
Console Wars: Who Won?

The 360 vs PS3 vs Wii generation has been a close battle on many fronts, with all three able to make claims for victory. Here is one interpretation of who gained the most ground this generation.

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blitz06234314d ago (Edited 4314d ago )

So you pick the 360 as the winner (even if the war isn't really over) and wrote this:

"They had arguably the worst start of all three consoles this generation, but have undergone an amazing transformation"

Sounds more like the PS3 to me.

bestgamer4314d ago

I say the worst start because RROD was killing them. Granted PS3 has come a long way also. 360 has to be the most transformed console in history, if you compare the system software (dashboard) it had originally to what it has today, that user interface, all those extra features and services filled in, tight Kinect integration. And then the hardware itself overcoming the RROD, operating much more quietly, allowing full game installs from DVD and booting from USB drives. The list goes on.

4314d ago
PoSTedUP4313d ago

PS3 had a bigger transformation and is the most transformed in history, it basically started from scratch with the online this gen, look at it now... thats a huge step. it even added it's own huge social network PS HOME. then there's 3D, ps3 motes, it didnt even have rumble in the beginning, it didn't even have games cause 360 was getting them all. Sony added more First party developers and so many exclusive games, how many devs did MS buy and how many AAA exclusive games were funded? now all the extra features and services added in. psp and psV remote connectivity. now the TV that has the hologram split screen thing. not only are they the most transformed, they are the most innovative.

KMCROC544313d ago

Am giving u a bubble up vote just for standing your ground against the the red sun fans.

keke9614313d ago

the gamers won this gen, straight up

Gazondaily4313d ago


You're giving Sony props for its so-called transformation of its online system?? If anything, this is the area where Sony fails. You say it started from scratch; who's fault is that?

Credit has to go to Microsoft for being as successful as it is now considering how it was such a new contender in the console race. People forget how Sony pretty much had a monopoly in the console market in the previous generation. People were scoffing at the one year lead Microsoft was going to have, thinking that once Sony came out onto the market, it would obliterate competition. It obviously didn't.

Let's look at the strengths this generation per company:

Nintendo: Brought gaming to the masses and popularised gaming beyond what many ever anticipated would happen. Gaming suddenly wasn't the past time of a few. The mammoth sales speak for themselves.

Sony: Quite a poor start but the PS3 really regained its ground in the later years. A slew of excellent titles and exclusives keep pouring in and more than make up for the deficit at the start. MGS and Uncharted are seminal titles and the likes of the Last of Us mean there is plenty more to come.

Microsoft: Started the ground running with lots of exclusives and really expanded on its online features. Xbox Live has really become its own and MS really did innovate when it came to the console; well thought out interface, sculpted feel of the controller, achievements, ever changing Xbox Live which social functionality that no console competitor can match. Great exclusives in almost every genre (although more are needed now). RROD was a disaster though (like the PSN hacking fiasco) but MS did rectify the situation somewhat.

This generation has given us the most diverse and brilliant gameplay experiences ever. All three consoles have something to offer and the sheer amount of quality games available is staggering. This generation also marked a true awakening of third party developers and excellent titles like Bioshock, Assassins Creed, Battlefield 3, Oblivion, Dead Space, Call of Duty just to name a few.

There's something for everyone this generation and thus, the real winners are gamers. If this trend continues on into the next generation, we're in for a real treat.

andibandit4312d ago (Edited 4312d ago )

PS3 was the biggest disappointment, 6 years ago i dont think anyone imagined the PS3 wouldn't live up to the legacy of it's predecessor. I wont deny that today i would pick a PS3 over a 360, but there shouldn't even have been a PS3 vs 360. Sony came from a dominant position and should've squashed MS, but a mixture of.

Expensive entry model.
Ridonculous launch games.
Non existant marketing.
Late Entry to market.
Arrogant minded approach.

Ensured that MS survived.

Sure you could argue that MS had problems with RROD, i could counter with
Credit card theft
mandatory installs
Constant updates
no x gamechat
70,000,000,000$ deficit
and deficit from having to give away free games after Credit Card theft and no online for 1 month.

but it's irrelevant. I just hope for the sake of gaming that Sony choses a diffrent approach when the next generation begins.

MS learned alot from the previous generation when they had their asses handed to them by Sony, and decided to switch strategy, and Sony decided to do NOTHING, thats how you loose.

darthv724312d ago

They just happen to be the different categories.

For the category of Technical abilities, the winner is: PS3 for its inclusion of the next gen movie format and advanced cpu/gpu design.

For the category of Marketing, the winner is: 360 for its over the top amount of $$$ put into advertising of multiplatform titles, kinect and non-gaming services.

For the category of units sold, the winner is: Wii for its sheer number of units sold to core (minority), casual (majority) and everyone in between.

For the category of entertainment value, the winner is: Gamers for being privileged to play such console exclusives as Uncharted, Mario Galaxy, Halo as well as a slew of great 3rd party multiplatform titles like Mass Effect, Bioshock,Assassin Creed.

Bottom line...we do not need a single solitary winner in a console war. There is room for multiple winners. Especially us.

AngryTypingGuy4312d ago

I'd pick 360 as the winner too. Look at the positions of MS and Sony at this point in the last generation. Look at where they're at now. Big difference, huh?

Army_of_Darkness4312d ago

If the 360 owners are happy with their console from then till now and think MS won this gen, then so be it.
from the RROD to Kinect. yeah, great beginning and end to this gen that the 360 totally deserves to win... Lmfao.

Wii won because of what? they sold the cheapest console available, No HD, with nothing but shovelware crap, a handful of good games, then bail out early to make a new console to catch up with current console power?! yeah okay. great victory nintendo. I'm sure your fans are very happy.

Now the PS3 at first had a ridiculous price tag, arrogant and barely any launch titles to justify that high price point. bluray was not enough to convince me to get a ps3 then because buying a bluray movie was ridiculously expensive and i mainly wanted it to game... The launch titles were not good enough either... But now, sony has completely done a 360 and convinced me how much they improved in every way. from amazing games that come out constantly to improved free online play to PS+ which I LUV! and even when it seems the other console is dependent only on multiplats, they continue to throw exclusive after exclusive still even when no one else seems to care anymore.....
so yes, I pick sony as the winner this gen so far because honestly, it's not even over yet.

PoSTedUP4312d ago

"If anything, this is the area where Sony fails"

im glad i dont need to waste my time and explain anything to such onesided ignorant nonsense. and although i do give Ms credit, we'e talking physical console transformation, Not their success. so i am right and sony wins on that part imo.

Gazondaily4312d ago

@Posted up

How is what I said ignorant one sided nonsense? Someone please explain how this kid has 4 bubbles?

Physical transformation? What do you think I'm talking about?

You describe PS HOME as a 'huge social network', reference ps3 motes and vibration functionality the reasons for this so called biggest transformation in history??! Lol Wtf?!

It's unbelievable how much of a complete blind and hypocritical fanboy you are. As I mentioned in my first post, Sony had a monopoly in the generation prior to this one. You're giving it props for transitioning so poorly into the gen and then recovering from it?

I'm sorry but you're in desperate need of education and I just wasted my time and bubble trying to instil some sense into you.

ShinMaster4312d ago

What credit card theft? That never happened, you *****.

360 required an install to get all the cars and tracks in Forza 4.
Battlefield 3 also required you to install to get decent textures.

Updates are a good thing.

And yet, despite all that, they're tied.
PS3 is one of the only systems that continue to deliver new IPs. But sure, you can try to spin that negatively.

PoSTedUP4312d ago

you sound like you just disregarded all the huge points in my comment on the sony side, a good evasion tactic. your comment it completely one sided, and on top of that the things you mentioned in the microsoft transformation can't touch the incredible amount of molding Sony did this generation. i gave MS credit for things they did, but i honestly cannot make up a list for MS as innovative and big as sony's

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4312d ago
TotalHitman4313d ago

How does a console win a war? If it's by sales, then Nintendo won. If it's by popularity, that's difficult to answer. The Xbox is popular in the US and UK but the PS3 is popular everywhere else.

Hellsvacancy4313d ago

The PS3 is popular in the UK, whos tellin you otherwise?

Everybody i know pretty much has a PS3, even those who dont use it to game

TotalHitman4313d ago

I also live in the UK. Everybody I know has a 360. Even the casuals.

kneon4313d ago

Nintendo is certainly leading, but as Yogi Berra would say "It ain't over till it's over".

We can be pretty certain the PS3 will continue to sell for many years to come, but we don't yet know what Nintendo and Microsoft will do after they launch their next consoles.

4313d ago
AIndoria4313d ago

Speak for yourself :P PS3 is popular in all of Asia (Live services are crap here so we don't get Xbox unless we really need Halo or Gears), Australia and Pretty much everywhere where we don't have uncle Sam trying to take over our country :P

Jazz41084312d ago (Edited 4312d ago )

If you took a vote on a a xbox fan site then xbox wins hands down
There are more sony fans on n4g so sony will win here. In the actaul real world ms was a underdog and sony was a goliath and foranyone to look at the numbers and say sony won when they lost major marketshare are still in third place overall and hae went from a profit house to currently being worth 14 billion with only 10 million cash on hand and these numbers are recent as in today from business weekly. So anyways Nintendo won this gen from a numbers standpoint, ms would be second as they took on a powerhouse company and won a lot of there marketshare and that leaves sony in third. There is no other way to look at it other than to be a fanboy and I kept my comments out of this post and kept it facts. I expect to get many disagrees since I did not say sony won a. A site that favors sony but if I went to a ms site and said the same thing I would expect a lot of agrees. I just hope people will put aside fanboyism a second and look at the facts at company's marketshare and networth as a company at the start of this gen and where they are today 2012. My 2 cents worth:people on here would fight to the ends of the earth to prove that sonys ceo takes a bigger crap on a daily basis then ms ceo. Numbers don't lie but fanboys do.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4312d ago
StraightPath4313d ago (Edited 4313d ago )

microsoft came as a underdog with the Xbox alongside well established gaming giants as Nintendo & Sony and look at where they are now. all three done great. Nintendo sale wise and first party games were great. Xbox dominants the living room media device and excellent games too. Sony done great with exlusives and a big change from its launch.

Overall Nintendo won business wise...afterall they do this to make money...nintendo made the most along with the ds and 3ds currently.

Patriots_Pride4313d ago

Sales - Wii
Popularity - 360
Exclusives - PS3

dafegamer4313d ago (Edited 4313d ago )

ok this post make sense but i thought that ps3 would be more popular actually

guitarded774313d ago

I'll agree with that, but there needs to be an asterisk next to "Popularity - 360", and it needs to note popularity being in the US, because world wide 360 is not the most popular console.

As a gamer, PS3 is the winner for me. It has given me the most great games to play. Call me a fanboy if you want, but it is my winner this gen. I own multiples of each console, and don't shun the others because they too have provided excellent experiences, but if I had to choose one, it'd be my PS3.

Clarence4313d ago

Very bias article. Its funny that he didn't mention the format war hd vs blu ray. Everyone knows how that turned out. Also as I recall the kinect sensor is not as accurate as he's making it out to be.

Sony has added a new franchise every year. The PS3 already had features that M$ is just now implementing. Wifi, web surfing, youtube, 3d, blu-ray which the new xbox might be getting, because M$ decided to use old format.


The only place the 360 is popular is in the US.
The year head start help the 360 get the lead, and RROD is the biggest F u from M$ by far. M$ knew the 360 had major issues, yet they released it.

Also the console war is not over.

As of right now NIntendo is winning this gen, because of sales.

mike1up4313d ago

Aren't sales and popularity the same thing?

humbleopinion4313d ago

Market share gained - Wii
Biggest game selection - 360
Most visionary - PS3

HammadTheBeast4312d ago

@HumbleOpinion Wow really? Are you seriously going to say that? Name me 5 exclusives not including XBLA games or Halo, Forza, Gears etc. Please do. Ps3 has a much bigger game variety and library. I can name 7 rigt now. God of War. LittlebigPlanet. Uncharted. MGS 4. Starhawk/Warhawk. Resistance. Infamous. Killzone. heavy Rain. Need I go on?

DasTier4312d ago

@Hammadtheone you realise there are actually more games avaliable on the 360? It's just there hasnt been many exclusive recently, back in its early life they were churning out things like Kameo, Banjo Kazzoie, Perfect Dark, PGR, however they didn't sell well enough to make money, and that's why m$ business plan changed to less exclusives which sell tonnes, also alot of the old exclusives were from Rare, and we no their now in the Kinect side of things, either way your either trolling or just oblivious.

humbleopinion4312d ago

HammadTheOne, Why should I name just five? Take the whole list instead...

Metacritic rated/unrated game list:
360 - http://www.metacritic.com/b...
PS3 - http://www.metacritic.com/b...
Wii - http://www.metacritic.com/b...

1737 360 games - http://www.mobygames.com/br...
1371 PS3 games - http://www.mobygames.com/br...
1201 Wii games - http://www.mobygames.com/br...

Assuming you have basic math skills you are probably aware that 1737 is bigger than 1371 and 1201, and so I'm pretty sure you can't argue with these facts and numbers...

Plus, do you even understand how stupid it sounds when you ask me to come up with a game list but write something like "Don't include Halo, Forza, Gears etc."? What do you mean by "etc"? Do you understand that "etc" can count for any game whatsoever and therefore rule out any game come up with?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4312d ago
miyamoto4313d ago (Edited 4313d ago )

"It Ain't Over 'Till It's Over"


Sounds like this site need hits

aceitman4313d ago

The ps3 is in the under 2 million gap against the 360 . Hell give it props for coming out a year later and being a higher priced console. It's not over this gen for the hardcore systems . But the wii has this one.

Tonester9254313d ago

The console that I bought and spend the most time on. My PS3.

I just refuse to pay for Xbox Live and my Wii just broke a week ago. Hmm don't care that much even though I want to play smash bros. Yea I miss that game already.

But the REAL WINNER is whatever console that you bought and enjoy. It doesn't matter which one it is and what people are saying in this article or comment section.

It's up to you individually.

Bowzabub4312d ago

At my house it's Playstation 4 (2 PS3s, PSP & PSVita) Nintendo 2 (1 Wii & 1 3DS) and
X-Box 0. That's the only race I'm watching.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4312d ago
Wintersun6164314d ago

From a business point of view, on the console side both MS and Nintendo won by gaining and regaining a lot of market share while Sony lost a lot of it. On the other hand Nintendo is no longer the only notable competitor in the mobile handheld market, with PSP selling a handsome amount of +70 million it isn't all market share loss for Sony after all.

But for me personally Sony is the winner with PS3's game library, free online, PS+ & Blu-Ray.

stonecold34314d ago

i would go with sony on this one ?

mike1up4313d ago (Edited 4313d ago )

Nintendo won.

Nintendo not only made the most money, but they also forced Sony and Microsoft to adopt motion control interfaces. Like it or not, the underpowered Wii was a massive hit this gen.

Hicken4313d ago (Edited 4313d ago )

I don't thin they forced anything. Yes, both Microsoft and Sony did add motion controls, but that was many years after their launches, and Sony at the least didn't go all-out with it. The Wii sold a lot, it's true, but it's also the first to get replaced, and is seeing the largest drop-off in sales currently.

Did they still win? I'd say so. As much as I'd like to give Sony the nod for overcoming a lot of hardships to be as competitive as they are, Nintendo certainly took and has maintained a rather commanding lead this gen. Of course, I don't believe the gen will be over until all competition has launched, and it's highly possible that the Wii could be in third place by then. But if we're talking about RIGHT NOW, then it's not too hard to say Nintendo is winning.

Edit: Really? They didn't overcome a negative view in the press and a much higher price point? They didn't overcome an early shortage of games and the overwhelming popularity of the other two systems to stay right in the race? The hack wasn't something they had to overcome?

And wasn't Nintendo the champ before Sony, the upstart, took the crown? Historically speaking, the winner of one gen isn't necessarily destined to win the next. In fact, except for 5&6, when has that ever happened?

Use your head before you comment. The proof of what I speak is right in front of you, assuming you have the eyes to see it.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4313d ago (Edited 4313d ago )

As much as you'd like to give Sony the nod for overcoming a lot of hardships to be competitive????

LMAO... Sony was the 2 time Defending Champion. They aren't overcoming anything. Next generation they'll be overcoming the PS3, but they're not overcoming anything.

MS over came being the newer face and RRoD, yet in the end Nintendo won this generation.

Sorry dude.. I know you're SDF and all, but Sony didn't have to overcome anything this generation. They were the Champions.

Also.. this Generation doesn't end when all 3 are done. Are you kidding us? So you mean last gen is still going on because PS2's are still selling? That's SDF talk right. Defense.

This generation comes to an end soon. Real soon.

mike1up4313d ago (Edited 4313d ago )

Agreed, this gen is not over until all 3 companies release next gen hardware. It will be interesting to see if Sony and Microsoft have any last minute surprises to finish strong.

Forced was a poor word choice on my part. I should have said that nobody really expected motion controls to become that profitable, it was "easy money".

MrBeatdown4313d ago


It's funny that you give MS credit for overcoming a self-inflicted and completely avoidable wound like RRoD, yet you criticize Hicken for giving Sony credit for overcoming their own issues, like price, or bleeding exclusives. What's the difference? Oh right, there is none.

What's even funnier is your nonsense about how Sony didn't have anything to overcome. I mean, they are in first place! Right? Right!? Being first place last generation guarantees you won't have issues next gen. This is why N64, GameCube, and PS3 all mopped the floor with the competition. Also, unicorns are real.

Then there is this gem you had to offer up...

"So you mean last gen is still going on because PS2's are still selling?"

This is why reading comprehension is so important. Hicken said... "Of course, I don't believe the gen will be over until all competition has launched" which is the complete opposite of how you took it.

Let's recap.
1. Hypocrisy
2. Logic fail
3. Reading comprehension fail

Bravo. You're doing the anti-"SDF" brigade proud.

Outside_ofthe_Box4312d ago

"Anti-"SDF" brigade"

I'm using that from now on.

maniacmayhem4309d ago

"Finally, if you're going to respond to what I have to say, at least have the balls to respond TO ME, and not NEAR ME. What are you afraid of?"

WOW! This is coming from the guy who was dropping names of people (including mine)he felt were 360 fanboys in unrelated articles?

You are a piece of work Hicken, I just love stumbling on to some of your rants.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4309d ago
BrutallyBlunt4313d ago (Edited 4313d ago )

"As much as I'd like to give Sony the nod for overcoming a lot of hardships to be as competitive as they are,"

Oh please, what hardship are you talking about now? They had 2 generations in a row they completely dominated but failed to keep that momentum. It was nobody else's fault but theirs. They decided to go with BLURAY and they decided to charge a lot of money to play a console game on. They also decided once again to create a unfavorable gaming system for developers who had to struggle with the hardware.

They still managed to outsell the XBOX360 year over year, so what hardships are you going to whine about now, the media treating them unfairly? How about you start leading by example instead of blaming the media while your own actions are 10x worse?

"Use your head before you comment. The proof of what I speak is right in front of you, assuming you have the eyes to see it. "

Yes, please do Hicken. It's hard to use your noggen when it's in Sony's rear all the time. How about you start acting like a real gamer from now on instead of playing your games where it's you constantly fighting a war that doesn't exist?

You know who won? They all won because they all managed to be very competitive this generation. You know who lost? The idiotic fanboys still arguing about who won.

Hicken4313d ago

You said a bunch of nothing. You know that, right?

First, I already outlined what I perceive to be hardships that Sony has faced.

Second, it's been said many times that last gen is no indicator of what will happen with the next gen. Sorry if that's tough for you to grasp.

Third, you didn't disprove anything I said, but instead supported my claims(saying that they made a hard to develop for system, and then saying they "still managed to outsell the XBOX360 year over year sounds like you agree they didn't have it easy), so what's really bothering you?

It's very hard to use a noggen, since that doesn't exist; maybe you meant noggin?

Anyway, the console war, such as it is, has existed longer than I've been gaming, if not with the same intensity. And you know what? It'll be around as long as there are different consoles; you trying to pretend it's simply the product of the fanboys' minds- when simple logic would tell you that fanbos are actually the product, not the producer- won't make it magically go away. These companies ARE in competition with each other, after all.

Or does that not really exist, either?

Finally, if you're going to respond to what I have to say, at least have the balls to respond TO ME, and not NEAR ME. What are you afraid of?

BrutallyBlunt4313d ago (Edited 4313d ago )

"These companies ARE in competition with each other, after all. "

Yes they are, that's not what i'm talking about. I'm talking about you, where do YOU fit into all of this? Oh that's right, holding a couple of pom-poms shouting from the bleachers 'I Love you Sony and i will fight for you Sony!'.

Get a life kid. They all had hardships this generation. Microsoft had to overcome the domination Sony had within the industry (just ask anybody trying to compete with a tablet against Apple or trying to compete against Nintendo and the handheld market). Instead Sony has mangaed to corrode their own name over the years and that hardship was mostly the fault of their own but you'll do a bang up job deflecting that all the way. Telling everyone to support Sony because they are the only ones that have exclusives for real gamers.

Microsoft had hardships too and they were their fault as well. Remember the RROD fiasco? That's a big hurdle buddy but did you put that into context next to your desire to always root for Sony? Nintendo had hardships too because the Gamecube flopped. The Wii was a major gamble and it paid off. In a world of high tech and online gaming them beat the odds, with poor relationships with 3rd party publishers too i might add. Electronic Arts were slow to support it because they believed Sony would dominate again. Other 3rd party publishers didn't have much faith in it either. The media you love to use as a scapegoat for Sony's hardships too didn't have any faith in the Wii either before launch just like they don't with the Wii U. But hey, it's just Sony they don't like right? What planet are you from anyways, PlaystationLand?

You're a lost cause, you know it, i know it and many others know it and those who don't are just as naive as you or are too afraid to admit it. Have fun rallying behind Sony while i have fun knowing they have no more or no less repect for you as they do for me. Why? Well because both of us are merely just customers and they don't pay people like you who are rampant of forums cheering for them all day long. I've got better things to do like actually enjoying my PS3 instead of worrying about what everyone else thinks or how the media treats the company behind it.

You don't know how to debate because your whole viewpoint is from a Sony fanboys perspective. Full of bias and totally out of context. One minute you'll go after someone for not talking about games on the Vita and attacking them for talking about other things Vita needs while you yourself will go into a topic about 6 JRPG's that would be nice upgraded additions to the XBOX360 and talking about something else because you don't even like the system so why list 6 games, right? Your whole viewpoint is skewed and it all stems from being a deranged Sony fanboy and the inability to see things rationally, normally and sanely.

So just skim over what i just said like water off a ducks back, put in your disagree because you ran out of bubbles and carry on to the next topic either defending Sony or going after someone who's being negative towards Sony. If only you got paid for your efforts.

There's an old say, don't argue with a fool because chances are some might not tell the difference. I'm done lowering myself to your level, you're a complete waste of time who has too much time on his hands. You're far too negative to talk to and it's actually quite depressing seeing what you post around here. You'd think since Sony is doing such a great job fulfilling your needs you'd be much happier.

jessupj4313d ago

I wish people would stop considering the wii when asking the question "who's winning the console war".

Yes it's a console, but it's aimed for a completely difference demographic. You can't compare me with a soccer mum or grandma.

I won't deny the wii's success, but people need to stop thinking it's in the same league as the HD consoles.

Ck1x4313d ago

Only because its ahead in sales, now if it were behind the other two then it would be ok to include the Wii with this generation. That's like saying that the PSP or Vita aren't competing against the DS or 3DS for sells, because they both have more advanced hardware than the closest Nintendo system at that time. What failed logic on your part!

Kaos_Vll4312d ago

so because YOU don't like it it's success should be overlooked? wtf?

facts are facts, sony and ms are BEHIND nintendo so let's just give them props for giving sticking to their guns and making a GAMING machine, not some wannabee livingroom entertainment unit that just happens to play games.

Ck1x4313d ago

I agree with you whole heartedly and know where you are coming from with this comment. But the people here don't want to hear or think like that, because they need something to worship and brag about...

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Let's Be Real, There Is Nothing "Micro" About Microtransactions Anymore

Microtransactions have gotten ridiculously overpriced in recent years, with titles now offering cosmetic skins worth more than some games.

Terry_B1d 12h ago

Yup..this is 100% the sad truth

z2g15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

The elephant in the room tho is personal accountability. It’s easy (albeit basic) to blame the big, bad corpo, but microtransactions wouldn’t be where they are if gamers didn’t spend money on them. As it stands the MTs usually make more than the game. Publishers know raising game prices will cause backlash, so they do MTs to compensate. But the adult conversation is consumers determine the success of products with their wallets. So if MTs are a huge thing, it’s because we as consumers told them we like them by giving them a lot of money for them. So if you don’t want them to be a thing, convince your fellow gamers to stop buying them and expect that games will be decently more expensive. You all can disagree all you want, but reality is a bitch, and eventually you have to live in it.

anast13h ago

Trying to convince people is the least realistic thing. If we are trying to be adults, actual action is what changes things not "convincing campaigns" on platforms owned by the people 'you' are going against. It's madness and idealistic.

ApocalypseShadow8h ago

Easier said than done. I've told gamers for years to not buy micro transactions, expensive dlc, etc. Gamers bought it anyway. Didn't fit on a DVD that would have fit on a Blu-ray disc.

I also told some gamers to not pay for online like Xbox Live because it would force the rest of the industry to only offer playing online if you pay for it. Told them not to support a broken console that Red Ringed. To not support Xbox One because Microsoft tried to take away game ownership and how you play your games. To not pay for a console by one manufacturer where a, now 3 trillion worth, didn't make enough games at the level of Nintendo or Sony who are worth less money.

How much of that did you support anyway with your money then go back and read your comment again.

notachance2h ago

yeah that was like telling people not to do drugs or alcohol, these game companies invested a lot of money in researching about how to make people buy MTs, from creating mechanics like loot boxes, purposely make the game grindy, all the way to menu designs and what color and sound effects played when gamers bought MTs.

It was specifically engineered to take advantage of vulnerable and prone to addiction people.

bradfh49m ago

People always struggle with issues like drinking, drugs, and gambling. But in games, especially those played by kids, microtransactions are another way companies take advantage of them. It's a problem that needs addressing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 49m ago
isarai1d 4h ago

I mean except for the amount of content you're paying for.

Hugodastrevas17h ago

There never was, the only time I paid for a microtransaction was on Blacklight Retribution (PS4) and it was because I enjoyed the game a lot so I felt the devs should get something for all that entertainment (€5 "membership")

-Foxtrot16h ago

The devs wouldn’t get that though, that shit goes straight to the higher ups who do f*** all let’s be honest.

Hugodastrevas15h ago

Probably, but I wasn't as cynical back then and €5 wasn't a big ask to get the guns with grinding instead of renting them, and the game was good (still is on the PS5/4)

CrimsonWing6915h ago(Edited 15h ago)

I couldn’t believe what Blizzard charged for horse armor and cosmetics in Diablo 4…

I remember back in the day when a season pass was $15 and you got everything included in it. Now, I see them at $60 and you still don’t get everything.

CantThinkOfAUsername8h ago

That's just Blizzard. Unlike Bethesda's $0.99 horse armour, Blizzard's first microtransaction, Sparkle Pony, cost $15.

Shane Kim15h ago

As soon as gaming wasn't deemed nerdy anymore, and reached the casuals this happened. We're smart, but casuals play mobile games and other stuff, and don't really have anything to compare. They think gaming is supposed to be like this and pay for in game purchases.

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