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CRank: 5Score: 25980

3rd day at GamesCom 2011 from a real gamer

Why from a real gamer?
I'm not a journalist, I´m a passionate and enthusiast that is not living the fair from behind the scene but from in front, doing queues, standing in line for hours and all that jazz ;)!

So yes, I wake up early, went to Cologne´s Trade Fair early and "rushed" to the EA´s space to get an head start on MS3 and I did it, only like an hour of queue (compared to the average of 4/5 hours).

I´m not sure we played the very starting of the game but Mordin, Liara and Garrus are with you, together with a female krogan, Cerberus is an enemy again and there was no Tali in sight... The gameplay (on a 360) was quite the same of MS2 but there seemed to be a bit more customization both for powers and weapons, which is welcome and looked interesting and more complete.
It felt and looked as the "usual" Mass Effect, hopefully the whole game will be a bit more open and varied than its predecessor!!
My vote (for now): 9!

This was just a video (pure gameplay) but was very fun! I haven´t played any game from this series so didn't expect that much craziness.
The customization looked deep and intriguing and it really seems you can do everything (even a missile strike from the heavens!).
The graphics is not overly polished but quite rich and colorful, something I´m now quite intrigued about!
My vote (for now): 8.5!

Looks really nice graphics-wise and the environment seems rich and vast enough (for comparison looks better than Dragon Age 2). It´s a classic fantasy settings with all the elements one would expect. PS3 controls seemed smooth and easy even though the frame-rate dramatically dropped a few times (can´t say why and it´s still many months from its release so it´s not frightening :)).
My vote (for now): 8.5!

Take Demon´s Soul, improve its graphics dramatically and keep the gameplay and mechanics, the settings seems to also be quite similar. Well, that´s my feeling after playing Dark Souls and, honestly, I´m not unhappy about it ;).
My vote (for now): 9!

I really enjoyed to try this one out! It´s a strategic shooter with some nice touches. Felt and moved very good, also looked very good.
One guy from the Ubisoft team (someone involved with the game, I mean) kindly explained that´s not meant as a "run and gun" game but more a tactic and strategic one that requires team-play and collaboration. That´s something I personally enjoy very much and those that like games such as S.O.C.O.M. and similar shooters that´s something to look forward to with its March 2012 release!
My vote (for now): 9!

The second chapter of the series seems bigger and better than the first. I didn't play the first although I am informed about it and this second chapter is looking quite intriguing.
They added some variety to the gameplay that will certainly make it more interesting and spectacularity will also come in spades!
My vote (for now): 8.5!

This is set a couple of years after the first with the same main character. I didn't play the first but the mood, for those that love dark moods, seems to be just right and quite grim.
Intriguing mechanics and combat system, certainly something for a chance in pace!
My vote (for now): 8!

Hey! I met Tak Fujii and he was kind enough to pose with me for a pic, not sure what he was doing at GamesCom but I couldn't pass the "One Million Troops" guy!


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