
Dead Space 3’s Co-Op, What Resident Evil 5 Should have Done

Roger Ma from Capsule Computers wrote :

Back at E3 2012 when Dead Space 3 was first officially announced, there were looks of horror on people’s faces and it wasn’t because of the Necromorphs. But rather at the game’s “sudden” change of direction from a straight out survival horror game to what looked like ‘Gears of War mixed with Lost Planet’.

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masterabbott4113d ago

I actually have to agree Viceral Games have done a remarkable job with the co-op drop in drop out mode for Dead Space 3, its good that you dont have to cary around with you a boring and sometimes idiotic AI partner that will only get you killed or will get in the way.

Root4113d ago

Yeah but the problem is the levels have still be designed around co-op. They've been focused on making the levels for two people

If you could take out Sheva in the RE5 campaign it would still be bad, not AS bad but you still wouldn't get scared, tense or flustered because your in pretty big open levels.

Through the DS3 demo nothing scared me because I wasn't in tight locations where if things did pop out of no where I wouldn't have much of a place to go...now you can roll and take cover. It's silly for a game like this, they should of just created their own franchise.

I honestly think this is what companies are doing these days, take popular franchises for their brand name so they can turn them into games they want to do as new IPs but realise they won't do aswell with them being no name games.

Adexus4113d ago

I know it might sound a bit silly but don't judge the full game on the demo, the full game is just like DS1 with a bit more exploration and quite honestly I'm finding it more overwhelming when fighting enemies than the first two games, there are very tight locations and some more open ones, it's definitely more varied than the first two.

Root4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

Oh god no...I wouldn't judge a game based on just the demo. I'm basing it on every tiny scrap of media we've seen for this game, the demo pretty much confirmed what I saw.

I had a ton of ammo, I unlocked some weapon upgrades pretty early, I just shot all the necromorphs down like flies, it never felt like the first game where I ran out of ammo sometimes and had to rely on stasis while I run away to find something I can use my kinetic tec to throw at them.

I never once felt threatened in that demo at all

Adexus4113d ago

Yeah I know what you mean, the demo definitely doesn't put the game in a bright light, but I've had to craft ammo multiple times because I ran low on the later stages of the game, the enemies can just swarm you later on so you start running out of medipaks and ammo, it's pretty damn tense!

Minato-Namikaze4113d ago

I dont think i have ever completely run out of ammo in DS1 or 2. Learn to aim better or manage your resources differently?

Nimblest-Assassin4113d ago

Well my friend got the game early... apparently the game has a classic mode which makes it more like DS1 and DS2. Also reading some interviews the game is 2 times longer than dead space 2... which Im not sure if thats true or not

Personally I never found the DS games scary because its just jump scares.

I like dead space for the alien meets the thing story line, so I probably will pick dead space 3 up on a later date

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showtimefolks4113d ago

i had a great time with DS1-2 and as long as DS3 is more of the same i will support it

deadfrag4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

re5 and 6 force co-op!Dead Space main campain is still SP based and not co-op,in the menus theres actually a co-op campain option only online related and the normal solo SP campain.Yes the game is action oriented even in solo SP campain.But this is what Capcom should have done with RE5 and 6 and Lost Planet 2 make the campain based on SP and give the option of a drop in out partner like they did with DS3.This way the games would not suffer from the stupid AIs companions and the story would be more focus in SP in RE5 and 6 and LP2.

coaidant4112d ago

Couldn't agree more myself!!!

Ryder494113d ago


A jump scare is still a scare. It still takes a lot of skill to get the player in a situation where they would jump too; you can't get a jump scare with lame tactics.


Why Dead Space 3 Will Be the Hardest to Remake

If EA and Motive Studio plan on remaking all the main Dead Space entries, they have to change a lot of what made Dead Space 3 so divisive.

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DefenderOfDoom2426d ago

Simple, do not bother with a Dead Space 3 remake. Rather have a new entry for Dead Space.

myfathersbastard426d ago

Yeah I agree. Make a dead space 3, but have an original story/setting. They’ve proven they can do the game justice, and I think they could evolve 2 in a good direction, keeping a similar tone. I’d love s Dead Space 2 and 3 though. The remake was fantastic. Top tier remake, up there with RE2.

jznrpg426d ago

Remaking 3 would need to be a reworked and somewhat changed remake as 3 was flawed in most peoples eyes and the worst entry.

Ninver426d ago

It's the worst in the series.


Dead Space 3, A Ten Year Reunion

WTMG's Kyle Nicol:

"Was Dead Space 3 really that bad?

Well, it’s a complicated question. Dead Space 3 is undeniably the weakest of the trilogy. It’s a game that deviates so far from the original formula, that it throws a lot of what made Dead Space special in the first place out of the window. Although, where it does make up for it is one of the best cooperative shooters on the market, even after all this time. Do I recommend playing this game ten years later? Hell yes. But make sure your expectations are in the right place. It has a lot of problems that bring it down."

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Ranking the Dead Space Games

With the upcoming Dead Space Remake, we replay and rank the original three games.

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SimpleSlave510d ago

Dead Space
Dead Space 2
The Callisto Protocol
...Lost Planet 3?

HeliosHex509d ago

They need to seriously continue this ip with a new entry. Even if it's just another movie I don't care I love everything about this game.