
I Feel Bad For Brutal Legend

In a year in which an astonishing number of blockbuster hits are set to be released in quick succession, can Brutal Legend be profitable? Or will it be trampled under the might of other console juggernauts?

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Ron_Burgundy5356d ago

game will be crap, I don't understand the hype at all in this game, if there's any at all

RKRigney5356d ago

It's definitely getting more attention than a lot of other games coming out this year. I keep seeing advertisements everywhere.

gamesR4fun5356d ago (Edited 5356d ago )

This Uncharted2 n Demon Soul are all on my must play list but since we can only buy one this month its gonna b a hard choice.

Uncharted2 looks rock solid but im finding the online matchmaking system pure weaksauce. Cant event set up a clan match without adding em all to yur friends list wth... Demon Soul looks insane 2 but Im not sure Im up for the challenge with so much of my time being eaten up by my family n work. Brutal legend looks like a game thats eaisier n can b played saved n resumed without wasting time. That and the online looks really interesting with a mix of action and rts.

So many choices so little time n money sigh.

GameGambits5356d ago

I myself will rent it when time permits, but my games to play first this year are:

Operation Flash Point (renting it)
Uncharted 2 (Paid it off long ago)
Magna Carta 2 (Renting it)
Borderlands (renting it)
MW2 (have it reserved, but not paid off)
Assassin's Creed 2 (Renting it)

If we look at release dates for these games, and take into account my video store lets me keep a game for 6 days before having to take it back...well Brutal Legend won't be getting played till late November before Assassin's Creed 2 hits.

I've followed the game a great lot, and the game will be a fun experience, but even with multiplayer it just doesn't seem like something I personally will spend much time with.

A lot of effort is going into this game, but sorry to say to Tim Schaffer that this game just won't sell as many copies as they are hoping for. That doesn't mean it will be less awesome to play once you play it, but from the business side of things it just isn't a multi million block buster seller.

RKRigney5356d ago

Brutal Legend will probably be one of those games that everybody picks up a year and a half after it came out at half price during a boring summer...

Veneno5356d ago

the game looks like it has better than average production values, but not everyone is a "rebellious" rocker doosh bag. Niche title.

hay5356d ago

Played the demo? This game gonna kick some major ass. Humour is flawless, dialogues are hilarious, rock solid. Or rather, metal solid.

5356d ago
5356d ago
ZombieNinjaPanda5356d ago

Agreed with Hay.

The humor is indeed good, I've even gotta my friend who laughs at nothing video game related to laugh.

Especially at the Lisp part :P

hay5356d ago (Edited 5356d ago )

@Veneno: Feeling better by downplaying other people's preferences? How old are you not to learn yet that: "de gustibus non est disputandum".
You're just being an a-hole here.

Your picture is flawed like yourself. My buddies along with me are pretty much different people visually and psychologically and all of us think this game is fun as hell. You just have to like and grow up to this kind of humour.

AntoineDcoolette5356d ago

As far as novelty/parody games go this is the most well polished one I've ever played, its probably the only one I'd say is actually polished, and it is quite humorous, though not in a laugh out loud way. I don't take it full price seriously though and won't be purchasing it anytime soon, perhaps when I can snag it for $20.

Its the definite stoner game of the year though, getting high and then playing the demo had me bursting out in tears of laughter and I was totally digging the sound track. Brutal Legend is probably the first game I've played that I actually enjoy more when I'm under the influence.

andron5356d ago

But I was sold already at the title screen after booting up the demo.

Looking at the Brutal Legend LP cover and hearing Testament on the soundtrack, I knew this was my kind of game....

Veneno5356d ago Show
RememberThe3575356d ago

and the game is freakin awesome. I'm not even a rocker, and I'm loving this game.

The game looks good, is funny, and has tight controls. Plus, the trailer at the end of the game made it look huge. I cannot wait to beat this game.

Anon19745356d ago (Edited 5356d ago )

It's creator, Tim Schafer, is responsible for what is, in my opinion, the best video game of all time. Grim Fandango.

Since Grim Fandango he created the excellent Physchonauts and that's been it. The very notion that Tim Schafer was creating a new game based on a Heavy Metal universe was enough to send me into geek bliss. This guy was the guy that raised videogame story lines to an art.

If you aren't excited about what Tim Schafer has in store for you, all I can think is that you're too young to remember Grim Fandango. That game was cooler than Jesus. Let alone Full Throttle, Day of the Tentacle, Secret of Monkey Island, etc..etc. Everything he's touched has been gold.

Infernostew5356d ago (Edited 5356d ago )

I could not agree more! I have been a fan of Tim Schafer's for a long time but like all of his decent games, this will be overlooked. For those of you who say this game is going to be crap, please play his other games and then well talk. After playing the demo, I am convinced that this game will be epic.

Edit: bubbles darkride66

mastiffchild5356d ago

I DESPISE Jack Black. I hate the way it's the same shtick time and time again-even when he hets interviewed he puts on the same "look it's Jack!" performance. Honestly, I didn't think I'd ever be interested in anything to do with him.

However, I'm totally with Darkride over the Timmy love! Schafer has a very serious place in the history of the industry-Grim and Pstchonauts are amazing pieces of gaming excellence. Both individual but unmistakenly Schafer nonetheless.Practically everything he's worked on is worth checking out and if his involvement can overcome my , erm, "problem" with Mr Black then anyone can give BL a fair crack of the whip. Honestly, Tim deserves that we at least give this a serious look.

Haven't had a look at the demo yet but will do so soon but don't think it's a bad time for the game to emerge really-all the delays have left a more open field for this and I think it'll benefit more than most will from this lot releasing next year-why would MW2 put a hole in BL sales anyway? That said I don't yet see why so many people are refusing(in the media) to see the shortcomings with the polish side of the game-Schafer ensures(or as near as!)quality ideas and gameplay but never really made a slick game with really high production levels. I think it's had plenty of good press, in fact, some of it's been really positive(as some journos are too in thrall to Schafer imo)and that could raise people's hopes more than might be healthy-which I see as a bigger danger than a sparser than normal release schedule.

finbars755356d ago (Edited 5356d ago )

If you havnt played the demo then you cant say sh!t.Its not going to be a big seller which is to bad.This game is fun and has lots of potential but as usual they try to release all the games at one time so there is going to be consequences.So maybe Tim Schaffer should take notes along with the rest of the idiotic companys and release them on slow months where everyone is itching for something new.Not when you have GOTY contenders coming out.

ia_studio5356d ago (Edited 5356d ago )

If you don't buy this game your cancer killing
the game industry.

and come on!
this may be his next masterpiece and you
are just letting it down,
I certainly don't know why.

Have you ever played psychonauts or grim fandango?
Overlooked but masterpieces both.

This happens to almost all good games
but it doesn't hapen to sh*t games like wii-fit.

FACTUAL evidence5356d ago

Well i must say...this game will be profitable.....at least for the 360 contingent, too many hardcore games on the ps3 this year, and brutal legends isn't on that list.

Sarcasm5356d ago

Considering Uncharted 2 is coming out the same day, it's a tough sale for PS3 owners.

Zydake5355d ago (Edited 5355d ago )

The game is right, metal has died... That's why no one understands this game only metal heads will understand like me and some other guys here. But cmon guys look at the guys doing voice overs other then Jables(Jack black) Ozzy Rob Halford and alot more guys. People who love metal are stupid if they let this slip away. I will be getting my copy along with Uncharted.

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Ron_Burgundy5356d ago

will fail like many Jack Black movies

PirateThom5356d ago

Apart from the fact Jack Black isn't funny, I think the boring combat and driving are a far bigger crime.

RKRigney5356d ago

Ouch. I hope you're wrong...

Saaking5356d ago

I found the demo to be quite good; however, releasing the same day as uncharted 2= a no brainier. Uncharted 2 it is. Brutal Legend will have to wait.

hatchimatchi5355d ago

i thought the same thing until i played the demo. It's actually extremely funny and fun as hell. I didn't plan on buying this game 36 hours ago but now i am. It sucks, uncharted2, ratchet and clank, brutal legend, the list won't stop!!

JackBNimble5355d ago

I played the demo and I really was not very impressed.

I'm not saying that it's going to be a bad game but the demo didn't show much of anything.And if the whole game is like the demo , well....I'll have to pass this one up.

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EvilCackle5356d ago

Well, this game's definitely got a higher profile than previous Schafer outings. He was on Jimmy Fallon last week, after all. It doesn't fit into some traditional genre "box" (shooter, RPG, etc) though so it probably won't burn up the charts.

RKRigney5356d ago

What IS the genre, exactly?

lordgodalming5356d ago

The genre is "Tim Schafer Game." Think the free-roaming action of Psychonauts with heavy metal, swearing, and axe fights.

Mnemonic-DK5356d ago (Edited 5356d ago )

Exactly! That alone is enough for me to preorder it.

Maybe it is an acquired taste - But if you love Schafer's quirky sense of humor, going back to all the things he has been involved in: The Monkey Island series, DOTT, Full throttle and especially Grim Fandango, you simple HAVE to at least try this game.

Of course it also helps that the music is exactly what I loved about the 80's metal - the only thing missing is the old-school Metallica tracks - but I guess that would have been too expensive...

Immigrant5356d ago

who am i?
i am a person who doesnt like brutal legend

keyword is ME

if i dont like it, whats it to u?


DJ5356d ago

He called Himeself an idiot. We didn't even have to do it for him. =P

Mantiz5355d ago

anyone so closed minded they'd call a game that's not even out yet garbage IS garbage to ME and anyone with a brain

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ExposingLames5356d ago

ya i think its going to get crushed as well.....dumb release time, i want it to do well, but i wouldnt buy it reguardless....not a fan of cartoony stuff...but i think its cool and the dev was cool as hell on the jimmy fallon show

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SinisterMister791d ago

This game...holy heck. Makes me feel old.

gamer7804791d ago

I loved that game. Unlocked every song

MadLad791d ago

Liked the aesthetic, tone, humor, and action combat.
Didn't care for the RTS elements.

Never cared to finish it.

porkChop791d ago

Yeah they marketed the game like it was a Heavy Metal GTA-ish adventure. And at the beginning of the game that's what it was. The game fell apart when the half-baked RTS stuff came in. I'd be interested in a reboot or sequel, but just go full action adventure and ditch the RTS. There really is something there with the Heavy Metal theme.

Ryushaa791d ago

I feel you. I just hacked the game to have infinite life/RTS resources

Inverno791d ago

PS360 gen was special, then again it was still the mid 2000s. Everything went to shite in the teens

mastershredder791d ago

I think that was the breaker for Doublefine's creative ambitions and their mixing of genres (which was getting kinda stale). It was a nice to look at but it was more of a tribute to the many things Tim loves, was influenced by and has great admiration for....but the forced RTS stuff was like a drinking buddy's "great idea" that never should have come to light. The game seemed a lot more vast, but it ended pretty quickly too. And Jack Black. As much as I don't care for him as an actor (annoying and requires constant attention), this was absolutely made with him in mind and it worked. I mean come on, Tenacious D? For as Metal as this game was trying to be, even comically, it did little more than meow.