
Final Fantasy XII Sequel Looks To Be Real

TGH Writes: "It seems an image that has been circling around the internet which was first thought to be some sort of lame joke, turns out may be true after all."

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Starfox8114361d ago

Seems legit, but also seems strange that they'd insert a sequel to XII so long after its release. Granted they did the same thing for Final Fantasy VII and its revival period.

PshycoNinja4361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )


I give up on trying Square. At this point I just dont care what Wada does with your company anymore. You are producing things people arent asking for. As a matter of fact fans ask you not to do something like this and you do it anyways.

Fan: I want Versus XII
Square: Okay then you'll love XIII-2
Fan: Huh?

Fan: The fans want a Final Fantasy VII remake.
Square: Then you'll be happy to hear that we are remaking Final Fantasy X and IV (for the 9th time).
Fan: That's not what we asked.

Fan: Square we dont care about any of your current projects anymore. Just move on and make XV so we dont have to remember the last few bad FF.
Square: How conveniant! We are proud to announce that we are making a sequel to Final Fantasy XII!
Fan: MOTHERFUC*****!!!!!!!!!!

BitbyDeath4361d ago

Bubs, that made the laugh, sadly it's true though...

TheColbertinator4361d ago


FFXII is my favorite FF game of all time.I played at least 200 hours before retiring the game for good.However I agree with you,no one is asking for a sequel.

FFXII had a great ending which does not need any more continuing stories.That FFXII Revenant Wings game did not count.

KeybladeMaster4361d ago

LMAO it's funny because sadly its true.

synchroscheme4361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

Fan: We'd really like a Final Fantasy XII sequel. ;)
Square: Then we're pleased to announce...ah, I see what you did there. Too bad, FFXII sequel it is then.
Fan: :(

SaiyanFury4361d ago

While I can't call it my favourite FF of all time, it was my favourite PS2 Final Fantasy. I won't go into the reasons I didn't care so much for FFX, or like I need to say anything about X2. FF12 was like Final Fantasy Tactics (one of my favourite games of all time) and laid out like a standard RPG; it was grand. I played it for over 150 hours and I honestly have no desire for a sequel. Personally, I wouldn't mind an HD remake, but I don't think the game needs a sequel. Literally, the only 2 S-E games I've bought this entire generation are Nier and Star Ocean 4. And neither of them were developed by S-E.

VileAndVicious4361d ago

lol actaully liked XII it was one of my most favorite in the series and Im kind of excited about this news. Granted...where the hell is my Versus its almost been a decade lol

Outside_ofthe_Box4361d ago

Well this really does show what Square Enix is all about. The FF13 defenders where all lovey dovey with Square when 13-2 got announced. I bet they are changing their tune now.

I actually liked 12. I don't mind a FF12-2, but I really want FFV13 to come out since it was announced FIRST!!!

BUT we all know that new titles take precedence right and therefore VS13 will never get released since technically it's an "old" title now lol?


banjadude4361d ago

LOL, it's so true... oh my dear God!
*wipes tear from eye*

paybackprahl4360d ago

You are a genius, and the voice of a frustrated audience. I award you with bubbles.

MaxXAttaxX4360d ago

I've been curious about the rumored FF12 sequel that got cancelled a while back.
Let's hope this sequel is as much an RPG as FF12 was (and nothing like sh*t FF13).

Just like FF4 The After Years (a sequel no one thought of asking) was a sequel 17 years after the original and turned out pretty good.

Also, not everyone cares for a FF7 remake. I'd like to see a a remake of FF4, 6 or 9 in full 3D with current gen(or next-gen) graphics).

P.S. FF4 was only remade twice. Complete Edition and DS version. Not 9 times.

kingdavid4360d ago (Edited 4360d ago )

Dont forget Dragon Quest X.

Oh yay, new dragon quest announced.

Oh, theyve turned it into a subscription based MMO. Who the fk asked for this? >:(

Kos-Mos4360d ago

You`re not worthy of talking about Final Fantasy Xii.

Hisiru4360d ago

Where are you Squaresoft? :(

Styxoric4360d ago

True, and very, very sad.

FinaLXiii4360d ago

oh come on FF12 its a good game.

Blastoise4360d ago

Go on then, take a bubble. You deserve it

Duoma4360d ago (Edited 4360d ago )

I agree with psycho ninjas comment...although funny its right on spot.

Its square's attitude towards what fans want which makes me just wish they go belly up

RurouniKaze4360d ago

you better not be hating on FFX.

I am VERY Happy that theyre remaking it.

And I am sure almost everyone who played that
game is very happy as well.

And im sure that the people that will now have the oppertunity to play the FFX which many argue to be better than FFVII will be happy as well.

Yeah Square Enix sucks now but still , hating on a FFX remake is petty.

slayorofgods4360d ago

I may be the only one on here to say this. But Im excited for a sequel to FF12..

It's a much better way / style for square to tap into the action wrpg feel that they want to tap into. FF12 was action orientated and had the big open world to explore. but it also contained a very strategic battle system to make the game play and leveling system feel deep (something wrpg's lack).

I know FF12 has gotten its share of hate, but I think it is one of the best in the series. This is a much better direction then FF13 to try to capture some of the wrpg market.

I may get piled with disagree's but I like this decision by SE. (and that isn't something I have said often this generation).

4360d ago
crxss4360d ago

i haven't really enjoyed a final fantasy game since 2001 when FFX came out. 12 was meh, 13 was a disappointment, haven't dared touched 14, and still waiting on versusXIII (which will hopefully own).

SE you have disappointed for more than a decade... really?!

bangoskank4360d ago

FF XII is also one of my favorite installments in the series. For it's time everything about it from graphics to gameplay were excellent. The mob hunts and Esper hunts were especially addicting. I'd love to see a true sequel but am sure that without Matsuno involved it will end up sucking.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 4360d ago
Reibooi4361d ago

FFXII was my favorite PS2 era FF and I really hope that if this is true it plays in a similar fashion and retains all the things that made FFXII so good back then.

I always thought it was a shame that FFXII was so hated back when it was released but it seems that as time went on more and more people came around to liking it(or the people who were so vocal about hating it slowly just stopped talking) Either way I hope they reveal this in full at E3 and I hope it will be as good as FFXII was.

PshycoNinja4361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

I just want them to finish the one game they announced 6 years ago!!! Is that too much to ask? I just want them to finish one thing before they move on to 10 other projects.

Just put everyone on Versus XIII. Release it. Then split the teams back up to work on their respective projects.

Dasteru4361d ago

FFXII was my favorite PS2 FF also.

From what i have seen there are 3 main reasons why alot of people didn't like it.

1: Political nature of the story

2: Didn't like the combat system at first sight and gave up on the game after less than a couple hours.

3: Lacked the intelligence to figure out the Gambit system, blamed the entire game for their own stupidity.

paybackprahl4360d ago


You're missing the 4th (most important) reason, one that also applies to hardcore FF fans like myself.

XII was boring as hell.

Ult iMate4360d ago

Make a sequel to a FF XII without Yasumi Matsuno? Good luck with that. Matsuno was my personal favourite JRPG-maker.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4360d ago
Canary4361d ago

I'd love to see a "complete" FFXII. You know, one where they actually have the whole story in the game, so that the you don't play for tens of hours without any dialog. Aside from Balthier and Basch (and Asche, I suppose) the cast was filled with non-entities. It sucked that FFXII's story was so half-assed, especially considering how absolutely brilliant the rest of the game was.

But, in all seriousness, I don't forsee there EVER being any new FFXII stuff, outside of maybe an HD port for PS3/Vita.

If there is a sequel, though, odds are it'll be released worldwide before Versus.

Ult iMate4360d ago

Vita-version of FF XII would be sweet.
But the sequel of the game without the creator of XII seems questionable.

Canary4360d ago

My memory is a bit hazy, but as I recall, the chief reason for FFXII's butchered narrative and empty characters (as well as the obscenely long development time) was that the project leads switched half-way through.

So, in a sense, FFXII was a game without the creator of FXII to begin with.

Ranma14361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

--this needs to be said aloud--


why did they have to merge they have become a joke. is it a coincidence that they merged on april fools day?

GamingPerson4360d ago

sooo People still think FF isn't over milked?

RedDead4360d ago

There's over 30 Metal gear games. Good franchises get milked. FF is just **** now.

HarryMasonHerpderp4360d ago (Edited 4360d ago )

I liked FFXII it was a good game,i didn't like it at first and i can see why other people didn't like it but seriously no one is asking for a sequel.

we need a brand new FF that's as good as the old games if not even better! or at least finish off FF versus XIII.

Besides the sequel will ruin my memory of how much i enjoyed FFXII and lets not forget all the DLC milking this game would get.

*sigh* square just be good again! make me excited for a FF like i used to be! after all you didn't sell millions of copys of FFVII,VIII,IX and X through DLC milking and sequels nobody asked for.

Make the amazing original epic games you once did and the money and sales will follow...

JoeDaniel4360d ago

strange? do you recall the Final Fantasy IV sequel? lol

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4360d ago
Prcko4361d ago

hmm that FF was one of the worst i played,gief FFX Sequel

ilikestuff4361d ago

agreed, sucked big time why not sequel 10?

Dasteru4361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

Probably get alot of hate for this but i have to say it.

FFX was nearly as linear as XIII, Was by far the most repetitive of all the FF games. Had one of the most cliche story's and half the characters were cheese puffs. FFXII was a vastly superior game in every way.

Edit: Forgot to add, as stated above. FFX already had a sequel, it was called FFX-2 and it sucked monkey balls even worse than X.

Sevir4361d ago

I for one hated the direction of 12... I hated the political story! and the characters all sucked. Ivalice as a world just wasn't interesting and i couldn't bring myself to completing it! >_> In my opinion they could have done a sequel to FF9, the world of terra was awesome and the characters in that are amazing! Honestly the worlds that sakeguchi crafted were simply amazing! I'm not sure what Wada is doing at that company but I don't care anymore! whats sad is that this game more than likely has been in development the same time FF13-2 was and will probably launch worldwide before Versus 13, especially with Wada confirming that FF games will now have a 2 year development cycle. After Versus 13 not playing another final fantasy game ever! it'll be Kingdom Hearts till they force Tetsuya to gimp the franchise's quality!

FlashXIII4361d ago

They made a sequel, the intro made it look like it was aimed at 10 year old girls.. can't comment on the rest of the game, it immediately got taken back to the game store after the intro ended.

nesstalgia4361d ago

I hated Vaan so much, such a hard character to like.

NeXXXuS4361d ago

I liked Basch because he was hot.

FlashXIII4361d ago

I blame the voice actor, they could have given him a decent sounding voice as opposed to making him sound like someone who is just going through puberty.

bangoskank4360d ago

Well... he was a kid. He was voiced much better than Tidus.

Snookies124361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

Oh, you mean the man-woman with no personality? Vaan is probably one of the worst things to come out of the FF franchise. Honestly, whoever decided to make that the main character of XII NEEDS to be slapped. Balthier was 100 times more interesting.

With that said, the FFXII story sucked in my opinion. I went through it like 3 times and it STILL made no freaking sense, or maybe it was so lackluster my mind didn't want to grasp it. The gameplay was fun, but aside from Balthier and a few others the characters were unimaginative, never stood out, and had hardly any meaning at all. The color scheme was also as boring as plotline being all greyish brown. There was hardly any color at all in the environments save a few areas.

XII was good from a gameplay standpoint. I put in around 200 hours in my main game, but it in no way deserves a sequel. Give one that REALLY deserves it *cough* VI *cough* Shoot, I'd take a sequel to just about any other FF game rather than XII sorry to say.

EDIT: On second thought, I don't want Enix touching FFVI in any way for a sequel. They'd ruin it so badly... XD

Imalwaysright4361d ago

Balthier and Ash were FF12 main characters.

bangoskank4360d ago

The story made perfect sense if you have an attention span. Those who don't would probably get it if they watch it in movie format here:


HaHa_Ostrich4361d ago

Indeed, I dont know why he was there at all. Many strong and likeable male and female characters in the cast, yet the "hero" is a girly teenager, not well voiced, without any connection to the story, besides "I want to be a pirate too". Maybe for the star wars concept square desperately needed their own Luke Skywalker? If so, they failed.

HeavenlySnipes4360d ago

Vaan is not the main character. The story revolves around Ashe and the relationship between Baltheir and his dad (when it comes to which characters play the biggest part). You simply start the game as Vaan. In no way does that make him the main character

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user54670074361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

Jeez...Sqaure are so out of touch with their fanbase

"Hey Square we want FF13 Versus"

"Here you can have FF13"

"...Square we want Versus still, oh and a FF7 remake"

"Here you can have FF13-2"


"Here you can have a FF12 sequel"

FF12 was average, it wasn't bad and it wasn't good...why do they have to do a sequel to that.

Do one for FF8 or FF9...theres so many things you can do in those games.

Is this Sqaures thing now...to do sequels to past FF games

I think they can't be arsed to think of another story, setting, characters for a new FF game. I'm guessing FF15 is a long way off unless they rename Versus to FF15 which in my opinion they should, with all the time spent on it I bet all that FF13 mytho they had in the game could be changed.

Cablephish4361d ago

Wow, Square Enix really doesn't want to remake FFVII...

WooHooAlex4361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

I think they do, they're probably just terrified of screwing it up.

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