
Rumor: Durango Announcement Pushed Back A Month

Paul Thurrott, who seemingly has some inside knowledge of Microsoft's Xbox division, has stated that the Next Xbox announcement has been pushed back from its previous projected date of April

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NeverEnding19894054d ago (Edited 4054d ago )

From the article: "Thurrot also originally proposed the idea of Microsoft announcing the new Xbox in April".

So Michael Patcher 2.0 is retracting his prediciton. Okay. I think it's important to remember that officially, a successor to the Xbox 360 doesn't exist.

silenius4054d ago

It has nothing to do with changing the specs of the NextBox.
That is not possible at this state if we take as a consideration of possible release date on November. The only thing that they can change/upgrade is the HDD and "Maybe" just saying maybe a little more of the same type of RAM.

So the only thing that I can think of is a possible reveal at the E3 (So they don't have to pull 2 shows with only 1 month of difference in between them)

silverbeld4054d ago Show
DatNJDom814054d ago Show
4054d ago
Nodoze4054d ago Show
SHORYUKEN4054d ago


Are you serious believing that they don't want to leaking?

Who are going to copy them now? Valve?

Sony already show their specs so its not gonna be Sony to copy xbox its rather xbox copy PS4. LOL

Axe994054d ago

@ xxLucky - it's getting pretty late in the day to copy anything - we're seven-to-eight months from launch, far too late to meaningfully change hardware specs (without pushing the launch back into 2014) - and Sony would look right odd changing them just after detailing what those hardware specs are. It's very odd that MS has basically conceded the first half of the year, media-wise, to the PS4 - they want to be getting their ideas and the like out there (both to the public and developers).

JhawkFootball064054d ago

With the rumor of "always on" getting so much negative attention. I wouldn't be surprised if this is why it was pushed back. To rethink the idea or maybe get rid of it all together.

Ritsujun4053d ago

They need to UP UP UP their specs after the event of 20 Feb, that's why.

1nsaint4053d ago (Edited 4053d ago )

@shoryuken & axe99 actually MS changed the amount of RAM the 360 had after they announced their specs, not long before the console release.

And about the copying, it doesnt necessary have to be the specs, look at how fast the WiiU second screen concept got 'stolen' by MS with smartglass and by Sony with the Vita

RIP_Weazel4053d ago (Edited 4053d ago )

...I know!
I mean Sega outright STOLE from the WiiU with their Dreamcast controller insert screen. No integrity with these time-travelling developers!
(All technological pushes are founded on 99% imitation, 1% innovation - Its just that the innovation and subsequent application is massively important!)

shoddy4053d ago Show
andibandit4053d ago

Scared of Sony??? Lol they could buy Sony 20 times over, if they wanted to lol

Gazondaily4053d ago Show
ALLWRONG4053d ago Show
Urusernamesucks4053d ago

@Silver Beld,DatjDom81, DrakesFortune, LuckyStrike,and Nodoze

Thays some pathetic shit LMAO!
you guys need a life...

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 4053d ago
4054d ago Replies(3)
zeal0us4054d ago (Edited 4054d ago )

I'm pretty sure MS is pushing back the Durango announcement to the third week(sometime during 11-13) in June.

It would be silly to make a announcement in May and E3 right in June.

Simon_Brezhnev4054d ago

I believe he tweeted it for May 21st.

deep_fried_bum_cake4054d ago

I wouldn't call it silly. Announcing not long before E3 would make it the thing being talked about in the run up to E3. I'd say that would be a smart move.

dcbronco4054d ago

I think they are moving away from the NFL draft. I thought it was stupid to do it around that weekend anyway. If it has been pushed back. Most of the target audience will be watching the draft.

GraveLord4054d ago

Good thing too. They better not release this until its ready. We wouldn't want another RROD episode!

Besides, there are plenty of Xbox 360 games to keep people busy even if the next Xbox doesn't release this year. MGSV, BF4, next COD, Fifa, AC IV, Watch Dogs...etc..etc. AND OF COURSE GTA V!

TheRacingX4054d ago

I'm not sure Konami said MGS 5 was coming to Xbox

iPad4053d ago

"plenty of Xbox 360 games to keep people busy even if the next Xbox doesn't release this year. MGSV, BF4, next COD, Fifa, AC IV, Watch Dogs...etc..etc. AND OF COURSE GTA V!"

lol. they're all multiplats so technically, they aren't 360 games

*I apologize for my inner fanboy*

OC_MurphysLaw4054d ago

@WildStyles... Last minute changes? Changes to what exactly? Oh ... last minute changes to rumors. I see. rumored event, rumored specs, rumors, rumors, rumors...

MysticStrummer4054d ago

So you're saying it all just springs into existence at the moment of announcement? If games are being developed for a launch later in the year, then there are specs of some kind. They may or may not be making or considering changes, but to say it's an impossibility because there's nothing to change is pretty silly.

xxLuckyStrike4054d ago

Who knows??? As long as they get it right. Whatever they have cookin. One thing MS don't seem to worried about Sony and the PS4. CANNNNN YOUUUUUU SMEEEEEEEEL WHAT MS IS COOKIN!!!!

thechosenone4054d ago

Looks like someone one got cold feet. MS can't even put on a simple show that highlights some of the offerings of the next xbox? Really?!

"@thurrott how do you know?"

"@darrenb1988 Hi, I'm Paul Thurrott. Nice to meet you."


N4g_null4054d ago

Come on man. The surface event actually showed hardware lol and it runs real software lol. It's one of the best reveals in a while. They learned alot from Steve jobs.

greenpowerz4054d ago ShowReplies(7)
stuna14054d ago

You can't tell me they're not scrambling to compete!

Yet everyone's saying that Microsoft isn't concerned! Hell if I was a console maker I'd be concerned.

Like I said earlier, the fact that Sony launched a pre-emtive strike by announcing first has put Microsoft at a disadvantage.

Some don't want to hear it, but it's only logical, especially since Sony duped Microsoft by saying that they would allow Microsoft to make an announcement first! What that did was allow Microsoft an opportunity to fall into a false sense of security. Thinking that there was no rush, then BAMM! Sony makes an announcement.

Talk about "Punch Drunk"! I would say that would be a accurate description of what was going on at Microsoft Headquarters. Kind of reminds me of when Iron Mike Tyson first fought Spinks. Mike Tyson replied after the fight " I just hit him in his equilibrium, I knew I had him!" Lol

stuna14054d ago

Like I support the moves Sony are making, you support the moves Microsoft are making! So your reply means "What Exactly"?

Seems like you're defending the team you support! See no spin involved.

N4g_null4054d ago Show
BlueTemplar4053d ago


"The ms surface is way more sexier than the ps4 right now. I mean it has an i5 CPU in it and it can run big boy programs. That is not even a gaming platform."

It can run "big boy" applications precisely because it isnt a gaming platform. You think the next xbox is going to be capable of running Office and Visual Studio?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4053d ago
ijust2good4054d ago Show
Mounce4054d ago

I think Microsoft is afraid of showing a new console that won't come out blazing like PS4 did.

Microsoft would NEED to have a library of ready games, promises, features that can compete with PS4 and make it look Better somehow....

Them doing it in April, we could presume the Hype for PS4 would still be around so they want to wait until it POSSIBLY dies down?....Perhaps.

IcicleTrepan4054d ago

Yes, in your world Ballmer is at home literally crapping bricks.

You should go watch Barbarians at the Gate and then tell me if they're scared.

Mounce4053d ago


Yes, because Microsoft employees aren't allowed to feel fear, anxiety, anticipation and business-pressure.

Good logic. If I say they're afraid and for good reason, you illogically have to make an exaggerated story to counter it? Lol OKAY THEN. Let's see exactly what Microsoft does for themselves in trying to outdo what everyone knows the PS4 is capable of and surpassing it outside of Kinect 2.0 and Always-Online.

fermcr4054d ago (Edited 4054d ago )

Good or bad, people are talking about next Xbox. It's a rumor of a rumor of a rumor of a ....

Some of these comments are quite funny.

I heard a rumor that the next Xbox is going to have 16 heads, 5 torsos, 13 eyes and 5 tails.

AngelicIceDiamond4053d ago (Edited 4053d ago )

Damnit MS....

EDIT: People saying "MS scared" Please, scared of what?

Anyway I am upset that MS is delaying the reveal. The more they delay the more people will expect. So far, I am expecting allot, all this waiting better be worth it at the end.

Despite my frustration, I'm still rootin for MS.

DRM-Killz4053d ago

scared of what??? scared of sony fool!!!!

popup4053d ago

I cannot wait for E3.

Sony most certainly have a sale from me whatever happens. It seems to be pushing all the right buttons.

The thing I find most odd is the early reveal from Sony. Was it reactionary based on something they found out about the competition or just saw an opportunity?

MS have every chance to get me on board too. It worries me that they seem quite happy to change personality for turning a quick profit though.

Despite owning a 360, the evolution of the product to me feels artificially orchestrated and engineered like a board meeting of how to make a 'successful games machine' but it also has to be said that quite a few of those ideas actually turned out pretty damn good. We hear that the platform is great to develop for and much of the operating system and features are great too.

I suppose the great thing about their silence is that you cannot truly dismiss it until they are ready to let us in on it.

JasonKCK4053d ago Show
GamerToons4053d ago

it could mean they are changing the always on DRM aspect since that would probably signal the end of the machine.

Who the hell would buy a console with no used game option?

TheTwelve4053d ago

Telling you, Microsoft got caught with their pants down, just as they did to Sony last gen.


First was march (no show) then it was april and now is may.... just leave it for E3 so they can have something to talk about beside Kinect 2 and the new core gamers(the ladies)

otherZinc4053d ago


You say Halo, Gears, Fable have run its course??
PS4 announces Killzone 4 & Infamous 2, & some Knack Sh**... and Halo 4 outsold the entire Killzone Franchise by itself...Now, who has run its course?

M$ isn't announcing anything because they dont have to!

The 360 is still making great sales & money.
SONY didnt even show a machine, they just talked.

M$ basically said to N4G & SONY "you have nothing"! We (M$) can wait til E3 to blow you away, period!

4053d ago
+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 4053d ago
Root4054d ago ShowReplies(2)
SlavisH24054d ago (Edited 4054d ago )

You can't push back or cancel a event that was never announced, lol! Maybe someone relized they didnt know what they were talking about for said April event? Why can't people just deal with the fact WE KNOW NOTHING about the next xbox, DAMN!

P.S. this isn't even news its a rumor on a rumor, lmao!

Good_Guy_Jamal4054d ago

Rumor-inception as it has fondly become to be known.
Question, has the timer counting down to E3 been reset? No? Then the reveal remains as it was originally planned.
In May, this dude will claim it has been pushed even further to June. Watch this space.

HyperBear4054d ago

I highly doubt these rumored Xbox press events were real to being with. I just don't see M$ doing that, when they can just wait till E3 and announce/show off everything about the Next-Gen Xbox all in one show and "try" to steal some of Sony's thunder within a 2.5hr press conference.

T24054d ago

Try but if its just confirmed rumours it wont work to just show specs

DivineAssault 4054d ago

Sony probably made em sweat a little bit so they need to modify the console

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Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B2h ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

Kaii1h ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭


Rumored Gears of War Collection tops my Xbox Games Showcase wishlist

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Vits5m ago(Edited 4m ago)

Even though the games are easily available on Game Pass, a remaster of the original titles would be cool. I believe only the first got that treatment back in the Xbox One's days. As for Gears 6, honestly, it's not that Gears 4 and 5 are bad, far from it. But at this point, I feel just like Halo, it could really take its time, 4 years is already a lot but I feel a couple more would do well for this series.

Inverno3m ago

Maybe if they're given the same treatment as the MCC. I wouldn't buy it cause I've never liked the series, but I do really like collections when they have all games, and touch up the old ones.


WRATH: Aeon of Ruin review - Games Asylum

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