
Modern Warfare 3: New shotgun jump glitch could be a game-breaker

Product-Reviews writes: This new glitch has been found in the multiplayer version of the game and a video we have to show you lets you see how a group of MW3 players can climb to the top of buildings, seemingly floating in the air due to something known as ‘shotgun boosting’ which is apparently the new thing for gamers to exploit in multiplayer.

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tr00p3r4695d ago

Rather then fill your pockets Infinity Ward, fix this shit already ..this same thing happened in MW2 as well didn't it? Not good enough.

Heartnet4694d ago

Hardly game breaking.. looks like takes a while to do it lol and with how small and crowded the maps in CoD your not going to get very far.. wasted effort xD

But yeh still needs a fix

JokesOnYou4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

Heres an idea, just shoot them.

Ive been playing the game obcessively since launch, I havent encountered any glitches....it just seems like many of you are so desperate to find reasons to hate on MW3, lol theres another article of shoddy journalism related to clan tag hacks, the BF3 fanboys are so eager to hate they comment as if the game is broken and full of hackers without any knowledge of the facts, lol its not even a hack. Also MW3 while staying true to the COD formula feels different than the other COD games, especially BOps, different weapons, weapon upgrades, new perks, new support killstreaks, new modes, new environments,new customization and of course new maps & a very solid campaign, honestly other than a new engine I dont know what the haters want them to change, fact is its still COD, and even on a old engine its still more fun than BF3.

GroundsKeeperJimbo4694d ago

@JokesOnYou Seem a bit defensive there :]

Just wanted to point out that you're the first one to even bring up BF3.

We get it, apples and oranges pick one and defend it till you die.

bozebo4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

"different weapons, weapon upgrades, new perks, new support killstreaks, new modes, new environments,new customization and of course new maps"

ok so. For upgrades, perks, killstreaks, "customization" and modes all they need are icons & some LUA scripting (or whatever scripting system they have implemented but it hardly matters).

MP maps require a lot of time spent modelling environments, sure. But 99% of the game's textures are ripped from MW2 and MW1 and a lot of the static props are too. So that cuts out about a third of the work required to make the environments for the game (the rest being unique geometry, testing balance etc... though they probably don't test anything other than the bare minimum)

Essentially, they just made enough changes for people like JokesOnYou to think that it's actually a different game :/

Most of the "content" is _extremely_ simple from a technical or workload standpoint.

It's just a patch that you have to pay for and you have to pay again if you want to play some of the good older maps on it :/ Oh and all your unlocks are reset so you can get the satisfying feeling of unlocking new things again.

I will stick to CoD4 and 2 tyvm. (particularly considering 4's maps are brilliant, and the DLC was free on PC)

Hell, even BC2:Vietnam was more different from BC2 than MW3 is from MW1 or MW2 and it only set me back a tenner.

frostypants4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

JokesOnYou, you do realize that Sledgehammer isn't gonna send you a gift basket for ignoring their f-ups, right?

It's becoming more and more obvious that Sledgehammer simply didn't have the knowledge to fix obvious glitches left over from MW2. Think about it: almost all the changes are superficial stuff, like killstreak logic and weapon unlocks. All these issues that seem similar and/or leftover from those in MW2 are engine level...it's as if Sledgehammer didn't touch that part of it at all.

Really, for MW3 they just re-wallpapered MW2, maybe changed the drapes, re-arranged the furniture a bit, and called it a new game. These bugs, exploits, and lag issues are proof that they did little else. Even the new killstreaks...what few there are...betray this. Like the strafing run...it's just some helicopter assets in pre-baked formation flying a straight line over the map. Probably took all of a day to finagle that lame one in...just copy-pasta the B2 or jet strike, change the models to helicopters, bombs to gunfire, and slow it down a bit.

It's as if they had no down-in-the-dirt coders on the project at all. Just people who re-arranged existing assets and made new textures.

Come to think of it, it all feels like a big user mod.

RSPproductionz4694d ago

Hold on a bloody second. That is my video and me in that video and this glitch can only be done in private matches. They were in MW2 and IW purposely put them in MW3 to cater for the large COD glitching community that prefers to get out of the maps and on top of buildings in private games than playing the game itself.

So why don't you all stop hating this is a feature of the game....

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4694d ago
Euthanasia784694d ago

It would be fixed if they even bothered to upgrade anything this year. I played this game in 2005. Its mainstream pop music. If You don't realize that IW recycled a 6yr old game, repackaged it, and resold it under MW3, You are out of Your mind. This game has changed less than Madden does each year. Same graphics, same enviornments, same buildings, same physics, same hit boxes, same glitches, same game.

ZombieNinjaPanda4694d ago

Well, at least they're going green. Ya know, since all the recycling.

(Overused generic comment yep)

finbars754694d ago

Here's how you fix the game just trade it in.I can't figure out why you guys in here knew from day one that this was going to happen.I said before this game was even out that this was going to happen time and time again.Activision has only cared about there wallets once COD4 came out and relized they where onto something big.From then on they have given mediocre games without any improvements in all areas of COD.Bobby Kotick must have one he'll of a smile on his face right now knowing that he just screwed all you guys all overagain for the 7th year in a row.Just goes to show how gamers can't move onto bigger and better things.

Morpheuzpr4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

I doubt is gamers that are buying this bs of a game, its casuals that are buying it and the reason gaming is a joke of what it used to be. I mean the game is like flying a plane in autopilot. Its the virtual equivalent of drugs makes you feel good easy (ridiculous amount of aim assist) and instant satisfaction (killstreaks).

HenryFord4690d ago

aha... so casuals aren't gamers? And more important: They are not entitled to play because some elitists decides that this brings down the quality of their games?
Get over yourself already.

(Disclaimer: Not defending/liking MW3 here)

Euthanasia784690d ago

They are entitled, but as a hardcore gamer, I am entitled to skip this rehashed garbage. Only the uneducated about games would like this trash.

Speed-Racer4695d ago

I'm just giving it some time. Let them fix things.

Newsman4695d ago

It's the same game from 3 years ago, how long do they need?

Speed-Racer4695d ago


As soon as I saw P2P ranked servers, I was like F*** ... this all over again.

antz11044694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

Agreed, Im enjoying it as it is. Kill Confirmed is my new favorite mode.

Personally I haven't seen this glitch, so I'm not going to get all bothered about it and spout off about a problem someone else has experienced.

Speed-Racer4694d ago

Me neither...but I've encountered walling games already, quite a few :(

frostypants4694d ago

Walling was an issue by day 2. LOL. I can't count how many killcams I've watched where a person tracked me through a wall, started firing at a seemingly random spot before I even showed up on his screen, etc. It's too precise to just be hearing footsteps.

Speed-Racer4693d ago

I'm not even sure why people are disagreeing with me. My very first MP game, a lot of us jumped in in a P2P TDM session ... and within 1 minute a guy racked up 46 kills while the rest of us barely got past 1 kill LOL... killcam showed that he was hacking the crap outta the game.

Swiggins4694d ago

I'd hardly consider that a gamebreaker, it's not like the people can't be shot from there so it's not like the rock glitch in MW2.

But still, they need to iron this crap out, they've had 5 games to work on this....

Starbucks_Fan4694d ago

As Patrick Star would say, we should take MW3, AND PUSH IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!

seinfan4694d ago

That idea may just be crazy enough... TO GET US ALL KILLED!

DontShoot-Me-Bro4694d ago

Good, shame, i hope people find more exploits. Im not even a COD hater, I'm just a MW3 hater, its imo the worse COD I've ever played (i have only played COD games since MW2), If it did not have the brand name of "Call of duty" i have no doubt that people will be giving this game a 7/10 8/10 and no more. It brings absolutely nothing new to the table, except a new "game mode". I don't even like BF3, i sold it, but at least i see that BF3 is trying to push the boundaries of FPS's on consoles.

This generation is sooo sh!t!, Hurry up next generation, we need a change, hopefully new consoles might change that!

rant over :)

Sabian1874694d ago

How has this generation been "sh!t"??
In what perverted ranking system is this gen horrible.
Uncharted 1-3
Halo 3-Reach
Killzone 2
Alan Wake
God of War 2-3
Gears of War 1-3
Heavy Rain
Call of Duty 4
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Red Dead Redemption
InFamous 1-2
Assassin's Creed 1-?
Mass Effect 1-3
Left 4 Dead
Saints Row 1-3
Batman: Arkham Asylum-City
Little Big Planet
Grand Theft Auto 4
And so on and so on.....

See you 5 years into the next gen whining about the same thing.

ExCest4694d ago

I cannot believe you left Metal Gear Solid (doesn't matter which one) out.

But, good list.

Sabian1874694d ago

Darn it. I knew I forgot some great ones.
Metal Gear Solid
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and Skyrim
Fallout 3
Portal 1-2
Forza Motorsports 3-4
Grand Torizmo 5
Dead Space 1-2

Still not seeing the sh!tty part of the gen.

bozebo4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

'tis a good gen.

But a list of great games from the previous gen or the one before that would be much, much longer. (probably caus of all the multiplats this gen and nintendo not being a major candidate with hardcore gamers anymore)

My main problem is that they tend to sacrifice gameplay, replayability, innovation and content for marketability this gen, and that's a damn shame.

New consoles will improve things because there won't be that DVD limit imposing severe restrictions on most multiplat games anymore.

But then again: the development costs, time restrictions, rigidness of design (they can't just change stuff halfway through, the game's design must be concrete from day 1 or its not possible to schedule the developers properly and keep to the deadlines) are all restricting the number of studios which are capable of making successfull titles. If a game doesn't sell well, they go bust (a typical boxed console title must sell millions to make profits).

The only improvement next gen will probably be graphics. They have reached the point where creativity is not limited by the hardware, but by practicality of development and retail.

They can't go and work on some new innovative idea because if it doesn't sit well with the consumers then they have to shut the doors or suck up to their publisher more :( Especially if the game is very content rich and was very expensive to develop (imagine morrowind or san andreas with the graphics & detail of this generation... A BD would probably struggle to fit the content).

ExCest4694d ago

Yep. Now you fixed it

Although i have yet to play even half of those said games lol but i know they're all good.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4694d ago
finbars754694d ago

I have to disagree with you a little.I love BF3 and hate MF3 more then anything on this planet but to say that this generation is shit is just ludacris.Maybe you are just nieve or just started playing video games for the fist time in the last 2 years but man you are missing out on some of the greatest games of all time.Sabian187 hit it right on the nail with all those games.Even though I don't like some of them I still have an appreciation for what they have done for this generation of gaming those are just facts.

Euthanasia784690d ago

Has! You have singlehandedly lowered the average IQ of this forum. Does Your brain even know what Ur mouth is saying? You sound RIDICULOUS. This gen is crap? All I can say is I feel sorry for Ur ability to decipher a good game from a bad one. This gen has been boss. Better than the last gen. Sure things will get better, but this gen does not suck. You just have awful taste.

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Modern Warfare 3 flooded with cheaters after arrival on Xbox Game Pass

Players are using hacks to gain an advantage in the game, such as aimbots and wall hacks. The first gives a player superhuman aiming abilities, while a wall hack lets you see through walls to gauge where other players are.

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Jin_Sakai51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

“These hacks are typically used by PC players, but those playing on PC via Xbox Game Pass are identified as Xbox players in multiplayer lobbies.”

This is pretty dumb to say the least.

Cacabunga51d ago

All about them headshots for Xbox

blackblades51d ago

That's a WTF, they suppose to be labeled as pc users even if its on PC game pass. They mess that up big time.

XiNatsuDragnel51d ago

Oh bad this will be entertaining to watch

Number1TailzFan51d ago

If AI keeps getting better (and it will) it's just a matter of time before there's more sophisticated cheats even for consoles, and they wouldn't even need to be running on it, I have little doubt about that.

lelo2play51d ago

Don't Gamepass online games have anti-cheat systems?
If not, that's pretty dumb. Microsoft need to fix that asap.

Rynxie51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

They won't ever fix this problem, unless they (developers, publishers, Sony and MS) go after the cheat providers directly. You no longer need to hack consoles to use hacks. During the ps360 days, they were going after cheat devices, but it was a cat and mouse game. These cheating methods were around during those days, it's nothing new, but they kept it under control. Since the PS4/Xbox one generation, they stopped going after these cheating devices and it became widespread. Which I find odd, since they started charging for online play (PS4).

StormSnooper51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Possibly, this is because the companies were going after cheats because the same cheats were being used to pirate the games, whereas today, the companies use online verification to prevent piracy, thus eliminating the need to go after people who cheat only to gain an advantage in the game. As long as the cheater remains below the radar, and does not completely break the game, the companies look the other way as their wallets are not threatened by it. (that is my completely Uneducated opinion on the matter)

pwnmaster300051d ago

I mean, COD games was always filled with hackers, nothing new. I can’t blame MS on this. Activision had years to try and fix this. Might take MS some time to make some change.

Rude-ro51d ago

It all depends…
Microsoft’s guidance on how to handle gamepass on pc and their love to force crossplay with pc seems like a them issue.
And they own activision, so it is still a them issue.

StormSnooper51d ago

lol well that sucks.

Is there a reason this happened upon arrival on xbox?

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Activision Reportedly Sold An AI-Generated Skin In Call Of Duty

The Yokai's Wrath bundle was released despite previous guarantees by Activision that A.I. would not be used for final assets, per the report. Instead, Activision assured developers it was simply for internal concepts. That, of course, was not followed through. For what it's worth, per the PlayStation Store, 2,400 COD Points cost $19.99, meaning players potentially spent real-life money on a skin that was not created by an actual human.

As far as A.I. use goes across Activision, a source told Wired that 2D artists are utilizing A.I. to aid their work. That is a result of mass layoffs, in which many 2D artists were impacted. “A lot of 2D artists were laid off,” the source named Noah said. “Remaining concept artists were then forced to use A.I. to aid in their work.” Mandatory A.I. trainings have been implemented, according to Noah.

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boing154d ago (Edited 54d ago )

I mean, is this even surprising?

just_looken54d ago

It is not ubisoft has a ai tool for crating stories/script's they even talked about npc's having there own ai speech like we see with those skyrim mods.

Ai is the future sadly which sucks in so many way's.

S2Killinit54d ago (Edited 54d ago )

Activision. And MS. They will ruin console gaming forever.

Oh and where the FRIGGIN outrage people? When Sony makes a remaster of a masterpiece single player story driven game, they get roasted. But this, this, goes unnoticed? Then don’t complain that you aren’t getting enough single player story games.

54d ago Replies(1)
just_looken54d ago

Ea and ubisoft also use ai

ea using ai for development threatening mass layoffs.

ubisoft ai for npc speech

Almost every big boy in the industry is using ai in some sort of way now

Oh and sony? well they are making spyware ai were they can see how long it took you to do X and adjust difficultly.

Then you got AI agents


blackblades54d ago

Sony ai is a patent doesnt mean it came to light

just_looken54d ago


Wow this site every time you say the S word or P word they dive in defend there god its beyond nuts

I said "they are making"

You know a term that means its not out yet ffs

S2Killinit54d ago (Edited 54d ago )

How is that a response to what I said? Are they also selling AI generated skins?

Cacabunga53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

Always bringing useless links totally off topic.. just to try to show you are superior in knowledge to everyone else

…simply laughable

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 53d ago
just_looken54d ago


You never mentioned skins in your comment just stated its all microsoft's fault like so many others.

When like i showed they are late to the ball game as every other company is using or plans to use ai in various field.

If you combine everything then its getting closer to hitting a button and poof out comes a game no soul no passion nothing.

Right now its art/3d models/skins/writing/voice work some and coding can all be done via ai.

S2Killinit53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

That was the whole point of my comment, I wrote it in response to the article. Instead of focusing on making exciting games and developing talented developers, they are busy making AI generated skins that people are buying for huge sums of money. Then, some people turn around and shit on Sony when it tries to capitalize on single player classics by making remasters, and the same people then complain that they want more single player games. MS cannabalized the industry because they never thought making games was essential to their business. So, instead of nurturing theor own studios, they let them die, then went and shrunk the industry, hurting interests of every gamer in the world. Anytime there is a bad trend in the industry, MS is at the helm, leading the way. That is what I’m saying.

smashman9853d ago

I'm sorry but do you honestly believe Sony will sit out of A.I. Every executive at every one of these publishers is wetting themselves in delight at the prospect of A.I. You best believe that once we start seeing it spread throughout the industry Sony won't be too far behind. The only people we'll have to blame are the consumers themselves.

S2Killinit53d ago (Edited 53d ago )

No, I don't believe that Sony will not do the same. But, as I mentioned, MS is always the first to embrace such things and create the worst trends. Once they establish that this is the best way to make money, everyone else will follow. (Have to follow if they want to stay competitive)

thesoftware73053d ago

S2, and blackblades:

All from the Horse's mouth below.

"Artificial intelligence (AI) in video games is crucial for Gen Z and Gen Alpha, who seek “personalization across everything,” says PlayStation executive Asad Qizilbash."

“Advancements in AI will create more personalized experiences and meaningful stories for consumers.”

"He emphasized that AI could enable non-player characters to interact with players based on their actions, enhancing the personal connection within the game."

Yeah, Just MS and Activision...smh

S2Killinit53d ago

I’ve already explained myself twice. Quit your false equivalence, same thing the xbox fateful pulled before and after the ABK acquisitions. Which by the way, blew up in your faces real good. Now, doing the same thing when someone brings up MS’s nefarious behavior, defend them to the end, and watch them scorch gaming as they have been. At least rest of us can take consolation in that the smoke will go in your eyes before anyone else’s.

thesoftware73053d ago (Edited 53d ago )

"Quit your false equivalence, same thing the xbox fateful pulled before and after the ABK acquisitions. Which by the way, blew up in your faces real good."

I'm not sure what you are talking about, you seem to have a issue communicating, because we are on a post about using AI to create video games content, and you put that solely at the feet of MS and Activision, when it's being, and will be used industry wide, right from Sony mouth, I would say it's relevant...then you went on to give Sony a spit shine slob down about a masterpiece TLoU when this had absolutely nothing to do with Sony or TLoU, then you attempted to clean up your rambling spit shine with no real backing for a ridiculous comment.

Obviously you meant to post that nonsensical over exaggerated comment. I also don't know what blew up in people faces, I am perfectly fine with the game industry, I don't have time to be internet outraged about nothingness.

Really read your comment and listen to what you said.

"Activision. And MS. They will ruin console gaming forever."

Bro, for real? Really? Seriously? It's that serious? So there is nothing Sony and Nintendo can do against MS and Activision? MS is 3rd place with you even talking about?

If we stay relevant on MTX, then you still sound ridiculous because again, you lay it all at MS and Activision's feet when almost all companies have used some form of MTX, including yup... Sony.

S2Killinit49d ago

I read this comment, it boiled down to “seeiously?”.

My answer: yes seriously. Since you didn’t say anything else, what else can I tell you? Yes MS is seriously ruining gaming. They have been for some time, and working their way to where we are today, and aren’t even done yet. MS are the worst thing to happen to console gaming.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 49d ago
swedishMeatwad54d ago

"The Yokai's Wrath bundle was released despite previous guarantees by Activision that A.I. would not be used for final assets, per the report."

We're talking concept art? Because as of right now there's no way to generate a final 3D model with final textures. So the final assets don't use AI. That's not to say that it sucks for 2D artist that it's easier to generate visual ideas and build from them leading to less 2D artists needed (really sucks), but are they say the final concept art was completely AI generated and then 3D artists built from that? And yes, I'll pile on that Activision as a publisher and their developers I have experience with suck and they'll do whatever, ethics be damned.

OldDuffer53d ago

Thats actually a very useful and informative piece, thank you.

just_looken53d ago


Your welcome though it seems it went over many users heads.

PapaBop54d ago

Wow I can just imagine the likes of Activision, EA and Ubi etc having an army of AIs creating overpriced crap and the fanboys just lapping it up. I hope the AIs have a good union.

montebristo53d ago

I understand why people think it’s good idea to Unionize to fight back against such things but it’s not. It’s a bad idea. It’s activisions wet dream to have these pumped out weekly by some AI. Protect your neck!

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Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Review - Gamerhub UK

Can the latest chapter of the series live up to the hype? Well...

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