
Former Valve VR Dev: “VR Is Bad News. I Want Out.” Should We Heed the Warning?

Twinfinite: As it stands today, virtual reality is the next “big frontier” in gaming. With projects as large in scope as the Oculus Rift and Project Morpheus going on, it’s hard to not be excited for what it all could bring to the gaming table. And yet, it seems as though not everybody is as jubilant about it as you may assume.

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Nitrowolf23586d ago (Edited 3586d ago )


He wants out because it would be less social, and damaging to Multiplayer games. This couldn't be further away from the truth TBH. Sure, it'll start with little to no MP games (Although isn't that EVE spaceship game Multiplayer?), but those are called hurdles that'll eventually be gone. The way we play right now, in terms of what games offer, won't just magically disappear. Devs will make games as they see fit.

VR is just a head display with the TV screen in front of you basically with motion controls (although controls are optional)

I'll wait before judging, but the reason he gives just aren't good enough IMO. If he had mentioned that the tech just doesn't work, or it's just not ready then I'd understand, but to say it will limit social aspects in games today. No

-Foxtrot3586d ago

Does anyone really care if it harms multiplayer games, I mean we've come to a point where online stuff is shoved into nearly every game. Newer gamers should be reminded that you don't need an online mode for a game to be good.

Honestly if it did ruin multiplayer then I wouldn't care at all. I'd see it as a good thing.

I do think Valve's social, online approach is a little annoying to be honest. I hope to god Half Life 3 hasn't got a co-op mode or something.

Prime1573586d ago

I think the lesson to be learned is still: everything in moderation.

I believe he's looking at those of us out in social areas who aren't actually socializing, but on our phones or other devices... there is a thing as gaming addiction; I, like many others, was addicted to WOW. In fact, people have committed suicide over online gaming.

It's a new issue developing from new technology. The difference is that his efforts would be better used in teaching moderation rather than just quitting.

BattleN3586d ago

It will cause anti socials to become even more anti social, as there will be no need for them to interact with others or go outside!

Debaitable3586d ago

Wow you guys both miss the point of the letter. It's about be less socially active in real lifr. Watch the Bruce Willis movie Surrogates as to where he thinks VR is going.

UltimateMaster3586d ago

"VR headsets are anti-social"
When's the last time we've got offline multi-player game beyond Nintendo?

Tales RPG addict3586d ago

agreed and besides while were on this topic you make a good point that games aren't always about online. The major problem is that for many games like COD the MP part of the game is over 90% of the purchase, and once said game goes offline you just lost a majority of the game you spent money on.

Fluchtpunkt3586d ago

In 1995 VR was the new shit....til late 1995 and it died.
Avatar said: 3D was the new shit and companies tried to sell us that
shit...that was a failure too.

That was VR in 1995....looks the same.


Why should I believe any company now?
Wheres the difference to 1995?

b163o13586d ago (Edited 3586d ago )

Ok ^^^ this guy just made no sense. Like asking whats the difference between FatBacks and HD Flat screens. Tech has made leap and bounds sense 95.

TheDivine3586d ago

Its coming and its not going to be a passing gimmick. Gaming is great but VR will be a revolution like the PC was back when it launched or the smartphone was. Everyone will eventually use it for movies, games, social networking, porn, and the Internet itself will be reinvented as something you can explore and be in.

It will steal some people's lives away like tv, Internet, and gaming has done before it but imagine the possibilities. Those people who let their life get sucked away are weak and need to learn restraint and moderation. We may be heading away from actually LIVING our lives but there's always a choice. This is exciting tech and will take a long time to develop into something where you could live out a digital life that would seem real.

UltraNova3586d ago

I say swift death to this relentless online social integration of games! I mean isn't Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc enough? Do you need to do that to games as well??

Hell No! Bring great games back with local multiplayer, that's real socializing!

As for VR I say Hell yeah!!

nveenio3585d ago

I would use VR for every game that supports it. I've been waiting for this technology to reach its current point for 25 years.

IcarusOne3585d ago (Edited 3585d ago )


Why would you link an article without even reading it? If you had, you'd know it actually disputes your claim that 1995 VR is the same as today's VR.

And then you say 3D is dead? Have you noticed how many 3D movies are in theaters RIGHT NOW, let alone how many are released yearly and how many 3D blurays can be found on the shelves of Target or Best Buy?

I honestly don't understand you.

Ares84HU3585d ago

If it hurst multiplayer games, than I'm all in. I'm so tired of online multiplayer games and that every game has to have online mp.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3585d ago
extermin8or3586d ago

I think you've misunderstood him, he's saying there will be lots of games where people are interacting yet that the actual social elements will be effected negatively. He seems to be mainly concerned about the idea of MMO RPG's where people could put on VR and interact but then likely would stop bothering to interact with other humans in ordinary ways however this already happens doesn't it? (Look at cases of addiction to world of warcraft.

morganfell3586d ago

Since when did Social aspects require people to be in the same room with you? Most social interation among players occurs with gamers that are totally alone at home or at the very least alone playing a particular title and their interaction is with other players that are 10s, 100s, or 1000s of miles away.

VR does not preclude social interaction in games. It makes the game experience deeper, more immersive and as such will serve to enhance the social aspect.

extermin8or3586d ago

Never said I agreed with him... Morganfell your asking the wrong persib ask this dev lol

morganfell3586d ago

If you look I am actually agreeing with you in many ways...

You didn't agree with him you explained his point of view with which I do disagree.

wannabe gamer3585d ago

if anything this is a compliment to the technology, hes basically saying its so immersive you will forget about everything around you.

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joab7773586d ago

He watched alot of WALL-E. Who knows...this may very well be the beginning of the end!

lfc_4eva3585d ago

Instead of saying he's wrong about limiting the social aspects of gaming today, why don't you provide a counter argument that promotes the positives of VR for the social aspects of gaming?

I for one miss the multiplayer of 3 or 4 mates over your house, playing at the same screen. Yet I fully appreciate the online multiplayer scene that allows me to play and keep up with friends who live far away.

I can understand his point. VR totally cuts you off from the world around you, preventing social interaction with people immediately near by. Yet I can see how being part of an engrossing world could enhance online play with friends, again who live far away. Hopefully bringing all closer together while immersed in the gaming world.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3585d ago
kingtroy3586d ago

No i still wanna try out project Morpheus before i give a verdict

gamerfan09093586d ago

VR is going to tank so hard. The only company I truly see doing anything major with it is OR and that's if they get a system seller and push it outside of gaming as well. Otherwise I don't see people paying 250 bucks for a VR, extra money for a camera and potentially 400 bucks for a PS4 or another external machine.

Utalkin2me3586d ago

You're looking at it the wrong way. Will people buy a PS4 and VR and a camera just for VR, probably not. But for the people that already own a PS4 it will be a small investment to get VR. Or what about the people that are on the fence about a PS4 and Xbox1. Having VR could sway more people to pick up a PS4 cause of it.

ibrake4naps3586d ago

Agreed. I have the camera and move sitting around. I'll definitely buy day 1. Looking forward to it! :-D

lfc_4eva3585d ago

I really don't see VR being a small investment on PS4. This thing is not gonna be cheap!

Its gonna have the same issue as kinect now has. While kinect was part of the xb1, at least any developer who was considering creating a kinect based game, knew the device was always going to be there. Because of this, they might well have put more effort into creating a quality game and experience. Now its gone from the standard bundle, devs will not take that gamble and hope to get a return on their investment. This is the same boat VR will be in for PS4. Devs know they cannot count upon a decent install base of the device to warrant making top quality titles. This will lead to poor quality games or indie titles at best.

BitbyDeath3586d ago

Morpheus is going to be available on PC as well and it is not being made just for games. Games will likely get it started but outside of that is where the real sales will kick in.

wannabe gamer3585d ago

Iimagine your great grandfather said the same exact words about TV and radio

XtraTrstrL3586d ago

Well, things sure turned around. Sony is doing the opposite of what he was afraid of in 2012 with Morpheus. They are already copyrighting certain phrases that have to do with the social gaming with VR. They already mentioned the ability for Morpheus to output to the TV also, so people can play local co-op. Multiplayer online with Morpheus is gonna be a no brainer also. So, he may have been right to feel that way at the time. I'm sure he sees that the anti-social aspect shouldn't be an issue now though, with future social gaming plans from VR makers, mainly Sony.

desertpunk863586d ago

its not a gimmick but its limited meaning it wont be implemented to every game and it will only appeal to a small group of people ala PS MOVE AND KINECT.

the oculus is the wii of motion gaming everybody preaches revolution only to be disappointed at how much the hardware is limited.

sony should be careful PS move failed,ps eye failed and wonder book failed one more fail and sony is going down.

Burrito26a3586d ago

One more fail and they're done? How so? Will they just be packing their bindle and hitting the road if it fails?

Tales RPG addict3586d ago

besides it's not like Sony is spending $10 billion on this. They said it's gonna be affordable so the manufacturing cost shouldn't be that high anyway.

SilentNegotiator3586d ago (Edited 3586d ago )

"PS move failed,ps eye failed"

PS Move shipped over 15 million (And by extension, lots of PS Eyes sold as well). I'm not sure you know what a failure is, desertpunk86.

gobluesamg3586d ago

Yeah Sony should stop trying to innovate huh. They should just play it safe with all their products so that they get lost in the mix. S/

SilentNegotiator3586d ago

"the oculus is the wii of motion gaming everybody preaches revolution only to be disappointed at how much the hardware is limited"

It's literally just watching the same view with more depth...how is that like the wiimote?

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Garethvk46d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta45d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts45d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos45d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts45d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa45d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.


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Knightofelemia54d ago

Hence why physical will always be better then digital.