
Will Kinect Sell Out at Christmas?

Xbox kinect will most likely be massive. Almost any new gaming console or perhaps video games device which is released sells out and the demand usually outweighs supply. Combine that with the point that kinect is going to be presented the calendar month ahead of christmas time and the actual outcome can just mean one thing.

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jay24963d ago

Yeah, or maybe M$ will make 100,000 world wide and fake it's sold out who knows/cares.

MrMccormo4963d ago

"Sell out" and "sell a lot" are two completely different things. Gamers seem to forget that, which companies like Microsoft like to take advantage of in order to brag "WE SOLD OUT! WE SOLD OUT! Do you hear that, our shareholder-gamer-customers?&q uot;

Bigpappy4963d ago (Edited 4963d ago )

With that, I expect them to have about 3 Mil at launch and then try a replemish the hot spots. It will sell out in the US then we will have to wait for the world wide launch to finish before they can replemish. So may be early December they will have another shipment of 2-3 mil more. These are not DVD where they can just have copies made in a few days.

360RRODFIX4963d ago

well it will sell more then move thats for sure, due to hype and better marketing but i wonder if it will continue to sell few months from launch.

Imperator4963d ago

They will not sell 5 million by the end of the year. Not even 3 million. They'll be lucky if they reach a million. Fact is, the 360 is only relevant in the U.S. and I doubt 1/4 of the 360's American install base is gonna rush out to buy Kinect.

RBlaze4963d ago (Edited 4963d ago )

Who has told you that the 360 is only relevant in the US? I quote the most recent (approximate) sales figures for the current year for the main areas of Europe (PS3 Numbers; X360 Numbers):

UK 402,564; 823,996
France 367,825; 322,424
Germany 278,943; 250,232
Spain 218,033; 144,574
Italy 319,125; 246,619
Scandinavia 114,202; 121,338
Other Europe 297,175; 217,105

Approximate numbers here suggest that the 360 actually outsold the PS3 in Europe. These numbers are probably a little off, so to account for that let us assume that the numbers are practically even.

What I am saying, is that the Xbox is just as relevant in Europe as the PS3... Your statement is the same as suggesting that 'The PS3 is only relevant in Japan'... Just because you say it, doesn't make it true... Check your facts.


As many have said, something selling out is purely relative. If MS release 100 Kinect Sensors, then the Kinect will sell out. This makes the question a little strange. We should ask if Kinect will sell well! I have no idea!! I know that I will be waiting a few months to see what else it can play. If it gets good publisher support, I can see Kinect doing great things... MS's biggest problem is publisher support and price... If it gets those two right, there will be no reason for Kinect to not become Huge.

EDIT: Also, before I get disagrees... All the numbers I have quoted are near fact... My idea of Kinect sales potential is the only thing that can be in question...

lowcarb4963d ago (Edited 4963d ago )

Good try Imperator but not good enough. Maybe in your world Japan is everything but in the real world 360 has been constantly building momentum. Kinect will sell out no doubt but wha will be interesting is to see just how much longer 360 can out sell Wii in the US.

Anon19744963d ago

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. We're talking about $150 for what's essentially a web cam to play Wii type games on the 360. I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble here but let's be realistic. We've seen the games, we know what Kinect is about. Do you really think people are going to spend $150 to play Kinect sports, Joyride, Kinect Adventures, etc? All these types of games have been available on the Wii for almost 4 years now, and the Wii itself is just a little over $150 - and that's for the entire console.

Motion control isn't new. Web cam games aren't new. We've seen this all before. We've had web cam games on the PC for over a decade now and they never caught on. Sony had the playstation eye toy with similar games and it never caught on. This isn't even Microsoft's first crack at releasing a camera attachment for the 360. All the marketing in the world isn't going to stop people from going "Huh. So, it's like the Wii, is it?"

The people all exited by Kinect and these forums - is it because you honestly can't wait to jump up and down on a virtual river raft for hours on end or is it just the promise of something new for your Xbox 360? I just don't understand why anyone thinks this is going to do well. To reiterate - it's a $150 web cam to play Wii type games. I just don't understand how this appeals to anyone over the age of 10.

Crapple4963d ago

Darkride, if you think that Kinect is "essentially a web cam" then you clearly have a massive misunderstanding of what Kinect is, and what it is doing. Thus I must take everything you say with a pinch of salt. Kinect does have a webcam in it, but it is mostly used for taking pictures and video footage. The actual technology uses an IR projector and a 3D depth sensor.

LostDjinn4963d ago (Edited 4963d ago )

Crapple, WTH are you talking about?

The only "sensors" kinect has in it are CMOS sensors. Guess what? Every digital camera has one. Kinect has two cameras in it but only one functions at a time.

One is a RBG webcam with a res of 640x480 that cycles at 30hz. The other is an IR webcam (they just add an IR diode to a really crappy webcam for this) with a res of 320x240 that also cycles at 30hz. Apart from the mic's, that's all the processing you get from the kinect unit. All pixel analysis is handled on the 360's CPU in the form of an algorithm.

Now about that IR "projector" (LOL) you're talking about. It's a weak IR laser fired through a diffuser (the little plastic nipple looking thing). Can I ask what the point of having a polarized IR beam is when you just scatter it anyway? An IR LED would reduce parts required (no diffuser needed), cut power use and extend the life of the light source.

If I might ask, I'd like to know why you would lie? Do you have something to gain by spreading BS?

Edit: To everyone else: You do realise that this "article" is just and Ad telling you to preorder kinect don't you? Didn't any of you read it?

BIoodmask how did you get this crap past the mod's?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4963d ago
niceguywii604963d ago

Kinect selling out with soccer moms and other casuals fighting over these at retail is common sense. This is why people hate Kinect so much because it will spark Wii-like adoption. Wii being in Hospitals and retirement homes will be a thing of the past compared to controller-less fitness.

MSFT will sell 8 million 360 world wide in the next 4-5 months.

KillerPwned4963d ago

8 million? Eh that is a little to much in 4-5 months now if we where talking about the 3DS then i would say 4-5 AH! a max of 3 months.

goosepoose4963d ago

i AM pretty sure people will be selling kinetic on ebay for cheap by xmas. second hand kinetic for xmas gift, no one wil know

Sevir044963d ago

and making it so that you want to get it. :-) i'm sure they'll spend in the upwards of $70-$100m to promote this thing like the second coming of jesus!!! the exorbitant spending of MS is going to be in full force Nov 3/4 this year!!! I full expect them to sell out and then just a month or 2 later there will be returned kinects selling at discounted price because people are disgruntled with poorly made games and a peripheral that doesn't work as advertised! we shall see.

shadyiswin4963d ago

Where on earth can you return electronics after 30 days? Most will be used for xmas, that would be upwards to 60 days old, not mention I don't know any place that takes back open electronics except costco.

logikil4963d ago

Sheep? Why exactly, because they choose to go out and spend money on something that they may want? By that logic, anything you purchase short of the absolute necessities to live makes you a sheep.

siyrobbo4963d ago

All companies spend a hell of a lot of money on advertising. Coca cola are one, are you saying im a sheep if i buy a coca cola?

moparful994963d ago (Edited 4963d ago )

@above No because you KNOW coca cola is good and a can of coke doesnt cost 150 dollars.. There has been alot of evidence lately showing kinect not performing as advertised and @150 dollars thats a risky investment.... Use common sense... Ohh and shadyiswin they give you a gift receipt with electronics and other goods purchased for christmas just in case and yes they do allow you to return hardware but not software...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4963d ago
Longrod_Von_Hugendon4963d ago

And just like all unwanted Christmas presents it'll get returned the next day. This comment is based on all the tech demos (not staged ones *cough* E3 *cough*) I've seen that shows just how poorly this thing preforms.

DigitalAnalog4963d ago

But Asia/Japan territories.

Sorry MS, but Kinect's pretty f*cked up over here. Unless of your course you can "magically" give me 8 feet of space between me and my couch.

-End statement

shadyiswin4963d ago

It's 6ft away smart ass who isn't smart, and it works fine 4 ft away, for the best experience it's best to be 6ft away, not that hard of a concept to grasp, if you can wii bowl you can play kinect, very simple.

DigitalAnalog4963d ago


6-8 feet my friend. And it's all part of the marketing stategy, if it can't work at 6ft then they have an excuse to use the "8 feet max" excuse.

You can cry to the heavens if you want, I can play Wii bowling within 4 feet of space. I've even seen Kinect in action where the demonstrator was even beyond 8 feet just to get it right.

That doesn't change the fact it doesn't suit well in Asia/Japan territories.

-End statement

vhero4963d ago

Sell more than move?? Are you mad?? Nothing to do with you being a total fanboy here but look at the logic most people will be buying 2 Move controllers to play games whereas MS will be selling just 1 Kinect per console the other thing is the price of this is a bad point every friend I have with a 360 has already said they are not getting this purely because of the price alone.

logikil4963d ago

You're going to use cost as a factor when you are saying your friends intend to pick up two move controllers to play? Those two controller put you at the same cost as Kinect. Also, the "all my friends" argument is hilarious. Obviously you and your friends are entirely indicative of every consumer who may consider Kinect, right? Come on.

BillOreilly4963d ago

you my friend are mad it well outsell move on day one and probably 5 times the amount of move by xmas this is the hot shit this year everyone i know is talking about it and my little cousins want one its very popular

moparful994963d ago

Did you all even see the article on here where they compared internet tracking activity for the two and move had a 2:1 ratio in ever region except mexico? Or how about the revised search for microsoft kinect that yielded a 10:1 result in favor of move.. YOur "everyone is talking about kinect" is microsoft flooding the advertising channels with kinect information.. They always do this to generate faux hype...

EVILDEAD3604963d ago

Micrsoft's strategy of releasing Kinect in November is spot on. Kinect pre-orders will max out by launch and when the marketing campaign finally kicks in the replinishment will sell through by the end of Black Friday.

I own a Move and after my second weekend with it I have come to realize that Micrsoft was brilliant for going in a different direction.

If they Market Kinectimals to the parents of young kids..Just Dance through MTV/Nick to the teens and keep pushing the family atmosphere + the minority report dash and Kinect might outdue many of the expectations out there..but only time will tell

All I know is I will be picking up my preorder..day one


avengers19784963d ago

NO not if MS is smart they will have far more then they think will sell. IF no one can find one in the beging then they may end up passing. Move is getting great word of mouth from the people that are using it, but will the same happen for Kinect.
I'm not saying that it won't but imagine that you couldn't find one, but then everyone you know that did tells you not to get one, are you really goning to buy one then.
I am not saying Kinect won't be successful, but it would be in MS's best interest to get as many out as possible(THAT ACTUALLY WORK)

tatotiburon4963d ago

"Almost any new gaming console or perhaps video games device which is released sells out and the demand usually outweighs supply."....LMAO tell that to sony with it's "Move"

moparful994963d ago

Hmm didnt know nealy 400,000 units in 4 days was weak? Hmm my entire perception of sales has been wrong this whole time? Thank you soooo much..../s

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4963d ago
Lou Ferrigno4963d ago

im curious to see if peeps will either buy just kinect itself of the 360 bundle?.. ya never know yet,we will have to find out in november.

Longrod_Von_Hugendon4963d ago (Edited 4963d ago )

For $400 +tax in a down economy? Maybe the top 2% richest ones might but the rest....nah.

shadyiswin4963d ago

I'm not rich, I've just been putting money down every week, not that hard to scramble up $20-50 a week when your working, if your not working then you don't need kinect you a job.

moparful994963d ago

LOL at shady when that line of logic was used by early adopters of the ps3 we were laughed at and called a bunch of sony sheep.... Look its apparent that you prefer the 360 and you will do what it takes to get one but the rest of the world doesnt operate like that.....

knifefight4963d ago

Yeah because parents will buy it for their kids because parents are stupid and buy anything.

aviator1894963d ago

Because parents buy something that their kids will enjoy, they're stupid? Yeah, that makes complete sense...

4963d ago
aviator1894963d ago

you do realize that kinect is mainly being targeted to the casual audience? those are the majority of the parents and small kids out there. do you really think that they could care much how they will look while playing something they think is fun?

360RRODFIX4963d ago

Parents are stupid if they buy Kinect, but if they buy Move then they are intelligent and wise.

gamingdroid4963d ago

Because moving a glowing orb that looks like a dildo is any better. What about this video?


Get over it, people aren't afraid to get embarrassed when enjoying themselves. Wii has already proven that!

logikil4963d ago

I don't even understand the embarrassment argument anyway. Are you planning to play in a stadium in front of thousands of people?? No, you are in your home with family and friends. People do a hell of a lot more embarrassing things, like getting drunk for instance. Anyone who plays games like Lips or Singstar isn't going to care and that's a pretty big audience.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4963d ago
4963d ago
TheMART4963d ago

Its simple:

PS3 + moveset (cam + 1 PLAYER move) is 399
360 + Kinect is 299

Kinect will sell a lot as its something new also in the eyes of the consumer, from a controller like the Wii, to your body as a controller. The average customer will see the Move as a Wii-too clone and twice as expensive to buy the package compared to the 200 dollar Wii.

Oh and don't forget, the poster of this article himself will buy 10.000 Kinects to make sure they'll sell fast. Hey there Bloodmask!

plb4963d ago (Edited 4963d ago )

That $299 gets you only an arcade system with 4gb hd. Not even sufficient to play Halo Reach co-op. Plus you have to factor in the $60 for Live plus you only get the one game kinect adventures which looks quite horrid imo. Should have at least bundled it with Kinect sports.

Bigpappy4963d ago (Edited 4963d ago )

Many casuals will only buy Kinect games, watch Move, Chat and use dash board apps like ESPN. People like my Kids will be downloading arcade games and demo's. They already use my 360 more than the Wii, so I kown what they like. But Kinect is all they talk about now. I will suprise them with the 250Gig bundle.

M$ knows Kinect sports will sell very well on is own, and kinect has its own hype. I would have loved if K-Sports was part of the package but I understand why it is not.

The Maxx4963d ago

@ plb

You don't need LIVE for Kinect. Also there are over 1000 games to play on the 360 where a 4gb is more than enough to play.

vhero4963d ago

You don't need live for Kinect I agree but a 360 without live doesn't work..

BillOreilly4963d ago

um nobody cares if its 4gigs...4gigs is enough to save games and get some arcade games, thats why they call it he ARCADE lol you can run in music and listen while you play it does everything a 250gb does and you do know the 360 uses flash drives to expand to 20gb+ right. The only people who care the arcade is 4gb are sony fanboys lol

The Maxx4962d ago

My Xbox works just fine without Xbox Live. Every game I own has a single player campaign as well as a split screen for multiplayer. You don't need XBL for your 360 to work. You are just trying to tack on extra cost that are not necessary in order to have a functional console.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4962d ago
Hellsvacancy4963d ago

I clicked agree by accident, im such a loser

acky14963d ago (Edited 4963d ago )

I think you might be right about joe public seeing move as a wii-clone and think of that negatively...luckily for me I realise that's a good thing cos it will add a lot to the games I play on ps3.

You're also right that people will see kinect as new tech and revolutionary when infact it is very similar to the eyetoy. That's not very fair for move (or the eyetoy for that matter) seeing as it looks like a good product with some great games to come but that's what will happen.

The only thing which might hinder kinect is the price, and also the fact that the wii audience already own a wii therefore might not want to invest in another motion controller.

KillerPwned4963d ago

Personally i think for anyone who buys this for the family will be happy that seems what it is ment to be right now something for the family. As for Gamers i feel they will all be left disappointed till the lineup of games improves. Kinect will sell deff to the families but other then that right now i don`t see much market in it for gamers that is if they play it smart and just wait a little bit. But if someone wants to get it more power to them and i hope they enjoy it. The device seems promising but right now i think its best to wait till some other games come out that really take advantage of kinect.

moparful994963d ago

Microsoft is going to have a hard time selling 360's to the casuals after the rrod fiasco... It was public enough to make prime time news so yea I can gurantee you that this will play into consumers perception and with the option of move there its not so cut and dry... You all are putting alot of stock into anything micrsoft does....

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Joy Ride Turbo - The Beginning of the End for Xbox Kinect

Joy Ride Turbo launched 10 years ago today. The first title was Xbox Kinect exclusive, yet this sequel failed to support the device at all.


10 of the Biggest Video Game Hardware Failures Ever

Cultured Vultures: "Sadly, not all hardware is created equal, and no matter how much developers might try, some gaming hardware just fails to hit the mark. We’ve compiled a list of 10 gaming hardware fails, and boy did some fail hard."

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Knightofelemia842d ago

I would label the Power Glove, Kinect, and that Tony Hawk skateboard more as hardware addons hardware failure would be like the Virtual Boy and one day Stadia.

Magog841d ago

Kinect was bundled with every Xbox One and inflated the price on an already underpowered and low RAM machine so for the One it wasn't an accessory as much as a white elephant.

CaptainHenry916841d ago (Edited 841d ago )

Definitely the RROD but that power glove had a lot of issues as well. The Kinect just didn't work

841d ago
CrimsonWing69841d ago

Hardware add-ons are more like RAM or a video card, basically components that enhance capabilities or performance of the computer.

If you really want to get technical the Kinect is more of a peripheral device, kind of like a keyboard or mouse to a computer.

ThatsGaming841d ago

The person in this article obviously is not up on their gaming history....

Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Coleco Gemini, Commodore 128, Commodore Amiga, Atari 5200, Atari 7800 were all massive failures and in most cases cost their companies participating in future gaming generations.

Gamer79841d ago

Sega saturn (successful in Japan) and dreamcast were not failures.
Seems like you're not up on you're gaming history

septemberindecember841d ago


How in the world are the Sega Saturn and Dreamcast not seen as failures? They both sold around 8M each, which is much lower than the ~30M that the Genesis had sold before it, and even the Master System before that. They were both the worst selling consoles in their respective generation (PS1, N64 outsold Saturn, PS2, GC, and Xbox outsold Dreamcast). Both of the consoles were incredibly short lived. The Saturn was discontinued in every territory but Japan after just three years. In Japan the console was discontinued after six years. Meanwhile the Dreamcast was discontinued worldwide in 2001 after launching in most territories in 1999 and in Japan in 1998. The failure of the Saturn and Dreamcast lead to Sega pulling out of the hardware market. Which, by the way, all of this occurred when Sega was massively dropping the price of their consoles quickly to compete. Sega was hemorrhaging money at this point.

None of this indicates a successful console. Saying the Saturn was a success because it did better in Japan is like saying the Vita is a success (they both sold around the same amount of units in Japan). Even the Wii U outsold these consoles worldwide.

Magog841d ago

The picture should be the 360 RROD. When I think of gaming hardware failures that's what springs to mind. Kinect and it's bundled price tag definitely hobbled the already underpowered Xbox One though for sure so I would give it a close second place.

porkChop841d ago (Edited 841d ago )

That's not what the author means by failures. It's about hardware that failed in terms of sales (Wii U) or just failed to deliver on its promise (Kinect).

Magog841d ago (Edited 841d ago )

Given that the 360 had a year head start, much easier hardware to develop for, was cheaper, and still ended up in third place I think it qualifies especially when you factor in the frustration and huge losses incurred by RROD.

porkChop841d ago

Selling over 80 million consoles isn't a sales flop. We get it, you don't like Xbox, but that doesn't mean the 360 is suddenly a failure.

Rhythmattic840d ago

You know how many people I know bought a 2nd or third 360 due to RROD? Even when MS had to confront the issue with replacement systems, my mates couldn't wait for even the turnaround of sending it in, and waiting for a replacement.,,..,..
If that's how you consider it a win... OK.. but so is having 5 , of which 3 don't function.... Its a win win....mwhahahahaha

porkChop840d ago

"my mates couldn't wait for even the turnaround of sending it in"

You're acting like it would take months. When I sent my 360 in I got a new one literally 5 days later. As soon as MS had tracking confirmation that you sent yours, they'd send a new one to you the same day. No one is going to spend hundreds to buy a new console instead of waiting a week. I swear you guys pull some of the dumbest shit out of nowhere and think people will actually believe it.

Regardless, none of this changes the fact that this isn't what the article is even about.

Rhythmattic839d ago (Edited 839d ago )

"You're acting like it would take months"
Sometimes it could.. FFS.. 'Strya here...
Best turnaround I reckon was 2-3 weeks.....
Either way, My mates experiences still exist.. So Sorry, no point trying to earn Xbox Achievements when it doesn't feature in what was a situation you never dealt with,,,,
3 of my friends would disagree (overall, 10 extra Xboxes purchased)
Regardless.. MS sold a lot of 360's that was due to this reason.. That is sales. Fact

"none of this changes the fact that this isn't what the article is even about."
Headline says HELLO !
Oh and "Sadly, not all hardware is created equal," that's enough to pass this on without taking your article bias into consideration.....
As for the rest.... Ok.. But you've actually gone out of your way to give MS a Pass... Fap on.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 839d ago
Aloymetal841d ago (Edited 841d ago )

Yup, and because of that big fiasco MS had to fork out 1 billion but knowing them I think they're very proud of the 360, it's the only time a MS console reached 80mil+ sales, RROD played a big part of that and a record they will never break again.

Rhythmattic840d ago (Edited 840d ago )

So true.. Even when MS accepted they where caught out in the biggest lie of any generation, The wait for a replacement was outweighed by just buying another, and having one be returned as a backup, which, btw, generally failed on first swap.
I own honestly can't believe MS tards are just supporting , or arguing why and what MS did by just dismissing it....

lonewolf10841d ago

Lol I had the Atari Jaguar, surprised its "competition" the 3DO isn't on the list too, both as "popular" as each other.

SullysCigar841d ago

Lol same. Played the crap out of Aliens Vs Predator and Tempest 2000 .... aaand that's about it really!!

lonewolf10841d ago

Sad but true that was pretty much it.

Kurt Russell841d ago

Agreed, I never actually saw a 3DO make it to retailers in the UK. At least the Atari Jaguar was sold for around 6 months.

lonewolf10841d ago

It made it to some my brother got one, fared just as well as the Jaguar so most probably hard to find in general.

darthv72841d ago

3do had way better games. Jaguar not so much. Neo Geo sold less than both and yet isnt considered a failure. Go figure.

LWOGaming841d ago

Stadia is a weird one. It hasn’t sold at all well but in terms of how it works it’s still miles ahead of Xcloud in terms of stability and performance. Xcloud is still a way behind and that needs sorting but it will be in time. Stadia for me is one of those things that will go down as a what could have been moments. With better marketing it could have been a roaring success. I still play it and it remains the best place in my opinion to play CyberPunk 2077. Only platform I have played it on without having any issues at all. The tech is great. The concept is fine. Marketing terrible. Shame really.

Magog841d ago

The sales model was awful. They should have teamed with an existing player to allow for local and cloud access to games or a gaming subscription service.

LWOGaming841d ago

It was a strange mess from such a huge company, as I said, as a system it works really well but without gamers it’s nothing. Such a waste,

LWOGaming841d ago

The Xbox One was Microsoft’s Nintendo Wii U. Undercooked, undersold and just an unholy mess. The thing is with any of these failures is to learn from them and thankfully both Nintendo and Xbox did just that to the benefit of gamers everywhere.

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Pivotal Decisions in Gaming History - Xbox Goes All-In on Kinect

Xbox 360's Kinect had flopped yet Microsoft insisted on mandatory Kinect for Xbox One, driving the price up and alienating their potential customers.

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darthv721018d ago

the tech was pretty damn good but their focus on making it the centerpiece was not. Had they opted to keep it as a secondary or even tertiary device, it may have found new use for AR/VR.

PrimeVinister1018d ago

Maybe. But they were two early for VR and too late for motion control

1018d ago Replies(2)
Godmars2901018d ago

Their focus was marketing metrics. Information gathering for targeted advertising. Also "event curating" or head counting for special TV events. If MS had had their way with always online and mandatory Kinect pre COVID, as and during it they'd likely be turning into dominant presence in many Western homes. Be getting subsidized by Disney and other streamers as well as the NFL.

Thing was, Kinect as an actual game system, its games, just weren't ready. MS moved on it too soon. Thankfully.

Atticus_finch1018d ago

Sorry but it was incredibly bad for gaming. The thing barely worked as intended and the games were broken shovelware. And let's not forget all the lies from Xbox to try and sell it. What happened to Milo?
It's like Xbox it's a perpetual lying machine.

PrimeVinister1018d ago

I had almost forgotten about Milo. It looks so unbelievable in retrospect. How did anyone believe it?!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1018d ago
TheEnigma3131018d ago

Kinect requirement, TV focused, DRM, and $100 buried Xbone before it even stared.

PrimeVinister1018d ago (Edited 1018d ago )

I think Kinect was the worst of the bunch. They reversed DRM overnight and try to play down the TV stuff when they realised it made them look disinterested in gaming.

Kinect stuck around for six months, preventing sales and making more and more people upset when they dropped the Kinect and the price.

Atticus_finch1018d ago

Don't forget the inferior hardware which affects their game development to this day.
And the constant boasting and lying that hasn't change very much to this day.

kayoss1018d ago

I was kind of excited for the kinect. It had potential. That was until i tried it at one of their Microsoft store. The thing was so laggy and worker who was there, had no clue what he was doing. It kind of made rethink about buying an Xbox One with Kinect.

PrimeVinister1018d ago

I had already been turned off of the idea by Kinect for 360. Even when it worked, the games were bad and showed no potential.

Wii made you understand what they were going to do with it within about 10 seconds of Wii Sports. It went on to become a bit of a joke but at least it worked and had a purpose.

Thundercat771018d ago

The damage to the Xbox brand was so hard that til this day they are just the last place brand in the market.

PrimeVinister1018d ago

Totally. They haven't been really all that relevant since.

Godmars2901018d ago

That has to do with repeatedly failing, having to reaffirm only to again fail at creating a competent flow of decent games.

Until Game Pass and BC are mentioned. Only for the point to be missed.

kayoss1017d ago

thats because they dont know what they want to be. A gaming console, Television, or a gaming service?

Godmars2901017d ago

They wanted, expected, to be Steam. To have everyone coming to them and paying for the privilege. That's the exact mentality on display when they tried to push always online.

brewin1017d ago

Its sad because the Xbox one version of Kinect was actually pretty solid. Not for motion games, I couldnt care less about those, but for the other features that are now commonplace in the gaming ecosystem. Things like voice control and optional motion features in games. Stuff that Sony did with the PS camera was pretty sweet and they could have done some of that stuff with Kinect.

The tech was pretty sweet when implemented right though. Who remembers the implementation in Dead Rising 3?! You could lure zombies away by saying stuff into the kinect, it was a bit hokey at first, but it actually enhanced the game significantly once you learned all the different voice commands. There was and still is nothing else like that!

The focus on TV seemed to be an issue for people, but the TV pass through had some real potential. They could have had cable companies giving the XBone out instead of cable boxes! I understood what they were trying to do, but they needed to show the games too, and thats where they lost the core gamers. Being able to jump right to a sports event or TV show with out leaving the console was actually a pretty cool thing. I spent many nights switching between NHL games or TV shows and jumping right back into my games seamlessly, just by telling Kinect to do so. It was better than people care to admit, but I loved it!

People say XBone had no games, but on launch I got Dead Rising 3, AC Black Flag, Watch Dogs, Killer Instinct, Battlefield 4, Forza 5, and Ryse. That was actually a pretty solid lineup in hindsight! Then later on it got gems like Quantum Break, Dead Rising 4, Sunset Overdrive, Gears 4 and 5, the Ori games, Rare Replay, Forza Horizon 3/4, State of Decay 2, ReCore (SUPER UNDERRATED GEM), Halo 5, Halo Wars 2, and all the great 3rd party stuff as well! I dare anyone who sat on the Xbox One to go back and give it a shot now.

It was actually a pretty great console all things considered. Yes the PS4 had better 1st party stuff, stuff that MS just couldnt top or even compete with, but there are some really great games that a lot of people missed out on that they would probably really enjoy if they actually played them. Thats why I recommend a Series S and Gamepass to a lot of people, as its a great way to get an awesome lineup pf games for super cheap!

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