
Activision defends Modern Warfare 2 price

Activision UK managing director Andrew Brown has defended the publishers decision to price Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 at £55 RRP.

When Activision originally revealed the price, retailers warned of the effect that the increase would have on consumers, which is £5 more than other Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 titles on the market.

But Brown is confident that consumers will feel that they are getting a good deal with the content provided by Modern Warfare 2.

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JamieReleases5334d ago

£55 is a pretty heavy price for a game, so let's hope it does contain a good amount of content to justify for it.

Just hope that other companies don't follow foot, and £55 becomes the new stand point.

WildArmed5334d ago

As good as this is gonna be, Im not gonna pick it up till later on in '10.
Not really in for this whole increase the price on games deal ya know?
I find the games expensive as enough as it is.


yep and the fun continues....

we are mugs, and they know it. why wouldn't they try and charge more when they know we will pay.

It's sad if you ask me. I still stand by what I said before. People should get this pre-owned. Even if everyone held off getting this game within the first 2 or 3 weeks, that alone would send a strong message that we are not happy about it.

unfortunately there are too few of us willing do make that stand so ya, in there eyes they can laugh about it and make comments like that because we are basically saying "yes" activision, we love you and want you to continue charging us more and more for the re-hash crap that you throw at us because we are lemmings and love being shafted.

Activision can "£%%5 off as far as I am concerned.

Rhythmattic5334d ago

Its business tactics. They are putting their toe in the water to test the temperature.

All I can say is, if we dont embargo it as consumers, its just going to get worse.

COD Franchise = Printing Money

I Guarantee it wont stop @ Activision.

The Meerkat5334d ago

Quality costs more.

Thats why the PS3 costs more than the Xbox.

Megaton5334d ago

It's pure greed, nothing more, and it's the reason why I'm buying any and all Activision games used from now on.


@ The Meerkat

thanks partly ture... but it's questionable how much quality we are paying for.

if that principal applied to avery thing I would not mind as much.

Problem is up till now all games have launched at pritty much the same price.

if what your saying applied then games like Section 8 should cost no more then £20 or £25 at launch.. yet they still charge £39.

and games like killzone 2 should cost £55 , yet it launched at the same £39.

That principal does not always work and not in this case.

Rhythmattic5334d ago (Edited 5334d ago )

Let me re-address my post.

To all fanboys that are comparing console quality/features/price... your missing my first point.

This is about games. We are here as gamers after all. (well maybe not all)

Once the game developers foot is in the door, the next step is they'll want to sleep on the couch.

The conundrum. Is the cost of seeing a movie worth more than another ? Activation say yes. Afterall I'd rather watch Star Trek over High School musical FYI, but some prepubescent girl would choose the later.

Its all about the Pricing Structure regarding AAA titles. (Not that MW2 is AAA, as its not even released!) What if it gets consistant reviews of 8.5 ? Is it still worth the Cash? (I'm looking at you ODST)

As soon as the "Price" bar has been raised, it wont be dropped.

This could effect all gamers, PS3,360 & Wii owners alike.

Activision are ACTIng on their VISION and with that I believe others will follow.

@The Meerkat

Games Will Cost More. Quality or Not.


@ Rhythmattic

Great post my friend, totally agree.

I a blog about this a while back when it was first talked about and highlighted the points you talked about.

what I found sad was the number of people actually trying to defend them and basically say I was wasting my time.

they are testing the water with this. if it is seen as a success, it will roll out across all territories and other publishers will follow. I have said it for ages now.

Rhythmattic5334d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

Thanks Dark.

Sorry I didnt see your blog , but have seen your bio.

Having your gamer Tags {plural} in your bio alone makes you credible, unlike so many here.

A gamer you are.

Edit: I Must Add. Are people actually smart enough to Boycott this game ? Can We (the gamers) do it?

Remember- The next thing is not always the best.

FrankDrebin5333d ago

Not every one, but most complain about the price of this game. What do you expect people? It is only a little more...you do know that right?

If it was some unknown game or some unknown publisher/developer, I would question this but we know the game. We know how freaking awesome it is going to be. We know the developer.

Go ahead, buy it and skip McDonalds one day. You will enjoy this awesome game and feel better that you didn't eat that shet.

Time to grow up boys and girls...or in the famous words of Tallahassee (Zombieland);

"Nut up or shut up!"

nanometric5333d ago

*swooooshhhh* Thats the whole point of complaining goes flying by your head.

Rhythmattic5333d ago

Hey Frank,
It isnt about the "AFFORDABILITY" but of princeable. I will not buy this game, just as I DONT eat Mc-Donalds.

Unfortunately Maccas is SHlT and MW2 will most likely be good. But hey, I've got more than that ONE game to play.

PS. Please make another Naked Gun.

FrankDrebin5333d ago

I would love to make another movie but I am just too dang old!

Sm0k3y_Bac0n5333d ago

Most games have rrp's of £50. Even so, activision are still pissing a lot of people off. If MW2 doesnt deliver though, i doubt i'll buy another activision game. The only thing they really do much better than anyone else is FPS. Most of the other games are movie tie-ins etc.

FrankDrebin5333d ago

what many of you are saying but I don't think it has been truly thought out. This one game isn't going to cause all publishers to hike their prices.

That simply isn't going to happen.

Rhythmattic5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

While the Gaming community gets bigger , Ones for thing sure. they aren't gonna get cheaper.

PS: How quickly the community forgets about Activisions demands regarding a PS3 price drop.

Funny enough. It happened anyway.

Megaton5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

It's not the amount of money that matters, it's the principal. I don't even live in a region where Activision is hiking the price, but I'm absolutely disgusted that they're doing this. It sets a horrible precedent for a rise in game prices.

I'm just not going to support a company that tries to pull this crap. A man's gotta have his convictions, even for things as trivial as gaming.

Alcon Caper5333d ago

considering the number of hours people put into their multiplayer experience, i think the cost is justified. you pay $20.00 for a decent bluray and that only lasts 3-4 hrs with content.

How many DAYS have you put into COD4 multiplayer?

I think I'm going on 10 days, so far...

Well worth the cost.

IaMs125333d ago

Man 60 dollars is way too expensive as it is... I mean if MS or Sony really wants to get the edge in this make your games $50 again instead of dropping the price of the freaking console!

Zydake5333d ago

I thought his name was Leslie

ThanatosDMC5333d ago

I hope that not a lot of people would buy this game. The less people the better. Price of games are high enough.

Perkel5333d ago

lol they sold almost 10 milion + COD4 on all platforms,

GTA 4 with 10 milions sales earned almost 500 milions !

are they think that we are blind ?

Cost of GTA 4 - 100 mln

cost of COD4 - 20-30 MLN ?

Activision is the next EA

The Lazy One5333d ago

The game is going to sell upwards of 1 million units at least(probably in the US alone), and this game just did not cost more than $50,000,000 to develop and distribute.

They really are just milking their cow for all its worth.

thesummerofgeorge5333d ago

So should we pay more to see good movies than we do bad movies? The Ps3 was different technology that's why it had a different price, charging more for one game purely because it's popular is different, it's asinine, and we shouldn't stand for it. Do whatever you can to avoid giving them money, buy used, rent, whatever, but if you tell them, this is ok and buy it, they will only continue to take advantage of us as long as we let them.

sunil5333d ago

whatever said... preorders for MW2 is close to 2 mil (1.5 on 360 and .5 on the ps3)

Kotick has won, the average gamer has lost

vickers5005333d ago

The pricing scheme doesn't affect me, as I live in the states and I'm getting the console version, which is the same price as it has always been, so until it actually does affect me personally, I'm not boycotting anything, although I think it does suck for you guys, I'm not going to hold off on buying the game just because you guys are getting ripped off.

ReservoirDog3165333d ago

Everyone here that has common sense, remember this day. When all games have another price increase (remember $50 games?), blame activision and blame people that justify this stuff.

To everyone with common sense, buy this game used or don't buy it at all. Activision doesn't deserve our money.

And Rhythmattic, you seem like one of the most intelligent guys here. Bubbles.

vhero5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

ITs a joke price and muppets are gonna pay it people who buy this game at RRP support this price increase and need a slapping. Consumers cannot be treated this way in the middle of a credit crunch. It's bad enough UK customers pay over the odds for games anyways. I am definetly NOT getting this game people who do need their heads testing SERIOUSLY.

popup5333d ago

Not buying this game.

You would think that the internet community had more strength with such things but I bet that this game is a major success and Commander Activision will continue to arrogantly dictate to the cowering addicts who willingly pick up the soap in his path.

Ravage275333d ago

it's really depressing looking at the number of people who preordered this....not to mention all those dimwits who bought the 'Prestige' version.

Hope you guys are ready for the inevitable price hike for all games

Domenikos5333d ago

This is not a matter of costs or survival...

Its PURE GREED... Activision is already printing money.

Pika-pie5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

I wont be buying at that price. I refuse to, Il just pick up assassins creed 2 or something else around that time

I just preordered Uncharted 2 for £30!!!

Il be waiting for it to drop in price like im doing with ODST

kalikid7145333d ago

If you want to boycott this game but still want a badass online FPS then just wait for Battlefield 2 to come out! It looks real smooth and really great graphics with much more destructable environments! Screw Activision for trying to screw the gamers!

+ Show (30) more repliesLast reply 5333d ago
Redempteur5334d ago

Why would i pick the game now ?

In 3, or 4 months, there will be a prenium version with all the multiplayers dlc maps on the dsc at full price ...
That is if i buy it since i'm considering getting a second hand copy ...

SuperStrokey11235333d ago

Agreed, im only going to buy a used copy of this game. I refuse to pay the full price for it. More of you should do the same or else this will happen more and more.

sunil5333d ago

Activision is greedy, but don't blame them... blame those who buy it for these outrageous prices...

chak_5334d ago

get raped, like it and ask for more.

This is not defendable sorry. 've preordered it when it was cheap, but I'm still questioning myself about just canceling and buy it second hand.

Tone5333d ago

You do know what the word "rape/raped" actually means yeah??

Using it as slang belittles the horrific meaning of it and i wish kids would stop using it.. its not big and its not clever!!

AS for MW2.. am sure if you shop around you will find it at a much cheaper price!

whothedog5334d ago (Edited 5334d ago )

"This is an industry where things cost a lot to develop and it’s a risky business. We talk about building franchises; it is very expensive to do this from every respect. What we are finding is that for the right products, if you look at the time someone will spend playing something and compare it to something else, people are saying it's worth it."

to sum up what Andrew Brown is saying is :

Since this IS a popular FRANCHISE, I know I can overcharge and most people will still buy this game.

cwir5334d ago

That's EXACTY what he's saying mate.

As much as I loved COD4 and as much as I'd like to play MW2 as soon as possible, I've decided long ago that I won't pay that much for a game. Sorry but I won't spend more than £40 on a game which is not special edition or doesn't have any extra equipment necessary for playing. I'll wait till it's cheaper. There are loads of great games coming out at the same time and with less and less time I got for playing I'm sure I'll cope.

I know it takes loads of time and money to create a good title but regular price of £40 for a game is already A LOT in my opinion. And £55?? I buy loads of games, thankfully I can afford that but this is ridiculous. I can afford paying £55 for MW2 but I won't. Because we know other publishers will follow. And I don't know if my decision will affect that in any way but I'd like to think it will.

Greedy a**holes.


@ cwir

Totally agree with you man. I am in the same boat.

DethWish5334d ago

People will still buy it, and they know it.
It is very greedy though and might have a very bad effect for the future by raising prices of other big-name titles as well.

People should boycott this.

hay5334d ago

I hope this game won't sell. If will, it'll show some corp a-holes they can f*ck us, gamers around as they please and we'll come for more.

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EazyC24d ago

MW was an excellent videogame. They messed up Spec Ops big time, but aside from this it was a huge step in the right direction initially. Most notably, at launch it seemed to come from a very cohesive creative vision that was felt across gameplay, to story to art style/visual direction. It was also very notably written by prominent ex-Naughty Dog guys that quit almost immediately before release.

That COMPLETELY dissolved through post-launch content and the full pivot to a "cross-mode" narrative that completely obliterated the cohesion in overall story direction. Warzone then "became" the new face of Call of Duty and the franchise completely removed itself from anything remotely creatively "good". It is a pure money machine, so I kinda get why they're doing it....but I personally completely lost interest.

I would love to see Infinity Ward move off CoD and get to make their own product with full control. They clearly have some massive talent in their ranks but it's perverted by Activision's corporate interests.


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neutralgamer1992301d ago

I really hope we get other activision games on GP soon. My dream would be Scarface but I know the license probably expired

P_Bomb301d ago

Love me some Scarface! I even bought the comics. Yeah, licensing would probably be an impasse.

4Sh0w301d ago

hmmm, coincidence? Either way this is a good sign for gamers after the ABK deal.

porkChop301d ago

I played through Scarface again last year and it still holds up. Such a fun game. I would love for Xbox to get the rights back to remaster Scarface and make a sequel. It sold well and they had plans for Scarface 2, 3, and 4. With how long it takes Rockstar to make games the market is wide open.

TheColbertinator301d ago

That game was so much fun. Expected a cheap GTA clone but it was a good drug empire building game.

shinoff2183301d ago

They didn't just have plans but there's actual gameplay out there for scarface 2

neutralgamer1992301d ago

Seriously man we need games like

True crime
Sleeping dogs
Watch dogs( more like original not legion)
And proper saints row

GTA can’t be the only option we need other games

P_Bomb301d ago

Gun was Activision as well. Nice open world Wild West there imo.

neutralgamer1992299d ago

Gun is such a underrated game

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SlothLordPootus301d ago

None of those games had dedicated servers on console in the first place? Were always player hosted. Did something change?

Rutaprkl300d ago

Older cods like Mw, Mw2 and WaW were way better than Call of Dutys nowadays

GoodGuy09300d ago

Make activision remaster mw2 (2009) multiplayer please xbox.