
Vault Hunters plagued by ‘Do No Harm’ Borderlands 2 bug

WARNING: this article contains possible spoilers.

Since the release of Gearbox Software’s FPSRPG Borderlands 2, a growing number of budding explorers are encountering a problem with ‘Do No Harm’, one of the game’s side missions.

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Vettur4379d ago

Hey, thanks for adding the spoiler warning :)

csreynolds4379d ago (Edited 4379d ago )

You're very welcome - I know all too well how annoying it is when you find out something you didn't want to...

shammgod4379d ago

Sweet, I am one that ha been hit with this bug, and I progressed much too far to start over

Slugg3r4379d ago

There is also a bug with the arena where you fight bandits in the fifth and last round. Played through the first 4 rounds with my friend, then in the fifth round near the end of fourth wave enemies just stopped coming and we had to kill ourselves to get out of the arena. We tried again and got the exactly the same results.

AtomicGerbil4379d ago

I was hit with this yesterday, just carried on with other missions content in the knowledge that Gearbox will fix it soon enough........Unlike some developers!

At least it's not a game breaker.

xyxzor4379d ago

Man, good thing I didn't try doing this quest already. Good thing a fix is in the pipeline.

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I Sure Hope The Next Borderlands Is A Lot Like Borderlands 2

Ahmad from eXputer: "Borderlands 2's unrivaled storytelling is something that has to lean into the core elements of the next iteration in the Borderlands series."

TheNamelessOne37d ago

What? You didn't love the cringe writing that 3 had?

pwnmaster300037d ago

Playing it now and it’s not so bad, but I’ve just started so maybe it will get worse

DustMan36d ago

It's not bad. It's just hard to top Handsome Jack as an antagonist. I really enjoyed 3. It has the best gameplay of the entire series, and it holds the same vibe. Tiny Tina's Wonderland was a huge disappointment to me.

Demetrius36d ago

I recently finished 3, definitely had fun fr

-Foxtrot37d ago

I'm curious how they are going to do the Siren since they've kind of wrote themselves into a corner regarding the lore.

gold_drake37d ago

well, im sure the last eridium slab is the answer to that. either mystery or villain

-Foxtrot37d ago

I meant more in terms of how they established only 6 Sirens can exist in the entire Universe...which was kind of silly to me as they seem to all end up on Pandora, and the Universe is a pretty big place.

Then there's now the fact, since Borderlands 3 retconed it, when a Siren dies she can transfer her power to the next Siren, they don't have to be born with it. This also means there's only 6 Siren powers which will end up being recycled as the franchise goes on.

Phasewalk (Lilith)
Phaselock (Maya / Ava)
Phasetrance (Amara)
Phaseshift (Angel / Tannis)
Phaseleech (Tyreen)

So there's only one power unaccounted for and I'm guessing it belonged to Commandant Steele. There was Queen Dido but she died and someone else like Amara, Maya or Angel could have gotten their powers so really it only gives them one more Siren before they need to start rethinking things going forward.

Either we get Phaseleech next or whatever power Commandant Steele had (kind of odd she never used it in her boss fight but you know).

Terry_B36d ago

inb4 the next siren is a trans character.

gold_drake37d ago

it will probably be alot like wonderlands, since that is the last borderlands game

but we'll see soon

Terry_B36d ago

Most people do. But the people that create the games don't seem to understand that.

I bet it will be even worse than BL3 when it comes to story and character designs.

RaidenBlack36d ago

Hey Gearbox, remember Brothers in Arms?

Abnor_Mal36d ago

I would love a new game in the series, or a remake/remaster of the first three games.

RaidenBlack36d ago

I'd want them to do the 4th part and just end the story of Baker Company.


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Kaii305d ago

Hopefully, they fired the entire writing team after B3 cause that dialogue was truly atrocious.

jeromeface304d ago

doubtful... this is gearbox we're talking about.. Randy thinks everything the studio does is gold because he has a bad concept of reality

DrDoomer304d ago

FFS make something else. If you can't make anything new, at least bring back Brothers In Arms or something.

-Foxtrot304d ago

I know it will never happen (for obvious story reasons that's happened) but I wish we could play the original Vault hunters again with new abilities you could choose to develop in a skill branch. Never really felt I could get behind most of them after the first game, especially move wise. Lilith's phase walk will always be the best to me.

Speaking of Lilith, I'm kind of wondering how they'll get around the whole Siren thing since they wrote themselves into a corner saying there's "only 6 Sirens in the entire universe" and now thanks to Borderlines 3 they apparently pass on their abilities meaning once we see each of 6 powers available that's it, no new brand new ones. I don't know why they don't just say there's more than 6 since all of them in the ENTIRE Universe just conveniently coming to Pandora is a bit strange.

BrainSyphoned304d ago

That's super easy to get around. Each person that has the skill could have their own personal spin on it. There could be a new power that morphs them into something else. One of the weapon manufacturers could experiment on 5 of the Sirens and the 6th would have to fight a horde of siren powered bad guys to rescue the others. Fiction has been there and done that with power more complex or simple thousands of times before.

As for revisting the first game? That would be totally unlike the gaming industry to reboot a series...

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