
Is Destiny Really Worth All the Hype? After the Beta, Nope.

Twinfinite: We were all pretty excited to get our hands on Destiny. Like many others, we were ecstatic to be able to play the beta and get a dose of the game before its highly-anticipated launch. We really were excited. Imagine our disappointment when, after playing for a few hours, we realized this game doesn't seem to be shaping up the way we had hoped it would.

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Hellsvacancy3569d ago

It is just your average shooter, nothing groundbreaking about, I think I remember Bungie saying they were going to "reinvent" online multiplayer with Destiny

That said it IS fun to play, I enjoyed my time with the beta, i've been wanting to play something other than the "still broken" BF4, hardline doesn't appeal to me at all, it will be one of the first BF game i've not played

For now Destiny will have to do

Dynasty20213569d ago


Fun to play even though the content length worries me, seems like MP might be what they're basing "hundreds of hours" on, solidly made and presented, looks pretty good but not mind blowing, 30 FPS in inexcusable, but yeah it feels like typical Bungie.

Nothing new or original, just a solid shooter.

Certainly not worthy of the hype, but a good addition to the genre for sure.

opoikl3569d ago (Edited 3569d ago )

During the Beta I couldn't be more excited for the arrival of this game, especially after visiting the Destinypedia which spoke of 3-5 locations per planet. This would mean twenty someting different environments, which to me didn't sound too unrealistic considering the graphics were never going to be mind-blowing and since last gen offered comparable world maps (Borderlands 2).

So now I imagine we're in for a lot of DLC, because to me it seems a little ridiculous to have 4 planets cover jungles, deserts, iceworlds and dirt terrain, when you could find these environments on Earth alone.

I guess I'll wait for the reviews come launch to decide whether I'll jump right in or wait for the GotY Edition. BTW, competitive mp is not my cup of tea, so no replay value there for me.

ThePope3569d ago

Anything. I'll repeat ANYTHING Bungie does is worth hype. Their one of the best developers of all time. Don't get confused. And a lvl 8 beta is not enough to say if the game is good or not. It's like playing the first in TLoU and saying its just another uncharted

opoikl3569d ago

Yeah, because what happens at the end of the first chapter of TLOU really takes you back to that familiar Uncharted-vibe.

Thing is, I was expecting this deep, intricate sci-fi world, much like Dune, but apart from the killer soundtrack (very Prometheus imo) I've yet to encounter any proof of this profound universe and mature storytelling. Evidently, we can't say anything for sure until the game launches, but if you consider this Beta like a trailer for a movie, I'm actually starting to believe they can't have much more up their sleeves to surprise us when the game arrives in September.

PeaSFor3569d ago

is it possible to block twinfinite articles on my n4g account?

they always shit shitty blog full of shittyness and stink like shit.

guitarded773569d ago (Edited 3569d ago )

I absolutely love the game... not saying it's the best thing ever, or mind blowing, but here's what makes it great for ME.

1. Hub - The hub gives you a place to rest between PTSD fueling shooting episodes.

2. Deep leveling - It's almost like an MMO in the leveling and item aspect, but not so crazy that you're worrying about item management and whatnot.

3. Social - It offers great co-op and and not as great competitive, but I prefer good co-op personally.

4. Environments/enemies - While I've only seen Russia (which Sarah Palin sees from her house every morning), the maps a big, open and well designed. The enemies are also diverse enough to make you go "Oh s#!t... a wizard. How should I handle this?"

I will agree that it's not the be all end all of shooters, but I haven't heard anyone say it is. Those praising the game, at least from my knowledge, are doing so on what the game does well. It takes great things from many great shooters, and social MMO's, and puts it together without all the crap. I like open shooters like MAG, Battlefield and Dust... I also love good co-op like Halo has. And to have it all integrated into a seamless social hub is pretty damn cool IMO. If I get tired of competitive, jump to the hub and go co-op, or solo, or dance on the post office roof. Whatever I want. I like this.

EDIT: In many ways, I feel like this is what Halo should be today, but Bungie's hands were tied from taking big risks and changing the series too much.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3569d ago
danny8183569d ago

cod doesnt appeal to you?!

pompombrum3569d ago

I think there are many gamers out there these days who've had enough of cod.

voodoochild3463569d ago

Perhaps it's too scrubby for him to play.

Blaze9293569d ago

i agree. I just don't see the hype about this game - and I didn't like Borderlands so...

DefenderOfDoom23569d ago

Well, from a player, who just loves to play FPS CAMPAIGNS (since 1995). I thought playing the beta on the PS3 was a lot of fun !!! They made DESTINY for people who enjoy FPS games! I thought the combat scenarios were great . I hope in the future, they can run the game at 60FPS . That being said, DESTINY is going to be the game, i will be playing throughout the fall! For now, i will just try to finish WOLFENSTEIN NEW ORDER on a hard difficulty setting!

Hellsvacancy3569d ago

I'm not a huge Borderlands fan either

Johnsonparts233569d ago

just your average shooter? Your average shooter would consist of COD, BF and Halo. This is leaps and bounds beyond those. All of those games don't have an open world setting. They also have a single player and multiplayer that are completely separate. They have little to no co-op. Destiny integrates all of those modes into one game and everything meshes with everything. When people hear "reinvent" I really want to know whats in their head. If you're saying it's an average shooter because it's first person and you shoot guns then fine, but it's 1000x that. I played the Hardline beta and it was an absolute joke. It was a bunch of bad character models running around an empty city. Compare that to the Destiny beta.......I mean I'm really confused as to what you people are expecting. This will be the game of the year easily and we just get a bunch of whiners.

3-4-53569d ago

Destiny is another solid game in your collection of 20,30,40+ games for this gen.

At least for most people it will be.

Some it may be their favorite, while other's it will be the 14th or 15th best game of the gen they played.

Some won't like it at all, and others it may be the reason they get back into gaming.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3569d ago
-Foxtrot3569d ago

It's fun, it's a good quality game and it's got a great atmosphere but it's not worth the hype at all.

Especially with all those rumours about the story missions being short and only one destination per planet. Not even allowed to walk into the city we are protecting for the Traveller.

They said it was a game they were going to support for a decade, so in my opinion knowing Activison they'll probably want Bungie to keep content for expansion packs over the years.

I honestly think if you went into the beta and didn't enjoy it as much as you thought, wait a few years until they bring out more content for it.

OrangePowerz3569d ago

All we have to base the length on is some data mined from the Beta that hardly tells us how long it takes to play through the story, max out a character, max out reputation with factions, complete all strike and raids and get the best gear available.

People can't expect to get the content for the next 10 years now. Just look at MMOs like WoW while the world looks huge, in WoW vanilla it was rather bare bones with 2 raids, no noteworthy PvP a few dungeons here and there and full of fetch quests and the game only really started with lvl 50 or so once you got access to a good amount of higher dungeons and with 60 the raids that took ages to clear.

-Foxtrot3569d ago

I don't think people expect 10 years of content but the way Bungie have went on about this massive universe they've created it seemed like at the time we could hop in our ship and go to a ton of locations. It's the way they've hyped it to be honest, they've made it seem bigger then it actually is.

I mean as I've said in other posts our starting location Earth should been full of different locations not just Old Russia. We should have a few maps to show us different settings. I think it would of been better aswell if the Guardian Tower was actually right underneath the traveller in the middle of the city, so we could walk around the city...then over time Bungie can add onto the town revealing new locations and missions.

OrangePowerz3569d ago

I never had the impression that I can just jump into my ship and go to a huge amount of locations since I wasn't expecting Mass Effect Online.

Until the Alpha and Beta there wasn't actually that much hope and instead a lot of complaints from people that they don't show anything from the game.

TRGMatt3569d ago (Edited 3569d ago )

The hype is COMING from people who have played and are hyping the game. *shakes head*

Some people don't like it as much as others. Sounds about like everything that has ever existed, doesn't it?

Dolf0453569d ago

Very true. The hype was nearly non existent before the alpha. It's people playing that are getting psyched for release, Bungie had confirmed that the MMO like expansion roadmap was the way they were going ages ago.

Personally I put about as much time into the Alpha/Beta in just one location (with very little MP) as I did for platinum in Wolfenstein. I'm in no way worried about getting bang for my buck

Johnsonparts233569d ago

but you have NO IDEA how big it actually is. It's a beta, and there are rumors, and that's what you're basing your entire opinion of a FULL game on. Hype will always be there for the biggest games of the year. If this game didn't have the hype what game would? Tell me a game that's going to be bigger and more involved than Destiny coming this year..... There isn't one. Hype is justified because it's just hype.

Rhezin3569d ago

Can we just wait for the game to release plz?

waltyftm3569d ago

Well said, only played 2 days of the Beta and thought it was good, full release can only be better imo.

DanteVFenris6663569d ago

It was good but also showed how shallow it was. More length doesn't equal better. Incredible low number of classes(3) and very little options, so far every level in beta only allowed me 1 choice for skill point. Maps weren't as open or big as they had us believe

stuna13569d ago

I'm with you! A good card player never shows his full hand!

VitaOwner3569d ago

That is your opinion. My opinion is the Hype is justified. I actually didn't buy the hype at all until I played the Alpha and now I'm completely sold. I put in about 40 hours in the BETA, so people complaining about some perceived lack of content need to stop complaining. This game will offer many hundreds of hours of content. At the end of the day, everyone won't like every game, but I can't wait for 9/9.

TRGMatt3569d ago

The naysayers are speaking so loudly that it is drowning out the VAST VAST VAST majority of people who had an overwhelmingly positive experience with the beta. Internet nature, I suppose. This game is going to shatter sales records. Well...maybe not SHATTER but certainly exceed them.

3569d ago
DanteVFenris6663569d ago

It's because the vast majority plays cod, so yes if your comming off that crap this looks like heaven. If your comming off an mmo this looks terrible

Johnsonparts233569d ago

@Dante....... why would you be coming from an MMO to a FPS anyways? Coming from a FPS all MMO's look like utter $hit to me and boring as hell. For those of us who have a life we'll stick with Destiny.

Ihatetrolls763569d ago

I really enjoyed the game and can't wait to play more of it. They can always increase the size of the game and level cap over time.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3569d ago

I enjoyed it a lot. It's easy to see how big they can expand the world through dlc support. I'm excited about it.

welly3003569d ago

Yeah pay £50+ then dlc on top that should be with game at start we as garmers are getting shafted. :(

DanteVFenris6663569d ago (Edited 3569d ago )

I don't like the game but dlc for a game you like is a good thing for gamers. For example I just ordered j stars victory from japan and would pay an extra 10 per character for some of the characters I want.

In regards to this game if you like it you should want to spend 20 or so dollars every once in a while to expand the game and make it a lot better

Edit: dlc that's bad for gamers is character skins or meaningless stuff like that. Extra content is never bad dlc. If you like it then it's good. 60 dollars for original content. That's fair, 20 dollars for 10+ hours of content. I think that's fair as well. I love dlc/expansions for games I love

Ihatetrolls763569d ago

As long as the dlc is like what's in borderlands I'll be happy

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Destiny Made Over $160 Million In Microtransaction Revenue In Less Than 2 Years

Destiny has made over $160 million in MTX revenue, and these numbers only account the data from late 2017 to early 2019.

Sgt_Slaughter343d ago

That's extremely low for microtransactions, especially for a game that's essentially designed around it

LucasRuinedChildhood343d ago (Edited 343d ago )

This was back when the game wasn't free to play.

The figures are from November 2017 to February 2019 (1 year and 4 months).

Based on that projection, the MTX revenue for Destiny 2 likely would have been closer to ~$240m for 2 years.

Not sure if premium expansions are included in that figure either although ... I'd hope that they are though and that most of the revenue was for actual content like Forsaken.

People spend way too much money on cosmetics.

Rude-ro343d ago (Edited 343d ago )

Seasons($10 and just got bumped to $12) and dungeon keys($10 each, two a year) are through the eververse(micro transaction) store.
So for those two years, in order to play a season, you would pay through micro transactions.

Sonic1881343d ago (Edited 343d ago )

Bungie Marathon will be worse since it's designed around it as well

Kurt Russell342d ago

It makes me sad to agree... but at the same time I am looking forward to giving it a go. Destiny 2 is so far in, I find it difficult to figure out what I am meant to do first.

buffig343d ago

I think FIFA alone makes over $1bn a year from mtx

anast343d ago

FIFA promotes a worldwide sport. It should make more money than destiny.

CantThinkOfAUsername343d ago (Edited 343d ago )

Let's compare something similar. Apex Legends and its ridiculous $18/$40 skins make EA a billion each year.

z2g343d ago

For as much as ppl complain how much they hate microtransactions, they sure don’t act like it. No wonder they aren’t going anywhere.

spicelicka343d ago

By "people" you're referring to millions and millions of people. Obviously the ones complaining aren't necessarily the same as the ones spending all that money.

343d ago Replies(1)
343d ago
Father__Merrin343d ago

There's millions that purchase MTX and there's nothing we can do about it

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Stop Trying To Make Destiny

In Episode 1 of Spot On, a new weekly news show, Gamespot talks about the dangers of chasing a trend.

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Destiny 1 Becomes Playable on PC via Emulation

Playing Destiny 1 on PC has been something fans have been requesting for years. It looks like Destiny 1 is now playable on PC via the RPCS3 emulator.

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spoonard495d ago

I've been thinking about playing through D1 again before it goes away...

CobraKai494d ago

That’s the sad reality of a game like this. I bought it, invested lots of money, and it can go away at anytime. I still think this was more fun than 2.

jeromeface493d ago

prob because 2 is a grindfest slog

spoonard491d ago

That's the bummer of 'games as a service'.