
Xbox 360 Outsells PS3 In Japan...... 2 Weeks In A Row.

They say lightning never strikes twice, but it seems in Japan, they have yet to recieve the memo. According to the latest Famitsu tracking data, Microsoft's often frowned upon Xbox 360 console (in the land of the rising sun), has managed to outsell Sony's flagship PlayStation 3 (Xbox 360 14k, PS3 8200k), for the second time in consecutive weeks. Can Microsoft strike whilst the iron's hot and make it three strikes in a row?

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Mr Marbles5839d ago

good for the 360 team, keep up the hard work.

Time Lord5839d ago

Cant wait to see what headline they'd come up with.

'Xbox 360 humiliates PS3 for 2nd week' or something along those lines.

Jamie Foxx5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

you listening sony......cater to each countries tastes and you can sell consoles... xbox of all consoles has proven this in japan

Enigma_20995839d ago

Tell Microsoft to stop buying up the JRPG devs, and I'm sure Sony will get right on that...

CaptainHowdy5839d ago

out of 52 weeks, xbox nabbed 2....bravo! lmao

thenickel5839d ago

Why don't you tell Sony to get off there Azz and do something then before MS becomes the console of choice in Japan.

season0075839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

if 2 (or okay 3) weeks out of 52 makes MS so happy, I am not quite sure how satisfied are those guy in Sony right now.

They've got like 6 out of 8 MONTHS in Xbox360's home country

Talking about getting JRPGs for Japanese console gamers?
I think on the other side, PS3 has done very well releasing new exclusive titles that grabs Western gamers WELL...Oh well, and yes they do it better than the xbox 360

Jamie Foxx5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

your comment is very bitter and misguided,simple fact is sony this generation were arrogant, they lost exclusives developers themselves like rockstar stated they they tried to tie down console exclusivity with sony but were banging their head on a brick wall.

personally i like sony products i love my ps3 but im not going to be blind to their mistakes,sonys mistakes have been microsofts gain, sony could have tied down many a rpg but they were to busy basking in the glory of ps2 and forgot one fundemental thing...games sell consoles consoles dont sell games.

sony are now back peddling and trying to correct alot of mistakes and i take my hat off to them but that doesnt take away from the fact they have themselves to blame who can blame microsoft for pouncing whenever they could? its business and whatever everyone thinks of microsoft..there working their butts off, sony have been taught a lesson.

power of Green 5839d ago

I'v noticed that the PS3 fans are no longer posting VG-Chartz or anyother sales trackers numbers for that matter. lol

Wonder why? ;)

Xelai5839d ago

Good for Microsoft, they deserve it. A more level playing field in all territories in the world is better for us, consumers and gamers.

MorganX5839d ago

The thing is, it's 2 weeks heading into the Holiday Season. 2 weeks when this has never happened before. If you think this doesn't have Sony worried, think again. I'm not saying Microsoft can sustain this, but it is significant, like it or not.

Vip3r5839d ago

"I'v noticed that the PS3 fans are no longer posting VG-Chartz or anyother sales trackers numbers for that matter. lol

Wonder why? ;) "

I've noticed that the 360 fans are no longer posting about how fake Vg-chartz or other sales matter anymore. lol

Wonder why? ;)

MNicholas5839d ago

Certainly looks like it from the numbers. The 360 sold significantly less well last week than the week before. I expected a more prolonged effect in Japan.

Perhaps the Japanese are better at math.

himdeel5839d ago

...precision via the games they have released in Japan with respect to fans for those games and Sony could learn a thing or two. With White Knight this year and FF13 next year Sony should see similar boost to PS3 sales. Japanese seem very loyal to the genres of games they love not so much the systems themselves.

power of Green 5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

I expected PS3 to sustain its break away sales for much longer.

1.13, I Dissagree sales will boost but will be countered at least!.

WKS and FF are so spread apart it is funny you even mentioned it when the 360 will have The Last Remnant, Ninja Blade and Star Ocean 4 ontop of all the other currently released RPG's so close to eachother.

At the end of the year(2009) when FF releases for PS3 in Japan doesn't have an anwser from MSFT, yes PS3 will have a boost that will not be countered.

EDIT: Below

So says the PS3 fans in the 360 thread lol.

IaMs125839d ago

well because there is nothing for the Xbox Fanboys to complain about if they dont post it.. think.. why complain if there is nothing to complain about.. give them something and you will see it

DaTruth5839d ago

Bravo MS!! Giving people the games they want and the price they can afford; interesting strategy.

Enigma_20995839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

Why don't you tell them... YOU'RE the one who seems to think they need to do something...

And Namco Bandai seems to be one of the prime examples of late... enjoying that new Tales game?

Arrogant? From what I can recall... it was Shane and the boys doing most of the talking this year... When's the last time you heard a peep out of Hirai or Tretton?

I'd also like to add one, undeniable TRUTH... no matter which one comes out on top... they're still BEHIND Nintendo. But we've already been told that as long as they best Sony, they've won...

I'm trying to find the logic here, but I just can't...

ohhh, silly me... you wanted a list. Okay...

Tri Ace

Namco Bandai

Last Remnant will be a timed exclusive, but I threw it in for the hell of it...

Mistwalker Studios... although they can keep Blue Dragon...

there... happy?

RemmM5839d ago

Besides we have our LIVES to worry about come October 1st for all Americans in here that care about their lives, you SHOULD know what I'm talking about...

leyego5838d ago (Edited 5838d ago )

but 14k? common thats a sh!t low number
the wii sale more then that on its off weeks

japan is not a sony or xbox country, there a nintendo country.

skimming5838d ago

Let's all hate the 360 for being created by an American company, because you know, America is evil.

Let's bash MS for any success that they may have, because you know, they're M$.

Let's all try to give more and more money to the Japanese, because you know, they're our masters.

AAACE55838d ago

Sony is over confident after selling over 100 million Ps2's. They think all companies should beg sony to let them put their games on their console!

This may sound familiar to anyone who has payed attention to the games industry, because it was nintendo who felt the same way that sony does now. And it was because of that arrogance that sony was able to break into the games market.

Yes, I do believe that MS buys alot of stuff, but when you have 2 arrogant companies treating developers like they are second class... it might become clear that MS doesn't have to pay for as many games as you think!

You may not believe me, but sony told me they were arrogant when Ken Kutaragi said he wanted people to want the Ps3 so bad that they worked overtime and did whatever they could to get one!

Also for the fact that they didn't try to get alot of 3rd party developers on board right away. The Ps3 could have had so many games right now. But sony never pushed for them.

You can talk that... "Sony only wants quality games on the Ps3!" BS. But the Ps1 &2 were built on crappy games! They had great games for those systems, but they also had alot of garbage games (Ps2 had 1400+ games). Which was the main reason alot of people bought the systems!

MS and Nintendo have recognized that the large amount of games on Ps 1 & 2 are the reason sony beat them last gens, and refuse to let it happen again, which is why they are both actively grabbing any games they can get their hands on!

Enigma_20995838d ago (Edited 5838d ago )

... and way to cite a guy who no longer works there... and we WANTED TO SEE GO... as a prime example...

"Yes, I do believe that MS buys alot of stuff, but when you have 2 arrogant companies treating developers like they are second class... it might become clear that MS doesn't have to pay for as many games as you think!"

So you saying that they don't? okay. Let's see your proof. I'll wait here... And if you want to talk about companies treating devs like they're second class... ask those indy devs on XBox Live how they're enjoying the raping they're receiving. Has Johnathan Blow managed to break even yet?

"Also for the fact that they didn't try to get alot of 3rd party developers on board right away. The Ps3 could have had so many games right now. But sony never pushed for them."

...or it could be that Sony didn't have as much money to throw around that Microsoft had. Because being the brain child of Bill GATES can be a pretty interesting perk...

"You can talk that... "Sony only wants quality games on the Ps3!" BS. But the Ps1 &2 were built on crappy games! They had great games for those systems, but they also had alot of garbage games (Ps2 had 1400+ games). Which was the main reason alot of people bought the systems!"

I'm not gonna say that at all.. I've played PLENTY of crap on those systems... and you know what, the same can be said about consoles today... including your beloved XBox360... no it is NOT exempt.

"MS and Nintendo have recognized that the large amount of games on Ps 1 & 2 are the reason sony beat them last gens, and refuse to let it happen again, which is why they are both actively grabbing any games they can get their hands on!"

No... Microsoft is grabbing as many JRPGs from Sony in Japan because THAT'S what they love to play over there, THAT'S what they buy over there in Japan, and THAT'S the best way to get Japanese gamers to buy your console... if it's the only console in town that has all the JRPGs. And they sure as hell don't want it to be Sony... and whilethis is going on, let's remember that they're not even acknowledging Nintendo as competition... because they can't even put a DENT in their lead... and they had a friggin' year-long head start!!


So you're saying I'm not a patriot because I won't buy a 360?

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 5838d ago
Mr_Bun5839d ago

It would seem that the 360 price drops have been effective. It will be interesting to see how long this trend keeps going.

TheHater5839d ago

it is actually more than the price drop. There has been several JRPG that been release exclusively on the xbox 360 over the pass few weeks in Japan

Mr_Bun5839d ago

You are right. Price drops + JPRGs

Enigma_20995839d ago

don't say that too loud here... they'll call you a liar and give you disagrees...

Enigma_20995838d ago

Now if this site really WAS Sony Central as they want you to believe, would we be getting so many disagrees?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5838d ago
AllseeingEye5839d ago

Of course this will happen with a price cut and games that japanes people love. Although I'm a ps3 fan, I say good job MS.

Mr_Bun5839d ago

As a PS3 owner as well, you have to give props where it is due.

kittoo5839d ago

Good job MS. They worked hard for this.

And now- Wake up Sony! Make some JRPGs.

styleguy1005839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

ooo la laaa lol ps3 dudes being nice... Im in shock!

yeah whoop whoop for MS

ezcex5839d ago (Edited 5839d ago )

props to MS. im glad they have rpgs on the xbox. just waiting for jasper to come out since mine is RROD.

edit: lol wth. i give props and get disagrees?

name5839d ago

Ugh, xboxkings.

Good job to microsoft though. I'm wondering if it was more so due to the price drop or the jrpg's? Because the jrpg's came out a long time ago and the sales went back later. So I'm assuming it's the price drop. Hopefully the boost in the Arcade's sales won't result in Microsoft being less willing to use the harddrive in multiplatform games.

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Another possible title - Slow News Day.

darthv723d ago

force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

ZoboomafooFan3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

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rlow12d ago

Microsoft are just batting a hundred. Can they screw up anymore? Wait, don’t answer that.