
Koku Gamer: Plants vs. Zombies Review

Koku Gamer writes: "Zombies have declared war! They still want to nom your brains with a side of flesh but this time they have to get through an army of defensive plants. PopCap Games has once again brought the world a challenging and addicting game that's guaranteed to keep you occupied for hours on end. Follow me to the world of Plants vs Zombies."

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wwm0nkey5455d ago

looks ok, still dont think I would buy it though

Cinotix5455d ago

Yea it's a very fun PC title should also come to Xbox Live and PSN in the future like Peggle great casual titles.

Icemael5455d ago

Good review. Not really my type of game though, so I probably won't get it.

Ziriux5455d ago

Hehe you say that now, but wait till you play it. Most people that say it's not their type of game haven't tried the addictive little bugger.

JHUX5454d ago

I have heard nothing but good things from people who have played it or the demo w/e it was they played :D

Kushan5454d ago

This game IS brilliant, I agree, but there's something about this review that seems off. The information in it isn't quite accurate, it's like they've only actually played the game for about 20mins and been given a list of bullet points from Popcap themselves to write about. Even the screenshots are from Popcap, not the author.
If you've played the game, you'll notice that this review actually gets things wrong and stuff. It's odd.

Tony999Montana5454d ago

I totally agree. I reckon that they haven't played the game past the night levels in adventure. There also seems to be very little opinion or discussion in the review, rather a series of facts and statements. I would give my own mini-review, but I can't be bothered right now. It's great, addicting and original; get it.

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Gameplay Video For A Cancelled Plants vs Zombies Title Surface Online

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How a Plants vs. Zombies Game Died so a Star Wars Game Could Live (and Then Also Die)

From IGN: "In the second half of 2016, a small team of developers at PopCap Vancouver were gearing up for a presentation that would determine the future of their team, their project, and potentially an already-beloved franchise: Plants vs. Zombies.

For the past year, they had been working on a brand new Plants vs. Zombies adventure that would take the series in a very different direction. Though they had EA’s blessing for their work to that point, it wasn’t a guarantee the project would ultimately see the light of day, especially given how ambitious it was."