
Geomerics Founder On Xbox One eSRAM: I’d Be Wary of Rushing to Snap Judgments About The New Hardware

Unless you are living under the rock, the Xbox One's eSRAM has been subject to much debate and controversy regarding it's inability to render 1080p resolution.

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MCTJim3581d ago

in other words..I dont know.

Dudebro903581d ago

If you got that from that statement, you are either illiterate or a jerk.

LordMaim3581d ago

To be fair, Doran didn't give any information, opting for marketing buzzwords instead.

To sum up what he said, "we'll have to wait and see."

dantesparda3581d ago (Edited 3581d ago )

So you didnt read the article you just read the headline. He literally says nothing other than PR speak.

gman_moose3581d ago

To me it sounded like his comment was from before the launch of these consoles. Either that, or he's a moron.

He says:
"You cannot really say anything until the first games are out and consumers have got their hands on both devices"

Ummm... gamers DO have the first games, and have got their hands on both devices. What the hell is the guy smoking?

ABizzel13581d ago

I personally don't understand what MS was thinking of with the XBO. I get unified RAM being convenient for development, but this is one case where they should have went with separate pools of memory.

4GB DDR3 (console RAM) + 4GB GDDR5 (Game RAM) would have been the wiser choice, because Day 1 they would have had a easy to understand set-up, and performance would be nearly as much of an issue. They could have still used the eSRAM if they wanted to, but honestly it would have been better to add more shading units to the APU, to push the console closer to the PS4 in performance.

They went with a theoretical solution that won't show it's best results until late in the generation when the winner has already been decided, when they could have had a near comparable console Day 1, and possibly have price advantage on their side by $50, which was needed all last gen to keep the 360 neck and neck with the PS3 (as well as winning NA).

redwin3581d ago

Interesting you say that. The PS4 was not gonna have the GDDR5 until the last day, the Xbox was twice as powerful as the ps4 was gonna be. Sony reluctantly changed it the last minute. That article was placed here in N4G about 3 months ago. When I read that, lol, the first thing in my head was, corporate espionage . Lol, but of course that's just me playing around. But I know that Sony would like to get to MS for what they did to blue ray.

ABizzel13581d ago


Could you please link me this article, because based on facts and not rumors, we know the PS4 was always going to have GDDR5 it only changed to from 4GB up to 8GB the last day. Also the XBO would have had twice the amount of RAM, but not twice as powerful as the PS4 had they gone with 4GB of GDDR5.

Prior to their launch there were tons of rumors claiming the PS4 and XBO were going to be using APUs (which turned out to be true), but the rumors were based on APUs available at that time which were Trinity / Richland (which the XBO is currently just over 2x more powerful than).

The twice as powerful rumor came from the rumor of the XBO being powered by a GTX Titan, but it that was easily shot down by anyone with hardware knowledge considering the Titan was a $1,000 GPU, and was more than 2x more powerful than the PS4.

Regardless MS should have known better than simply going with DDR3, because an APUs performance is greatly affected by the speed of the memory, and looking at any GPU available at the time it was clear that 2GB of GDDR5 was a minimum requirement for the graphics and performance they were trying to achieve.

It was flatout smarter and easier to just drop in 4GB of DDR3 + 4GB of GDDR5, and call it a day. The only downside to this, is that they couldn't dynamically add or reduce memory usage if they ever needed to, which is the benefit of a shared memory pool, but when gaming is suppose to be your main function the graphics memory was the more important of the two, and seeing how Sony had access to a confirmed 4GB, MS should have at least be able to do the same.

TFJWM3581d ago

@redwin Ummm no. Sony had been planning on going with GDDR5 for awhile but it was only going to be 4mb. The last day Mark Cerny went into the meeting and said we really need 8 and they went for it.

3581d ago Replies(9)
mochachino3581d ago

"I’d be wary of rushing to snap judgments about the new hardware. You cannot really say anything until the first games are out and consumers have got their hands on both devices,”

Many games are already out.

Why do I feel that the close EA-MS relationship is somehow behind this. All games mentioned using guys middleware are EA games.

Volkama3581d ago

OK, here's what we've got: EA and Microsoft, in conjunction with the saucer people, under the supervision of the reverse vampires, are forcing middleware developers to provide neutral quotes about the consoles.

Is that about right?

joeorc3581d ago (Edited 3581d ago )

yes because no companies use Astroturfing techniques on the internet..LMAO





Yes; because No one does it, sure thing is all a conspiracy.


Or maybe just maybe you can count on a company to do what a company does in its best own interests!


“Just keep rubbing it in, via the press, analysts, newsgroups, whatever. Make the complete failure of the competition’s technology part of the mythology of the computer industry.” -

–Microsoft, internal document


TankCrossing3581d ago

@joeorc you think MS and EA are teaming up to offer incentives or strongarm middleware developers into giving neutral answers like "From what we are seeing both PS4 and Xbox One are well thought out pieces of kit"

You're in deep, but I am glad you can laugh about it LMAO

Bathyj3581d ago

We're through the looking glass here people.

rdgneoz33581d ago

Yep, a lot of games are out, and the differences have been shown. Games will only get better looking as the gen goes on, but the opposition won't be sitting on their hands. Last gen MS had the console that was easier to make games for off the bat and multiplats looked better on it for a while (the cell was a bit complex to work with). This gen, both systems are similar architecture (x86) and similar CPU, with differences being mainly in ram and GPU. And judging by the games currently available, the shoes on the other foot this gen.

And seeing as MS has called the esram an evolution of the 360's edram, it's not too hard to get a grasp on like it was for developers with the PS3's cell.


kingvendrick3581d ago

Its just more damage control. The PS4 sales figures beg to differ.

Sonital3581d ago

Damage control by Geometrics?

Cryptcuzz3581d ago

They are a middleware company and so they would be smart to stay neutral as much as possible. All they want is to promote their middleware to as many developers on all sides as possible.

Gh05t3581d ago (Edited 3581d ago )

So much stupid spin in this article it makes me dizzy.

He really has no opinion yet? He is lying and trying not to make either Sony or Microsoft mad at him by claiming a better console. I am an Xbox One owner but c'mon its okay to say PS4 is easier to make games or middleware for or vice versa... Have an opinion or dont answer the question but to speak this drivel to not alienate one console or another is cowardly.

Why o why3581d ago

Spoken like a champ.

These judgements aren't snap ones

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