
Rumor: Doom 4 cancelled; lots of leaked screenshots released

"According to a guy in 4chan, Doom 4 is supposedly cancelled and he has posted a lot of screenshots. The game was in development for a long time by ID software, and it seems like all the rumours are falling into place."

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NYC_Gamer4450d ago

ID should just focus on building engines instead of game development

49erguy4450d ago

I'd agree if I were simply going by how much I hated Rage. Never been a PC gamer so I don't have that perspective, but Rage was awful IMO.

mynameisEvil4449d ago

Actually, it was the PC gaming community that iD screwed over this time. Lots of awful problems on the PC that just suck the fun out of the game.

So, if you hated it on console, you might slam your face into a wall if you had to play the PC version, I guess.

Kurt Russell4449d ago

I liked Rage, it was a little unfinished but was a great take on a FPS and at least tried to do a few things a little differently. Also the Quakes, Dooms, and Wolfensteins have all been fun... It'd be a shame to be stuck with modern warfare based games (when I say modern warfare I don't mean just COD in particular).

I miss fast paced over the top multiplayer pvp in giant space gothic environments; rocket jumping to victory with the help of a quad damage or a beserker power up... Or armour that's considered better because it is made of gold. Telefrags, gibs, humiliation kills... all of which was a better multiplayer experience to most games of the now.

bodybombs4449d ago

i liked rage as well. it was what i expected. you just cant let hype machine take over and you'll enjoy games more.

the gunplay of the game was fun and different in my opinion. i really enjoyed the racing aspect of the game, and for me thats a big thing considering i normally hate racing games. the a.i. while not being the best ever was up there with some of the better.

the only real dissapointment was the fact that it wasnt open world.

ShinMaster4449d ago (Edited 4449d ago )

Doom 3 was the last good game.

I appreciate what they did in the earlier days of gaming, but they're outdated now.
All John Carmack does now is talk about tech.

starchild4449d ago

Rage was pretty damn enjoyable to me. I just hated the PC version. I ended up having to buy the 360 version.

Legion4449d ago

@Kurt Russell

Try Halo:Reach... every thing that you liked about the early Quake lives reborn in Reach in some form. And with the tools they have for inventing your own game the remakes of Quake levels and game style are already around. :D

Autodidactdystopia4449d ago (Edited 4449d ago )

I think it looks like rage.

the engine reeks of the bad taste rage left in my mouth.

I absolutely HATE the art style. HATE it.

Hope they scrap everything and go for what doom used to look like.

com'on carmack blow us away like you did with doom 3 when it first came out. This looks like trash, I was expecting so much more.

if they go for another rage type post apocalyptic blurry mess im gonna be soo dissapointed.

honestly i was expecting doom 4 to set a new bar. looks like it will just be more of the same.

MEGATEXTURE blah blah blah. not worth s#!T without decent content.

oh well.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4449d ago
meetajhu4450d ago

lol wut? Go play your Cod's. You got no flipping clue about what id has done to gaming. Rage 1000x better than any COD till date.

hellzsupernova4450d ago

he never said anything about CoD

spacedelete4450d ago

herp derp derrrpy derp. any game can be better than COD what's your point ? fanboy like you make me think less of humanity.

ape0074449d ago (Edited 4449d ago )

why so defensive, as if CoD destroyed your life

JsonHenry4449d ago (Edited 4449d ago )

Unless they pull something magical out of their hat I would say that Id Softwares days of glory are long past.

@below - No. I just feel that they are so far behind the times it would not be what it should be. I feel that Doom 4 would need to be somewhat open world like RAGE, but more "drama" since you are fighting for earth and that there would need to be something akin to the HL2 experience in order for Id to reclaim any sort of relevance in today's gaming market.

TENTONGUN4449d ago

doom 3 was their last solid title. you think doom 4 would suck? not attacking, just curios man.

Vynzent4449d ago

What an idiot.

And yes, RAGE is alot better than many other games of 2011. The bugs are one thing, but the game is a whole other thing.

4449d ago Replies(3)
Rageanitus4449d ago

I enjoyed Rage and Doom 3 very much.... IMO they were better than those halo games out there.

Tsar4ever014449d ago

I don't know if all these pics are legit, but just by looking at it I 1st thought of the new version of "HOMEFRONT", looking a little more, and at the model designs, than I thought of "RAGE" with demons.

For what I understand DOOM3 took place somewhere in the year of 2145, which is around 133 years in our future from now in 2012. So why does this post apocalyptic earth looks so much like late 20th/early 21 century. The cars, the building looks SOOOO nowadays, nothing looks remotely futuristic, the devs should've at least ATTEMPTED to make our world look 133 years later, even after the world got it's ASS KICKED.

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Cajun Chicken4450d ago

What?!? They can't cancel Doom4!

WooHooAlex4450d ago

Really a shame if it is cancelled. Especially if those screenshots are real .. it looks sick!

Snookies124450d ago

Yeah, cancelling Doom would be a sad day in gaming... I mean come on... IT'S DOOM! I really liked the series, it wasn't in my top ten, but it's definitely an icon in the gaming world. I really hope when it does finally come out, it scares the hell out of us.

redking3154450d ago

I would be willing to bet money that those screenshots are real. I have always had a knack for IDing game engines and that one had the textures and lighting that is evident of the ID Tech 5 engine that no one but ID has.

Caleb_1414450d ago

I'm sorry, but if anyone looks at those screenshots and can't find similarities with everything to RAGE then they need their eyes checked.

ninjahunter4450d ago

My brain is to me
As unhappy is my feeling about this.

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New footage revealed for the cancelled COD-like version of Doom 4

Today, some new in-game footage from the prototype versions of the cancelled COD-like Doom 4 surfaced online.

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Feralkitsune1231d ago

What's cool is you can see some of the animations they kept and revised for 2016.

nirwanda1231d ago

When you strip everything back you can really see how great the animation is.
It's amazing how far games have come.

glenn19791231d ago

For me its always interesting to see some prototype of a game of something else and see the final product on why they go another direction in the end

RaidenBlack1231d ago

My favorite is the MGS:Rising vs MGR:Revengeance.(I preferred the Kojima's one)
Another interesting one is Splinter Cell Conviction Concept vs Retail

spicelicka1231d ago

I don't see what is "COD-like" here? Just because there's 2 seconds footage with ironsight?

Concertoine1231d ago

The devs were openly going for the cinematic shooter style that was popular in the years this was developed. COD-like Doom was pretty much the pitch.

Fluke_Skywalker1231d ago

Looks pish, no wonder it got canned.


Every Doom Game Ever

Whilst the FPS genre has since had a tonne of fantastic franchises, such as Quake, Unreal and Serious Sam, Doom remains at the top of the pile, and has one of the best comeback stories in video game history. Doom is almost 30 years running, and has even bled into other mediums such as feature films and novels. As it has been going for so long, there have been a large number of entries in the series, and there are probably a few you never played. This is every Doom game ever.

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Why Development Stopped On DOOM 4

According to ID Executive Producer Marty Stratton, DOOM 4 was scrapped because "it was more 'DOOM' in name than really anything."

Dabigsiebowski1533d ago

Because they wanted to punish John Carmack.

AK911533d ago

From reports apparently Doom 4 was shaping up to be COD but set in the DOOM universe, honestly really glad that didn’t happen.

Profchaos1533d ago

Pretty much they wanted to make it to meet what was selling at the time and in doing so it lost the soul of what makes doom doom.

MadLad1533d ago

Even Doom 3 did that, despite being a solid game all the same. Not mind blowing, in my opinion, but a solid title.

1533d ago
Segata1533d ago

Because it was Call of Duty with generic demons on Earth. Looked worse than the 2009 Wolfenstein. They made the right call.