
Warframe PlayStation 4 Walkthrough Video With Digital Extremes

At PAX Prime in Seattle, Digital Extremes' Meridith Braun walks us through the free-to-play PS4 game, Warframe, in this exclusive video.

cyguration3926d ago

You do know that YouTube doesn't allow for 60fps right? So you do know that the video, regardless that the game runs 1080p 60fps on the PS4, doesn't show up that way on YouTube right?

Good, because your comment almost made you come across as if you didn't know something most little kids born inside out are well aware of.

CGI-Quality3926d ago

Um, not sure what you watched, but no, it doesn't. It's not as smooth as the PC version (I play @ 120fps, so that makes sense), but it's nowhere close to being "ass".

OT: Day 1 + F2P = Happy me!

Studio-YaMi3926d ago (Edited 3926d ago )

Why would you disable vsync just to play in 120fps ? your eyes will not know the difference between 60fps and 120fps.

You're just putting extra heat onto your GPU/CPU,not worth it.

and unless your monitor supports 120hz then there is no point to it really.

CGI-Quality3926d ago (Edited 3926d ago )

@ Studio: Who said I disabled V-SYNC? Also, I can easily tell the difference between 60 and 120fps. The latter is the highest both eyes, together, can make out.

CGI-Quality3926d ago (Edited 3926d ago )

@ Studio: My monitor is 120Hz, and no, my GPU/CPU don't give off crazy amount of heat based on 120Hz. Have you ever built, used a PC for this type of gaming? I'm beginning to wonder.

JAMurida3926d ago

I don't know about "ass", but it look pretty stable 30 fps to me, which is all I want. Let's wait until release to judge.

Cryptcuzz3926d ago

It may look like 30 fps but that's because YouTube videosplays by nature plays at only 30 fps, even if the game being recorded is running at 60 fps.

This game is free people. It looks and plays awesome just from off screen videos I have seen so far. Just know it will look better and for sure runs at 60 fps at 1080p. Get a PS4 and download this game at launch, it is after all FREE!

jagiii3926d ago

That's what you get for free...

Phene3926d ago

And umm ...a lot of cool umm ...ninja umm stuff ...lol

clrlite3926d ago

I might check this one out, after Planetside 2 of course.

LordDhampire3926d ago

yeah planetside is sick, I can't wait to play it on console

Warframe was fun but got tiring fast on pc, I think it would be more fun on console tho due to its more of a game for a controller and its kinda a game you just want to play for maybe like a couple missions at a time.

JAMurida3926d ago

She LOVES the game, you know it!

ABizzel13926d ago


LOL, I know. Goodness find something else to say. umm, umm, umm.

GodGinrai3926d ago

Downloaded it on steam a while back. Ill be honest and say i was not impressed. my advice to PS4 owners who have not played this on PC? planetside2 is better.

aceitman3926d ago

hopefully they listened to feed back and back changes

cyguration3926d ago

This game requires a bit of time. If you hop in and just try to do stuff you'll get your arse kicked.

After you figure out how to do the actual cool ninja stuff (none of which is displayed in the video above) then the game gets badass.

CGI-Quality3926d ago

PlanetSide 2 is a completely different type of game. My advice to PS4 owners: make up your own mind and try it, if you please, since it is free.

DigitalRaptor3926d ago

Well said. I'll certainly be trying all of them.

KwietStorm_BLM3926d ago

I've played both,I enjoy both completely different games and I will download both on PS4 to play with my friends. They are both free. There is nothing to lose.

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