
Why you can't read too much into the Wii U's "slow" clock speed

ARS: Remember the days when your idiot friends would argue with you in the schoolyard about how "blast processing" made the Sega Genesis a better system than the Super Nintendo? Or how the Nintendo 64 was twice as good as the Sony PlayStation because it had twice as many "bits"? Or how the Wii's processor was no better than "two GameCubes stuck together"? Here in our new, enlightened age, I thought we had left such context-free numbers games behind like so many other childish arguments.

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Akuma-4182d ago ShowReplies(5)
lilbroRx4182d ago (Edited 4182d ago )

The correct word is "low" not slow. It is precisely because of things like this that people are misinterpreting the information. That and the fact that most gaming journalist seem to be biased against Nintendo and favor reporting the worst news they can find in the worst way they can think of.

They are intentionally skewing all news to be as bad a they can. Just take this article and see how the writer adds in his discourteous 2 cents after every corrected fact. He throws his personal opinions in with the professional facts without clearly distinguishing them.

Christopher4182d ago

First, you are absolutely correct, it should be "low" and not "slow".

Second, I gotta say, it's funny (and sad) seeing someone else get the Sony treatment. I'm not a Sony fanboy, though I do like my PS3 (and my 360 and my PC and my DS and my...), but I didn't expect this with Nintendo. I find it amusing that this starts right as soon as Nintendo puts out a console that competes with other HD consoles.

RuperttheBear4182d ago

Why do you find it funny? Just wondering why it would amuse you.

Christopher4181d ago (Edited 4181d ago )

Because it's like history repeating itself. Because it assure's me that this cycle will never end. Because it's honestly the only thing I can do (laugh at it) to make me feel better about the future of gaming journalism.

It's a sad funny, but what am I going to do?

Ben_Grimm4181d ago

We saw this with the 3DS when it launched. All sorts of doom articles for it.

There is no Sony treatment, there is only sensational headlines for the sake of reporting news and getting people to go their sites. It can be Sony, MS or Nintendo. No one is off limits.

ronin4life4181d ago (Edited 4181d ago )

They did it with the wii too. It didn't even matter that they were in "first" place.
And you obviously don't remember the "this is ps3's year/Why Sony will still be king" annual story pop-ups ever since the ps3's shakey start... or the "will this be the year of wiis downfall?" and of course "will 3ds make Nintendo exit the hardware business?"

The ps3/Sony have not received that much venom at all. Hell, Nintendo has not stopped receiving criticism since the wii, in particular on this site. The Vita, the most abused Sony system, didn't even take all that much until recently, with so many fans and sites covering its ass far more than anyone thought to do for the 3ds. Which, ironically has HELPED the 3ds and hurt the Vita.

But most people have tunnel vision, to be honest. I have been noticing this trend since the early years of this last gen from the pages of EGM to ign to, eventually, n4g. Sony is god, Nintendo is trash. And honestly, that's a pattern the industry appears wanting to hold onto no matter how one sided and ridiculous it is.

Christopher4181d ago

***The ps3/Sony have not received that much venom at all.***

I have to disagree with that. The major focus over the last 6+ years has primarily been ePeen measuring of people who support 360 or PS3 over the other.

Yeah, everyone has gotten their share, but Nintendo is now getting heavily focused on with a console that is comparable to the PS3 and 360. Meaning, the journalists and gamers who play on the HD consoles, aka 'hardcore gamers', are typically the ones who have so much vitriol towards one another and the products they support.

Ben_Grimm4181d ago

I agree with Ronin.

Look at past articles on N4G for Wii, and I swear it is probably the one place where 360/PS3 games hold hands in alliance.

There have been many articles about 3rd parties not selling on Wii, Nintendo leaving the hardware business, to Nintendo going broke. Not to mention the articles that state how Wii left the core and focused mainly on casuals which might be true but was painted in a negative light all the time in articles.

Lets count how many times in a Wii/Nintendo article that a comment says Nintendo rehashes the same IP's over and over again and not get marked down for trolling. Or lets do count the many trolls in a Nintendo article.

There is tunnel vision here on N4G. Each Sony doom article is heavy commented on and raises to such heat that it always makes the top spot in the heat categories. So those are mostly seen. Most if not ALL of the articles are regurgitated stories from the main source or blog sites with people's opinions taken from another source. Repeated and reported and submitted here over and over again.

Of course it looks like Sony is getting crapped on over and over but this is not even the case.

admiralvic4181d ago

Sony Treatment? More like New Console treatment. Most people have figured out (because it's not that hard) that using trivial data + new console = lots of post. Every console in the past had it and every console in the future will most likely have it. The only reason why it seems like "Sony" is that N4G is a predominately Sony based site, so the anti Sony ones get more defense, more hits and in turn are more common. With this being said, I put most of the blame on the reader though. While these articles should get down voted / banned from the site, most users take assumptions and come up with insane theories. Like if the console doesn't get a 10/10 within a few months, then it's because all game journalist are anti Sony / Vita.

tiffac0084181d ago

Doom and gloom articles has been a common theme these days. Its sad really, its like some people wants the industry to fail with all the negativity.

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kevnb4181d ago

To be honest people shouldn't report on things they don't know anything about. I see it in mobile device reviews as well all the time. They just have no clue.

rainslacker4181d ago (Edited 4181d ago )

What's funny is that they're taken from the tweets of a hacker, who I would assume knows a lot more about this stuff than the people reporting on it. Of course they don't bother to verify it in any way and just take his word on it. But lets face it, these sites (and 99.99% of the people that do comment on them) don't have the first clue on how this hardware works.

In the end, the article description sums it up best, talking about bits and blast processing from back in the day. It just doesn't matter unless your actually making games. If all you do is play them, then let the developers worry about the hardware. Some will take advantage of it, others won't.

I don't think the Wii U is less powerful than the current gen, and there's no point comparing it to Sony/MS next gen because they haven't even been announced yet. If both those companies took a similar approach, which is possible given current technology and the need to make a profit, a lot of these sites/fanboys are going to have to do a lot of back-peddling.

Norrison4181d ago (Edited 4181d ago )

This, ignorants on this site think higher clock speed = faster CPU, which is wrong on so many levels.
I can underclock an i7 to 2ghz and still outperform a pentium at 5 ghz, it's all about the architecture.

I'm pretty sure all those retarded articles about the Wii U make those ignorants think they're right. Seriously some people here are just waiting for a Wii U article to pop up just to go spit the same bullshit.

And the GPGPU is at least an improvement over the archaic GPU in the xbox 360 and the PS3, if it can run unoptimized ports out of the box and I'm pretty sure it got decent hardware but everything is downclocked to save power and prevent overheating explaining the low clock speeds, I would take a console that doesn't overheat, saves power and doesn't make extremely high noise over a console that looks like it's better.

Also don't you guys remember when ps3 got launched? It was expensive as hell and all the games looked like shit on it, give the Wii U some time, it just got released.

Ju4181d ago

I would agree with that if the two architectures would actually be different generations. But the WiiU CPU is an enhanced 750, nothing more. And sure, it might have OOP and a faster bus interface and uses EDRAM buffers. But it is nothing like an i7 to an i5. You basically compare an optimized 750 at half the clock frequency to the very same chip in the current gens. This is very disappointing IMO.

The WiiU has a leap in GPGPU performance and flexibility. All it's performance will come from there. But this is not a new generation. It is probably 1.5.

I like the device, but I might agree with Nintendo. The controller can make the difference but it won't help if the games won't support it fully. And I am curious why that very same (option) would not work with a say PS3/Vita combination.

Black Ops 2 strategy view on the controller, for example, or a permanent map in FarCry.

But what I am waiting for, really, is a faster machine. And WiiU ain't it. Really depends if Sony/MS can deliver and when. I'll give it some more time and then I compare. Even though the WiiU is tempting, but for me personally the performance issue is the one I won't jump on it just yet.

Legion4181d ago

So basically you are just saying it is one massive conspiracy against Nintendo? hahaha

The reason people attack most any system is because system PR teams come out and spout total rubbish that is soon proven inaccurate.

And Wii U has came out and spouted basically the biggest lie of them all... that they are a next generation system. When in fact they are more like the Kinect... just a current generation add-on.

(yes we know the Wii-U is not an add-on... but it doesn't appear to have anything really next generation in it's bags... thus it gets an add-on tag in my books... just another skew)

Slapshot824181d ago

Wow! If you're going to write an article such as this, do a little reading first.

The thing that helps out the Wii U the MOST is its eDRAM, which in simple turns is a booster for the CPU that's directly embedded into it. Dynamic memory is never depleted and always there when in need and we still don't know how much is embedded into the Wii U's CPU - we know it's a "substantial" amount.

Secondly, it has a GPGPU, not a GPU. Well, a GPGPU is a GPU, but it's one that can double over and do "general processing" for the CPU when in need. A GPU is already less-efficient than a dedicated graphics card and pulling even more away from it, was another cheaper alternative to add to the CPU's power.

What does all of this mean? Well, it means that the consoles has a lot of ways to counter-balance power. It also means that Nintendo developed a consoles that on-par, to a little above par with current generation consoles very cheaply (it comes with an expensive tablet-like controller too!).

It's obvious that the "next generation" could be a little iffy for Wii U getting direct ports (if the next gen does indeed have a significant technology jump), but there's plenty of power in the Wii U and more than enough to keep people playing on it for the next 3-5 years.

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yewles14182d ago

"The Wii U's CPU clock speed number is indeed lower than the Xbox 360's 3.2GHz clock (although the 360's gets halved to a functional 1.6GHz when multithreading) or the PS3's 4GHz clock."


Xenon gets 1.6GHz WITHOUT multithreading and Cell is 3.2GHz...

Christopher4182d ago (Edited 4181d ago )

Xenon is recorded at 3.2GHz clock speed, but it constantly runs at half speed of 1.6GHz.

For those that disagree: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

Xenofex4181d ago

lol 1.6ghz is the speed of the L2 cache, not the core.

Zhipp4181d ago

What? Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but are you saying that the Xenon is, essentially, a 1.6GHz processor? For gaming? What's this 3.2GHz business I've been hearing about for these past 7 years, then?

yewles14181d ago (Edited 4181d ago )

Xenon essentially achieves 1.6GHz at core FSB, down to brass tacks, basic threading performance (it's also the speed of it's cache RAM). When multithreaded, it's read at 3.2GHz.

fossilfern4181d ago

So even if theres only one thread going through the core it will still be clocked at 1.6ghz I assume? But is the cores on the WiiU CPU even multi-threaded ?

mochachino4182d ago

Nintendo fans will buy a Wii U and love their nintendo games. I personally prefer 3rd party/MS/Sony games more than anything so I have no plans of buying one.

People telling happy Wii U owners that Wii U sucks may as well criticize people enjoying their McDonald's for not choosing Burger King.

Play the games you like on the systems that have them.

jmc88884181d ago

You still are assuming 3rd party devs won't put out Wii U games.

The rest I wholly agree with you.

Personally I have a 360/PS3/Wii U/i7 920@4ghz GTX 670 PC.

So I bought myself for xmas
Halo 3 for 360
Little Big Planet Racing for PS3
BLOPS2, Zombi U, NSMBU, Rabbidsland for Wii U
Borderlands 2, Far Cry 3, Assassin Creed 3, MoH Warfighter for PC. With Sleeping Dogs and X-COM Enemy Unknown a winter steam sale, and maybe Dishonored.

I see the Wii U putting out the strongest 3rd party games going forward until 720/PS4 come out. But it all depends on what track the developer takes, and they might just continue mostly on the 360.

Either way, there's nothing wrong with buying the games you want on the systems you want, which over time evolve and change, then again, and again.

vortis4181d ago

wtf dude....that's the Christmas list of envy right there.

SilentNegotiator4181d ago

"You still are assuming 3rd party devs won't put out Wii U games"

Ask the developers (not the insistent armchair experts using Wikipedia); they're not happy with the "leap" the Wii U took. As soon as the ps4/720 release, Wii U support will absolutely plummet.

nunley334181d ago

You have a 360 & PS3 but you bought Black Ops 2 for Wiiu, why ?

MsmackyM4181d ago

@Samusfan I own multiple consoles but I bought Blops2 for the Wii U just for the Wiimote controls.

mochachino4181d ago (Edited 4181d ago )

Wii U is already lacking 3rd party support. Where's Far Cry 3, DMC, Dishonoured, GTA5 etc.

Thing is, nintendo consoles appeal to a different market of consumers - the one that love Nintendo games and don't care that much about visual fidelity, realistic physics, improving AI, huge game worlds.

Frankly Nintendo games aren't for everyone. With comparable power to the other next-gen consoles Wii U could have appealed to everyone as 3rd party games would have looked more or less the same and complimented the Nintendo exclusives.

It seems again, the only reason to buy a Nintendo system is only for the Nintendo games.

Time will tell how well 3rd party games sell on Wii U. If they do poorly, 3rd party support will plummet from an already weak position.

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Thepcz4182d ago (Edited 4182d ago )

nintendos goal was to produce a console with as low power consumption as possible. the wiiu obviously reflects that in its 'modest' spec sheet. doesnt mean its rubbish though. the numbers on the spec sheet are deceiving.

it was designed to be as efficient as possible, so the architecture is more important than high clock speeds etc.

proof of this truth can be found in all wiiu games out there on release day- they are either on par with, or outperform (albeit not by far) ps3/360 versions. so anybody who claims the clock speed is a handicap, is truly deluded, as the games prove at this early stage.

as time goes by, the gap between wiiu and ps3/360 games visually, will widen. wiiu will blow the ps3 and 360 away.

remember, all release date games were made quickly and on alien tech, so its amazing they were able to port them with such ease and to that high standard.

regardless of pointless, and frankly, pathetic bickering about 'da grafix,' wiius biggest selling point will be the inevitable AAA timeless classics that will come from nintendo and their 2nd party devs. EXCLUSIVELY.

nintendo are getting the third party support now, so ps3/360 fanboys can no longer use the argument that their fav franchises are not on nintendos console. wiiu will hve them, plus the added bonus of nintendos magic.

add to that the unique selling point of having a tablet style controller, and its very difficult to see how nintendo can fail.

Dno4181d ago

not one game on wii u outperforms its 360 counter part. have you even played the system?

actually dont play it just read the reviews.

ronin4life4181d ago

Well, Tekken Tag tournament.

Also, NONE of the multiplatform games come with Online passes on WiiU. That right there is a major improvement on the ps3/360 versions.

AO1JMM4181d ago

Yes I have and you are 1 blind troll.

chukamachine4181d ago

Your dreaming.

The wii u will never blow away the graphics on 360 or PS3.

You might get some textures that are better looking or a few things here and there. But nothing special.

Even with a top end pc maxed out, the only real difference is.


If you don't care about those, does not matter.

PS4 / 720 are going to be stronger, by how much is anyone's guess.

I don't want PS4 games looking like pc games now.

I already have a decent pc.

Hopefully Something else will happen. But I doubt it.

dennett3164181d ago

I think we've got to the point that graphics improvements are going to be more and more incremental. The next Xbox and Playstation aren't going to be these futuristic monoliths that so many Nintendo bashers have pictured them as lately.

All the talk of Black Ops 2 on 360 being "vastly superior" to the Wii U version is simply nonsense...a few scenes suffered from a couple of seconds of slowdown. That's it. I consider that really good considering the relatively quick port on an unfamiliar architecture - the WiiU CPU is quite unlike the 360 due to not being an in-order CPU.

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