
Crytek Shares Secrets of Using Xbox One eSRAM's Full Potential, Resulted In 'Big' Bandwidth Saves

"The increased power that the Xbox One and PS4 offer over the previous generation of consoles has been as hot a topic now as it was when both consoles launched."

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lifeisgamesok3655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )

If anyone knows it is Crytek. The King level in Ryse has some of the best foliage I've ever seen in a game world

Ryse 2 is going to look out of this world

As years go by and developers get a game or two under their belts we'll start to see huge improvements on Xbox One it's all about data flow this time around

No one who has played Ryse can say Xbox One is weak

Webbyy3655d ago

I have no doubt that xbox one can create nice visuals.. but I must say I am tired of all the talks of what it "could" ..

Sigh, just show us with the games guys.. Not trying to troll or anything :-/

We will see in 2 years or so.

randomass1713655d ago

No, you're right. I want to see the potential as well, but so far they've only 'talked' about it and haven't really shown it.

lets_go_gunners3655d ago

"Show us games"
I'm pretty sure that's what E3 is for.....is it not?

headblackman3655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )

x1 is showing you the games. it's the ps4 that you should be saying that about.

Dread3655d ago

He just said Ryse.

Cant u read?

Ryse is not potencial it is real.

MysticStrummer3655d ago

@headblackman - Neither console has shown anything so far that made me want to upgrade. Actually BF4 did, but it was such a mess online that I changed my mind and decided to wait some more.

TheTwelve3655d ago

The "could" is part of the sales pitch.

MelvinTheGreat3655d ago

Irrelevant to the topic at hand. How about we stay on topic instead of downplaying the cloud, because ive seen so videos that look quite good.

truefan13655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )

You mention could, but Ryse is still considered one of if not the best graphical game so far this generation. Imagine if DX12 was ready at launch because of the CPU utilization reduction, that would have helped the framerate. Ryse 2 will be immaculate with high quality graphics and nice and stable framerate.

Codey473655d ago


I Bet they won't use my slogan for promotional purposes.

The Xbone...allegedly already has those "system seller" games that no one can stop talking about.
Yet the only thing you guys can rattle on about is DX12.

MorePowerOfGreen3655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )

"but I must say I am tired of all the talks of what it "could" .."

I think what you're saying is you don't like devs and engineers telling people that developers have not begun to tap the XB1's full potential.

You can't be too "tired" of it if you feel the need to track and troll all related articles with damage control. Perhaps you mean, it's getting tiring keeping up with the articles to do damage control.

"see in two years"

^^The preview is this year. XB1 already has parts of DX12 and I'm sure games use some parts of this tech in the 2nd wave of games.

Best thing to do is stay the fuc out of the articles if you're sick of them LOL

All that matters is that the devs making he games are learning and being helped with tools. No one cares if you don't want to hear it.

"In two years"

^sounds like wishful thinking or misleading.

It's comical how many people are upset over this. First it was all lies and then when too many people/devs mention it, haters start saying they're sick of hearing it or it's years down the road or it won't help that much blsh blah blah

scott1823655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )

I really have to disagree strongly with Ryse being the most impressive game graphically, maybe artistically, but not graphically. Even it's main gloating point 80,000 polygons for it's character was smashed by infamous at about 120,000 polygons. But another true test of machine power is how well a game runs, and at 900p it can only manage mid 20's and drops to mid teens, while infamous stays at a solid frame rate at 1080p even with it's particle effects going wild.

I am not trying to bash Ryse but nothing about it is the most impressive graphically, sorry to say. I still find it extremely pretty and well made artistically. Software can only do so much for the hardware, and both the PS4 and X1 will improve in that area.

mediate-this3655d ago

Devs of both sides both proclaim their respective consoles could do this or that

mikeslemonade3655d ago

Ryse is on rails and has inconsistent graphics. Looks great in some parts and in other parts it looks first gen of the last gen. I question your critical eyes if you think it's something special in the graphics department.

Baccra173655d ago

They make Xbone sound like a shonen character, like it's going to get a random powerup out of nowhere.

Clown_Syndr0me3655d ago

People should shut up about the cloud, I dread the day the cloud takes over ad it basically means bye bye offline gaming.

As for Ryse, damn that looked tasty. Not a half bad game either just too short and not enough variety in the levels.

ocelot073655d ago

@headblackman How is PS4 not showing us the games? Pretty much all multi-platform future releases have shown PS4 gameplay or picture (watch dogs,destiny,project cars,Dying Light ect) have all shown us PS4 gameplay and graphics of there up coming games. Yer none of them as far as I know how shown the XB1 version's of there games why? Hell Project Cars have even shown us Wii U pictures and yet no XB1.

So Webbyy, and randomass171 is correct. Microsoft or devs instead of talking about what xb1 could deliver. How about showing us? Hopefully at E3.

fr0sty3655d ago

I agree, the whole cloud thing is just MS trying to slyly force always online gaming on its users, and then saying "we can't disable it, because this game relies on the powah of teh cloud!"

When developers themselves come out and say modern internet infrastructure cannot handle cloud aided rendering, i'll take their word for it over the company that has made it loud and clear they have a vested interest in trying to force their console to always be online.

BX813655d ago

All this show us crap, look at ryse and sunset overdrive.

pyramidshead3654d ago (Edited 3654d ago )

I love it when truefan1 crystal balls out of his ass. Haha.

I always like to point out that Ryse is the only one out of the launch games that does look decent, visual wise. Crytek are pretty much geniuses about creating amazing visuals with games so they probably have a lot of tech within their own engine to bypass Xbone's many bottlenecks with intelligent tricks.

Shame the rest of the devs weren't clued in cause they needed a bone thrown judging by the output.

edit: With all these talks of massive improvements in a year or two more than solidifies my decision to pick up and Xbone maybe in the 2016 era, seems to be struggling right now.

4Sh0w3654d ago (Edited 3654d ago )

Downplay Ryse all you want, avoid the fact that just like when Gears of War dropped, then Killzone 2 arrived the vast majority of the press and gamers were rightfully calling those games for their time graphically superior, other games look great too but clearly Ryse keeps getting mentioned for its graphics long after release. Ryse is visually stunning and that could not be achieved unless you have powerful hardware. If you personally don't like the game itself for its flaws then that's fair but despite those flaws that doesn't take away from the fact that the hardware allowed for still the most next gen visuals of any game at launch.

I want every X1 game to push graphics but I don't need every X1 game to look as good as Ryse, I'm sure over the years some will surpass it and many won't but what I want is for devs to be creative first and foremost and decide what will visually, artisticly and overall be better for their game direction then ultimately chosing what res works best to give me the BEST GAME for my dollar, not the best RES.

Finally the X1 although not as powerful as ps4 is clearly more than capable of producing jaw dropping graphics, Ryse only proves like every gen before that game development is a combination of hardware AND has a lot to do with tools, game engine, optimization, game budget, artistic design and dev talent with both having limits short of todays powerful PC's. This all means that the best games will come from those who put in the most hardwork, regardless of hardware. If not then explain to me all the crap looking rushed games last gen on 360, ps3 and pc last gen, and how did games like Halo4, GTA5, Uncharted games, TLOU look so good on old console hardware compared to games running on much more powerful pc hardware???

Again history speaks louder than all the shouting, we know X1 has eSRAM that takes a bit more optimization to utilize, we know DX12 will also be helpful to devs, how much?; I don't know. We know ps4 will improve too but then how much? We don't know what kind of optimizations will be made for either.

So without a majic crystal ball, we can make an educated guess= Logic and history says if you look at the gap in terms of launch and first year games in regards to specs then there is no question they both will turn out some fantastic games as the years go by with the ps4 remaining slightly ahead in specs(due to being more powerful now). That said again looking at the current games we are not talking wii-u difference in specs here so they are comparable but truthfully we all know the ceiling for either console is 1080p 60fps(highest spec in any genre that will be achieved) so cross out Forza5 and given ps4 has more 1080p games) then its fair to say that ps4 is closer to that mark from the start but no doubt that's where they'll both end up, unfortunately its worth mentioning this 1080p 60fps benchmark CAN BE fools gold, since it doesn't automatically translate to a *better game.

Eonjay3654d ago

There is no exclusive game advantage. That is an illusion because even if you bought multiplatform titles only, you would still have plenty of good games to play. In fact you would have more.

k3rn3ll3654d ago

To be fair... all of these articles are reporters asking questions of MS and devs. So lets stop acting like MS and yhe devs are bragging what could be. They are simply answering questions

fr0sty3654d ago

Big bandwidth saves over DDR3, for 32mb of data at a time, yes.

GameNameFame3654d ago

Two issues.

1)Game is still 900P and hits as low as 15 fps.

2)Tiling is fully supported as well on PS4. Dev mentions nothing that this was some special secret sauce that only can be taken advantage of.

As matter of fact, it is already being supported on PS4.

Why o why3654d ago

All this ryse talk... I truly believe it would run at a higher res and at a more stable framerate on the ps4. It does look good and x1 fans will proclaim its the best looking next gen game whereas ps fans will probably say infamous ss. No point getting into an unwinnable debate. From a tech standpoint there is no real contest as one of the games mentioned has a lot more going on plus its open world running at both a better framerate and res. Thats got nothing to do with preference or opinion, just straight facts.

Ultimately, time will tell and technical competition is a worthy battle.

Docknoss3654d ago

The Xbox One is about to become a graphical Juggernaut. I predict E3 will prove what the cloud, Direct X12, and Crytek's Esram knowledge can do for the enhancement of this generation's graphics. Black Sails are on the horizon with the Xbox Banner and there bringing Greatness.

JokesOnYou3654d ago

Why all the Ryse talk? Well because gamingbolt wrote this news thread about "Crytek’s Sean Tracy talks about how the Ryse dev team took advantage of the Xbox One".

Its a win win for xbox detractors they love specs but when a X1 game turns out to be graphically praised or a game like Forza 5 actually does hit 1080p 60fps then naturally ignore all that and immediately deflect, dismiss, downplay those games by talking about game design flaws, framedrops, pre-baked lighting talk....all while praising great ps4 games that have their own flaws, ignore things like having a short, uninspired shooter with a boring multiplayer that does nothing next gen, ignore a ps2 quality platformer at 1080p, ignore a delayed racer that still isn't hitting 60fps(conveniently it doesn't matter because it will have all these other things that the other 60fps racer didn't, really and I guess a sim game running cutting edge physics is easy to do, that's why GT takes so long) ignore a open world game that YES looks damm good but is downgraded from its trailer but more puzzling the world is small and lifeless.

lol, same old Jokes, same old n4g.

AndrewLB3654d ago

Scott- Those numbers you stated pertaining to Delsin's polygon count are complete BS. They originated @ VGleaks and were specifically talking about triangles, not Polygons. And spare me some lecture on semantics because if you had any knowledge of 3d model development and design, you'd understand that they're not the same thing. A polygon consists of two triangles.

Don't believe me? Go read what people actually knowledgeable in 3D graphics and programming have to say about it over at Beyond3d.

As for the graphics in Infamous:SS, everyone keeps praising how great they are. But as I've said, it's easy to distract and deceive with all the pretty neon glowing crap from seriously poorly done

Example: http://i.minus.com/iFomudsm...

The game suffers from incorrect parallax and general inaccuracies that cubemaps suffer from, or the absurd wipe behavior inflicted by screen-space reflections.


Beyond3d is without question the most knowledgeable community on the net having to do with 3d technology in modern gaming.

madpuppy3654d ago

That's because Microsoft's favorite hook is to tout about "the potential" and "the possibilities"
of what they are going to bring in the "near future". Microsoft's history is rife with the corpses of products that never lived up to the hype and pages of great innovations that ended up being nothing more than vaporware.

That is why it is foolish to buy a product from Ms based solely on future promises. you WILL be disappointed.

andibandit3654d ago

The "could" is part of the sales pitch.

But it's only half as good as "Teases"

dcbronco3654d ago


People always say something can't be done on current systems. There have been new developments in the past that have pushed internet speed to where it is and the same will continue to happen.


It will also happen with Xbox One. People will learn to do more with the design but some will not accept it.

scott1823654d ago (Edited 3654d ago )


Crytek used the word triangles when talking about Ryse's polygon count as well!


I am not saying infamous is perfect, but it is the most impressive graphically.

+ Show (29) more repliesLast reply 3654d ago
windblowsagain3655d ago

Nobody is saying xboxone cannot output good visuals, PS3 still does. TLOU speaks volumes.

Cryengine3 is an excellent engine, Seriously Crysis3 maxed on PC is nothing short of stunning.

The trouble Ryse is that most of the time is spent @ 28fps and then dips into low teens at times.

3655d ago
True_Samurai3655d ago

I have Ryse have not seen any frame rate drops. So where are these frame rate problems you speak of? They must've patched by the time I bought cause it runs smooth to me

Bzone243654d ago


It's easier to see the frame rate drops if you don't own the game or console and haven't played the game. /s

Revolver_X_3654d ago


Ryse' framerate issues are no myth. It was clearly rushed to be a launch title. The lack of content reflects that too. While Ryse is pretty, its nowhere near a masterpiece. Crytek are always lacking in gameplay though. Thats not an insult to the x1. Crytek are just all about visuals.

BitbyDeath3654d ago

People should just forget about Ryse, everything about it could be put down to a rushed launch title, however Sunset Overdrive now that game looks great. Easily the best upcoming title for the Xbone.

Gamer6663654d ago (Edited 3654d ago )

I played the game though all the way. I never saw a frame rate dive.


I love it... You've played the game through you tube!

Trekster_Gamer3654d ago

It clear you have never played Ryse with your trolling statement.

I have played through twice and it is smooth and slick ALL the way through!!

A freakin awesome game!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3654d ago
Ghost_Nappa3655d ago

Ryse was also extremely linear and has frequent framerate dips

candy_mafia3655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )


You're getting Disagree's but what you typed is legit.

I know you own X1, and so do I, and I'll concur, Ryse IS linear. Linear on a similar level to GOW3, except due to variety, I enjoyed GOW3 more. There definitely are framerate issues. Sometimes it feels like Ryse drops to sub 20fps.

Ryse is even better when you watch someone else play, but after you've seen the 100th execution, I defy anyone not to feel a little bored with Ryse. It's incredibly cinematic and totally beautiful though. I dream of the day when Ryse visuals are in an open world environment :)


BX813655d ago

I can honestly say I never experienced this frame rate issue you are speaking of. I'm not saying it didn't happen. Hell I had some issues with TLOU graphics popping in once you entered an area. As you can imagine I got plenty of flack for that. Sometimes for what ever reason or the other we experience these issues when many others don't

UltraNova3654d ago


PS4 and Infamous SS will keep you satisfied for now as its 80% there, and that's more than enough for now.

Mikethejew3655d ago

Give me a break with ryse, no doubt it looks good but it's on extremely linear rails so its not saying too much. Also the enemies on screen are almost always twins, their are 3 different looking enemies you fight at a time. Its like gta3 when you get a car magically everyone else is driving the same car, do you know why? Because they ran out of ram, same thing with ryse. Honestly if anything ryse shows the limitations of the xbox one.

Jazz41083655d ago

If ryse is on rails then so is killzone and any game that's linear.

Gozer3654d ago

You obviously have never played through Ryse. The graphics are truly amazing, I could definitely notice the "uncanny valley" feeling at points in Ryse. How this some how shows weakness in the X1 is a laughable theory.

christocolus3655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )


Crytek definitly knows their way around the hardware.I enjoyed Ryse and for a launch title they did good. The game had some of the best visuals I've ever seen..I can't wait to see Ryse2. I know that game is going to do even better with some drop dead visuals.

However im sure all MS first and 2nd party devs(remedy, BT, rare, lionhead, playground,343i, rare, T10, BT etc) have their own secret solutions to using the esram,it would be great though if crytek shared their idea with the other guys and together help third party devs get a better understanding the hardware.

Gozer3654d ago

I agree about Ryse. Its one of, if not the best looking game that I have ever seen. I also thought the story was entertaining. The gameplay is kind of simple but challenging when you start going for flawless combos. Im a level 50 in Gladiator Mode. I downloaded all the current dlc as well. Ive seen some wicked gladiator armor since Ive been playing. I think Ryse got cheated on a lot of its reviews. I think they have layed the groundwork for a good sequel.

It would be nice for Crytek to explain to other devs how to get good results with the Esram, but that wont happen. Crytek is out to make money on the CryEngine by selling it to 3rd parties. Frankly, Ryse has a very good argument for a dev to choose the CryEngine.

choujij3655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )

Until games like Ryse and Titanfall are able to be rendered natively in 1080p, the hardware shall be considered weak. Even my midrange $150 gtx 750 ti outperforms Xbone and runs Titanfall in 1080p:


But feel free to disagree with facts.

kevinsheeks3654d ago (Edited 3654d ago )

Butt butt butt on a article about titanfall the very game you just mentioned to prove your point you said earlier

"Yup. Among other consoles, I have a gaming PC, PS4 and Xbox 360. I have no desire to buy this over-hyped game on any platform I own.

I just want to see what M$ has to say when they explain: "wha' happened?". #2.15.5"

So you haven't experienced it yourself? don't tell me your just speculating out of your ass?

it's over-hyped yet you've managed to keep tabs on various articles about it O.o

ohhh but feel free to disagree with facts :)

choujij3653d ago (Edited 3653d ago )


I'm sorry you're experiencing difficulty comprehending what I said, but nice try tho. I never once said I play TF or even own it. I said even my gtx 750 ti outperforms Xbone and runs TF in 1080p. I even provided a source to show that this point was fact. I'm sorry if you mistook that meant I personally play it, but I don't. So I don't disagree there. But I also don't need to test my card to prove it's a known fact.

My reasons for passing on TF is because the lack of campaign and the inclusion of the auto-aim pistol are a huge deal breaker for me. There are other aspects of the game which I find disappointing, but no need to go any further.

I have no need to disagree with your comment, even though your grasping at straws. But unfortunately for you, nothing you said disproves the facts, such as that Xbone doesn't play these games natively in 1080p and that my cheap GTX outperforms it, including the above mentioned title.

Feel free to disagree with me again though (along with the rest of you fanboys). :)

DoesUs3655d ago

900p with dips in the late teens = not a very good game on a performance level. In stills? Sure, looks great...in motion?...

Magicite3655d ago

Ryse had poor sales and mediocre scores, why would they want make a sequel, unless MS funds it?
That game might look great at times, but it performs terrible, lower resolution and subpar framerates.

christocolus3655d ago

Lol..dr3, forza5 and ryse have actually sold pretty well. You hate the xbox one and it games and always post crap like this. Alot of people actually enjoyed ryse and many more want a proper sequel but does it bother you that MS would want to publish a sequel?you dont like the xbox one so what do you care?

Clown_Syndr0me3655d ago

Ryse didn't perform badly at all. Have you played it? Not the best game ever but absolutely nothing wrong with its performance..

DigitalAnalog3655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )

Just another "sales" pitch talk when it all boils down to visual improvements. Improvements no drastically different from the previous gen and they didn't resort to marketing bull like "DX12".

So why is it a big deal now? Because there are sad individuals that need to validate their console to equalize the competition - I get that, but there's a difference between having realistic expectations and blindly idolizing it to be more that it actually is.

And what have we learned here? Nothing, really. Other than an in-depth look on how the X1 (just like the 360) is getting optimizations down the line. You know what else is getting improvement.. the PS4, and, like the "cloud", does not need to create echo chambers to create their own distorted reality.

Enjoy your games, and demand for more quality output from developers.

youndamie3655d ago

I haven't really heard anyone say that X1 is weak, it's just not as powerful as the PS4

LocutusEstBorg3655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )

As years go by publishers will use screenshots from the PC version and the actual game will look low res and lag like the 360 and PS3 now.

supercpu3655d ago

its not a bottleneck ;) i already know . there is a good reason why they put it in there . when DX12 and tiled resources are ready things will really kick off cant wait to see the other's faces :) .

BadlyPackedKeebab3655d ago

No. They put it in there because they were not confident going down the gddr5 route for whatever reason. Heat.. Cost.. Availability.. Given the Xbox ones TV goals I suspect heat being the main one. There is no doubt which of the two consoles packs for heat and louder fan rates.

showtimefolks3655d ago


no one in gaming can doubt that Crytek can create stunning looking games. But there issues are

fun world to play in

so just a stunning looking game can't be the answer to all. I hope crytek hire some good writers

frostypants3655d ago

But it doesn't change the fact that it would have been better with GDDR5. Just because Crytek took full advantage of the ESRAM doesn't mean it was a good hardware design choice.

BallsEye3655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )

ESRAM just like any component is a bottleneck only if not used properly. MS wasn't stupid at all to implement it. XBOX ONE was built from ground up with tiled rendering technology in mind, something that only super fast memory such as ESRAM can do. If you didn't play Ryse, do it and you'll be a believer. It's simply best looking next-gen game to date. Crappy youtube videos don't do it's justice. And it's not about resolution, it's about all the things that makes it look ultra-realistic such as amazing real time shadows, cloth and even body fat/muscle simulation, out of this world shaders, tens of thousands of polygons in every character (and you can see hundreds of them on screen)real time global illumination, mind blowing reflections in armors (you can literally see reflections of flaming arrows passing by on the armors of solders)and much much more. I can only dream of what they'll achieve with next installment of the game. Rumors say it will be a more open world game..I really hope so!

DoubleM703654d ago

Only thing I have to say is play it and find out. All the haters are just in denial it's the best looking game to date.

frostypants3654d ago

So now people are pretending that ESRAM was a design decision from the beginning? Wow...the brainwashing worked. Ok guys, carry on...whatever makes you happy.

ThanatosDMC3654d ago

You need to play Infamous SS. Only thing is it's not a great as Infamous 2.

ma1asiah3654d ago (Edited 3654d ago )

@ Scott182

"But another true test of machine power is how well a game runs, and at 900p it can only manage mid 20's and drops to mid teens, while infamous stays at a solid frame rate at 1080p even with it's particle effects going wild."

WTF bro seriously.....I own the game and it definitely does not drop in frames to mid teens to 20 fps EVER. I don't need links to digital foundys or any other site and WHY because I own the friggen game. Much was made of frame drops in Dead Rising 3 and upon release this was true, but if you go and play that game now you will see that, that has now been patched and now it runs at a consistant 30 fps without any slow downs what so ever, and how do I know because I own that game as well.

Also my son owns a PS4 and we did a test where we ran both Infamous 2 and Ryse side by side. Set both Samsung 40" TV's to ensure that they were both identical in settings. Now I would concede and give the nod to Infamous SS graphically but for a game that runs at 1080p compared to Ryse that runs at 900p it was only a slight bump graphically in comparison. The other thing I would mention is that Ryse actually in most cases had a lot more going on, on screen compared to Infamous SS.

Now I have my X1 set with 36 bit pixel depth (because my TV supports deep color) compared to 24 bit which is default and I can honestly say that this does make a difference to the quality of the image on screen.

*On a side note where on earth does the Gamebolt article mention "CLOUD".....it doesn't so why the hell is it even being brought up.

The system needs more games.....another WTF,to be honest BOTH system's need MORE games, though the percentage of exclusive Triple A titles on X1 at present compared to the PS4 is currently in favor of the X1 with more great games on the way.

ALLWRONG3654d ago

And Crytek would know, so far they have released the best looking console game to date.

ATi_Elite3654d ago

Nice to see Crytek share this work around BUT...........

SUPPOSEDLY XB1 using DX12 clears up a lot of these problems.

still waiting for a Dev to CONFIRM this.

Anyway Good job Crytek, CryEngine is a BEAST!

Crysis 3 with Realism mod = BEST GRAPHICS EVER!!

souga_houjou_jin3654d ago

does it matter ?
the order 1886 is not even out yet its not even in its final stage and it already piss ryse all over the floor

the xbox is WEAKER i repeat WEAKER than the ps4 deal with it already thx

cyclindk3654d ago (Edited 3654d ago )

Absolutely. But "weak" is a relative term, both consoles are "weak" compared to some behemoth PC, Xbox is likely weaker than PS4 and I believe the opposition, myself included, is just exhausted of devs or PR people trying to make this crutch seem like some saving grace. It simply isn't and if it were other video cards and hardware would be utilizing it in the same way. Sure it is totally capable in the right hands, but in no way shape or form was it implemented as a diehard solution for going with solid ddr3 across the board.

But of course it is all much more complex, differences in GPUs, the amount of RAM accessible for games on either console. Heck even X1s speed "boosts" it had been getting factor in. Reality is we will all see the differences even MORE pronounced in months and years to come.

I personally think bith consoles are good to go with so much RAM this time around.

Game it up!

Slothnut3654d ago

Just finished the Ryse Campaign today and I agree it blew me away. The faces and clothing were so well done it was a thing of beauty. The Sun Goddess with the yellow dress just looked ridiculous on my plasma. I'm hoping this is what the Witcher3 will look like except open world. I love how this game has actual slices and cuts opening up on the part of the body you stab. Really ads to the combat immersion

BigDaddyCool3654d ago

Ya its 2 bad that the game blows

DarkHeroZX3654d ago

If this is true I wanna see them make a game that actually stays locked at 30fps and runs at 1080p for the X1.

3654d ago
+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 3653d ago
XiSasukeUchiha3655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )

Hmm interesting timbits so now at least their workaround to this. Can work so 2-3 years later I expect some great visuals.

3655d ago Replies(2)
dale13655d ago

ryse is a bit of a QTE button basher and it wasn,t that great lets be honest.pretty yes boring very quickly its like a role reverse between the ps3 and 360 but the x1 just hasn,t got the hardware its that simple

Dudebro903655d ago

dude learn how to use an apostrophe. Using a comma instead makes your comment impossible to read.

Blaze9293655d ago

that type of punctuation is way past the mental capacity of the typical "Xbox One Hater"

ocelot073655d ago

Can't stand people who rip into people because they don't type correctly. I read what he or she wrote very clear. I am sort of worried for you if you find his or her comment "impossible to read".

Just to piss you off from now on I will type like this. XBOXZ ONEZ POWOR OF THE CLOUWDS!!. PLAYSTATIONS HAZ NO GAMZ!!! ikefnmjt'n4ionjtoghinrtujo

djplonker3655d ago

Good visuals is all you can expect from a crytek game...

cyclindk3654d ago (Edited 3654d ago )

Which is sad because the games play pretty smooth too they just need to mix in a few new people to make the games mo funners. Less repetitive, unless of course that's the technical limitation to making pretty games, nothing to do.

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15 Best Ancient Rome Games of All Time

From underrated Xbox One launch titles to absolute emperors of the strategy genre, history heads will love these games based around Ancient Rome.

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Leeroyw387d ago (Edited 387d ago )

There's fifteen ancient Rome games?

LG_Fox_Brazil387d ago

Shadow of Rome was so freaking good

Sashamaz386d ago

I'm still waiting for the sequel.

HyperMoused386d ago

Ryse was awesome, i have no idea why it wasnt recieved well and why we havnt seen another, Rome conquered so much, you could take the action anywhere, and it looked great when xbox one came out, now would be even better.


Ryse: Son of Rome Deserves a Second Shot

Ryse: Son of Rome was an Xbox One launch title that has been left to collect dust, but Crytek should set aside Crysis and give Ryse another shot.

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AngainorG7X642d ago

It was a great game, it had issues but it can only go up from here.

crazyCoconuts641d ago

It was just ok. Looked really good for an Xbox game though

Snookies12641d ago

"for an Xbox game"

Way to subtly throw shade there. It looked amazing compared to any game at the time it was released.

Never played it myself though, wasn't really interested in it personally. Plus it came at a time when I didn't own an Xbox console. But it was at least different than the usual copy/paste games we get. So I hope it gets another chance sometime soon.

Crows90641d ago

It was a crytek game though

1nsomniac641d ago (Edited 641d ago )

It was a stunning game on all basis. One of the standout games for Xbox as a whole. I ended up buying on pc as well… and yes nothing looked better than it in PC at the time either. Nothing just ok about it, definitely needs a sequel.

fr0sty641d ago

@snookies12, don't pretend like the Xbox One didn't struggle with being gimpled by its tiny pool of ESRAM as a frame buffer. It was significantly weaker than the PS4.

crazyCoconuts641d ago

Metacritic 60, user score 6.4. I'm not alone in putting it into the "ok" category...

VenomCarnage89641d ago

Haven't played it but at least you know enough to defend Xbox over it. The game did look good, for an Xbox game. That's not some "subtle shade," it's full on reality.
I remember it being nearly the only graphically decent game on the Xbone for like the first two years after launch, and graphics were that games strength

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 641d ago
CrimsonWing69641d ago

I really enjoyed it. Bought it at launch even.

ManMarmalade641d ago (Edited 641d ago )

The qte's were disappointing though. God of war was doing it back in the ps2 days. As gorgeous as the game was, the gameplay needed to be updated.

annoyedgamer641d ago

I really liked the original Ryse but Crytek doesn't have the funds. The mismanaged their properties and let EA raid them with Crysis for the duration of their relationship. Right now they are working on Crysis 4, I doubt they can spare resources to work on a Ryse sequel.

gamer7804641d ago

It would have to be funded by MS, I really liked Ryse sure it got repetitive but the setting visuals and story were good

moriarty1889641d ago

MS should have funded a sequel to Ryse and Sunset OD. Two good franchises they definitely needed last gen.

annoyedgamer641d ago

MS is too busy trying to become the next EA, Ryse wont be on their list of titles to finance unless it gets a hipster makeover with lootboxes.

darthv72641d ago (Edited 641d ago )

I recently bought it for the steamdeck and have to say... 60fps is a game changer. I really wished MS had gotten a one x patch or series boost mode option but sadly, nope. Other games that definitely deserve a second chance (esp on steamdeck/pc) are quantum break and sunset overdrive. Both deserved 60fps support on one x / series but you have to go to PC for that.

Rumor has it Crytek had plans for a Ryse 2 but due to the low turnout for XB (at the time) it was shelved. They really should give this another shot. i dont care if its multiplat on PS and XB and PC and Switch... just so long as part 2 gets made.

babadivad641d ago

The game is automatically boosted on Series X

darthv72641d ago

sorry... but it's not. It still runs at the same fps the XBO did.

lelo2play641d ago

Game was good enough, not great.
Graphically it was top notch. Still holds well till this day.

Crows90641d ago

It only needed more enemy variety and few more movesets or weapons to use. That would have made the experience tons better.

MadLad641d ago

It was a good game.
Only time I saw quick time events actually make me feel engaged.

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Here are the new Xbox Game Pass Quests for August 2022

Xbox Game Pass Quests recently reset for the month of August. So if you try to collect as many Microsoft Rewards points as possible, there's a new set available now.

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anast647d ago (Edited 647d ago )

This is not what I would call value for money spent. They give you quests in liveservice games to get you "re-engaged" with the monetization schemes or to get you hooked or so you at least spend some extra on skins and loot boxes. Then they dole out paltry points after you have already paid extra for whichever liveservice within a liveservice that you are already paying for. My worry is people can't actually be that stupid to fall for this, can they?

littletad647d ago

Absolutely nothing in this comment makes sense. At all.

anast646d ago (Edited 646d ago )

How does it not make sense? O thy god of reason, shine some evidence upon us. Ryse of Rome, ESO,and AC: Origins are all live service games, between them you can get 275 points. Liveservice games are made to keep people spending. Therefore, Gamepass is a live service and the points are for playing live service games.

It is not my problem that this does not make sense to you, it is absolutely your problem. I mean it is all your problem.

Julion0715646d ago (Edited 646d ago )

Hate Xbox but comments in every Xbox article 😂 without making sense smh

anast646d ago

Bring the evidence and then your emoji might make sense.