
New Data: PlayStation 3 is the Most Played Gaming Console, Global Console Sales to Decrease 19%

RealGamerNewz takes interest in new data revealed today about this console generation. Unfortunate news about downtrends in the industry, and active user data are statistically analyzed from this full press release.

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Shok4392d ago

Most likely due to the fact that the Wii and 360 haven't been shelling out many exclusives as of lately.

Outside_ofthe_Box4392d ago (Edited 4392d ago )

So exclusives do matter and PS3 owners do play and buy them.

The article uses percentage instead of actual numbers (44% for PS3, 40% for 360), but I still think the PS3 leads in actual number since the PS3 and 360 are close in worldwide sales.

EDIT: Actually the Wii might lead in actual numbers seeing as 30% of Wii owners use the console on a weekly basis and the fact that the Wii sold a ton of units.

***"Sales figures alone do not determine winners in this generation’s console competition,” adds Kantideep Thota, Analyst at Strategy Analytics. “Wii has sold the highest number of games consoles cumulatively; but Sony’s and Microsoft’s advancement in online game distribution and cross-platform integration grants them higher user engagement and a solid foundation for the next generation console war"***

Couldn't have agreed more with this quote.

Abash4392d ago

It is my most played gaming console, and it'll keep being that way all this year with Starhawk, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, and PlayStation All-Stars

Arnon4392d ago (Edited 4392d ago )

How are they accumulating this data? How do they have statistics for how many users are using a console for media or for actual gaming at a given time? I'm curious.

They would have to have knowledge of specific profits for not only companies like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, but knowledge of every company that distributes their products, and then have knowledge of every person who purchases said games, and then have knowledge of how many times that person is using the PS3 for actual gaming instead of any other feature that the PS3 has at any, given, time. Sorry, it doesn't sound believable. It's too broad of a percentage to actually be accurate.

It's probably some small survey that took data from 2000 people or so and equated that to the entire population of consoles sold.

EVILDEAD3604392d ago (Edited 4392d ago )

'Additionally, this recent Strategy Analytics ConsumerMetrix survey shows that users of Sony’s PS3 games console showed the highest level of usage frequency, topping its two major competitors'

LMFAO @ at an anonymous survey from Strategic Analysts determining the console usage for ALL console owners on earth..FAIL

It is absolutely laughable that a survey can calculate the billion hour usage rate from well over 100 million consoles around the world.

Anytime you see 'Strategic Analysts' you know exactly what your going to get in terms of console predictions.

But, we know WHO will claim this is as fact from now on..lol


TheRealHeisenberg4391d ago

@ Evil

"But, we know WHO will claim this is as fact from now on..lol"

To be fair, we also know WHO will claim this survey to be bogus too.

A-Glorious-Dawn4391d ago

Its funny how some people will question the integrity of a survey or data when it goes against their preferences, but will hop on other equally questionable pieces of data without second thought,,, VGchatz springs to mind...

The Hypocrisy not just on N4G but on many online communities is abysmal........

Evil, come on man,, we both know that if this data had shown the 360 to be the most used gaming console you would have jumped on it..

And for the record I completely agree with your points on the data's validity,,,,

YodaCracker4391d ago (Edited 4391d ago )

Bad timing to put down the Xbox 360's lineup when it recently had three AAA titles release in the span of a week (Fez, Trials Evolution, and The Witcher II), none of which appear on the PS3.

This is pretty hilarious though to see people clinging to this article. The headline pulls the only good piece of info the article presented for the PS3. So if you believe this research, then surely you must also believe these other quotes from the article:

-“On the other hand, Xbox 360 appeals to a broader audience, as more consumers buy the Microsoft console for non-gaming as well as gaming functions.”

-“Last year, Xbox 360 sales beat PS3 globally, despite its relative weakness outside the US."

-"The report projects a decline in global Xbox 360 sales 13.8 million units in 2012; and PS3 sales will also fall, to 13 million units."

MysticStrummer4391d ago

@EVILDEAD360 - We all know who would claim it was fact if it said something else, too.

Arnon4391d ago (Edited 4391d ago )

Coming back to this comment board, and reading the comments... it's just sad. Please don't grasp on to this article, just for your own sake. There's no evidence, statistical factual data, or anything. It's sad. And if anyone actually reads anymore, the article contradicts itself.

It's clearly seen as a bogus statistic. Come on folks.

Outside_ofthe_Box4391d ago (Edited 4391d ago )


I didn't put down the 360's lineup up... Interesting how you got defensive pretty quick..


Hadn't seen it was a survey thanks for bringing it up..

***"But, we know WHO will claim this is as fact from now on"***

Similar to how you claimed it was fact that the 360 sold at a higher average price than the PS3, but when Beatdown and I showed you that it wasn't necessarily the case you called us fan kiddies and trolls for doing so right?


Statix4391d ago (Edited 4391d ago )

@YodaCracker: Funny how you brag about the article stating that "more people buy the 360 for non-gaming functions" when you were probably among the first to put down the PS3 owners for "buying the console just for the Blu-ray." Way to spin the whole "casual gamer" angle around.

"Bad timing to put down the Xbox 360's lineup when it recently had three AAA titles release in the span of a week (Fez, Trials Evolution, and The Witcher II), none of which appear on the PS3."

PS3 came out with Twisted Metal, a new Yakuza game, and MLB '12 The Show thus far this year. What's your point? Also, what else does 360 have for the rest of the year, besides Halo?

JellyJelly4391d ago

They probably measure how many users have logged on to PSN/Xbox Live during a set period, which makes it a bit skewed since lots of people play offline and you can have a PSN or Xbox Live account without owning a 360 or PS3.

pixelsword4391d ago (Edited 4391d ago )


"A Survey = The World...interesting how that works"


"US Console Sales = The World...interesting how that works, too..." ;)

EVILDEAD3604391d ago (Edited 4391d ago )

'Similar to how you claimed it was fact that the 360 sold at a higher average price than the PS3, but when Beatdown and I showed you that it wasn't necessarily the case you called us fan kiddies and trolls for doing so right?'

@ Outside

Epic FAIL..let me jog your memory on what actually happened. You and your twin profiles were arguing semantics and sales with someone else..I just laughed about. Because it really was funny.

On topic..

Look..You will NEVER see me pretending an unsubstantiated anonymous online survey is fact no matter what the outcome. Anyone whose ever really dealt with surveys ie. In college or in the workplace know what has to go into proving the validity of one. It's easy to make erroneous claims..but its another thing entirely to prove those claims..especially without sample size etc.

As for my statement of WHO will treat it immediately as fact..well the proof is in the pudding.

Anybody whose been on N4G.com long enough will see people using fake stats from unproven surveys as statistical fact. This hilariously will be no different.

The funny part is it could go either way. You could easily argue for either console as to which is played the most globally, but if you believe that THIS particuliar data is proven from a survey than you might be alot more gullable than you think.

Fight your console war..I'm keeping it real

You can't argue when a Netflix says hey more people use Netflix on the PS3 than the 360. That comes from their direct data.

You can prove hourly use or amount of gamers who are playing say a Call of Duty online over Live or PSN.

In fact, when players played in the the Billionth Halo 3 match online, Bungie had the playtime stats down to the second. For the record it was Two Trillion seconds equating to 64,109 years of playtime..

But let's face it online gaming survey with the state of the gaming internet as it is like pretending 100% of the user reviews on Metacritic are valid.

Just my opinion..believe what you want



@ pixel..

"US Console Sales = The World...interesting how that works, too..." ;

That was the whole point of the joke...no one has ever made this claim, but it's laughable to this day that in almost every NPD result article someone points it out..But now that you have a bold claim of a survey that = The world..crickets...lol

thats_just_prime4391d ago

Who still be taking this all that serious if you known the analyst was patcher ? This is some random guy in a suit looking at a very small % of the numbers and then making his best guess. Odds are they only looked at numbers from ps3, xbox and maybe wii ingoring the handheld and pc market complete. Everyone with 2 brain cells knowns that pc is the most played

Outside_ofthe_Box4391d ago (Edited 4391d ago )


I don't have another account. This is my only account. Isn't DK your multi? Or am I not allowed to make false claims like you do? You seem to do that all the time. When ever two or more people make arguments against you, you always assume they are multi accounts...

And saying you just "laughed" about it is a lie. You called me a trolling fan kiddie with an agenda. Besides you said DK "destroyed" us meaning you agreed with what he was saying. Also I wasn't arguing either was just enjoying it until you commented.. I think your memory needs to be jogged...


Anywho... the title of the article needs to be changed to "New Survey:" if it isn't to late to do so...

ShinMaster4391d ago (Edited 4391d ago )

* Some people will claim that these stats don't count because they don't favor their system of preference yadda yadda yadda....

* Others will say that they wouldn't be saying the same thing if it did favor their system blah blah blah....

* Some will claim that certain people will use these stats as facts (even though no one has yet) etc etc etc....

It's the same thing all the time.
This situation wouldn't be any different if it was reversed because fanboys will be fanboys and will either go "yay" or "nay" whenever convenient.

Who cares. Some poeple need to stop being so sensitive and threatened.

MrBeatdown4391d ago (Edited 4391d ago )


"Epic FAIL..let me jog your memory on what actually happened. You and your twin profiles were arguing semantics and sales with someone else..I just laughed about. Because it really was funny."

Evil, you must be really desperate for material. What is this? The fifth or six time you've claimed I've had alternate accounts? You seem to like spreading lies and misinformation, just like when you said I was "trolling" Mass Effect 3 articles by posting spoilers even though I put clear spoiler warnings. Not to mention that I received mainly agrees, so clearly nobody but you perceived, or tried to pass it off as trolling.

It never ceases to amaze me that someone who calls everyone "fan kids", manufacturers BS about other users like me and Outside and tries to pass it off as fact, and constantly replies to the first comment on any article, just to get his posts as close to the top as possible manages to maintain six bubbles.

I'd bet all my bubbles that I don't have an alternate account, and I'd welcome any mod here to look into it and confirm if they have the ability. I doubt you're confident enough in the lies you go around spewing that you'd be willing to put your money where your mouth is.

kreate4391d ago

so... DK is Evildead360's alternative account?
geez.. i cant believe both accounts has all those bubbles when the comments are borderline trolling.

on topic: i dont understand why this statistic is that much of a deal to a xbox fanboy i mean the numbers are so close. 40% to 44%?

its nothing to be worked up about.

Drake1174391d ago

Love ppl that say VGChartz is unreliable but then go on to believe every word of this.

EVILDEAD3604391d ago (Edited 4391d ago )

'I think your memory needs to be jogged'

@ Outside

LOL..failure continues down the epic path.

You literally backpedaled on ur own story and still provided the link that proves you wrong.

You first wrote..

'Similar to how YOU claimed it was fact that the 360 sold at a higher average price than the PS3'

Not only did this NOT happen.you provided the link that literally proved without a shadow of the doubt it did not happen.

The best part is you backpedaling on very next comment by saying

'Besides you said DK "destroyed" us meaning you agreed with what he was saying.'

LOL @ First it's 'YOU CLAIMED...' Then it's YOU made a claim because 'You said he destroyed us'

Noticed how you used the word 'Us'.when your link proves I was talking about Beatdown.

Here's MY original quote..

'DK destroyed all 3 of you..AND Outside following up when you run out of bubbles looks strangley familiar'

You werent even one of the 3 I was talking about..but somehow you remembered being one of them. What I say afterwards is in response to whatever you come at me with..nothing more nothing less.

I just joke about the FACT that you two are Twin profiles..and ANYBODy can look at your past from that link back and see that whenever one of you is being addressed or starts running out of bubbles..the other shows up like magic out of nowhere.

Look at THAT link..I was joking about Beatdown and Outside jumped in out of nowhere. Look it up..count how many articles you both 'magically' appear in and do EXACTLY the same thing.

Nuff said..Beatdown let it go..everything that needed to be said about those old articles had been said. You are still bickering about them to this day. Just simply re-read what was written..nuff said.

On topic..

Again..the points were simply made about the survey. I made my points.not one was disputed and at the end of the day it definately isnt some end of the world argument either way. It's definately not that serious.

Sorry folks it's al me 2000+ posts and counting..I don't need a sidekick..I'm just a fan of gaming and N4G is definately the most entertaining gaming site out there..

Evil is definately entertained

MrBeatdown4391d ago (Edited 4391d ago )


"Nuff said..Beatdown let it go..everything that needed to be said about those old articles had been said. You are still bickering about them to this day. Just simply re-read what was written..nuff said. "

Let it go? You continue to insinuate I have multiple accounts. Lying, joking... it doesn't matter what you want to call it. It's trolling, and it's simply spreading lies. It's kind of funny that now that I call you on it, and even invite a mod to prove you wrong, you change your tune and now you call it a joke.

And I'll continue to take issue with it until you grow up and shut up about it, or a mod shuts you up so the rest of us don't have to watch you derail a thread with your childish immaturity and personal attacks.

And you've lied about my comments in the past to paint me in a negative light because you couldn't argue on pure facts. You try to paint me as something I'm not and you continue to do it, even here, so I'll continue to bring these things up as a reminder to everyone here of just what a troll you truly are.

Not only that, but you've been pulling the multiple account BS long before Outside ever replied to one of my comments. Once again, you're manufacturing BS to suit your own agenda. Outside has responded to my comments only a handful of times. One example was the one he linked to. The other is the one where you lied about me "running around trolling Mass Effect 3 articles with spoilers". Go ahead and dig up some more examples if you are so confident that Outside always shows up when I'm low on bubbles. For once, put your money where your mouth is.

And you know, maybe if you didn't create a spectacle out of everything you had to say by posting it as close to the top as possible in nearly every article you post in, regardless of how relevant it is to the one you are replying to, as you did here, you'd be less likely to get a response from me or Outside.

Fact is, it's just more nonsense and drivel from you that you try to pass off as fact.

You can't stick to real facts or the topic at hand. Instead, you do things like bring up BS about multiple accounts, and outright lying about the content of my posts to distract from the actual discussion. You pull this BS about "keeping it real" and that you're above any fanboy nonsense, yet the hilarious thing is that you actually perpetuate it because you're a troll. Hell, you did it in this very article...

"But, we know WHO will claim this is as fact from now on..lol"

Rather than just state your opinion, you had to end the comment with an attempt to troll anyone who disagreed with you. Classic EVILDEAD. Why that kind of crap gets a free pass around here is beyond me.

4391d ago
A-Glorious-Dawn4390d ago

LOL quick thinking there evil...

Nobody can see through that

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 4390d ago
TheTwelve4391d ago

Why did this make me laugh? o.O

ChrisW4392d ago

I wonder what the difference for duration of usage and frequency during that "a week" period is?

Remember, some people play almost every day. And there are some who play for several hours during a single gaming session, even if it's only once a week.

It'd be nice to see what the statistics are concerning that... otherwise it doesn't seem like a very valid statistical argument to claim which is the "most played" console.

xPhearR3dx4391d ago

Even then, the data will never be 100% accurate or even close. I'm sure there's thousands of PS3, Wii and 360 owners that don't connect their system online. Without being connected online, there's no way of telling how much usage those people get out of said console.

Not only that, but the PS3 being only 4% higher with a much bigger list of exclusives isn't all that impressive.

Bowzabub4391d ago

Probably because PS3 gamers don't get put on "timeout".

Crystallis4391d ago

LOL! I found that very funny.

Bowzabub4391d ago

Well the original joke was longer but i'm gonna set it off to the side as dlc. ;)

cr33ping_death4391d ago

ill wait on your joke, its probably just a timed exclusive :)

DFresh4391d ago

Yeah also Microsoft is focused too much on Kinect and Nintendo is preparing for the Wii U so the lack of exclusives on the Wii this year is understandable.
Microsoft really needs to bring some exclusives to the table that aren't Kinect related.

Lilioups4391d ago Show
GamingPerson4391d ago (Edited 4391d ago )

ps3 most played console!
pc is the most played pc!

ps3 > 360
pc > pc

NewZealander4391d ago

i havnt played my ps3 in ages, uncharted 3 was the last game i played on it, most of my friends own 360's so i tend to buy most games for xbox, so i can play online with them.

ps3 has some awesome games but i only buy the occasional exclusive, everything else i buy on 360.

mobhit4391d ago

So Arnon, are you claiming this article to be wrong? Because surveys like this were posted on N4G before and they were skewed towards the 360. Yet I didn't hear you mention anything about not grasping straws when it came to the article.

I'm not surprised that the PS3 is the most played console. It has a crapload of exclusives.

mobhit4391d ago

Evil also seems to write these really long novels. It's almost as if he's about to cry.

catfrog4391d ago

this same thing has been reported many times over the past few years, ps3 has been the most played console for a few years in a row now

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4390d ago
basilezz30304392d ago ShowReplies(2)
sunkisses4392d ago

i'm pretty sure the xbox 360 is but whatever, i'm really looking forward to next gen so i hope this "new data" is false.

Outside_ofthe_Box4392d ago

The decrease is to be expected though seeing as we are 6-7 years into this generation. As for the Wii U I think E3 will determine it's launch sales.

Hoje03084392d ago

I'll take actual data over your hunch.

ChrisW4392d ago (Edited 4392d ago )

It may be actual data, but it could also be selective data. A lot can happen in a week, but how much and how often? I won't deny that more PS3 owners play on "a weekly basis", that's what the statistics say. But wouldn't it be nice to also know if it's the most frequently played in a week period and for the longest periods of time? That's what's missing from this data.

ChrisW4391d ago

Just a wee bit curious as to how I can get disagrees for saying, "But wouldn't it be nice to also know if it [the PS3] is the most frequently played in a week period and for the longest periods of time?"

PirateThom4392d ago

Oh, well, as long as you're "pretty sure", that's way better than market research...

Hoje03084392d ago (Edited 4392d ago )

And if he's looking forward to next gen anyway, why would he hope this "new data" (he really doesn't trust reliable information for some reason) is false? My guess is sunkisses comes from a gene pool that's been peed in a few times.

AusRogo4392d ago

Wow I didnt know that! Thats awesome. Proud owner since 07 and hasnt skipped a beat! Cant wait for e3, I want to see some The Last Of Us footage! I love Naughty Dog.

deletingthis346753344392d ago ShowReplies(4)
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Sarah Bond dodges questions on Xbox studio closures

While on stage with Dina Bass at The Bloomberg Technology Summit the President of Xbox, Sarah Bond, was asked about the Xbox studio closures of Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog, and Roundhouse Studios

8h ago
ApocalypseShadow5h ago

Of course she did. She's part of the problem and will just tow the company line.

VenomUK3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Bloomberg’s Dina Bass could barely read her scripted question without looking at her notes, whilst Sarah Bond who WAS expecting the question spoke without saying anything of substance or answering the question in any meaningful way. Clearly she’s had the same expert PR training as Phil, but this avoidance was disrespectful. In time the short-sighted decision to shut down Tango Gameworks will be seen as of the most notorious examples why Phil Spencer messed up his tenure in charge of Xbox. That’s a fully built out talented team that could’ve been put to work on any project.

Additionally, Phil Spencer should not be using Sarah Bond as a patsy for his mistakes- he should be answering that question.

gleepot54m ago

I think you are all really overselling Tangos value. Hi-Fi rush was a lot of fun. Ghostwire was incredibly dull. Evil within 1 and 2 were just okay.

lucasnooker19m ago

Evil within 2 was incredibly under rated. I thought that game was surprisingly good

XiNatsuDragnel3h ago

Yikes you don't help Sarah 😬 making a problem worse

Christopher2h ago

She's playing her role. There's absolutely nothing any of them can say other than the truth, this is about profit margins and not quality, so they just don't answer anything and wait for gamers to forget.

Hofstaderman3h ago

Like a deer caught in the headlights.....

notachance3h ago

I always wondered why xbox had multiple leaders with similar titles like Phil Spencer, Matt Booty, and Sarah Bond, like, how many heads do you actually need?

Seems to me it would be more cost efficient to cut 2 of them instead of all those studios.

DarXyde2h ago

Frankly, I suspect she is the most competent of them. I don't mean that I like her more, I mean that she's the best at articulating herself and giving the talking points MS wants to give. The others are starting to sound more like her than her sounding like any of them.

Are any of these people "responsible" for what's happening? No. This reeks of Nadella. But that being said, I don't see any of the Xbox heads stepping down in protest.

"Don't shoot the messenger", sure, but at the same time, the messengers don't seem to take umbrage with the message. Not enough to remove themselves from it, anyway.

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The Games Industry Continues To Wonder What Is The Point Of Its Own Existence

While many gaming layoffs are cruel, Tango Gameworks being culled after Hi-Fi Rush doesn't even make sense.

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Psychonaut8514h ago

Good read. I think the point is important. Cuz the message it sends is, make a bad game? Well shut you down. Make a good game? We still might shut you down. How the fuck are you supposed to feel any sense of job security under those conditions. The level of core incompetence at play in the upper levels of this industry is staggering. This is common sense shit. You can’t chase trends on a 2 year cycle when games take fucking 6-8 years to make. Just let artists fucking art for gods sake. They don’t understand the basic principle that they’re all haggling for the same slice of fucking pie and the market will not bear it. Find a different fucking pie.

TiredGamer10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Might be a great game but it clearly did not make enough money to justify having the team make another game (under the MS umbrella).

It's never been just about whether your game is good or bad. The industry is full of great/underrated games that have a cult following or critical acclaim, but that fail to make great sales. Sad but true. It's a high stakes game, and at the end of the day, companies have to be profitable and make profitable investments. At the very least, there has to be the expectation of a long-term profit even if not profitable today. That goes for anything, no matter if the company is gigantic or a tiny mom-and-pop. We don't have to like it, but our buying habits played a hand in creating this monster.

I will keep harping that the industry has overreached its actual market and that it will implode. That implosion is already starting.

ApocalypseShadow5h ago

I partially agree with what you're saying in that companies need to sell well to make it in the industry. Something I've said again and again. Sony and Nintendo understand this about gaming by selling the game for as long as you can, then drop it on a service for additional revenue. It's why you won't see Sony and Nintendo expensively developed games on a service day one. It doesn't make business sense to do so.

The thing is about Tango is that they weren't given a chance after the acquisition when their game was shadow dropped on a console where gamers are told to not buy games but to rent them on a service for pennies. That kills day one sales even for small indie like developers who have big budgets for their company size.

Microsoft destroyed them in favor of pushing their services over investing in these developers futures or their games they created.

P_Bomb7h ago

“…make a bad game? Well shut you down. Make a good game? We still might shut you down.”

I got chills. It shouldn’t have come to this.


Interview on Fallout 4 with the Actor for Nick Valentine, Codsworth & Mr Handy (Stephen Russell)

Interview with Stephen Russell, Actor for (Nick Valentine, Codsworth, My Handy) in Fallout 4 which is a vast open world role playing game set in the apocalyptic wastes of Boston, the Commonwealth. The career goes further with other Bethesda games from Starfield to Prey to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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