
Exclusive: Notch no longer funding Psychonauts 2

After a year of hope and speculation, GamesBeat has learned that Minecraft creator Markus "Notch" Persson will no longer personally finance a sequel to Double Fine's much-loved action/platformer, Psychonauts.

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NagaSotuva4246d ago

I never played Psychonauts. Is it really that good?

SybaRat4246d ago


dboyman4246d ago

I know, I picked it up on PS+ sale the week before when it was only $2.50. Great deal for a great game...

illegalyouth4246d ago

I've never played it, either. It just never seemed that appealing. Schafer games are too narrative-driven for my tastes.

r214246d ago

Play it man, it has one of the most unique settings and worlds you'd ever imagine. Plus its got quirky and whacky fun dialogue and powers to mess with :D

Christopher4246d ago

To be honest, $18m for Psychonauts 2 does seem high unless they are moving away from the old graphics style and going with a full 3D engine. Don't know why they'd do that, though. Just use a modern version of the old engine.

Christopher4246d ago

I'm not seeing even that. Similar games to Psychonauts are being developed now for $1-3m.

Korda4246d ago

Psychonauts WAS fully 3d and $18m is not as much as you would think Considering a low wage for someone in the games industry is $50,000 and you would want a dev time of 2-3 years that's at least $150,000 per person. Double fines simple kickstarter adventure game got over $3 million dollars and they are struggling with that budget.

Christopher4246d ago (Edited 4246d ago )

**Crap, I was thinking of a completely different game, it was 3d***

Even then....

$25m is the price to make a AAA game like CoD today. The majority of the rest of the money is solely in advertising. That's with hundreds of people working each year to make the games. Most games don't cost more than $10m to make today.

Even if you paid everyone $50,000 per year for a standard 40 person crew to make the game, it would allow for 9 years of development. A figure that's very far fetched. Sorry, that number is very high for the type of game it is.

Ratchet & Clank games don't cost that much to make, for example.

As I said, people making similar games today do it for less than $5m. I believe what they wanted to do is taking it much further than it was and use current (or possibly even next-gen) technology.

Bimkoblerutso4246d ago

There hasn't been any indication that they're struggling with their budget, only with their time frame. How could they possibly be having problems with a budget that was 8x what they were asking for?

SilentNegotiator4245d ago (Edited 4245d ago )

50 grand? What, is Double Fine made up entirely of QA testers? Entry personnel make $60+ and the average is over 70K.

Double Fine has about 65 people. 65 times 70,000 average times 2 years....Over $9 million without marketing or anything.


You aren't wrong that 18 million would be a fair number *IF* Double Fine were to go all the way with development and make a big AAA game with lots of marketing. But Double Fine is a lot more "indie" than that.

"people making similar games today do it for less than $5m"
Sure, but with lower production values and smaller teams.

r214246d ago

Someone fund this sequel! I want it now!

Swiggins4246d ago

To Hell with Waiting, I'll fund my own Psychonauts Sequel!!! With Blackjack and Hookers!!!

SybaRat4246d ago

I want to play Blackjack and Hookers!

r214246d ago

Bubbed up for that Futurama reference XD Love that show :D


Minecraft Ending PSVR Support in March 2025

Our ability to support PlayStation VR has come to an end, and will no longer be supported in updates after March of 2025.

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darthv722d ago (Edited 2d ago )

so i assume PSVR2 is not going to take its place. That's a shame as I do think it could benefit from the VR2 improved fidelity and controls.

OtterX1d 10h ago

Well, they did just announce a native PS5 version the other day. Maybe there's hope, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

Kyizen1d 10h ago

Play No Man Sky for open world experience on PSVR2

1d 9h ago
Abnor_Mal1d 7h ago

Never was a Minecraft fan, so no more support isn’t a big deal for me.

What I would like for Xbox and Bethesda to do is update Skyrim VR to be playable on the PSVR2. That’s the only game I want out of the Xbox catalog.

OtterX17h ago

I wasn't a Minecraft fan until VR. It heightened the experience for me, but I prefer to use texture packs to improve the look a little bit.

I'm slightly bummed about the drop of PSVR support bc I was starting co-op w my daughter w this. Her on the PSVR Minecraft, and myself on the PC version w my Quest 2. :\

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Minecraft's Next Big Update Shouldn't Be Biome-Related

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New Minecraft Switch Hardware Revealed

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