
Why Fighters are bad for gaming

Karl looks at how fighting games and the community is blemishing the good world of gaming, showing why it all needs to stop.

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Ban a genre because of how some gamers choose to react is just weird. If this is the case we should ban shooters too! How about this, ignore the trolls and move on.

LOGICWINS4166d ago (Edited 4166d ago )

Completely disagree that fighters should be banned because certain people in fighting game communities are elitists whose lives revolve around pwning newbs. Just press the mute button :)

The title should be changed to "Why fighting game communities are problematic", since the complaints in the article are about the fighting game COMMUNITY..not fighting GAMES.

HOWEVER, there ARE issues with the genre. SSF4 is ridiculously inaccessible to new players. A fighter should give you the tools you need to become master. With SSF4, its like the creators purposely DON'T want you to learn how to play the game competitively. If I have to go on the Internet to learn how to land two punches in succession...thats a major game design issue.

It's amusing to me that Capcom does this because in the end they only hurt themselves by limiting their community to "no lives" who devote hours a day to training. Thats part of the reason why Street Fighter X Tekken underperfomed saleswise.

The fact that these games are so difficult to learn perpetuates an elitist attitude. When a small group of people are good at something, they tend to think their on top of the world/better than everyone else.

THATS why these people are overly competitive and angry all the time.

admiralvic4166d ago

You have to look at this logically, which you ironically aren't. It's extremely difficult to TEACH someone to play, so a lot of games do introductions or add practice. This is why we have trials, challenges, missions and other things that FORCE you to do exact combos. These using require timing, which you learn by failing them till you realize that it's not "Punch, Punch" it's "Punch, wait 2 seconds, punch". Sure it could be better, but virtually every fighter (regardless of the maker... so don't call out Capcom.) could be better.

Furthermore, you couldn't be more wrong about Street Fighter X Tekken. The main reason it failed was due to the DLC fiasco, which resulted in people speaking with their wallets. You would have to be a FOOL to think that the backlash from asking us to pay $20 dollars for content on the disc wouldn't be the main reason the game didn't sell. The other reason was due to people expecting another version, since Capcom fighters typically get the "Oh I'll wait for the super ultimate final uber duber edition".

Finally, this mentality appears (in different tiers) in virtually every genre / game. Go read the Gearbox forum and you'll see tons of people talking about how elite they're for not using any cheap weapons to kill the raid bosses and in turn mock anyone that doesn't want to farm for 100 hours to get the EXACT perfect item you need. Go read any topic about the Souls series and you'll see people start crying / freaking out that the game might change in some minor way. The simple CONCEPT that more people will get to experience the game is a turn off to them, since it ruins "their game". Thats just part of online gaming and has always / will always be there. The best thing is to ignore them, over removing a genre / series from existence.

LOGICWINS4166d ago (Edited 4166d ago )

"It's extremely difficult to TEACH someone to play, so a lot of games do introductions or add practice. This is why we have trials, challenges, missions and other things that FORCE you to do exact combos. These using require timing, which you learn by failing them till you realize that it's not "Punch, Punch" it's "Punch, wait 2 seconds, punch"."


Whats EXTREMELY difficult about coding the words "Punch, wait 2 seconds, punch" in a tutorial? Something so simple could save many people so much frustration. Timing plays a major role in doing combos for all fighting games and the tutorial in SF is completely vague about it.

YES, virtually every fighting game has this issue...BUT

In MK9, the fighting is more slow pace so its very easy for me to understand how to time combos since the windows for error are bigger. On the other hand, SSF4 is very fast pace and requires more precision, thus more hand holding.

THATS a legitimate issue.

"You would have to be a FOOL to think that the backlash from asking us to pay $20 dollars for content on the disc wouldn't be the main reason the game didn't sell."

Re-read my comment. I said the difficulty of SSF4 was PART of the reason SF Cross Tekken under performed...not the MAIN reason.

"Finally, this mentality appears (in different tiers) in virtually every genre / game."

When did I deny that? What does that have to do with anything? My comment was directed towards fighting games because this is an article...about fighting games.


KwietStorm_BLM4166d ago

There is absolutely nothing inaccessible about Street Fighter. Playing the game and getting good are two different things. In this day, just about every game on the market "requires" research if you want to find out the metagame in competitive modes or even single player. That's just the world we live in. Or are you gonna say the internet is inaccessible too?

LOGICWINS4166d ago

^^The tools to master a game should be available WITHIN the game...is that really too crazy of a request?

Ben_Grimm4166d ago

"^^The tools to master a game should be available WITHIN the game...is that really too crazy of a request?"

Seriously? Have you even PLAYED SF$? because if you have you would know they have a Practice/Training mode. In this mode they LITERALLY show you how to do combos, moves, specials and ultras. The buttons light up when you perform the right combo. They even show you the motion of the moves. They are holding your hand the whole way. A child could figure out the timing.

Fighting games LIKE ANY OTHER GAME requires you to practice so you can get good at it. How can you say the tools are not there. Obviously they are since other people figured them out and used them. This is what competition is all about.

"Re-read my comment. I said the difficulty of SSF4 was PART of the reason SF Cross Tekken under performed"


Admiral is spot on and I will tell you another reason why SFxTekken failed because they had preset combos mapped to one button, plus gems that could alter stats and automatic tech throws.

MK9 and SF4 are two completely different beasts in terms of fighting but a lot of the basics are in each game.

These people are overly competitive because it is a competitive game. It was made to be this way and always has since SF2. How in the hell is Capcom limiting their community In fact they have re-sparked the fighting genre and the community by releasing SF4 all those years ago. The community has grown even bigger and still continues to this day.

ChronoJoe4165d ago

Personally I don't think on-disc DLC is why it underperformed at all.

Marvel managed to get away with selling you the same game twice. That didn't underperform as a result. That's because Marvel has a much stronger following because it's a better game, mechanically.

With that said of course on-disc DLC didn't help, not sure why consumers object to it personally though. Most DLC is developed pre-release, really doesn't matter to me where it's stored, considering I judge the original package based on what's actually there and playable, and purchase if I deem that worthwhile.

But I digress. SFxT would have taken off if it was a better game. It's boring to watch because it's slow paced and a lot of competative players feel it's easier / better just to stick to SSFIV (arguably a better game).

It will be dead if it's dropped from Evo 2013. Not sure if it is or isn't yet, rumour has it has been dropped already which makes sense considering it's the numbers at other majors, but we'll see.

BertlSenix4165d ago

See thats the problem with this Gen.

Most people are brainwashed by the casual crap like CoD or Halo.
Jump in and be World champion without any effort.

Games in the past days were ALL on this niveau.Even platformers were somehow difficult.

Today everyone is a bunch of whiners and kids who don't know crap about gaming.
The fighting Community is like the RTS Community the last known survivor of the CoD Casualization.
We have 2 Genres that are made for good players.Even shooters declined a lot...No Quake,UT,CS and so on these days anymore.
Just such crap like CoD and Halo where a 5 year old with the reflexes of a dead person could be the best.
Leave some players space to compete with the best people in the world if they want to.
Don't be jelly cause you can't put 10+ hours a day into practice and fight for the big money.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4165d ago
liquidhalos4165d ago

Games dont make stupid people, stupid people make stupid people. I can say with all honesty that when i play fighters i dont get the urge to be a sexist moronic twat. Im me before i play, i me while im playing and im me when im done playing. Massively competitive people will for the most part be
rude nasty buggers regardless of format. Why should normal gamers have to stop playing fighters because of kiddies who cant control their tempers?

wishingW3L4166d ago (Edited 4166d ago )

never mind, the guy does have a point. After reading this he convinced me and I'm a huge fighting game fan!

wishingW3L4166d ago (Edited 4166d ago )

And to add a bit more fuel: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

for those that don't want to watch the video the thing is that Miles is a pretty well known person in the FGC and because of his experience he made a Youtube channel to give tips to the noobs that want to start in the FGC and become better players. Nothing wrong with that, right? Well, not everybody thinks like that because there are a bunch of people insulting and harassing him saying that he is killing the FGC for helping n00bs get good to form part of the community.

Then we have the situation of Aris harassing Super Yan and Kayo Police live on stream (Capcom banned him from their tournaments BTW). And not to mention what Filipino Champ did to DiosX when he humiliated him in a Curleh Mustache Tournament during the summer... It was sad but at least he apologized a few weeks later: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

So much drama!

Robotronfiend4165d ago

Filipino Champ is trash. Always has been, always will be regardless of how well he can push buttons on a game.

OneAboveAll4166d ago (Edited 4166d ago )

You can't be serious? I'v seen movies with more gore than Mortal Kombat. *cough*Saw*cough*

Let's ban movies too! Oh, and the news such as FOX because they show some pretty f***ed up sh*t too.

Video games do not make people go out and kill others. You know what makes people go out and kill others? Mental issues.

I played MK when I was a kid and I have yet to go out and shoot up a school. Why? Because my parents whooped my ass to keep me in line.

If anything, violent games are great for stress relief. Would you rather your kid shoot people and take his anger out in an online game? Or run down the street guns blazing?

JD_Shadow4166d ago

So...you're saying that you didn't even bother to read the article?

Shep0d4166d ago

So... Did you enjoy reading the title?

ChronoJoe4165d ago

Things like this are why you have one bubble.

masterlinkace4166d ago (Edited 4166d ago )

...that's not the point of the article, nothing is ever mentioned about the violence being bad.

He is actually talking about how overly competitive and sexist the fighting community is. The author even talks about how he is a massive fan of fighters.

DivineAssault 4166d ago

how bout just being more strict on who these games are sold to? The rating isnt there for no reason so card lil punks that try n buy M rated titles

PopRocks3594166d ago

It starts with education. Who buys these games? Adults.

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How Street Fighter IV Saved 2D Fighting Games (Ft. Maximilian Dood)

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Snookies12329d ago

I'd say Blazblue helped too. Didn't care for Street Fighter 4, but Blazblue was amazing during that time. Sad that the series kind of went downhill after the first 2 or 3 games though.

DarXyde329d ago

BlazBlue was phenomenal. Platinum'd Calamity Trigger because I loved it so much. I remember buying Continuum Shift back in the day at launch for like $40. They did have DLC characters (Valkenhayne, Makoto, and Platinum at the time) and it came out to just a tad more than it would at full price. Didn't mind at all.

Great fighting game.

Snookies12329d ago

Continuum Shift was definitely my favorite. Spent way too many hours on that game, haha... Had the counters for days with Hakumen.

DarXyde329d ago

I really like Makoto, Valkenhayne, and Hazama. Super fun characters

Terry_B328d ago

Valkenhayn ..just sayin'

Terry_B329d ago

BlazBlue was the much better, more technical game..and a real 2D Fighting Game after all. But yes, since it was a big name..the characters were still popular and the game itself was good, SFIV indeed helped a lot. However, I am pretty sure the much better-selling Mortal Kombat 9 would have been done without SFIV as well..and that one truly helped to make the fighting game genre in general more popular again.

Ryuha1234h329d ago

You’re sound dumb. Blazblue was not better than sf4. You’re just saying that because you’re a street fighter hater.

Redgrave329d ago

>calls someone dumb
>does it by saying "you're sound dumb"

Task failed successfully

Terry_B328d ago

A SF Hater eh? Fight me in SF 2,3 4 or 5 and you will regret that stupid comment ;)

gold_drake329d ago (Edited 329d ago )

eyyy max xD

one of the very few streamers i can actually watch without it being cringe and awful ha.

GhostScholar328d ago

The content of IV was severely lacking when it launched. It got better over time.


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