
Reggie on CNN: "3rd-party games like CoD look dramatically better on Wii U"

Reggie on CNN talking about the Wii U.

The line of the title starts from 2:34

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-Mika-4179d ago

But it doesn't. That false advertisement Reggie.

Abash4179d ago

Reggie, I always thought you were a cool guy, but lying to consumers and making false claims to try and sell the Wii U is despicable. He has now lost all credibility

Jinkies4179d ago

Comes off as a little desperate...no

decrypt4179d ago


Console gamers.. dont care about graphics.

Check Wii sales for proof.

Mocat4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

Woo WOO WOo did she just conferm next gen console's for sony and microsoft to be released next year?

Information Minister4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

I would say that comes off as...

*puts on sun glasses*

... dramatically desperate.

AzaziL4179d ago

typical msm reporters, trading their credibility for a quick buck; sell outs...

iamnsuperman4179d ago

I agree. I don't mind them spinning the truth a little (that is marketing 101) but to out right lie and claim something that just isn't true is not on.

gaffyh4179d ago


Console gamers...do care about graphics.

Check PS3 and Xbox 360 sales for proof.

...See what I did there.

guitarded774179d ago

I like my Wii U, but Reggie is such a used car salesman, PR man and injury lawyer all rolled into one. If he was homeless he'd tell you he needs $20 to get home to his 5-year-old daughter's funeral (note: I work for a charitable org and this happens from drug users all the time).

The Wii U is comparable on its multiplatform titles, which is a good thing, but it has not proven itself to be "dramatically better". Even more BS, Reggie said in an E3 interview with Geoff Keighley that Wii U would have a trophy/achievement system. When asked by Keighley about it he said "We'll have all that".

Like I said, I like my Wii U and the potential of Zelda, Metroid and other Nintendo exclusives on it, but I do not like being lied to. It's not about graphics, it's about telling the truth and ethical behavior by a company. Nintendo needs better, more likable PR people here in the US. I know I will get hammered by some people, but Reggie has lied and skirted every question thrown at him unless the answer was "praise Nintendo".

Dee_914179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

@Information Minister
why that's preposterous!
*Takes off sunglasses*
... preposterously preposterous!!


Awesome_Gamer4179d ago

That is indeed false advertisement, i like the guy but damn!

Mounce4179d ago Show
knowyourstuff4179d ago

Are you kidding? He had no credibility before either, he's a BSing PR guy.

ChickeyCantor4178d ago

" He has now lost all credibility "

Like MS and Sony never lied.

I'm still waiting for my PS2 game with toy-story like graphics.
Where it at?

blackbeld4178d ago

Ohh please give Reggie a break!

He is just trying to learn and practice the Microsoft PR style. You know selling lies?

Exclusives ringing Bells? aka time exclusive.
RROD? aka refurbish hardware.
Xbox Live? aka free online.

I hope this will not be the trent for Nintendo. Cause I always have good thoughts about Nintendo back in the days 8bit NES/SNES/N64.

I loving they're products and I will buy Zelda again for HD!

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4178d ago
Muffins12234179d ago

He stuttered when he talked about graphics lololol
Nintnedos:"My weakness !!!It burnsss it burnsss!!!!"

jbgamer4179d ago

Yeah even videos being put up give the microsoft, and sony fan boys butt hurt because they know that he is telling the truth COD, and AC3 do look better maybe not dramatically better but better he is a business man but ask the fans even ones who own multiple systems say the same just because you are 2 biased to see that not his problem.

And every time someone puts up a video showing how much better the wii u version looks crying, wining galore happens if it was not true then why you all so upset and mocking reg for? I would just blow it off. LOL LOL LOL To that one

Dasteru4179d ago


Great, another delusional fanboy.


There is a side by side comparison with the WiiU and 360 versions of Black Ops 2.

The WiiU version was proven to be graphically identical to the 360 version but with about 30% LOWER framerates.

The 360 version averages 60fps
The WiiU version averages 42fps

Not only is the WiiU version not better, it is not even equal.

SilentNegotiator4179d ago

Nintendo was dancing around the Wii U specs issue from day 1 of announcement at E3.

Keighly said "NATIVE 1080p?"
Nintendo execs: "[stutter, stutter] *shuffle, shuffle*"

kupomogli4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )


I'm actually agreeing with you, but have a bit more to add.

Not only is the Wii U version of Black Ops 2 not as good as the 360 version, but it isn't as good as the PS3 version.

Everyone knows the PS3 version of every Call of Duty game is a bad port. Nintendo fanboys have called this and just about every other game that has been ported a bad port, but let me ask you fanboys something. If the PS3 and the Wii U versions of Black Ops 2 are bad ports, and the PS3 version runs considerably better, doesn't that make what all the devs saying how weak the Wii U is seem true?

Can't really argue with that. It's not like the 360 and PS3 have equal versions and the Wii U was the only bad port. It and the PS3 are bad ports but the Wii U version is much worse.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4179d ago
DeadlyFire4179d ago

What he should of said is that Black Ops 2 can look dramatically better on our system when developers maximize the power the WiiU has on it.

I still believe spec wise WiiU has potential for better looking games on it than PS3/X360 games when developers tap into it without just porting like what alot of this year's titles for it were.

Giru0174179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

When a 2012 console MAY have the potential to look SLIGHTLY better than a 2005 and 2006 console, there's a problem.

We're not asking for ultra 4K HD, 64xQ MSAA'd games with DirectX 13, supersampling and ray tracing. But how can games like Arkham City, released over a year ago (and as such, with plenty of time for optimization for the WiiU console) look better on a 7 year old console?
Framerate drops, textures failing to load, no improved resolution, no improved textures, no DX11-like tessalation, no Nvidia-like PhysX... All that's "improved" (lol) are a couple of armored (read: shiny) parts on Batman and Catwoman.

Of course, this criticism applies to most WiiU games, this just being an example. ZombieU looks worse than most modern FPS from a technical stand point and NintendoLand hardly impresses with... ...well, anything. If the system needs more time to mature, well, that's a problem, seeing as how the competition is litteraly just around the corner. And if said competition makes the console look ancient (and as such, the flow of 3rd party games [ie: ports] stops), there will be a sever problem for the users. After all, how many years are you willing to wait (again) for a Zelda game? The Wii didn't get it until it's last year. You willing to wait that long with your WiiU?

Deku-Johnny4179d ago

Well it's a fact that with the GPGPU being able to take a massive strain from the CPU means that when developers get use to the new architecture of the console they'll be able to make games look and feel a hell of a lot better.

Giru0174179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

I get that Deku-Johnny. The problem I'm trying to explain is that, if next gen REALLY improved graphically, it'll simply not be viable to port a game to an inferior console.

The need for devs to give the controller screen some use is already something slightly off-putting from a developlment stand point. If you also need to make a 2nd separate version of the game for it to run on the WiiU, after a certain point, it won't pay off. (Think of the Madden games when they were still released for PS2. At the time, PS3 adoption was at an all time low and the games would sell, thus, they kept making them. The second that slim ps3 released [and as such, the mass market adopted the ps3 console], ps2 ports of games stopped) The only person who is affected by this is, you, the consumer.

Yes, no doubt about it, once devs get used to the WiiU archtechture, there WILL be great games. Problem is, as I previously mentioned, time. Most devs (save for 1st party, obviously) will simply not stick around that long and develop games for a console with specific needs. It happened to the Wii (which is why it hardly received 3rd party love) and will (well, could) happen to the WiiU.

Games are developed on PC's. As such, a PC port is hardly ever a problem. From there, some optimization and work is required, but the next step is the ps3 and 360, whose architechture they are familiar with. (look at what happened when the devs WEREN'T familiar with the PS3's CELL. No games, crap ports, dead console [at the time]. Cue PS3 HAS NO GAMES jokes). The PS4 won't go the same route as the PS3's mistakes, they WILL make it easy to develop for. Same goes for 720. But the WiiU? The 2nd screen alone is already a development and bug testing nightmare if you use it for anything more than menus or some basic function, at which point it's nothing more than a gimick.

Accelerometer, touch screen, motion controls, etc. All these things have to be developed and tested, there's no PORT TO Wii/WiiU button. There's a reason why there's no 3rd party games on Wii, why PS Move is dead and why Kinect games all suck. The resources needed to make these things work severly outbalance the payoff. And, I don't know about you, I'd rather have that attention, manpower and time put into polishing the games, bug testing and optimization than into some gimick a company is paying extra for.

BrianC62344179d ago

It could also look a lot better on the PS3 but never will. The developer is too lazy or being paid to make the PS3 version look the same as the 360 version. Actually, I think they're paid to make the 360 version better.

Norrison4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

None of the next gen consoles won't be able to run Nvidia Physx, they won't be a huge improvement over the Wii U, only fanboys are saying that. They will be better, yes, but unless sony's and microsoft's consoles get released in 2014 or have a 500+$ price tag, you won't see an improvement as big as you think.

But I'm certain the new consoles will have at least 1080p and MAYBE some DX11 effects like tesselation. But if you use an effect like HBAO it will make consoles crawl.

Not really, they could improve the framerate though, but I don't actually think they test it out since both consoles got framerate problems.

DA_SHREDDER4179d ago

I've seen games on the wiiu and everything looks more vibrant and frame rates are way better.

GrumpyVeteran4179d ago

When a 2012 console more often than not doesn't look better than an 05/06 console, there's a huge fucking problem.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4179d ago
shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

Reggie is a nintendo fanboy. no surprise.
Lets see how ninty fanboys will use their loyalty to spin this one.

I wish he said "dramatically better than the highest $200 - $4000 pc" Would have been funny.

"Well it's a fact that with the GPGPU being able to take a massive strain from the CPU means that when developers get use to the new architecture of the console they'll be able to make games look and feel a hell of a lot better."

Also that will take away for the gpu doing it main purpose.. graphics..

Trade offs are a bitch.
This can be avoided with a good cpu.

d3nworth14179d ago

Reggie works for nintendo he'is not a fanboy it's his job. Though saying that 3rd party games look drastically better on wii U is a stretch. All the 3rd party look pretty much the same some slightly worse. The wii u version of Black OPs 2 even had worse frame rate than the ps3 version.

gpturbo814179d ago

if you dont have a wii u, on what basis are you runnin your mouth

StanSmith4179d ago

@everyone above and a select few below

What did you expect him to say? "Yeah, the graphics on WiiU, at best, match those of the cheaper Xbox 360. Our platform has framerate drops too, but hey, whatcha gonna do?"

He's trying to sell the damn console. Why would he say it's worse than the 360? Good grief!

Talk about overreacting...

HappyCamper1724179d ago

He could say they look the same as developers haven't yet reached consoles potential (if there is any) but he doesn't need to lie!!!!!

No excuses for that kind of **** he's trying to sell us as the test can easily be found on youtube.

I thought he's a cool guy.

sjaakiejj4179d ago

Sell the system on something other than Graphics, as simple as that. It's what they did with the Wii, so I don't understand why he pushes such a blatant lie into this interview.



I completelly agree about the route he should had took if he has an agenda to follow (it's his job) but don't want to lie. That said, I can see why Ninty would order him to specifically taunt graphics...

The moment the competition reached some fighting chance price and motion controls were no longer on trending topics between soccer moms, Wii was doomed, anyone who would walk into a store and no longer be impressed by the Wiimote would just look at what was being shown at the screen... Right next to either a PS3 or 360... It didn't looked good for 'em and hence Wii simply took a nose dive in sales in the last years.

Right now they must be trying to make the costumer aware that their new games will look good, but indeed, he should had gone with "just as good and it will improve in the future" instead of out right lie with "dramatically better".

porkChop4179d ago

He could have just said that the game looks great on the Wii U. Claiming that it looks "dramatically better" is an outright lie and false advertising. There's no excuse or justification for that. Not only do they NOT look better, many of them perform MUCH worse. I know he's trying to sell the console, that's his job, but there are right ways to do that and wrong ways. This was one of the wrong ways. Lying to your customers and potential customers is never a good way to gain their trust and confidence.

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CalvinKlein4179d ago

ahaha this guy should apply for a job at sony since hes so good a over-hyping and lying about his consoles graphical capabilities.

BrianC62344179d ago

Sony doesn't lie or overhype their consoles. The PS3 is proof of that. Sony's games all look great. Third party developers are the problem. Nintendo now has that problem. They want all games to be the same no matter how much more powerful one console is over another.

Blasphemy4179d ago

Dramatically better. LOL, Reggie who you tryin to fool.

Blaze9294179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

lmfao he straight up meant the ps3 and 360. aw man this guy is hilarious. nvm everything i was saying you can't spin that hahaha

aceitman4179d ago

wow dramatically , nice lie reggie ,now i know hes full of it , he can try to lie to thewii owners or casual gamers but he cant lie to the hadcore.

nerdkiller4179d ago

rabel!rabel!rabel!rabel!rabel! rabel!

“my console better” “no my consoles better” blah blah blah... fan boys

showtimefolks4179d ago

while he is lying what do you expect him to say? his job is to sell the product so he is doing what any high up will do in a national interview

GribbleGrunger4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

This is a very odd fib. Baring in mind that the only people that are going to be hoodwinked by such a move are those who know nothing about consoles, and also taking into consideration that anyone who is 'interested' in graphics will be too savvy to buy this prevarication, just who exactly is Reggie trying to fool here? The tech heads are going to react exactly the same as 90% of the people in this thread and the casuals are simply not going to care... I have to say that this does sound a tad desperate. This is about promoting COD for the Wiiu, not about being honest. Something tells me 3rd party devs are getting cold feet and Nintendo are worried.

soljah4179d ago

does it matter if the statement is true or false? in less then 12 months the wii u will be competing against a whole new generation of consoles by Microsoft and Sony. then lets see Reggie make that claim.
why is he even comparing the wii u to 7 year old consoles?

bigfish4179d ago

WOW! i've never seen a guy lie and not even wince and break eye contact! seriously, wow!! i'm genuinely shocked!

FanboyPunisher4179d ago

Reality check, CNN always lies or twists reality to the viewer.

This just further proves how CNN is merely a marketing tool ontop of it.

1upgamer994178d ago

CNN did not say anything. In fact they asked questions about Nintendo being behind when PS4 And 720 come out. It was Reggie who did most of the talking. God help you if you watch Fox news...LMAO

kopicha4179d ago


then go back and play your Atari 2600 and get out of this / next gen's console.

yeahokchief4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

Nice to see you're all catching on. This guy is a tool and a douche.

I'm not buying anything nintendo until this guy is gone.

willie324179d ago

I got burned by the Wii. I will not fall for current gen technology passed off as new gen.

willie324179d ago

The games will look dramatically different when the next generation ps4 and xbox 720 releases next year.

Syntax-Error4178d ago

I was enraged by his lies. The fact that he said CoD was dramatically superior to current gen consoles is a big fat lie. Then he said Netflix on the Wii was also the best. Are you kidding me? I think MS has something say when it comes to online just as Sony has something to say when it comes to graphics. Seriously, Nintendo has now caught up to current gen when Sony and MS are going next gen. The development kits have already been released to developers for next gen and seeing what MGS:GS and Last of Us look like now, I am sure the Wii-U can't compare. I would love to see if Wii-U could handle God of War

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 4178d ago
1upgamer994179d ago

WOW, I like Reggie, and LOVE Nintendo, but this was just false. In fact BOPS3 looks better on Wii U than PS3, but not quite as good as 360. Assassins creed 360 is sharper than Wii U. To me the Wii U Assassins looks washed out compared to 360. It still looks good, but I am just saying. Reggie, Reggie, Reggie.

Reverent4179d ago

Please try to rephrase your comment and try again.

jbgamer4179d ago

I have the games they look better on wii u nice way to try to convince people you are fair "LOL" Right! Xbox fan.

Hicken4179d ago

Apparently, they don't. Poorer framerate in black Ops 2, textures that don't load in Arkham City.

When the games DO look better, they don't look much better, which is the problem.

ChickeyCantor4178d ago


How is that the consoles fault?
It's the developers just smashing code in there without knowing the console to the fullest.

You mention two things the developers didn't care to look into. This is not Nintendos fault.

Why are you expecting ports to look better?

1upgamer994178d ago

I am fair. Nintendo is my choice for a console, but plain and simple most of these ports DO NOT look better on Wii U. Its a plain and simple fact. All you have to do is view the Video comparison of all three and you will see that I am right. Frankly I don't care that they don't look better. I would rather have the Gamepad to play on. I am NOT an Xbox fan LOL that was the funniest part of your comment. I play PS3 and Wii/Wii U. I frankly think xbox fans are PC gamer wannabes.

WildStyles4179d ago (Edited 4179d ago )

Dat dishonesty, Not surprising in the least.

Schawk4179d ago

Roll on the 30th, thx for the confirmation reggie but i already know.

LOL_WUT4179d ago

Take off the tinfoil hat!

kesvalk4179d ago

isn't the tinfoil hat to RESIST brainwashing?

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anast268d ago (Edited 268d ago )

Reggie is actually a creative marketing manager. He is the real deal. I think the guy might even be above average in the sales department. He got people to accept cheaply made products for extremely high prices and not only accept the situation but to defend him in a way to make sure their favorite sales manager gets rich, and on top of all of this, he kept the pop-culture train rolling. The dude is a true hustler.

Michiel1989268d ago

because the majority of people who buy nintendo products know Reggie....you're one of the most pathetic fanboys I've seen in a good while. Always ready to shit on everything non-Sony and when sony controller ports fuck up at EVO no one is allowed to report on it...just sad.

Ataraxias268d ago

Bruh, all that was a compliment to Reggie.

anast268d ago

I'm all good. It looks like you got somethings to work on.

anast268d ago


It's a compliment. I highlighted all the stuff he excelled at, which is more than most execs in gaming.

Michiel1989267d ago

You know that I wasn't talking about your compliments about Reggie. I don't get how you don't get tired of constantly shitting on other platforms, shills like you is honestly why I don't visit this site anymore.

anast267d ago

"You know that I wasn't talking about your compliments about Reggie. I don't get how you don't get tired of constantly shitting on other platforms, shills like you is honestly why I don't visit this site anymore."

I'll just leave that here. My advice still stands.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 267d ago

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jznrpg429d ago

My wife who generally hates games has taken over my PS5 for last couple days to play PSVR2 when she is home . Now I have to go get another PS5 at least .

S2Killinit428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

LOL 😂 you are a good husband.

SurgicalMenace428d ago

Suffice it to say, you've convinced her.

Einhander1971428d ago

Yes totally agree, niche is better sometimes.


‘Don’t hold your breath’ for Mother 3 or more Earthbound, says Reggie Fils-Aimé

From VGC: "Former Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé has cautioned fans not to expect further releases in the Earthbound series in the near future.

Mother – or Earthbound, as it’s known in the West – saw its third instalment released on the Game Boy Advance in Japan over 15 years ago, but despite persistent requests from fan groups it has never received an official English release.

The Earthbound series received renewed attention in February after Nintendo announced that both Earthbound and its predecessor Earthbound Beginnings (aka Mother) would be added to Switch Online’s SNES and NES apps."

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BrainSyphoned730d ago

He would happily suggest buying a NFT of Ness though. Thank God he is a semi-retired mouthpiece.