike two: Not allowing criticism


anast2h ago

This means the game sucks. Now we can move on ahead of time and look forward to something else.

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