
Wii U, PS4 and 720: Power Matters

With several developers expressing their disappointment at the Wii U’s average specs, some publications have come out saying that power doesn’t really matter as ‘graphics aren’t important’. Don’t be silly. - PSLS

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Sev4180d ago

By the power of grayskull!

alexcosborn4180d ago


4180d ago
shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4180d ago

Playstations power comes from it's core!!

NYC_Gamer4180d ago (Edited 4180d ago )

It's silly because some folks only relate upgraded hardware to better graphics..

MariaHelFutura4180d ago

Those people are stupid. More power equals more possibilities. LBP getting a sh!t load of more power to work with would be a great great example.

Obnoxious_Informer4180d ago

I heard a rumor there's gonna be a LBP MMO on PS4...the hell? Love to see some crazy concept in the LBP universe like that take form.

crunchychocobo4180d ago

Why upgrade without a better visual performance? Although I guess with Nintendo, have better graphics ever really been that important? And here come the angry replies...

deafdani4180d ago

Well, graphics were important for Nintendo in the NES, SNES, N64 and Gamecube days. They just changed perspective with the Wii, and regarding the Wii U it's still too soon to judge properly.

But yeah, Nintendo actually cared a lot about graphics back in the day. :P

rainslacker4180d ago

I think it's more that the consumer cared a lot about them so they had to cater to them. I mean back then they actually had to care about core gamers because we were the only gamers that existed.

And despite what anyone says, graphics do matter. They just aren't the end all be all when judging a games quality.

Zodiac4180d ago

The entire graphics vs gameplay debate has turned into something that it never was.

The whole debate started because people were judging the quality of the game based on graphics alone.

Basically, people were saying a game cannot be good unless it is in HD.

The debates as of late have turned into the graphics people thinking the gameplay people don't want good graphics at all, and vise versa for the gameplay people.

Nobody is saying power does not matter at all, but when IGN marks down Xenoblade Chronicles because it would have looked better on other consoles, or when G4 says that Skyward Sword looks underwhelming after showing gameplay of Uncharted 3 because and i quote "those graphics" then you lose a lot of credibility, and your word on the matter of video games doesn't mean anything anymore.

It's actions like the ones of IGN and G4 that completely warped the debate and turned it into a group of people not wanting the other.

sitharrefus4180d ago

I find it funny that developers fin the Wii u to be a dissapointment , lets make clear that nintendo asked them what hardware did they wanted in the console! And yes the next gen systems are going to be powerful but not that powerful i will not pay 600 dollars for an xbox or ps4

SAE4180d ago

You say it wont be that powerful yet you say you wont pay for a 600 dollars for a ps4 or xbox , why don't you say you love this generation prices instead of saying things no one knows ..

what's wrong if the next generation had that price ? .. if the power worth that money then why not ?.. it's not like you are gonna buy more then one console , what we should complain about are the price of the games and the limiting stuff not the price of a powerful console ..

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SimpleSlave3m ago

Please, keep the original art style and feel at least. Do not dilute these classics and turned them into clones of their sub-par sequels.

Also, how about some Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army and Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon love? And a sequel wouldn't hurt either. Something along the lines of Code Vein or even Scarlet Nexus would be cool. Just, you know, keep the original art style and feel.


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