
Graphical comparison of Batman Arkham City: Wii U vs PS3 (Large image)

As one of the best superhero games, Batman: Arkham City which now goes to the Wii U can give us an idea of ​​how much more powerful than the PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles, the Nintendo's new console. With a new control system, Wii U is possible to get the same feeling of being Batman. And we all want to be Batman, right?

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moegooner884351d ago (Edited 4351d ago )

Is it just me, or does the suit look different.

@ Y_5150, thanks for the clarification, i feel like a noob now lol

Y_51504351d ago

That's one of the first things I notice when I first saw this version of the game. His suit is a new armored suit. That's why the WiiU version is called "Armored edition" :)

DarkBlood4351d ago

your right plus the joker seems more clearer ? not sure what to say of it but cool none the less

slayorofgods4351d ago

Should have seen these comparisons coming.

What I noticed is two things.

1. The Wii U version looks more 3D and has better spacial recognition, or doesn't look as flat.

2. The PS3 version has better overall detail.

I guess we can say the Wii U holds it's own but doesn't overtake the PS3. I'm sure these screens will have enough for both side to start blasting each other.

Of course the Wii U should have the better graphics due to it's release date which I believe is 6-7 years after the PS3 launch. What's alarming is the PS4 is only about 1 year away and should include updated graphics over it's predecessor.

Hisiru4351d ago

I think you should read the last part of this article:

slayorofgods4351d ago (Edited 4351d ago )

@ Hisiru

I'm not sure why all the disagreements that is an interesting article. Maybe some horsepower is left on tap due to budgetary concerns but no doubt the Wii U has to prove it somehow.

Here is the most interesting part I found in the article in reference to this game and it supports what I said.

"There are so many changes in this particular engine-driven cut-scene that we do wonder quite why the developers had to make them. There are both improvements and cutbacks compared to the existing versions."

Boody-Bandit4351d ago

IMO the PS3 version looks better without question. More detail, sharper, better textures. I really hope this is just a very early alpha version of the WiiU. If not, why is Nintendo even bothering?

Spydiggity4351d ago (Edited 4351d ago )

anyone who thinks they can form a conclusion based on this one image is an idiot.

P.S. i'm playing this game right now on 360. sure is a nice looking game. though the camera is a little off when in combat. sometimes it doesn't seem to know where to go exactly.

Gamer19824350d ago

Wii-U lacks draw distance you can clearly see it on second image that's why they tilted picture up to try hide it. This could be down to lack of memory on the console. We won't know until released.

pixelsword4350d ago

Well, it's like this:

It doesn't matter if the Wii games look as good or almost as good as this gen; the specs themselves, if true, suggest that the WiiU is underpowered compared to this gen's consoles.

Reibooi4350d ago

Looking at the comparison the PS3 version does indeed look better. It looks a bit sharper then the Wii U version and the overall detail is a bit higher. It also looks like there is a bit of aliasing on the Wii U version(particularly around the ears or pointy whatever you call of on Batman himself)

The thing with the Wii U for me is that more powerful or not Nintendo NEEDED to prove that not only was it gonna be worth buying but that it could compete with the next gen consoles and from what we have seen it will probably only be able to compete with current gen consoles and maybe Nintendo missed the boat but those consoles are gonna start winding down soon to prepare for their successors.

Another big issue is the games. Batman Arkham City was in my opinion a masterpiece and any gamer worth their salt has already played it and with so little added to the experience on the Wii U why would anyone buy it? The same can probably be said for most of the 3rd party games they showed off at E3.

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SilentNegotiator4351d ago (Edited 4351d ago )


I called it when all that was available was highly-compressed Youtube videos. In fact, the Wii U loses out with the fact that the shiny suit makes the aliasing dance in the moonlight.

Welcome to the 7th generation, Nintendo. 720p first party games, basically identical third party games, and a controller with a screen. Whoopee.

4351d ago
SilentNegotiator4351d ago (Edited 4351d ago )

It is not "most", who are you kidding?

And I never said that the ps3/360 didn't have some sub-720p games. NEVER. Don't put words in my mouth.

Besides....we're talking about a supposed generational leap here. Do you really think I care if....what, COD? releases on the Wii U at 720p? No, I wanted to see "8th generation" consoles do 1080p. But not even first party games are doing a "horrible" 980p or whatever on the Wii U.

Don't try to distract from my point; the Wii U is not much more powerful than current generation consoles. This matter has been busted wide open; Nintendo dodged the "native 1080p?" question for a reason...I knew it. The rumors of it being twice as powerful or even 1.5x as powerful are out the window.

ozstar4351d ago

Welcome to bankruptcy MS and Sony!

There we go, I just proved how blindly making assumptions can demonstrate both ignorance and lack of fore sight.

Wait and see please, wait and see.

live2play4350d ago

LAUNCH wiiu games look ''basically identicall'' as ps3 xbox games that DEVELOPERS HAD 6-7 YEARS to learn from the console

compare ps360 LAUNCH GAMES to wiiu LAUNCH GAMES

Aloren4350d ago

@CaCl Well, compare SNES launch games and NES games, PS1 launch games and SNES games, Dreamcast launch games and N64 games, 360 launch games and Gamecube games... there's always an obvious gap.

The only exception until now was the wii which was barely better than the Xbox or GC. Well, it looks like the Wii U is now going to be the second exception...

kikizoo4350d ago (Edited 4350d ago )

"compare ps360 LAUNCH GAMES to wiiu LAUNCH GAMES"

hmm lol ? and don't forget to compare wiiu launch games with ps4 games...it's more important ! (because ps3 is 6 years old hardware = way more than wiiu launch and ps4 launch)

it's funny to see dated nintendo hardware, always compared to older system (ps1, ps2, now ps3), and it's even more funny when delusional fans consider it could be "superior" with 2,3 and now 6 years, delays.

by the way, if you want really to compare ps3 and wiiu, use superior exclusives, for both, multis are never as good as best ps3 exclusives (and stop talking about ps360 games denial xboyz, only multiplatforms games are on par) ;)

neogeo4350d ago

Why don't you relax into the final port is released! IBM power7 says hi! Tons od Edram says hi. directx11 says hello. so STFU into you see more.

Ju4350d ago

I can understand why Nintendo tries to show titles ported from other platforms and don't push those. It's a learning curve and sure the goal is to show those can run on the WiiU.

What I don't understand is, why Nintendo didn't show any first party title which pushes the envelope. At least one game which looks like PS3/360 but runs 60fps @ 1080 would have sufficed; even Picmin would be fine for that.

I have no doubt the machine will show more over time, but the presentation from Nintendo did not convince me to switch just yet. Especially if it takes another year to surpass PS3/360 when in that year we will learn more about new consoles from the competition.

Price will also play a role, and at the same time, I think from a pure financial standpoint, building a top spec console with a secondary screen will not be competitive. They had to cut specs to devote resources into the controller. That's obvious; but it doesn't push neither one (console nor controller) to the limits.

yabhero4350d ago (Edited 4350d ago )

My question is why are people so biased. Compare this with launch titles of PS3 and 360. Didnt PS3 launch titles like Resistance 1 look like a PS2 game. Yes they did. So if a Pre-Alpha demo version of Batman looks exactly like the PS3 version port from the end of the PS3's life is that bad?
Were there any PS3 launch games that looked like the Last of Us? NO. Sheesh. I wonder if in 06' people were saying PS3 must be underpowered because launch titles looked like 6th gen?
Also please stop the PS4 NextBox crap. We don't know the WiiUs power besides theses launch titles, which as I said don't show power and we dont know The other next gens power . I would expect ps4 and 720 to be stronger but the gap is not going to be like that of ps3 to wii but mor won Xbox to ps2.

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Nimblest-Assassin4351d ago

He's wearing armor... which is why its called the armored edition... hes more shinier

C0MPUT3R4351d ago (Edited 4351d ago )

The suit is the only difference I see. Fidelity wise they look the same. Maybe PS3 barely edging it out.

Prophet1124350d ago

Do you not see all the aliasing in the Wii U pics?

BlmThug4350d ago

Hmmm I remember the times when the launch titles on both the 360 and PS3 overtook the last gen consoles in terms of graphics with ease, this isnt the case for the Wii U as its barely 'on-par' with the current gen

browngamer414350d ago

You remember 360 launch games looking better than the previous gen huh? well here is a taste of 360 launch games-doesn't seem to be overtaking shite at all.. http://www.escapistmagazine...
Make sure to click on the spoiler banner in the first half of the page to see them..

STONEY44350d ago

360 launch games looked like HD PS2 games. Some of them actually looked worse, like that "Gun" game in that link. Amped 3 looks worse than SSX 3, apart from the resolution.

I do remember being impressed though every time I walked into a Best Buy and saw the King Kong 360 demo. That was probably the best looking early 360 game.

avengers19784350d ago

it does not bother anyone else that the Wii U is capable of what the 360 and PS3 already do, but it's supposed to be "Next Gen" Batman Arkham City is a fantastic game, that most people will have already played more than a year ago(when the wii U comes out)

falconm804350d ago

That's not cool at all. Wii U being a next gen console getting compared to a current gen console and the difference is hardly noticed is not impressive at all.

Ju4350d ago

Which makes me wonder who is Nintendo selling the new console too. Current Wii users? PS3/360 users? What's the incentive to yet buy another console - which probably will cost more than what you can get now. The new controller? Nice feature; but I don't even know how to play those games now. Tablet controller? WiiMote? Pro controller? Well, Nintendo didn't have much of choice. Wii sales dropped rapidly...time will tell. If I have the money and they'll have some must have games I might as well give it a shot. Currently doesn't look too good on my budget, though.

xxLuckyStrike4350d ago (Edited 4350d ago )

This is where PS3 fanboys use one small shred of evidence to convince themselves that the ps3 is just as powerful or superior to WiiU.. lol at the blind logic round here

pixelsword4350d ago

Correct evidence has a nasty habit of accumulating.

moparful994350d ago

Why don't you compare uncharted 3 to a wii u title? Thats the true lithmus test for graphical prowess not multi plats....

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4350d ago
mike1up4351d ago

Pictures of the same image would've been more helpful.

ChickeyCantor4351d ago

I dont see why, I'm not expecting it to look any different anyways.

Gamer19824350d ago

I agree the wii u images lack draw distance thats why the images are differnt. But the fact is nobodys surprised wiiU is matching current gen consoles as the wii did the same its no more powerful than the original xbox and ps2. That wasnt its selling point and cannot believe they trying to sell wiiU on this right now. Then again thats down to Sony and MS trying to squeeze as much out of PS3 and 360.

LOL_WUT4351d ago

The Jokers picture from both the PS3 and the Wii U version look the same so i don't know what DarkBlood is talking about. Now the one with Batman clearly the PS3 version looks better.

Nugan4351d ago

This is what I thought.

But the batman images are different, so I don't know what conclusions can be drawn.

LocutusEstBorg4351d ago

You can compare rendering quality even with different screenshots. The Wii U is inferior, but probably because it's the first port of the engine to the platform.

live2play4350d ago

wiius LAUNCH GAMES look about the same as ps360 games that developers had 6-7 YEARS TO LEARN from the console

to be fair compare wii u LAUNCH GAMES to ps360 LAUNCH GAMES

Hanuman4350d ago

Finally! If you hadn't posted this remark, I would have. Comparing Wii U to PS3 or 360 at this point is just stupid. I think Wii U will need at least two years to catch up to 360 or PS3's current graphics.

moparful994350d ago

In two to three years the new playstation and xbox will be out and then wii u will be irrelevant graphic wise.. If the wii u cant even beat the ps3/360 it wont hold a candle to the next gen consoles... Nice try

pixelsword4350d ago

The PS3/360/WiiU Joker's from animated portions, if I'm not mistaken; so I don't expect to find any graphical differences.

esemce4351d ago

It's sad but I think the WiiU looks worse, there is a lack of shadow detail and the backdrop is all blurred.

jeseth4351d ago

Agreed. The pictures of Batman show the most difference.

Sad really. . . . .for WiiU

ChickeyCantor4351d ago (Edited 4351d ago )

Depth of field is bad?

Also the armor implies there is a light source infront of him.

These two basically are identical. Not sure why people are so inclined to make stuff up.

tarbis4351d ago

Joker looks the same, but the shininess of batman is a little bit overdone on Wii U.

Skateboard4351d ago

How can you disagree with this post. That Batman screenshot looks ridiculous. PS3 version looks superior from those screen shots now click whatever you want on the bottom since I didn't support your agenda.

live2play4350d ago

yes the ps3 version looks super
the ps3 game that the developers had 6-7 YEARS TO LEARN THE CONSOLE.

compare wiiu LAUNCH GAMES to ps360 LAUNCH GAMES

c'mon man you know that as the devs have more time with the system the games look better

moparful994350d ago

@cacl but it shouldn't matter if the wii u is supposedly 2x as powerful as the ps3/360.. Face it the wiiu is only comprable to the ps3/360 and once their respective new consoles come out the wii you will look last gen... Nintendo is dropping the ball yet again..

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Batman Arkham City in 2024 – How Well Does It Hold Up?

GB: "With this feature, we take a look back at the incredible Batman: Arkham City with the aim of analyzing it from the perspective of a 2024 release."

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Spider-Man 2 Metacritic review score means Marvel still hasn’t beaten DC

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CrashMania205d ago (Edited 205d ago )

The Arkham games are largely excellent, a shame they are being followed up by that god awful looking suicide squad game.

RaidenBlack205d ago

All 4 Arkham games are just amazing...
With the Gotham Knights turning out sub par, hope the Suicide Squad fails as well... So that both Rocksteady and WB Montreal goes back to creating good single player DC games ...
A batman beyond game maybe?

anal_vegan_moans204d ago

Having the game fail would make it harder for them to get funding for their next game, please don't wish this on them. They already delayed the game a whole year after backlash, so we still have to wait and see how it will turn out.

GhostScholar204d ago

I think asylum and origins were great. City was good. Knight was horrible.

205d ago
Ezio2048205d ago

You can't expect a game to match 96-94 meta apple for apple. Different era and different gen. No need to diminish either game's achievement. Arkham City and Spiderman 2 are both amazing sequels that improved upon their already incredible first parts.

Tacoboto205d ago

To back that up, there are major websites that adjusted their review scales.

IGN used to have a 100 point system; now it's a 10 point system. I remember GameSpot back in 2004 was razed for giving Halo 2 a 9.4 when IGN gave it like a 9.7 or 9.8

darthv72205d ago

Arkham Asylum was great, but when City came out... wow what a total overhaul that was. Nothing has had that type of night/day difference in scope and scale since.

SM2 is looking to be a great game in itself. Definitely an upgrade over the previous entries. Just from the opening battle with sandman, it gives me god of war 2 vibes with how that one opened with the battle with colossus of rhodes. That is still one of my favorite sequels of all time.

Zeke68204d ago

Thanks for the spoiler how the game starts loser...

darthv72204d ago

Zeke... you've had plenty of time to play god of war 2.

GaboonViper205d ago

And right on cue, here comes the downplaying of Insomniacs masterpiece, not gonna work, this game is gonna be beast in success.

BehindTheRows205d ago

From the same folks who gave it a 10/10 no less.

Aloymetal205d ago

'' here comes the downplaying of Insomniacs masterpiece''
You know that train is never late.

isarai205d ago

Oh look, another trash article from Videogamer

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10 Best Games to Complete 100%

GF365: "These are our picks for the ten best games to complete 100%. This list includes good games that don't feel like chores to complete."

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Knushwood Butt312d ago

I got 80% trophy completion on Ragnarok but left a few of the battles. Will come back to it one day.

Miraak82 312d ago

Dragon Quest 11 is my top pick

RpgSama312d ago

Dragon Quest XI was such an AMAZING game, I had a blast from the very beginning all the way to the very end, it actually got better the more you played, full of surprises as well.

Another game that I enjoyed from the very beginning all the way to the end of the 100% completion was Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Really, really, really fun game with a great heartfelt story.

badz149312d ago (Edited 312d ago )

Where is Horizon Zero Dawn?? where is Ghost of Tsushima?? I just got my Platinum on HZD and is now trying to finish the Frozen Wild expansion. so much care and love went into that game and it really shows. I especially adore the lore and have sunk many hours listening to the logs and reading journals. the back story is great and the gameplay is awesome. can't wait to replay on the hardest difficulty on NG+. next in my list would be to finish GoTsushima

Tacoboto312d ago

Ghost was fantastic especially after Iki Island and the PS5 upgrade. 100%'d that, Horizon Forbidden West (not ZD), GoW (not yet Ragnarok), Spider-Man, and R&C: Rift Apart.

Each one absolutely worth it.

Aloymetal312d ago (Edited 312d ago )

100% I would like to add to you list RDR2, amazing as well and the perks from getting the Legend Of The East outfit is awesome.
Sekiro as well, have to play twice to get it but it's worth it!

Demetrius312d ago

I agree I'm on my 2nd playthroughs of both horizon forbidden West(zero dawn I played also) ghost of Tsushima except I'm replaying it on PS5 this time, the iki island expansion is amazing

ClayRules2012312d ago

Yeah, GoT was already an AMAZING game on PS4, but playing it on PS5, along with that expansion, just even better.

Elda312d ago

I just started my copy of GOW:R, enjoying it so far.

DefenderOfDoom2312d ago (Edited 312d ago )

Okay the title of article should be top 10 , 3rd person games to complete 100 percent. Nine 3rd person games and 1 racing game on this list .

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