
13 Characters You Hated (Even Though You Weren't Supposed To)

NowGamer: We were supposed to love them and yet…

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DragonKnight4156d ago

For a list that has 13 characters, it doesn't have enough Lightning in it.

sh0ryuu4156d ago

Definitely needs lightning on there. I'd also accept Connor making the list.

DragonKnight4156d ago

Yeah, Connor definitely is the worst Assassin in the series.

Omnislash4156d ago

I dont hate Connor but he was the worst Assassin in the series... Lightning I also dont hate but Ive had enough of her for one generation....

Nimblest-Assassin4156d ago (Edited 4156d ago )

Imo I believe

Ezio>Orlov>Conner>Al tair>Desmond>>>Ave line

I understand why some people dislike Connor, because he is emotionally lacking and "shallow" but I actually believe that out of all the assassins ubisoft put the most effort into Connor.

I mean, they could have done the same thing they did with Altair and Ezio and just got a well established actor to pretend he was Native American, but ubisoft went the extra mile and made sure each native american character was native american.

Also, they hired vocal coaches in order to properly represent how the native people spoke. I mean, you noticed how everyone spoke very monotone?

Also, Ezio had the benifit of more games, and I think Altair benifited due to his time period, although his american accent in AC1 was ridiculous.

He was designed to be brash and hasty, and personally I think its very interesting. Im not saying people are wrong, Im just backing Connor up, because he doesn't deserve that much hate.

Aveline on the other hand, is utterly forgetable, her accent was so forced it felt amatuerish, and her story is not note worthy except for the fact it hints that the next AC games will feature female characters due to the fact Desmond never found "Eve" and that Aveline is a Descendant of Eve.

So the future protagonist of AC4 will be female, thats for sure.

I know nothing about final fantasy so I can't defend ligthning

MaxXAttaxX4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )

Square Enix wants people to like or believes that everyone likes Lightning.
FFXIII-3(Lightning's Return) just seems desperate.

Also, about Dante...it's not just his hair.

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Simon_Brezhnev4156d ago

I agree with both Connor the worst Assassin and Lightning.

4156d ago Replies(1)
Kalowest4156d ago

Whats wrong with Lighting?

I like Diana Allers and Starkiller(FU1).

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prototypeknuckles4156d ago

why do people hate lightning so much (i never played Final Fantasy 13 or its sequel)?, i dont think she can be anyworse than Donte, speaking of which is the only character on the list i hate with a passion, and come on raiden is cool and hes about to redeem himself with MGRrevengeance.

Pozzle4156d ago (Edited 4156d ago )

I think many people dislike Lightning because she's bland. Especially for a main character. She spends most of FFXIII being a "tough girl" cliche rather than a well-rounded, three-dimensional human being.

...Though I'd personally say characters like Vanille (FFXIII), Hope (FFXIII), Eiko (FFIX) or Cait Sith (FFVII) were more annoying to me.

PooEgg4156d ago

Yes she is bland, but more then her being bland her games are bland. Like her they are pretty, but lack anything of substance. If FFXIII was a better game, FF fans would probably like her just fine. It doesn't help that instead of moving on to the next game in the series SquareEnix keeps wanting us to revisit the FFXIII world.

Darrius Cole4156d ago


It's worse that actually having us revisit FF13. They actually just re-use the same characters and places without actually re-addressing untied loose ends of the original game. They don't fix the HUGE GAPING PLOT-HOLES in the original game. They never change the effed-up ending to the original game. I actually want to the story of the original struggle to be finished up and polished.

8bitHero4156d ago

she's a wannabe cloud with no reason to be so depressed throughout the entire game. plus shes boring. but honestly, the short girl with the pink hair and australian accent was 1000 times worse than lightning. she is hands down the worst character i've ever seen in a video game.(and her voice actress didnt help, it sounds like nails on a chalkboard imo)

TongkatAli4156d ago

Yes, God yes you're correct.

Hicken4156d ago

They really only hate her because they hated XIII. And most hate XIII because of what they heard, not actually what they played.

Those that DID play it and hate the game do so because it's not what they expected/wanted. Getting past their preconceptions might show them a decent game, at the least, but that's never gonna happen.

Christopher4156d ago

Monkey and Trip of Enslaved for me. Their relationship and growth together never made sense to me.

prototypeknuckles4156d ago

i agree it felt like a crappy version of the relationship between the prince and elika from prince of persia 08 which had great characters in it.

Nerdmaster4156d ago

For me, it's one of the most believable couples (even though they don't kiss and whatnot) in videogames. You can see Monkey changing gradually from "I'll only help you because I'll die if you do" to "I'll help you because what you're trying to do is important" and to "I'll help you because you're important to me".

Christopher4156d ago (Edited 4156d ago )

I didn't get any of that.

Trip was weak and controlling. Monkey was just doing it because she required it of him. Getting to her village and seeing the devastation? It didn't impart any empathy from me at all nor seemingly from Monkey. It was that point where you were supposed to believe that Monkey just flipped a switch and started caring for her. I didn't feel it at all. The whole visor thing eventually just felt like a gimmick for gameplay for me as it was used less and less to save Trip and more just as a way to bypass opponents. Trip didn't feel like she was saving me or anything, just being a catalyst for new gameplay elements.

Don't get me started on pulling that water hoverboard from out of nowhere more than halfway through the game.

Nerdmaster4156d ago

As you started complaining about gameplay when we were talking about their relationship, it seems that you didn't like the gameplay and this made you automatically not like the characters.

You try to make it seem that seeing her destroyed village and Trip suffering was not enough to make Monkey start caring for her (emphasis on the word "start"). If it wasn't enough, then... what would it take to make his change of stance about her believable to you? Only if she had given her kidney to save his life? Only if she saved his dog from getting hit by a car?

Christopher4155d ago (Edited 4154d ago )

***As you started complaining about gameplay when we were talking about their relationship,***

Their relationship is a catalyst for gameplay. They made them one and the same.

***You try to make it seem that seeing her destroyed village and Trip suffering was not enough to make Monkey start caring for her (emphasis on the word "start")***

Nope. Monkey is a person who is already alone in the world. He has been enslaved by a woman who can't take care of herself, has shown no concern for his safety except when it is to keep her alive, and people he doesn't know are dead just like all the people he left on the ship they were being transported upon at the beginning of the game.

Monkey already has seen death in the world. This is nothing new. The fact that this death happened to someone who has treated him as her slave thing? No. I didn't feel any emotion whatsoever. And, it was such a huge event that they forced upon us.

***If it wasn't enough, then... what would it take to make his change of stance about her believable to you? Only if she had given her kidney to save his life? Only if she saved his dog from getting hit by a car?***

If they had tried to develop a story that made them grow together rather than using one major event in her life that still doesn't bring her to his level. She still has Pigsy. He has had no one forever. They never tried to show how they were more alike. They never put her into a position of saving his life as a selfless act. They never showed how she might have reminded Monkey of someone from his past.

All it was was one big event and that was supposed to _suddenly_ make me feel like Monkey should give a rats arse about this woman who has been using him so far.

IC3_DEMON4156d ago

Missed Jason Broady (Far Cry 3)

crackforgangstas4156d ago

Number 1 is Raiden... back when I first got MGS2 and played it through I liked him, it was something fresh. But, now I'm 25 and played it again via the hd collection and I want to reach through my TV and choke him every 5 seconds.

goldwyncq4156d ago

The only reason why people hate Raiden is because he's not Snake.

Nimblest-Assassin4156d ago

Dude I prefer Raiden in Sons of Liberty over him in Guns of the Patriots.

I liked the idea that he was "trying to be snake", and was still a rookie. He kept failing, and I think thats why I liked him a lot.

But in MGS4 he is this grungy depressing character that mopes around and it seems even worse in MGR based on some of the trailers and his lines in PSABR.

I miss simple jack

Pozzle4156d ago

I'm glad I'm not the only one who preferred MGS3 Raiden over MGS4 Raiden. Though I didn't think he was THAT annoying in MGS2.

Rose, on the other hand...

Blank4155d ago

Yo pozzle I know my history dont show but I have been seeing your many post along with other obvious names but you got your comment and video game history wrong raiden is not in mgs 3 but in mgs 2 and 4 But aside your mistakes I agree simple jack had more character devolpment this new raiden is too mission oriented but on my side straight up I like the overpowered raiden at least for now he has his place as opposed as "wanna be snake" to me a official snake can be a "snake" for now up to this date kojima intended to play us all and it goes on up to this date

Pozzle4148d ago

Oops. I meant to write MGS2, not MGS3. XD

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