
Ryse – Its Not Bad

"Ryse is really not bad. It looks great, controls well and has some fine set pieces. So why all the hate?" says CalmDownTom

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ats19923673d ago (Edited 3673d ago )

People hate on it because its an xbox one exclusive which is dumb because they haven't even played the game. If you have played the game you would know it has a good story, good characters, and great set pieces.

XiNarutoUzumaki3673d ago (Edited 3673d ago )

People hate Knack because it's a PS4 exclusive, which is dumb because they haven't played the game. If you have played the game, you would know it has a good story, good characters, and great set pieces.

TheRocksStrudle3672d ago

Lol stop trying youre wasting bubbles on them

system223672d ago

Personally I think both games were underrated

Gr1mmyshadows3672d ago

I played knack, got bored after 15mins

havent played ryse so I cant say

GordonKnight3671d ago


At launch I wanted both games, but couldn't bring myself to drop $60 on either of them.

I recently purchased Knack from Newegg for $25 and I plan on doing the same thing with Ryse. When I can find it at a good price. Knack is a great game and Ryse looks amazing.

I can wait. I've got 11 games for my Wii U with 23 VC games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3671d ago
Bigpappy3673d ago

It's their loss. I actually still play the arena challenges and have a blast with them.

Hellsvacancy3673d ago

I don't like Mustard, never tasted it, it smells disgusting "give it a rest you're nothing but a Tomato Sauce fanboy"

People like different things, you'll never ever see me watching a Hunger Games movie

GamingSinceThe80s3672d ago

I didn't think I would like hunger games ether. I thought I looked like teen girl garbage like twilight imo. But I recently watched both and they are quite good.You should give it HG a try like me you mite be surprised.And as for Ryze I had a good time with it, quite impressive for a launch title.I kind of forgot about Knack after launch but this made me remember to try it out.I think I was hoping it would eventually come to PS plus.

brads43672d ago

Ya, you should try it. It's far better than it looks from the cover.

Baka-akaB3672d ago

I fund the first one weak , and not really delivering its promises . But i'll admit it was above the fold of teen books adaptations .

ANd i liked actually the second movie to my surprise .

RyanShutup3672d ago

Yeah def not like twilight... it's pretty effin dark actually

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3672d ago
lifeisgamesok3673d ago

Ryse was set up by "game journalist" the game in my opinion is a 9 and should've at least scored a 7 or 8

Top of the line visuals, good story, and good gameplay

MasterCornholio3672d ago

"Ryse was set up by "game journalist" the game in my opinion is a 9 and should've at least scored a 7 or 8"


It really is a mediocre game. You know those can exist right?

MrSwankSinatra3672d ago (Edited 3672d ago )

See this is why i will never understand this notion. If you don't like something then you're either "hating on it and/or a hater". I don't like Killzone or Halo but is it because they're exclusive or because I'm a hater? No, i genuinely do not like those games.

Volkama3672d ago (Edited 3672d ago )

But do you say "those games are terrible!!!" or do you say "I don't like them"? One of those statements would incite arguments, the other would not.

Objectively speaking Ryse has some fantastic qualities and some flaws as well. Personally I enjoyed it a lot.

@Baka I'll entertain any objective discussion on what is good or bad about a game. I like discussing things. But terrible is a pretty strong verdict, and objectively speaking shouldn't apply to Killzone or Halo...

Baka-akaB3672d ago (Edited 3672d ago )

But what if he find the game terrible truly and properly argues about it ? I found the game pretty sure , but the gameplay is mediocre along with the rest , aside from the graphics .

This is the kind of Conan... Beowulf , Thor and whatever mediocre spawned hack and slash we avoided like the plague and made fun of , and now suddenly it's good or shouldnt be criticized because it's from Crytek and pretty ?

Nope . I tried it , even if i was already biased against the title via previous intel and feeds . I do prefer the playstation side of gaming , but i still got my XB1 and prefered to get titles like Forza or even give a chance to a franchise i dont usually like Dead Rising , over buying what i consider to be a pretty turd .

The issue isnt even there , the issue is that if you dislike Ryse (or killzone or knack) you're branded a fanboy of the opposing side . Or if you called Heanvely sword pretty witha good story but mediocre overall , just the same

So kudos for those that liked and stomached the game , but yeah "it is terrible" in my book .


Sure but i stand by my verdict . Let's put it this way , while obviously an important and visceral part of those games , let's imagine the game not having the same gorgeous graphics , but something more ordinary instead .. would we even be arguing or debating about the game ... or would it be quickly forgotten and only appreciated by a few , like those Beowulf and conan games i mentioned ? I think it's the later

GamingSinceThe80s3672d ago

Even if I don't like something I can usually see the value that it has to other's and relies it's not for me. Even if you don't like Halo,killzone would you rely call them bad games that deserve to be called out as trash?Or do you think they are good games but just not for you?I think there is a big difference between not liking something and hating on it.Even if I didn't like Ryse I would score it higher than the low scores I have seen, a 2/10 is hating,giving it at the very least a 7/10 is just being honest.There are games that are a broken,unplayable mess that do nothing the developers set out to do in the first place and should have never seen release and deserve that low a score .But Ryse is in no way one of those games.

Baka-akaB3672d ago

But trolls are obvious . Bare a few they just thow one assassine oneliners . They just wanna trash something and it usually shows .

But not everyone disliking the titles will be one

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3672d ago
spicelicka3672d ago

It looks amazing but I think it would've been better as a fantasy game just for gameplay's sake. Although I haven't played the game, I just can't imagine much variety in fighting just humans. Having a fantasy setting really allows for more diversity in gameplay, you can fight monsters, giants, bosses, all kinds of crazy stuff.

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AKissFromDaddy3672d ago (Edited 3672d ago )

It's the gameplay, It's not appealing to me. If it were like Dark Souls with a stamina bar, that'd be fun. Making every swing count.

When he cuts, there's no dismemberment or blood unless it's a QTE. The QTE are too slow and aren't bloody or gorier enough in my opinion.

I don't know about the story, but from the outside it doesn't feel inviting nor appealing.

The enemies aren't cool, which is the most vital part. The more badass the enemies, the more badass the main character must be to overcome them.

Does anyone share my views or understand why I would hold them?

GarrusVakarian3672d ago (Edited 3672d ago )

"It's the gameplay, It's not appealing to me"

This is exactly how it was for me too. The graphics, the setting, the voice acting, the motion capture were all top tier...but the gameplay was pretty bad, imo. It got boring very quickly, there's no way i would have been able to go through the entire game using that combat system.

All Crytek need to do in their inevitable sequel is work on the combat system. Make it deeper and more comprehensive, less clunky and less repetitive and i think it would be a solid game.

Edit: Oh, and some enemy variety also, the enemies were almost all the same person (bald guy and fat man, lol).

deepio3672d ago

It had its shortcomings but I enjoyed it. Let's hope there is a Ryse 2 with the necessary improvements.

incendy353672d ago (Edited 3672d ago )

I loved the combat personally, especially the blocking mechanism which had so much impact. In fact the combat to me was probably the best I have experienced in a sword based game. Especially on Legendary difficulty. As for the enemies the main enemies were comprised of three different bad guys, but then again the main enemies in Second Son were of two different guys.

creatchee3672d ago


I feel the same way - extremely high quality on the production end of things, but the combat just kinda got old. I mean, it's challenging on harder difficulties, but not in a way that makes it more endearing to play or anything. Still, it's a nice technical showpiece.

Volkama3672d ago

RE: Enemy variety, they could just stick helmets on more of the enemies and that'd be more or less solved. Maybe mix up some hair colours and face paints on the unmasked ones.

The lack of variety also stood out so much because the executions put so much focus on their faces too. The executions haven't been received too well anyway, so they may be reduced in number in a sequel.

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MasterCornholio3672d ago (Edited 3672d ago )

"It's the gameplay, It's not appealing to me."

Yep also the reason why I dont buy Battlefield or Call of Duty. What I dont like is when people call me a hater because of my preferences. Heck I was even called a hater when I said that Lococycle looked like a horrible cheesy game.

I'm going to platinum AC4 but I understand that there are people who dont like the game and I respect their opinion.

Volkama3672d ago

"I respect their opinion"

It would be so much easier to have discussions about games here if more people did that.

guyman3672d ago

You wouldn't be seeing articles like this if the game was multiplat

MasterD9193672d ago

I think it shows off the hardware well, but I never went out of my way to play it, despite my friends telling me how great it was. I saw a few of them playing it, but Titanfall was far more interesting to me at the time, so I skipped over Ryse entirely. I'll probably pick it up down the line, but didn't see a need to rush to do so.

hankmoody3672d ago

Instead of believing that the game is nothing but a QTE fest, people should try playing the game for themselves. It's not the most amazing game ever but it looks nice and plays pretty well.

KonsoruMasuta3672d ago

Looking "nice" and playing "pretty well" is not enough. The game looks good but the gameplay is boring, bland, and repetitive. It has a 61 on Metacritic for a reason.

hankmoody3672d ago

Like I said, it's not the most amazing game but it's nowhere near as bad as people would have you believe. And I don't put stock in Metacritic reviews, I play games and make up my own mind about it.


The fighting mechanic is just as familiar as any other fighting mechanic. No one complains about Batman, assassins creed, etc...its the same fighting mechanic as those games. At the time people just wanted to pick on MS and its games. This game was epic and I enjoyed it for what it was.

Baka-akaB3672d ago (Edited 3672d ago )

" No one complains about Batman, assassins creed, etc...its the same fighting mechanic as those games"

I would complain . Hell plenty complain about AC's fights actually . Those game often offer a subpar or just standard fighting experience and we are ok with it n because they are sandboxes or offer so much more via the experience . The focus isnt necessarily on the fight

It's not at all the same as an action hack and slash with a poor system , when it's half the fun of it for some people .

I'm not going to say your opinion on the game is wrong , it's yours . I just dont think it's possible to draw that comparison there

incendy353672d ago

I even liked the QTE's haha. Getting legendary executions was such a challenge. So much rhythm to all aspects of the combat including the QTE's.

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15 Best Ancient Rome Games of All Time

From underrated Xbox One launch titles to absolute emperors of the strategy genre, history heads will love these games based around Ancient Rome.

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Leeroyw402d ago (Edited 402d ago )

There's fifteen ancient Rome games?

LG_Fox_Brazil401d ago

Shadow of Rome was so freaking good

Sashamaz401d ago

I'm still waiting for the sequel.

HyperMoused401d ago

Ryse was awesome, i have no idea why it wasnt recieved well and why we havnt seen another, Rome conquered so much, you could take the action anywhere, and it looked great when xbox one came out, now would be even better.


Ryse: Son of Rome Deserves a Second Shot

Ryse: Son of Rome was an Xbox One launch title that has been left to collect dust, but Crytek should set aside Crysis and give Ryse another shot.

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AngainorG7X656d ago

It was a great game, it had issues but it can only go up from here.

crazyCoconuts656d ago

It was just ok. Looked really good for an Xbox game though

Snookies12656d ago

"for an Xbox game"

Way to subtly throw shade there. It looked amazing compared to any game at the time it was released.

Never played it myself though, wasn't really interested in it personally. Plus it came at a time when I didn't own an Xbox console. But it was at least different than the usual copy/paste games we get. So I hope it gets another chance sometime soon.

Crows90656d ago

It was a crytek game though

1nsomniac656d ago (Edited 656d ago )

It was a stunning game on all basis. One of the standout games for Xbox as a whole. I ended up buying on pc as well… and yes nothing looked better than it in PC at the time either. Nothing just ok about it, definitely needs a sequel.

fr0sty656d ago

@snookies12, don't pretend like the Xbox One didn't struggle with being gimpled by its tiny pool of ESRAM as a frame buffer. It was significantly weaker than the PS4.

crazyCoconuts656d ago

Metacritic 60, user score 6.4. I'm not alone in putting it into the "ok" category...

VenomCarnage89655d ago

Haven't played it but at least you know enough to defend Xbox over it. The game did look good, for an Xbox game. That's not some "subtle shade," it's full on reality.
I remember it being nearly the only graphically decent game on the Xbone for like the first two years after launch, and graphics were that games strength

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 655d ago
CrimsonWing69656d ago

I really enjoyed it. Bought it at launch even.

ManMarmalade656d ago (Edited 656d ago )

The qte's were disappointing though. God of war was doing it back in the ps2 days. As gorgeous as the game was, the gameplay needed to be updated.

annoyedgamer656d ago

I really liked the original Ryse but Crytek doesn't have the funds. The mismanaged their properties and let EA raid them with Crysis for the duration of their relationship. Right now they are working on Crysis 4, I doubt they can spare resources to work on a Ryse sequel.

gamer7804656d ago

It would have to be funded by MS, I really liked Ryse sure it got repetitive but the setting visuals and story were good

moriarty1889656d ago

MS should have funded a sequel to Ryse and Sunset OD. Two good franchises they definitely needed last gen.

annoyedgamer656d ago

MS is too busy trying to become the next EA, Ryse wont be on their list of titles to finance unless it gets a hipster makeover with lootboxes.

darthv72656d ago (Edited 656d ago )

I recently bought it for the steamdeck and have to say... 60fps is a game changer. I really wished MS had gotten a one x patch or series boost mode option but sadly, nope. Other games that definitely deserve a second chance (esp on steamdeck/pc) are quantum break and sunset overdrive. Both deserved 60fps support on one x / series but you have to go to PC for that.

Rumor has it Crytek had plans for a Ryse 2 but due to the low turnout for XB (at the time) it was shelved. They really should give this another shot. i dont care if its multiplat on PS and XB and PC and Switch... just so long as part 2 gets made.

babadivad656d ago

The game is automatically boosted on Series X

darthv72656d ago

sorry... but it's not. It still runs at the same fps the XBO did.

lelo2play656d ago

Game was good enough, not great.
Graphically it was top notch. Still holds well till this day.

Crows90656d ago

It only needed more enemy variety and few more movesets or weapons to use. That would have made the experience tons better.

MadLad656d ago

It was a good game.
Only time I saw quick time events actually make me feel engaged.

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Here are the new Xbox Game Pass Quests for August 2022

Xbox Game Pass Quests recently reset for the month of August. So if you try to collect as many Microsoft Rewards points as possible, there's a new set available now.

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anast662d ago (Edited 662d ago )

This is not what I would call value for money spent. They give you quests in liveservice games to get you "re-engaged" with the monetization schemes or to get you hooked or so you at least spend some extra on skins and loot boxes. Then they dole out paltry points after you have already paid extra for whichever liveservice within a liveservice that you are already paying for. My worry is people can't actually be that stupid to fall for this, can they?

littletad662d ago

Absolutely nothing in this comment makes sense. At all.

anast661d ago (Edited 661d ago )

How does it not make sense? O thy god of reason, shine some evidence upon us. Ryse of Rome, ESO,and AC: Origins are all live service games, between them you can get 275 points. Liveservice games are made to keep people spending. Therefore, Gamepass is a live service and the points are for playing live service games.

It is not my problem that this does not make sense to you, it is absolutely your problem. I mean it is all your problem.

Julion0715661d ago (Edited 661d ago )

Hate Xbox but comments in every Xbox article 😂 without making sense smh

anast661d ago

Bring the evidence and then your emoji might make sense.