
5 Xbox Exclusive Games that Could Help the Next-Gen Xbox Conquer

As the announcement of the next-gen Xbox is surly on its way, players are beginning to wonder what Microsoft can do to hold its own with the impressive PS4 announcement. It has been established and made clear by Microsoft’s top competitor that gamers want games so the only thing that Microsoft can really do is produce exclusive games that will catch equally to more attention to than what Sony has and will present. As long as Xbox can put the Kinect aside and listen to a hardcore gaming audience as the PS4 has, they will have a chance in wowing players with exclusive games.

Microsoft has the rights to a lot of great potential releases. If their minds are set in the right place exclusives like these could change the course of what console gamers will by during the raging next-gen console battle. It come down to the matter on if Microsoft will care to play their cards right or if their focus will remain in unwanted areas. The top 5 list of games we hope will be announced to pick up some exclusive attention for the next-gen Xbox are listed below!

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TheSuperior 4082d ago

The best thing Microsoft can do i use what they have with rare to make games gamers actually want to play and try somthing new with a brand new series. PlayStation knows what gamers want lets see if Microsoft will remember.

Zuperman4082d ago

We basically know these games are coming and just not enough to stop the PS4.

Donnieboi4082d ago

Yeah none of those games will be system sellers, except maybe Fable 4. And even still, it's not enough of an incentive since PS4 is getting new Witcher and Thief games. Sony currently has MORE and BETTER IP's, a strong chance for more new IP's, and better dev studios.

Microsoft's gaming division needs a major overhaul to get anyone even remotely interested. I think that M$ senses this too, however, they are going about it the wrong way by overhauling things for the worse--by going 100% casual (with an occasional re-hash of Halo, Fable, Forza, Gears). Yeah, Sony and Nintendo have sequals coming out too, but Sony is the only one producing NEW first party IP's.

ichimaru4082d ago

why does it need to be stopped. I and most other gamers are buying both. nothing profits the market with a monopoly

007Bond4082d ago

P$4 has even more sequels coming out than M$ does, and most of them are highly overrated.

knowyourstuff4082d ago

Forget Halo 2 HD, how about finally making Halo 3 HD lol that game looks like garbage compared to Halo 4, with sub hd resolution.

Microsoft needs to cater to the hardcore right out of the gate, because those are the ones who spend a lot of money on games. Casual audiences go for inexpensive gaming solutions, that's why the vast majority of games on the iphone costs 1-5 bucks. Just like Cliffy B said, it's the older hardcore crowd that has a lot of money - that's your target audience.

Legion4082d ago


You make it sound like Witcher and Thief aren't coming to the Next Xbox Generation? You do realize both titles will be on the next Generation Xbox right?

Kurt Russell4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

Even if these games come them alone wouldn't sway me away from PS4's line up at the moment. What both manufacturers could do is come up with some new IP's. The console which starts with the most original IP's instead of remakes and sequels will be the one to garner my money (within reason, I won't be sold on kinect and move games :D)

lilbrat234081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

Sorry but Halo, Gears and Fable are getting old just like the COD series. They need to bring it big time to get the new system to sell. Unfortunately those games mention will not get me to buy the new xbox. And like someone mention below Live better be Free.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4081d ago
Ashlen4082d ago

Microsoft can come out with all games they want i'm still not buying it as long as Live costs money.

mandf4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

That's my number one and only reason I don't play xbox no more.

I wasn't being disrespectful. I refuse to pay for something I already bought. Xgame chat is already free on other platforms and not justified to pay to play online. For those disagreers stand up for yourselves and demand better.

4082d ago
Ashlen4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )


What you say is inaccurate, every other competitor has free online.

And on top of that Live is also ad based and trust me the revenue from that is plenty. You don't think they give away space free to Toyota, Ford and McDonalds do you?

And the prices of next gen games won't be decided by Microsoft or Sony it will be EA Ubisoft and Activision.

Also there not going to be giving the consoles away for free just because you buy Live. They sell the console to recover development.

4082d ago
Tctczach4082d ago

Ahh. So the PS4 subscription cost won't deter you? Because they said there will be one. just a thought. Gakai won't be free...

Mr_Writer854082d ago


Where have they said they will charge to play online?

xxLuckyStrike4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

Ohhh what will you do, when Sony announces their Tier pricing for their newly announced services. As they will be put behind a pay wall. So unless all you want is free basic online multiplayer you'll be paying xtra for streaming,cloud,recorder, sharing, ect. Look like Sony will finally catch up to M$ and XBL in that aspect, Hope you enjoy

mr_kubrick4080d ago

Good, we dont want no sony slaves. Go away please NOW. Thanks.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4080d ago
thrust4082d ago

MS could bring out the next Xbox with only 2 games and it will be better than the ps4

tbon3man4082d ago

OK take a shot of tequila and wake up from that fantasy world you are living in.

MysticStrummer4082d ago

Of course you're trolling, but how sad would it be if there were gamers that thought like this?

Divine4082d ago

lol. wrong universe bro

xxLuckyStrike4082d ago


You mean wrong website

otherZinc4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )


Exactly. $ONY fans think Killzone is new, Killzone has been attempting to kill Halo for over 10 years! Infamous isn't new & not a system seller. And, Nak?, please.


Review the continued success of Live and understand we appreciate the best service in console gaming, period. Don't listen to fan sites like this where your detractors "work for free for a living"!

slimpickens4081d ago

LOL...funny stuff "2 games"! The only thing that's going to kill PS4 is hype itself. Instead of waiting for E3 we have people talking up the usual storm before seeing what the other has in store.

Other than current specs I see nothing for me to say screw xbox so soon. My only fear is that MS follows Wii u instead of Sonys horse power focused on games approach. If this happens the 360 is dead to me but if not then it's game on

mr_kubrick4080d ago

12 Agrees, 67 Disagrees.

lol, News4SonyFanboys.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4080d ago
AngelicIceDiamond4082d ago

Another bad list besides Fable IV. I don't wanna see anyhting Halo related, so I'm not looking forward to Halo 2 remake. Conker and Banjo sure, for a casual line up.

I wanna see at least 4 or 5 new Ip's from MS. Considering they opened up more studios in 2010 and 2011.

Lol those games alone would not help the "next-gen Xbox conquer." it will be laughed if they didn't introduce new Ip's behind those titles. But Fable IV I'm really, really looking forward seeing how we hadn't played a proper Fable title since October of 2010

Donnieboi4082d ago

Just let go of M$. Why put your hope in a company that cares so little about actual games. Games company that doesnt care about games becomes akin to Activision or some other greedy mo-fo company that over-charges (Xbox Live) and under-performs (no exclusives/new IP's).

Sony will treat you real good.

Hands Up For Games4081d ago

I want Alan Wake 2, PGR 5, Crackdown 3, a new Fable, Conkers 2 and a few surprises.

Any gamer that wouldnt be interested in an Xbox 720 launch with those game would be mad. Mad I tell you.

Divine4081d ago

@otherzinc halo and killzone are both amazing. but i lean more towards killzone honestly

dcbronco4082d ago

They want Twisted Metal, Battle Royal, inFamous 2......

Hicken4082d ago

And Uncharted, Gran Turismo, The Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls, Puppeteer, Rain, Journey, and plenty more.

They want a wide variety of new and old IPs, like the three games you mentioned. They want CORE gaming to be the focus, even if the company does cater to the casual crowd somewhat.

That means games from Killzone to LittleBig Planet and everything inbetween.

I swear, it's like you're afraid of good games, or Sony, or not being ripped off. What's your deal?

DiRtY4082d ago

Only on N4G is a flop like PSABR that sells 450k worldwide a "fan-service" and a hit like Kinect Sports that sells 5.52 million a "waste of time and talent".

Even better:

People say that Rare is dead now, because they only make Kinect games (Again, they developed 1 (ONE) Kinect game - Kinect Sports. Season 2 was developed by BigPark).

But in reality the developer of PSABR is dead. Like REALLY dead, they had to close the studio and a lot pf people lost their jobs, because of a "fan-service".

That is some major spin, isn't it?

MikeMyers4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )


Why do you keep coming into Microsoft articles to talk about Sony or to clear the air if somebody else mentions Sony that shouldn't be? How about you do everyone a favor and stick to Sony related articles since they are the only ones of any real interest to you?

I agree, Microsoft needs variety that the core gamer wants. What they don't need to do is everything Sony is doing.

dcbronco4081d ago

Mike, Microsoft has a variety of games. They may not do them all in-house, but they are available on the 360. There is nothing that says Sony's method of producing a lot of exclusives does anything for them. All of the evidence says it's a waste of money.

The Vita doesn't sell, the vast majority of those exclusives don't. It only matters to the vocal minority. And they are the only ones. If it mattered to anyone else the games would sell more.

There were 65-70 million PS3s out there when Battle Royal released and no one bought it. If the same percentage of PS3 owners bought those exclusives as the number of people that constantly go on about them on this site they would have all sold ten million units. But they don't because the majority doesn't really care.

dcbronco4081d ago


Here's my deal. Most of the games you and fanboys go on about don't sell. They aren't things that I would buy. I was interested in the PS3 until they announced the price. I don't want LBP or Battle Royal. I don't own a Kinect. Those games don't appeal to me.

Most of my friends own a PS3. The only thing on it that held their attention more than a week or two was Dark Souls. Mag didn't, KZ didn't. They don't even buy most of those other titles. InFamous didn't. Heavy Rain, no. And at least they buy those things. The vast majority of PS3 owners don't.

Sony has a history of over charging, not that they did on the PS3, and thinking they are such hot --it that you will pay. I believe that price has to reflect value. In the PS3 it didn't for me. I didn't want Blu-ray. I knew it was about the studios trying to increase their profits and Sony wanting a larger share of the movie royalties.

I also know that the majority of the population doesn't care about HD. Just like they didn't care about 3-D. I care about HD, but I refuse to pay $10 more per move for something that cost them a dollar more to produce. And I'm not fooled by the add special features because I know they are just the usual junket materials most films produce for the media. That stuff is the reason Paramount can claim Coming to America never made a profit. Now they want me to pay them for promotions too. No. The next Xbox is rumored to have Blu-ray. I will still buy very few of them. There are only a handful of movies worth watching again and again for me.

I don't hate Sony or have an agenda against them. I'm interested in the PS4. If they try to push a $500 price tag I'm not. I know what an APU cost(and I have an idea of how much less it cost when a company owns the design) and there is no reason to charge more than $400 and even that is at a profit.

But I will buy a 360 first. Most of my friends are on 360 and for software legacy reasons. If Sony pushes some good games that hold up for more than a week or two I will buy one of those too.

But all of these silly fanboy arguments about exclusives, casual and Blu-ray are silly to me. Sony and Microsoft are doing exactly the same things. The only difference is Sony owns more studios making hardcore games. But until they start making some that get and hold my attention, I'm not interested.

And you did not mention Puppeteer. What are you, eight?

bluetoto4081d ago


you're guilty of the same crime!

MikeMyers4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

dcbronco, my opinion is that the PS3 has some great games only available on that platform and I would be hard pressed to believe anyone who likes the Xbox 360 would not like the PS3 as well as the other way around. Which is why it's still baffling why we have so many who stay loyal to one camp but hate the other.

The problem is you have two divided camps who make the smallest differences seem much larger than they are. With that said Microsoft does not need to take the same path as Sony going forward.

The Xbox 360 started out strong with a variety of core exclusives that have diversity. Kameo, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and Viva Pinata to name a few. Microsoft seemed to put more effort in establishing franchises that sold well. Like Gears of War and of course Halo. So yes, as a business it probably makes more sense to have a few core titles that do well instead of a bunch of core titles that do average. But that's where Sony needs to be credited for taking more chances.

Anyways this is supposed to be what games Microsoft can bring that will help them. You also have to wonder if they are still committed to making Kinect a core feature in gaming. So far that hasn't come true imo. Most games didn't work better with Kinect because of how inaccurate it could be and the response time. Perhaps Kinect 2 will be and show why it could be better but as of now very few games aside from those like Dance Central can really promote the device.

dcbronco4081d ago

Mike I agree. It would seem so called true gamers would want both. I explained that most of my friends have both consoles and they never stick with any of those exclusives for more than a week or so. At first price kept me away from the PS3. I refused to pay for Blu-ray since I considered it unnecessary. The size of many of the DL versions shows that to be true. I wasn't going to blindly hand Sony extra money considering I have read quotes from studio execs in meeting stating the profits were too low. They also want digital because it is cheaper still for them but wanted to milk one more overpriced format.

On the early MS exclusives we agree again. But there where I see MS make smart business decisions and Sony make mistakes that almost killed the company. And they continued in order to appease a few people most of whom will never have an original thought. MS stopped making games that don't sell. That is smart.

I would give Sony credit if they actually based their decisions on smart choices. But it seems they make their decisions based on the ranting of a loud group of people who don't support Sony. They probably would if they could. But apparently they can't afford to or are really fickle and turn their noses up at the drop of a hat. You can't kill a division trying to cater to nuts. And Ken Kutaragi definitely seemed to be catering to nuts and not making sound business decisions.

Kinect had a lot of issues. It needed a processor inside and they removed it because they wanted it to work with the next Xbox. But they realize now it would never be what they wanted and now have made a better version. I believe they had every intention to use it for core games. But the issues with it and since the 360 wasn't really made for it cause it to have too many limits. I see it being used for core games and many other things like their translation program and for voice commands on RTSs. But all of the arguing and boasting about exclusives is silly considering at the end of the year the only games anyone will be talking about are multiplats. Rarely a mention of any of the exclusives.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4081d ago
shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

To late all the rare talent is gone. And one of the most talented guy let the company.

They should just close rare already.

But then again if they keep making them make kinect games it must be profitable for MS. So why not I guess.

It has to be profitable why else would they keep over pushing kinect?

MS has some talented devs but mostly seems like they are starting over next gen. Bungie is gone. I am surprised they never bought bungie. These guys basically sold xbox 1 and 360 and made xbox what it is!! Or was. But they spent $50M on gta4 timed exclusive dlc?? Weird.

BitbyDeath4082d ago

"I am surprised they never bought bungie."

MS did buy bungie in 2000.

In 2007, Bungie bought their independance back.


Dragos754082d ago

"I am surprised they never bought bungie".

really dude...lol You call ourself a gamer making a statement like that.

Dragos754082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

Deleted double post...

ALLWRONG4082d ago

"PlayStation knows what gamers want" Yeah like Battle Royale.

stage884082d ago

Don't make me list all the shovelware Kinect titles that MS has released...

Lvl_up_gamer4082d ago

Sony has never made a yearly profit in their gaming division this generation and you think Sony makes games gamers want?

Sony makes a lot of 1st party core games sure but looking at their sales, they are not exactly games that games want. Sonys own financial situation in their gaming division is a clear indicator that they have no idea what gamers want. They constantly lose money on their ips that they can't even make a profit.

I disagree. Sony has been clueless this gen with gamers.

Copied achievements with trophies
Copied wii mote with move
Copied kinet going into next gen
Added PSN last minute because MS had xbl
Created a difficult console to develop for then abandon the cell for next gen

Sony have been lost this whole gen playing catchup all gen long. Even gt5 was a colossal disappointment and released half done.

Thank god for naughty dog giving Sony their best and only good franchise this gen.

stonecold34082d ago

ps2 had move in prototype forms wii wasn't even around when ps2 came Kinect has already copyied the eye done 9 nine years agoyou might want to look that info

Divine4082d ago

yea like @stonecold3 said and look into what he said also . its a shame that sony has like you said so called "copied" these things and made them better. and are you saying that sony was wrong by putting in a cell chip with such power that runs in super computers in trying give gamers the ultimate gaming experience?

brave27heart4082d ago

Sony has been clueless but still manages to sell the same number of consoles as MS?

Imagine how they'll do next gen when they do know what they're doing.

CEOSteveBallmer4081d ago

Hey Lvl down gamer, im replying to you at a different topic since i ran out of replies. So im a sony fanboy? What do you call yourself then? saying "Microsoft holds the cards next gen" crap? HD-DVD was the norm at the time but it's not the future. so you would rather choose an HD_DVD over bluray? It lost to bluray man, its phased out! do you get it? if not your an idiot! then sony is imitating the xbox live via PSN+? its not mandattory for your information, its up to you if you want it or not. And then exclusives didn't made a profit for sony? well for the first 2 years but what about uncharted series? Hell God of war 3 when it launched it made the PS3 SOLD-OUT in many stores in america. So ask the people here, Can money buy everything guys? this Troll says otherwise. Money cant buy the smile on peoples faces, money cant buy true loyalty, money cant buy beliefs, Money cant buy the UNIVERSE!. So if your entering an argument with me smartypants make sure your facts are true. Your blinded seriously. Just admit that sony is somehow better. come on just admit and the conversation is over, I won't say a thing. You think your smarter than me so go ahead. I don't even know what leve of education you finished.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4081d ago
XboxInnovation4082d ago

I think it's the other way around. Microsoft knows what gamers want. That's why we have Xbox arcade, Minecraft and early DLC on Playstations most popular game (Call of duty) as well as others like Skyrim.

Playstation has been lost for years, but it's looking like they're starting to come around, they should just pray Microsoft eases up on them because it's been childs play this generation with the pwnage.

Bumpmapping4082d ago

Speaking of Childs play.....

awesomeperson4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

Yes, I do wish Sony would stop producing first party games such as The Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls, inFamous, etc and instead focus on timed exclusive DLC. For Call of Duty.

Because that is what gamers want. -.-

CEOSteveBallmer4081d ago

Great another Xbot thinking Xbox is High and Mighty and is "Perfect" and sony are losers. You don't read the other news do you? In worldwide sales PS3 beats Xbox 360. just type it in NPD and youll see. Keeping in mind that PS3 was a year late and yet they caught up. so playstation is lost? U.S. is not the only country in the world you know. and its child's play? maybe your head is that of a childs. Well have fun on your timed DLC exclusives since they are better than triple AAA exclusives, Nice one mate!

showtimefolks4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

The best thing MS can do where they show next system is talk as little as possible about kinect and show as many games and big game announcements as possible

We know ms likes to get publishers to come on stage to show a 3rd party game even if its coming to other systems.

My personal favorite is Crackdown series. If they can do a proper one with good single player story than I believe the I has huge potential. Crackdown 2 had 2 story sunscreens one in the beginning and one in the end

But knowing MS they will most likely waste a lot of time on kinect and showing crappy dance games and targeting casuals all the way while showing apps on xblive which will be free on pen and nintndos system

Be very careful MS this time around you don't have the ahead start so one major wrong move could be failure

If own is providing the same service and more for free than ms has no right to charge for playing online or cross gam chat among other features. But as long as fanboys exist they will take advantage of that and blind fans will be more than happy to pay for a service which should be free

Sitdown4081d ago

I would appreciate a new Kameo game.

ritsuka6664081d ago

We basically know these games are coming and just not enough to stop the PS4. "

PlayStation knows what gamers want lets see if Microsoft will remember. "

The stupity of some people here in N4G never cease to amaze me.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4080d ago

I hope all game consoles come out on top next gen =D

aviator1894082d ago

I feel pretty much the same way.
Competition and well-rounded influence and domination is great for any general industry and gaming isn't an exception.

OlgerO4082d ago

Lets hope they all sell 100 million within 6 years

SheaHoff4082d ago

I'm interested to see how Halo 2 goes

alousow4082d ago

"all we want is more kinect" hahahh

OllieBoy4082d ago

Halo 5
Halo 6
Halo 7
Halo 8
Halo 9

Zuperman4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

Halo 10
Halo ODST 2
Halo ODST 3
Halo ODST 4
Halo ODST 5
Halo ODST 6
Halo ODST 7
Halo ODST 8
Halo ODST 9

ALLWRONG4082d ago

MS isn't even half of what Sony (Nintendo is worse) is in terms of milking. 12 SOCOMS, Singstar, and the Resident Evil movies should confirm that. Think before you comment.

KwietStorm_BLM4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

So your argument is a lie, (12) SOCOMs and a movie franchise? You have to at least try, Especially if you're gonna tell someone to think before they type.

JeffGUNZ4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

@ KwietStorm.

How many GT's have been made?
How many Uncharteds have been made?
Killzone 4 is a release game for the PS4, right?
Metal Gear Solid has how many games?
What God of War are we on?

Give me a break. The reason they make sequels is simple, the originals were great games. Each Platform has sequels just like this.

xxLuckyStrike4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )








But yea, only MS and Nintendo do this

fsfsxii4081d ago

I thought there were 4 Uncharted games lol
Sequels are ok, at least, they have plenty of 1st party games and incoming new IPs.
They don't milk games for 2 generations.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4081d ago
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