
Wii U Surpasses 2 Million Sales

According to Vgchartz, the Wii U has finally passed the 2 million sales mark, all within just around a month.

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mochachino4279d ago

I hope there are two million satisfied gamers then. Wii U is not for me, as my gaming tastes are more in the 3rd party/Sony/MS exclusive category but satisfied gamers are a good thing.

Joegrine204279d ago

lol wut.........anyways good to see the Wii U is doing well. Can't wait to see what E3 brings to the table. Wanna see those Nintendo exclusives (hyping up for retro studios hidden game)gonna buy 1 after E3. Plus i can't to see what the Other big companies are coming with. E3 2013 start counting down the days!!!

quantae064278d ago (Edited 4278d ago )

I'm expecting Eternal Darkness 2, Fatal Frame, new Yoshi, and a new Metroid. I'm also expecting to see the new Monolith ip that they are claiming to be working on. Monolith made Xenoblade Chronicles, so most likely they are coming with something big. Monolith already sound like their motivated, with their latest comments on the competition. I'm also expecting tons of 3rd party games being released on the console.

donman14279d ago (Edited 4279d ago )

The WiiU/PS4 combo will be for me. Both Sony and Nintendo have the best 1st and 2nd party franchises. If Wii U does not get all the best AAA 3rd party titles then they will certainly be on the PS4. Face it guess we now live in a two console owning generation of gaming.

EddieNX 4279d ago


Same here definitely. I just bough a Ps vita 2 days ago and I love it!!! I prefer my 3DS (due to games) But the vita is really really really good. A sexy piece of Hardware.

(The kid I bought it off had Black ops declassified installed on it *sigh* . Worst game of all time. It looks like a dreamcast game or worse... Uncharted and gravity rush look almost like ps3 games though.....)

Moving on.

Now I need the Playstation Ultra (4) to take its thrown by the wii Ultra.

Nintendo Exclusives 1st 2nd and third for wiiu with the odd multiplat if it arives.
Ps4- Sony exclusives with the majority of third party games .

Who needs lamerosoft ?

Wiiu x 3DS x Ps4 x Vita . The only way .

BlmThug4279d ago


It's funny how you hate MS in this comment yet in a previous comment, you list both the original Xbox and the Xbox 360 in your favourite ever consoles :S

MikeMyers4279d ago

donman1, not sure how you concluded we now live in a two console owning generation. You seemed to have ignored over 70 million Xbox 360 console owners out there. I guess game publishers didn't get your memo.

The Wii U is doing well but the real data will come later on when those who buy every new system fades. That's when we will know just how successful it is and how committed 3rd party publishers are. E3 is going to be very interesting.

kesvalk4278d ago

i will go with Wii-U/PC combo, but i will wait for some of the game i want to be released (like smash bros)

donman14278d ago


I fail to understand the point (Donman1, not sure how you concluded we now live in a two console owning generation. You seemed to have ignored over 70 million Xbox 360 console owners out there. I guess game publishers didn't get your memo)you are trying to make when it is obvious the majority of gamers have at least two consoles (be it WiiU/PS3, WiiU/Xbox360 or PS3/Xbox360). What does console sales number have to do with gamers owning more than one console.

I agree this years E3 will be very interesting. I know Wii U will not get all the key AAA titles so that way I will be a WiiU/PS4 combo. This means I will have access to all the best AAA 1st and 2nd party titles from Nintendo and Sony great franchise catalog. PS4 will get all the best AAA titles from 3rd party developers. So my combo of choice will be a win win situation.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4278d ago
metroid324278d ago

Mate on MiiVerse developers can find out just how people rate their games and how happy everyone is with their Wii U and boy i can tell you this console is OUTSTANDING and everyone is happy with it i love it and use the Browser every day its more powerful than my PC And MOBILE Browsers ?

Apex134277d ago

Unlike the wii (crap developer ports) the Wii U actually is a great system and right now my system of choice even for COD.

It's solid but Nintendo need to sort out their marketing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4277d ago
-Mika-4279d ago

Ok but I don't think it going to reach that 5.5 million nintendo is expecting by march.

KangarooSam4279d ago

So, according to you, Vita fails because it doesn't reach it's goal. (which was admittedly high)

But you have absolutely nothing to say about Wii U failing to meet it's goal? (which is much lower)


iamnsuperman4279d ago

I agree. These sales are easily attributed to great timing with black Friday (identified by the massive difference between Europe and USA. Of course time and people are a factor as well) and also Christmas. It is this rest of the Wii U's first year that are going to be interesting.

MegaLagann4279d ago

Again, everyone on N4G pretending they have marketing and business degrees when really they just pull "facts" out of their ass. We call this the "Pachter".

BlackWolf4278d ago

Mika, bashing the Wii U one more time.

Well, as someone said below you, what do you have to say about the Vita? Sony has had to lower their expected sales more than twice, if I'm not wrong. Nothing to say? Ok.

On topic, the Wii U has been out for a month and a half, and it has already reached the 2 million milestone. There are 2-3 months to the final date of expected sales (given, if by march you mean the start or end of the month). If they can keep up a constant rhythm in sales, they could get to the 5 million milestone.

xursz4278d ago

I'm starting to think Mika is a parody sort of like DarkSniper was, but just worse at it.

But like i was saying, (*i know i'll get ravaged by fans who bought the system, but hear me out first*) the WiiU is sort of in a tough spot. It's being slaughtered in sales by both Xbox360 and PS3. In Europe being outsold about 5-1. I think price is an obvious factor (as well as games) but above that I don't really see a need for the WiiU in the market.

I think we can all agree that the hype for nex gen has never been higher so why is the leader of the pack doing horribly compared to the old consoles? Simple, in my opinion Nintendo's attempt to play it safe (following the steps of the Wii) with weak hardware has backfired. You look at a multiplatform game on both WiiU and Xbox360 and won't be able to tell a difference.

In my opinion that's the problem. Nobody is jumping ship to next gen until we are really in the next gen, if that makes any sense. The WiiU needs a hefty price drop and soon. Otherwise nobody is going to cross over from their Xbox's and PS3s.

N4g_null4277d ago

Xursz it is more of a game issue. I'm not even excited about the other Jd games coming out plus every thing is on hold. No real next gen announced not even for the imaginary next gen!

There is to much juke up in the air to push forward right now.

vallencer4278d ago

Where's your boyfriend hatsune?? It's weird not seeing him around.

ChickenOfTheCaveMan4278d ago

I agree, the U benefited from the black Friday and Christmas, parents wondered what to give to their kids and went for the easy win, but the U is really an underachieved console and as soon as the 720 and PS4 will be announced it will become obsolete unless you like the plumber/Zelda/Metroid...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4277d ago
Neko_Mega4279d ago

I'm not really one of those Two Mill, seeing how I brought my used from my friend. The Wii U isn't great, but it does have some good games only for it.

I do wish the Wii U Gamepad was alittle more lighter.

ChickeyCantor4279d ago (Edited 4279d ago )

Well in that case, why not work out more? That way you can be strong and amazing by holding that already light-weight controller.

Not trying to cramp your style or anything, but you know...some people are really b/tching about the silliest things.

Neonridr4278d ago

a little lighter? the thing weighs one pound. My iPad weighs more than that thing. Are you serious?

To each their own I guess, but how much lighter do you want it to weigh? It's not even double the weight of the wireless Xbox 360 controller, and it has a screen in it.

xursz4278d ago

Wow @ you guys attacking him for wishing the controller was lighter... Fanboys are sensitive. -__-

hivycox4278d ago

no...he is trolling...everyone knows the gamepad is a light-weighted controller..
and btw.: fanboys could wouldn'T be so nice ;)

RTheRebel4279d ago

cant wait till e3 when nintendo unleashes all the best ip's

god_mode4279d ago


One day in the far future I will definitely pick up a WiiU.

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-Foxtrot11d ago

Remains to be seen if they manage to give us more content

I thought after they got bought by MS it would have been update after update with all the resources behind them. It makes you wonder if that rumour a while back about be careful with content is true.

There’s so many things they could do but they just don’t bother

Lionsguard10d ago

It truly makes me wonder just wtf they even do considering the pathetic updates that come out compared to what some teenage modder can probably knock out in a week. And then they have the audacity to be "engaging the fanbase" by making them vote to keep certain content and the rest just go away into oblivion. Like, why? Why not just release everything? But it seems Minecraft fans just stupidly love it for some reason.

VariantAEC10d ago

This just lets me know that you know nothing about anything. Modders don't have to worry about licensing or corporate and international rules and regulations. Its why they can inject nudity and gore into E10+, E, and even EC rated games.

So long as the corpos don't know a modder is using copyrighted works they won't go after them. The reason they don't know is because they don't have to go through legal channels to do such things. It's precisely why all the company's use AI tools to analyze the video and audio tracks looking for copyrighted work on social media. Because on social media we don't have to play by the rules either but the company's do and in turn they can cut you off for breaking laws that you didn't know existed and it is incredibly clear that you don't know they exist. That is why official content in Minecraft is so tame and rolls out very slowly.

The reason why they are getting rid of some content is because they have to pay to keep some of it around, particularly anything made that contains the likeness or namesake of another entities IP.

If they are getting rid of unlicensed world packs made in-house without relying on anyone's IP, then Mojang, Xbox, and MS are just being lazy with hosting content.

Lionsguard9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

@VariantAEC That's not what I'm talking about. And the stuff that's being voted off is not licensed stuff. It takes them a whole year to come out with a new biome and they show off a frog or some other dumb thing.

Inverno5d ago

Almost everything they've done since they were aquired has either been cancelled, delayed or shut down. Every update takes them longer than it should and they delay it even tho they give themselves plenty of time. Next gen update never happened, every spinoff they abandon. Bedrock is a consistent mess, and modding is essentially stuck behind a pay wall. I'm keeping an eye on whatever 4J is doing, and hope they manage to steal some of MC's thunder.

OtterX10d ago

It would be great if the native PS5 version has PSVR2 support.