
David Cage: From the brink

“I’m not in this business to make money,” says David Cage, who says there will be no follow up to his PS3 masterpiece because he’s determined to make his name a brand rather than “Heavy Rain 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 12″.

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NukaCola4741d ago

uh this is how he is supposed to be. Like team ico. There is a similarity in a way, but each game is a new experience. I loved Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain. I look forward to something fresh. That space idea sounds cool. I would love to see him tackle a 2001: A Space Odyssey style game.

DarkTower8054741d ago

Never played Indigo Prophecy, they should bring it to the PSN store.

ksense4741d ago

everyone please read the entire interview at develop. it is very interesting

"Obviously today you’re still independent. If Sony approached and asked you to join their WorldWide Studios group – perhaps as their literary arm – would you be tempted?
Of course I would. Of course. I really like Sony, honestly I do. They’ve made some bets with developers like Fumito Ueda and Media Molecule. I kind of feel loyal to them."

Please do it Sony!!

wenaldy4741d ago

You got bubbles for only mentioning 2001: Space Odyssey

Gamer30004741d ago

"Obviously today you’re still independent. If Sony approached and asked you to join their WorldWide Studios group – perhaps as their literary arm – would you be tempted?
Of course I would. Of course. I really like Sony, honestly I do. They’ve made some bets with developers like Fumito Ueda and Media Molecule. I kind of feel loyal to them. "

the amazing Heavy Rain
"one of the best games of this gen"
don't worry sony will buy you soon enough
sony won this gen
when it comes to the games
they deliver

Prophet-Gamer4741d ago

Sony should totally buy them up, it'd be great. Besides, Cage's games would never sell as good on the 360, their just no crowd for it (or at least a very, very small crowd). And being a first party studio would give them all the advantages that come with having access to tech and help from 20 other studios.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4741d ago
stonecold34741d ago

sony should buy quantic dreams heavy rain was my favourite game ?

bumnut4741d ago

I preferred Indigo Prophecy because I had never played a game like it before and was blown away.

Heavy Rain was cool too.

Moebius694741d ago

Yeah i liked Fahrenheit more than Heavy Rain but i liked Omikron more

coolbeans4741d ago

You should play the Shenmue series.

bumnut4741d ago

I loved Shenmue, hope we get a new one soon. Id like a hd remake of the first 2 games too.

DigitalRaptor4741d ago

Agree with the Shenmue sentiment. Unfortunately, Sega have been too disappointing for their own good for a long time.

A disc-based Shenmue HD Collection would be ideal, but I doubt it would happen. PSN/XBLA release maybe. Or PS Vita port maybe? We can dream!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4741d ago
Sunhammer4741d ago

If Quantic Dream's next IP, which is PS3 exclusive, ends up like Heavy Rain in terms of quality and sales, Sony will acquire them. Same as they did with Sucker Punch.

I agree with Cage on not making a sequel. No room for it after seeing what happened, imo.

iamnsuperman4741d ago

If the original story doesn't warrant it why bother. Its like Infamous series. The end of Infamous 2 was perfect for the series and to be honest should be left there. I am a gamer who is into story and story driven games and series. Some stories shouldn't be extended.

nickjkl4741d ago

Screw you i want infamous 3

WiIIiam4741d ago

Yeah, the ending of Infamous 2 really brought things to a beautiful close, but I enjoyed the gameplay so much that I can't help but to want more of it. Hopefully, Sucker Punch will find a way to build on that gameplay with whatever they're working on next.

zireno4741d ago

What are you guys talking about?!! I tought inFamous 3 was a given, both endings imply Cole is still alive >_>.

WiIIiam4741d ago

Oh yeah, I forgot about the lightning bolt haha. But still, I'd like to think Cole went on to a higher form of existence. It would be hard to see him return to scrambling over rooftops after that.

cogniveritas4741d ago

Heavy Rain doesn't need a sequel, but it was disappointing to see them build in a section for DLC episodes that wasn't truly capitalized on.

Godchild10204741d ago

Blame Sony for wanting Move support in the game. Not a bad thing at all, since the game was fun to play with the move. I hope their next game has move support along with the standard controller.

Whenever it comes, I know it will be great.

dangert124741d ago

I will not slightly blame SONY I to want more Heavy Rain but DAMN PLAYING THAT GAME WITH MOVE!!!
yeah its a godsend

Saladfax4741d ago (Edited 4741d ago )

There is something to be said about spiritual successors. For instance; Demon's Souls to Dark Souls. No overlapping story, no contrived need to drag characters back together for one last adventure (not that such a thing could even make sense in those games anyways).

Infamous could continue, but if the story arc is concluded, they would be better off starting a new one with a brand new character. Heck, maybe they could keep the "Infamous" brand and explore different types of superpowers.

Godchild10204741d ago

Like how Cole is becoming a vampire next month?

badz1494741d ago (Edited 4741d ago )

Many other franchises did it even MGS, so why not inFAMOUS? The gameplay is great and if they are willing to offer more? Hell yeah, come to momma

GoldenPheasant4741d ago

I agree and disagree. The end of infamous 2 was indeed great (I'm talking about "evil" side) and should be left there...for now. I think it makes a pretty good foundation for a MMO STYLE game for the PS4. I'd go into more detail but that would give away the ending for people that have not played it yet.

TreMillz4741d ago (Edited 4741d ago )

um what? The good ending showed a 3 made of lightning...no one caught that? The bad was,well hes a dictator with a hot Asian chick at his side.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4741d ago
Shojin14741d ago

Good to hear. New IP's with high quality are in demand.

halocursed4741d ago

As much as I'd like to see Heavy Rain 2...I'd prefer Cage work on a new game, but please similar game mechanics. Heavy Rain was AWESOME!!!

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shinoff218335d ago

I didn't teakize quantic dream was still around.

CrimsonWing6935d ago

Why is it taking so long for this game to come out?

ChasterMies35d ago

The departure of the lead writer likely means the story is done. The trailer for this game is amazing. Hope it comes out soon.


Quantic Dream to Present 'Hands-On' Opportunities at PAX East 2024

Quantic Dream are set to offering hands-on opportunities at PAX East 2024, but which game it will be has not yet been revealed.

CrimsonWing69215d ago

Hopefully, that Star Wars one they were working on…


Quantic Dream Announces New Publishing Label Spotlight

Quantic Dream has announced a new publishing label, Spotlight, following the reveal of debut title Under the Waves.

sadraiden468d ago

Interesting to see how this works out for them. QD have had a very lucrative partnership with Sony. David Cage is a household name among Playstation owners, and he might not have been if QD stuck with Atari as their publisher. Now they're launching Spotlight so they can circumvent Sony exclusivity? I imagine this isn't the last we'll hear from Spotlight.

Abnor_Mal468d ago (Edited 468d ago )

Weren’t QD bought buy Tencent, and if so then I’m sure there wouldn’t be anymore Sony exclusivity.

Ok it seems to have been NetEase that bought them back in 2022.

mjchitown468d ago

this is not a Sony exclusivity. you can clearly see Xbox One Xbox Series X ps4 ps5

Sonic1881468d ago (Edited 468d ago )

Funny you mention that because in a few Diablo 4 articles, Xbox was the only console that was tagged. It didn't tag playstation or PC and Diablo 4 is a multiplatform game

porkChop468d ago

Bro they had a 3-game contract with Sony. That ended with Detroit. They've haven't been working together since then, so they aren't circumventing anything. They have no obligation to Sony.

CrimsonWing69468d ago

Didn’t they show a Star Wars fake at a Sony event?

I might be wrong about that, but I feel like that’s where I saw if.

porkChop467d ago

I don't think so, Star Wars: Eclipse was announced at the Game Awards.

CrimsonWing69467d ago


The Game Awards, you’re right!

Kekewei467d ago (Edited 467d ago )

I don't think so. There some sources claiming Sony was not happy with their partnership at the end, they even canceled a project that was supposed to be the 4th ps exclusive from QD.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 467d ago
InUrFoxHole468d ago

QD is gold! They make excellent games

mastershredder467d ago

Can’t wait for all those quicktime events and bash-you-with-boredom storytelling.

Snookies12467d ago

There's nothing wrong with QTE's. Never understood the hate for them. You press a single button to attack in most games. You press a single button to jump in most games. Why does it then become an issue when you press a button during a cutscene to do something?

JackBNimble467d ago

It's a niche market and not everyone is into that type of game.

RedDevils467d ago

I like their games, it's different from all the trash we seeing every years.

GoodGuy09467d ago

God was Detroit a gem. Hope that their new games are at least on par.

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