
Halo 4 Review | EGM

EGM: "It’s been an impressive run, but after a decade of the same basic experience, I can’t escape the feeling that Halo needs to try a bit harder. Fans of the game will have a blast here, and the multiplayer is something special, but if you expected Halo 4 to keep up with the Joneses, you might be disappointed."

Muffins12234210d ago

This reviewer fails,same person who gives cod a 10 when he complains about halo having the same god damn formula,please dont approve this garbage...

smashcrashbash4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

Why call it garbage? Because he gave it a lower score then anyone else? He just thought they didn't try hard enough to make it different

LOGICWINS4210d ago

It's the Internetz

Differing opinion = garbage opinion

Skeletor884210d ago

They're opinions aren't justified. How many games really change drastically over the course of a decade? These guys gave Tekken Tag 2 a 9 even though it's the same game from 1995.

Most importantly they gave fucking Call of Duty a 9. Halo needs to try harder but the yearly rehash of COD is worthy of a 9?

No wonder no one respects EGM

TENTONGUN4210d ago

sometimes when a franchise changes its formula its not for the better. resident evil comes to mind. its halo and i expect halo. i understand maybe an evolution next gen would be needed. but im down with this last halo game on the 360

aviator1894210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

I normally am not outspoken about these reviews, but this review truly is unsettling. Want to know why?

They gave Modern Warfare 3 a 9.0, a game in which literally nothing changed, introduced noting new to the franchise, and really played it safe, while they are now bashing Halo 4 with a 7.0, claiming that the game needs to try harder with changes and improvements. Sound hypocritical to you?

Here's everything new in Halo 4: Spartan Ops (free weekly chapters of missions up to 50 missions total, turret defense style dominion mode, several much needed and enhancing features in forge including dynamic lighting that pairs up the environment lighting with object placement among other key features such as magnets to make forging incredibly intuitive and easy, brand new leveling system, 3 incredibly diverse forge worlds each with unique forge pieces, an actual flood mode where they took the time to give your character a claw and flood skin, etc. I could literally go on and on about the changes and new introductions in Halo 4 new to the series.)

StanLee4210d ago

The problem with reviews from many sites is inconsistency but different reviewers have different opinions of games. That's why if you're looking at review scores to decide on a purchase, you look at a consensus; What's the prevailing opinion. The prevailing opinion is, Halo 4 kicks a**!

Intentions4210d ago

yet he gives a high score for cod when it is the same game every year

DatNJDom814210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

My my so many tears. Get over it. The reviewer didn't like it so what? Buy it if you're a fan.

"He gave halozzz a lowz scorez." Shut up. 7 is good. That means its as good as Killzone. :P

mewhy324210d ago

Wow...this from a guy that gave cod a 10. Move on.

gaffyh4210d ago

Well, what I've gathered from all these reviews so far is this:

If you like Halo, you will like Halo 4.
If you've never liked Halo, you still won't like Halo 4.
If you were on the fence, Halo 4 is worth checking out.

kikizoo4209d ago (Edited 4209d ago )

Look at the cry babies, when you have mathematics proof than edge and others are biased toward ps3, donwplaying the best games this gen, they are saying "move on, it's just opinion, don't be a fanboy" and now, look at the comments here, and the agree/disagrees here XD

LOL@extreme fanatics like straighpath :
"one of the highest games games all year and all time
one of the highest rated games this year"

roflmao !
really, frustrated gamers/haters without great exclusives, best hardware, and paying for online, are obviously the worst..

FACTUAL evidence4209d ago (Edited 4209d ago )

@ Skeletor88

Every Tekken was NEVER the same. I'm sorry pal, but you honestly need to think of a different franchise. I could name so many changes in Tekken it's not even funny. I just think you needed the latest review from them to try to pull a point, but Tekken has never been the same. Try again. I can almost tell you're not a Tekken fan, or hardly play.

miyamoto4209d ago (Edited 4209d ago )


sometimes when the original creators leave a successful franchise its not for the better resident evil comes in mind

that's a fact

but no one is stopping any gamer to enjoy their games just because some people did not like it


The original creative director wanted to take the series to a new direction but M$ wanted it to remain the same and does not want to make risky changes to the same formula and it shows in the reviews

some people want to play the same game over and over that is fine

some people want to play a new & different game that is fine too

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4209d ago
smashcrashbash4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

Damn it. Double post

IAMERROR4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

This reviewer is incredibly biased and wants Halo to be a COD clone with a Halo skin. I'm not saying this because I'm a Halo fan, I saying this because it is blatantly apparent by this man's review. EGM should honestly fire this guy or at least delete the review and have someone who isn't biased review the game. Here's a lil quote that made me laugh.
"These low points are openly exacerbated by the series’ staunch refusal to get with the times when it comes to game mechanics and level design, ignoring obvious enhancements like big-ticket sequences and proper iron-sights mechanics in favor of their age-old addiction to slow, methodical combat in unnecessarily large environments."

dillydadally4210d ago

Wow. Just wow. Anyone who complains about Halo not having iron sights should not be reviewing a halo game. It shows they don't understand the game nor its style of gameplay at all. Millions of people roll their eyes when they read that. He loses all credibility as a games journalist immediately with a paragraph like that.

In addition, its just plain stupid to say Halo 4 hasn't changed. There has not been an FPS sequel in years with this much change from its last numbered entry. Its been completely reworked by 343i to the point many fanboys are screaming its no longer even Halo at all! The engine, sound, and motion capture has been nearly doubled in quality! That alone was enough to make Battlefield 3 considered an amazing sequel, despite few other changes. Its obvious this man wanted it to be a completely different game that would completely abandon the gameplay elements that makes it hugely successful and loved. Fire this idiot, or at least never let him touch a halo game again!

ZombieNinjaPanda4209d ago

It's funny, iron sights makes games slower than Halo. You have to stop all movement just to ADS and then aim at your target. Last I checked that's not fast gameplay.

Christopher4209d ago

***EGM should honestly fire this guy or at least delete the review and have someone who isn't biased review the game. Here's a lil quote that made me laugh.***

Just FYI, every review is "biased". What you're essentially saying is they should replace his review with someone who fits your personal bias, meaning a score you feel is better representative of Halo 4.

Sounds like we're ignoring the idea of personal opinion, here.

IAMERROR4209d ago

No, I support personal opinion but professional reviews shouldn't be biased. Not every reviewer is biased, case in point, I'm not.

IAMERROR4209d ago

I'm not saying that the review is biased because he doesn't agree with me (I don't even have an opinion on the game yet), I'm saying that because the reasons he has are just ridiculous, expecting iron sights in Halo and other things is like expecting Mario to have speedy gameplay like Sonic. Halo has already implemented modern things like the ability to sprint and to have custom classes but he wants Halo to not even be Halo anymore. The grade itself (7/10) isn't even the bad nor the beef people have with this review. This guy came into this wanting it to be a COD clone, and this is very evident. I don't care whether this review agrees or disagrees with me (Like I said I don't even have an opinion about Halo 4 yet) there have been other reviews that are more in depth and give real criticisms, this review comes off as a shallow attempt to generate views (in which is succeeded). Feel free to message me your response if you'd like so I can respond(used up me comments).

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4209d ago
JasonXS124210d ago

It wouldn't be a sequel if it didn't have the same formula. IF SAY Mass Effect 2 had an RPG formula but Mass Effect 3 had RTS formula then it wouldn't be considered a sequel, more of a crappy spin-off.
Now I myself don't personally play Halo but according to testimonials from friends and positive attitudes towards the Halo franchise, I find a 7/10 hard to believe for such a popular game.

Heavenly King4209d ago

M$ did not paid them that is all. They paid IGN and other major websites to rate it 9 plus, but did not paid other sites. And that is why it is getting this score.

This is how the industry works if you have not realized that yet.

chukamachine4209d ago

Shh, don't tell them the truth.

Quick pack your stuff and hide. Microsoft has sent out it's ninja's for you.

PimpDaddy4209d ago

So is this the same theory for Sony and Nintendo too??? Or is Microsoft the only evil empire in your conspiracy theory???

starchild4209d ago

Do you have a shred of proof?

Thought not. Moron.

For the most part I find that games that receive high critical acclaim are by and large the better games once I actually play them for myself.

Now, I haven't played Halo 4 yet, but the vast majority of reviews have been extremely positive so I have little doubt that it will be an exceptional game.

adorie4209d ago

Well, damn. CoD gets to ride a 9 while a great game like Halo 4 gets a 7?

Color me pissed off. I'm not even a Halo fan,but I've played this game recently (review copy) and thought it was a 9 easily.

Graphics, sound, presentation and gameplay were all great and felt a little more fluid compared to past Halo games.

W/e at the end of the day these reviews are just glorified opinions.

ZombieNinjaPanda4209d ago

I'd give it an 8.5 max. It had a lot of flaws, gameplay and story wise that would detract. And multiplayer additions that are stupid imo.

legionsoup4209d ago

Since when was a 7 a poor score? That's above average.

All of this EGM bashing makes me sad, as a gamer who's been around for a long time...

Blastoise4209d ago

Reviews are different these days. A 7 is more or less garbage.

Back in the day only THE very best games got 9's ect. Super Mario 64, Ocarina of time, Final fantasy VII & IX, Metal gear solid ect

These days anything gets critical acclaim, and this is why everyone is going crazy over a 7, what was once a good score now just doesnt mean the same...

lategamer4209d ago

It's not about the score, it's about the text. The reviewer basically wants the game to go from Halo to Call of Duty. He wants more scripted events, less "open spaces" because its pointless, and he wants ADS.

And thats not Halo. Halo is one of the few games left that are similar to Quake and other Arcade Arena shooters.

StraightPath4209d ago

this review is pathetic cant believe accepted in metacritic. well no one really cares about this sole one persons poor review. Halo 4 will go on to be

one of the highest games games all year and all time

one of the highest rated games this year

a killer exclusive returns for xbox 360.

only available on xbox 360 tuesday 6th cant come soon enough!!

NastyLeftHook04209d ago

its going to be on metacritic....;)

Flewid6384209d ago (Edited 4209d ago )

Man......people who like this sort of game are like Communists.

"Off with the head of anyone who doesn't like this game!"

Seriously....not EVERYONE is going to like EVERYTHING.

It's called...........BEING HUMAN.

lategamer4209d ago

Copy and Pasted from what I wrote earlier:

It's not about the score, it's about the text. The reviewer basically wants the game to go from Halo to Call of Duty. He wants more scripted events, less "open spaces" because its pointless, and he wants ADS.

And thats not Halo. Halo is one of the few games left that are similar to Quake and other Arcade Arena shooters.

You would think with more and more games trying to replicate Call of Duty (BF Campaign, MOH, etc.) that games that try to stray from the "walk down hall way, trigger scripted event" would be given some credit. However, in the case of this review, it's a negative. A negative because the reviewer wants the game to be something it isn't, and won't become.

Christopher4209d ago

@lategamer: Yeah, and people wanted Killzone to be CoD, Uncharted to be GeoW, Darksiders to be GoW, and so on. Most often reviewers compare a game to their ideal FPS and rate it based on that. Some reviewers have a wider view of what they like, some don't.

Just one guy's opinion, same as this review.

Note: I do recognize this one and the 5/10 score are way outside of the standard deviation of scores for the game and don't represent the 'norm' but they do represent how some may feel about the game.

4Sh0w4209d ago (Edited 4209d ago )

Agreed lategamer. I recognize the reviewers right to his opinion, I just don't agree with his logic, because many of his cons are what what makes Halo, uhmm Halo and its changed plenty. Still I hate when people say "well they gave COD __" as if that makes them wrong about this particular review based on a past review because it doesn't work like that, 1st its often different reviewers and 2nd even if its the same guy whos to say that he can't think COD is better than exclusive ___ that just proves you don't like COD, nothing more, maybe just maybe different people like the COD formula better.

Similar stuff like this happens with every big exclusive though, some will say it hasn't changed enough and some will say its the same old thing, I'm kind of numb to it, but I think this review is just as valid as the 10/10 reviews because it just depends on what you want from Halo4, if you were expecting some change but mostly just a great Halo story and kickass gameplay then it delivers, if you were expecting some with major overhauls becoming some "fresh" new FPS experience then you might be disappointed. At the end of the day its just 1 opinion, don't take too much from it, look at a lot of reviews to get a better idea of whether YOU will like the game.

From what I've seen no doubt I will love this game, much respect to 343 for their high quality work in keeping the Halo legacy intact.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4209d ago
Chuk54210d ago

I just don't think people should expect them to flip the formula on its head. Well, personally I was never expecting them to. This too much of a sacred cow, for 343 to just up and alienate all the loyal fans. Halo 5 should be a different story

Very excited for Tuesday though

SJPFTW4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

"These low points are openly exacerbated by the series’ staunch refusal to get with the times when it comes to game mechanics and level design, ignoring obvious enhancements like big-ticket sequences and proper iron-sights mechanics in favor of their age-old addiction to slow, methodical combat in unnecessarily large environments."

This is why the review is terrible. Its basically saying that it is not Call of Duty enough. LOLOLOL wow. Iron sights would be retarded in Halo, so would more COD-like killstreaks, and anything that would transform Halo into more of a generic military shooter. Halo gameplay is more old school and suppose to play similar to games like Unreal Tournament or Tribes. And that is why it is successful. No need to change it into another COD.

Considering that everyone is trying to be like COD now, Halo is probably one of the only handful of FPS that is unique and trying to do its own thing. I applaud 343i for not selling out. Can't say the same for most franchises.

LOL and EGM gave MW3 a 9. Yahh I guessing MW3 had a engaging and emotional story too, and Call of Duty innovates every year... like PUHHLLEEASSEE

grifter0244210d ago

"Unnecessarily large environments."

Did he actually say this in a review are you serious?!

I actually like playing in BTB just goofing around trying to splatter people...if 343i made Halo smaller with no big maps it would fail tremendously.

"Big Ticket Sequences."

So this reviewer wants more can't control little cutscenes in the game than actual gameplay?

"The game narrative doesn't live up to Farcry 3 or Dishonored."

You're actually comparing a FPS storyline to an RPG and a open world FPS really!

"An the thrill of more non shooting thrills goes unfulfilled."

So you want LESS shooting sequences in a FPS as well?!

This guy is an idiot plain and simple. looking at his old stories he actually hypes Resident Evil 6...so it's obvious this guy is an idiot.

aviator1894210d ago

In addition, he think that Halo 4 is inferior because it doesn't support iron-sights like call of duty does... :/

Paradicia4210d ago

"ignoring obvious enhancements like big-ticket sequences and proper iron-sights mechanics"

Any hardcore halo fan can only laugh at the above quote from the review.

ALLWRONG4210d ago

It's EGM, the mag was replaced by 1up years ago. All the great people during it's heyday are gone or fired long ago. The mag is now filled with crap copy and pasted from the web. Sometimes they screw up and you can see the like/dislike links from the site the copied it from.

TekoIie4209d ago

Cutscenes > big-ticket sequences

I'm dead serious I love cutscenes and Halo 4's look amazing :D

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Master Chief Became More Than A Machine In 343's Halo

In Halo 4, 5, and Infinite, Master Chief became a more nuanced, human character.

In spite of the Halo series’ struggles, 343 deserves praise for adding nuance and characterisation to the ever-beating heart of Halo - The Master Chief. Playing through Infinite, it's abundantly clear that the events of the current and previous trilogies have irrevocably changed the iconic hero. He’s no longer the ‘blank slate’ that was previously presented by Bungie. He’s a fatigued, damaged and fallible protagonist, and one who is meandering through currents of grief, while reveling in his newfound agency. Giving the Chief a compelling and meaningful voice was no small feat, and 343 should be proud of that victory.

Read Full Story >>
kingnick425d ago

This article completely misses part of the appeal of the original iteration of character in the original game trilogy. It was the Chief and Cortana vs an entire alien collective. The blank slate Bungie displayed in their games was genius, he was an mysterious hero a wide audience could identify with because he wasn't as clearly defined as most characters.

The books added a lot of lore and backstory but most Halo players just want a fun game with exposition that doesn't get in the way of gameplay, it's why the Cortana level in Halo 3 was derided.

Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty.

BandarHub424d ago

A lot of people give the 343 version of Master Chief a lot of slack.
But Fundamentally he is still the same character, he just has a couple more dialogues. He has not changed in terms of attitude.
"Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty."
And that's what he has done at the end of the day, he did his duty. Watch his partner die, and was ready to destroy the weapon in Halo infinite....he is still the same soilder that everyone remembers

Halo Infintes one was a nice balance between both.

slate91424d ago

Chief and the halo franchise became a joke under 343

Sciurus_vulgaris424d ago

The 343i Master Chief has is based on the books. However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion.

Obscure_Observer424d ago

"However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion."

Which is awesome! I love how Master Chief become more John and less soldier.

Sciurus_vulgaris424d ago

I didn’t even notice my typos,lol


Halo's Identity Problem Began With an Admirable Mess

It’s a law of nature that eventually, every long-running game franchise will have a particular entry that gets dinged for straying too far from what made it so fun in the first place. Your Super Mario Sunshine, your Dragon Age II, Assassin’s Creed III, and so on. Whether or not that opinion changes more favorably over time, the initial specter of negativity will forever hover it. Microsoft’s Halo is no exception, except that negative specter hasn’t hovered over one particular game, but one whole studio.

The3faces544d ago

True Halo 4 was a sign of 343i's incompetence and the decline of Halo.


10 Years Later, Halo 4 Proves Itself a Disappointing Omen for Halo Infinite

Halo 4 released 10 years ago today, and its disappointing reception was just an omen of things to come with 343 Industries at the helm.

Read Full Story >>
Sonyslave3553d ago (Edited 553d ago )

Halo 4 and infinite have a 87 on metacritic and five a 84🤣. 343i need contents and everything else will play it self out.

ChasterMies552d ago

Halo 4, 5, and Infinite reviews are good examples of the pressure on review sites to score everything between 8-10 out of 10.

ChubbyBlade552d ago

As if reviews scores are any indication of a franchises health.

Halo has been in shambles for YEARS

-Foxtrot553d ago

Halo 4-6 are like the Star Wars sequel trilogy

They all just seem like a brand new games with small connections to the last one but no solid arc connecting them, you’re just told stuff that happened off screen in between the games and nothing makes sense

It’s like they didn’t plan a new trilogy out

CoNn3rB552d ago

That's actually a pretty good way to sum it up

LucasRuinedChildhood552d ago (Edited 552d ago )

I would argue that the new Star Wars trilogy is still better. lol

Most Halo fans would kill for the equivalent of The Force Awakens at this stage (a competent rehash of what came before it). Halo Infinite tried to be that but was undercooked and failed. Halo 4 wasn't that either - they started messing with the formula straight away although the story was okay.

There was nothing particularly compelling about Halo 5's story besides the fake plot they advertised. The Last Jedi is a divisive movie but as RedLetterMedia would say, it was "sporadically interesting" because it tried some new things and set up things that could have been great (like Kylo teaming up with Rey after backstabbing Snoke). That conversation with Yoda is great and it felt like the real Yoda, not that CGI thing in the prequels.
- "Skywalker, still looking to the horizon. Never here, now, hmm? The need in front of your nose."
- "The greatest teacher, failure is ... Luke, we are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters."
- "That library contained nothing that the girl Rey does not already possess." (because she already took them, haha).

The Rise Of Skywalker is the only one where loads of stuff happens off screen ("Palpatine has returned") in between and nothing makes sense because ... they just needed a main villain and 100 star destroyers to blow up. They could have done something much better.

MrChow666552d ago

no, all disney star wars sucks also disney marvel and everything godamn disney touches

553d ago Replies(3)
Yui_Suzumiya553d ago

Um, didn't Halo 4 have the best campaign out of the new Trilogy? Lol

ChubbyBlade552d ago

Yep and even then it wasn’t very good.

Levii_92553d ago

I'm getting a good gaming laptop soon and i'm finally going to play through the Halo franchise again plus Infinite but i never played Halo 4 before .. can anyone tell me how's the campaign in comparison to the games before it and compared to Halo 5 ?

Stanjara552d ago

Halo 4 campaign great, multi bad.
Halo 5 campaign trash, multi good.

Best Cortana halo 4.

ChubbyBlade552d ago (Edited 552d ago )

Halo 4 was when they started turning it into a “modern” game. Aka taking tips from CoD.

The older titles were sandbox based with weapons that all filled a niche and vehicles that did the same. Open levels with multiple ways to approach in different spots with different weapons etc.

Halo 4/5 doesn’t have that. It’s a linear shooter and nothing else. The story is alright but that’s about it. If it wasn’t a halo game, it would be ok but because it is a halo game, it’s outshone by the previous games.

It’s a hell of a lot better than 5 though. I found infinite pretty meh

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