
GoW: Ascension on PS4 likely at 1080p/60 FPS, The Last Guardian at E3 2014 100% being worked on?

Some more update from insider on God of War: Ascension Playstation 4 port and whether or not The Last Guardian will make an appearance at E3 2014

mikeslemonade3680d ago

"Shinobi602 further clarified that Sony Santa Monica is also working on brand new title and they going for God of War: Ascension for PS4 because port like this takes minimal effort and money."

Nothing wrong with more games.

sobotz3680d ago

I prefer God of War III remasterd than Ascension.

JohnathanACE3680d ago

Yep, God of War 2 and 3 are my favorite of the series. Would have been cool if the released Ascension with 3 in an HD remake since they usually bundled two games together last gen.

PLASTICA-MAN3679d ago (Edited 3679d ago )

He took the news from my tweet lol: https://twitter.com/shinobi...

starchild3679d ago

I think God of War 3 was better, but it's not like Ascension was so much worse. It's nice to have the option to play a better looking version on my PS4 if I so choose.

mkis0073679d ago

Ascension was hampered for me by the fact they didnt make the parry mechanic for single player different from multiplayer. I hate the extrra button thing now. It was obvious they did it so parrying wouldn't be easy in multiplayer.

randomass1713678d ago

I feel like if they're going to remaster any GoW games, they should remaster 3 and Ascension as a collection.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3678d ago
Derekvinyard133679d ago

This is more of the same though. And if it takes "minimal money" then it shouldn't come out @ $60

randomass1713678d ago

$60 would be more justified for a collection though.

showtimefolks3679d ago

i want to play GOW3 on ps4 too how about making that happen also please

Tapioca Cold3679d ago

Seriously, what kind of a crap journalist writes a title like that? Are you asking us or telling us? You put a question mark after stating that a game is 100% being worked on. That's not a question and it can't be used a hook to catch attention since it doesn't make sense. Amateurs.

Seriously, I'm so surprised at the amount of respect you guys give these sites. They are literally run by children. I'm more surprised that you respond to them in seriousness. I fear you can't see or know the difference.

Rockefellow3678d ago

I've criticized this site, and sites like it, multiple times for their puerile and lazy attempts at writing. Gamepur is particularly notorious for poor journalism, with articles rife with spelling errors and simple grammar fallacies that high school children know how to avoid. Of course, the fact that this entire article is based after Twitter messages from an unconfirmed (and probably trolling) source is just icing on the cake for these idiots.

Just be careful when critiquing the bigger, more beloved sites around here-- the people who dominate the submission process by having their employees, friends, or what have you immediately approve their articles. They use the same resources to downvote and remove bubbles from those intelligent enough to realize their writing level barely beats that of a retarded caveman. It sounds like some conspiracy, but it's pretty blatant in the "hotter" articles.

Magicite3679d ago

If it requires minimal effort, they could have just made collection/compilation of all GOW games then.

randomass1713678d ago

The thing is most of the older God of War games were already remastered on PS3. If they're going to do more remasters, it should be a collection that includes 3 and Ascension, not one or the other.

supes_243678d ago

I'm sorry but GoW:A was garbage in my opinion. I respect yours, but I don't sorry this move at all. If much prefer 2&3 remade for the PS4. There was something about ascension that I didn't like, it just didn't feel like the others before it. The camera work, weapons, and the way the camera was miles away while fighting didn't sit well with me. I didn't even finish the game and traded it in.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3678d ago
core_53680d ago (Edited 3680d ago )

lol these insider informations sounds like pure speculation and not knowledge. i can asked this every kid and i got the same answer. these rumors sucks and shows where gaming journalism is. -_-

XiSasukeUchiha3679d ago

Gow Ancension is meh, but last guardian finally the day is here when we finally got a release year/month/day.

Agent_hitman3679d ago

So I think it is true that The Last Guardian has been moved to Ps4..

randomass1713678d ago

I see no other way it could go. The game HAS to be on PS4 at this point.

Inzo3679d ago

I love anything GOW, but why Ascension? Why not GOW3? Ascension was very very good but it wasnt great Whereas GOW3 is a masterpiece. Or how about a new GOW title, not a prologue but a continuation of GOW3.

SuperYakuzaFan3679d ago (Edited 3679d ago )

It wasn't a masterpiece storywise like God of War 2.
God of War 1 has the only epic story.

colonel1793679d ago

GOW 2 definitely has the best story and also the most variety.

SuperYakuzaFan3679d ago (Edited 3679d ago )

God of War 2 story,Kratos gets pissed off cause the gods didn't remove the memories of him killing his familyy???so he goes to kill them???
Then god of war 3 he kills them that's it.
BUt still playing God of War 2 on my PS Vita.

God of War 1 had the best story.

JEECE3679d ago

2 has the whole story of Kratos using his power to support Sparta, then Zeus tricking him to put his power in the Blade of Olympus; that's the main thing that sets off the whole final revenge story. I'll give it to you though, 1 had a very good contained story, while 2 and 3 were very dependent on each other.

Inception3679d ago

"Then god of war 3 he kills them that's it"

Did you really play GoW 3? Kratos finds his hope to forgive himself in Pandora, a resemblance to his daughter. He even tried to prevent Pandora to sacrificed herself. Kratos also not killed gods like Aphrodite. In GoW 3, we see more human aspect of Kratos that he is not just a bald head steroid killing machine.

Irishguy953678d ago

Yeah inception, in the last 10 minutes -> Tacked onto the story.

SuperYakuzaFan3679d ago

GOW3 i've played it a hundred times,Pandora story sucked because of this girl kratos finds his human self and regrets killing the gods??
Sorry but that story had no meaning.
God of War 1 had the most Human Kratos.

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15 More Underrated PS4 Games You Probably Didn’t Play

GB: "With this feature, we run down 15 of the most underrated games on the PS4 that never received the love and appreciation they truly deserve."

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Christopher175d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88175d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183173d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie173d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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God Of War Tried Multiplayer Too Early

God of War's forgotten multiplayer mode was introduced nearly a decade ago, but it may have been a great addition if it was implemented now.

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mkis007556d ago

Ruined Ascensions story mode. Taking away the one button parry sucked.

abstractel556d ago

Not saying it was perfect but I really enjoyed it. One of the more unique MP experiences. Wouldn't mind them trying again.

Palitera556d ago

It was nuts that they actually managed to make that experience work so well.
The story might have been the weakest (story-wise) in the main series, but the MP was super fun and well done.

hotnickles556d ago

I don’t play god of war for the multiplayer so it’s always too soon in my book.


Ranking the God of War Games

Kratos has been on a rampage, killing Gods in epic battles since 2005. With each release managing to offer high-octane action, I explore each God of War title and rank every adventure from his journey to Olympus to his Norse tales of fatherhood.

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ClayRules2012568d ago

I won’t rank Ragnarok just yet, although it is honestly leaving me and my wife blown away…won’t go into details right now, not done as I assume others aren’t either, maybe some of you are, idk haha.

But here’s how I rank them

5. God of War 3
4. God of War Ascension.
3. God of War 1.
2. God of War 2.
1. God of War 2018.

MrNinosan567d ago

My same ranking exactly, with Ragnarök at #1.

ClayRules2012567d ago

Wow, that’s pretty interesting that someone has the same ranking as me haha. So, did you beat Ragnarok? I assume so with you placing it at #1

Flawlessmic568d ago

1. God of war 3
2. God of war 2018
3. God of war 2
4. God of war 1

Haven't played the others but about 30 hrs In to ragnarock now so safe to say if it keeps up it will end up being at the top of my list when I'm done.

CrimsonWing69567d ago

I will say the pacing of the original titles and the epic feel to them I feel is way better than the new one’s. Like, I could recognize and appreciate the praise God of War received, but it bores me to tears except for the pivotal moments.

However, that being said I feel Ragnarok is waaaaay better than 2018. I’m only on Ch. 6, but it’s pretty much rocked my face off from the get-go.

I’m really split between this being my GotY or Elden Ring.

robtion567d ago

I think different games in the series had different strengths but all are great. I liked the original as it was an origin story and the mechanics were fresh. The sequel added smoother gameplay. Three was just so far ahead of it's time graphically it wasn't even funny. Plus great gameplay and bosses and insane gore and nice use of sexy time. The reboot was cool but lost a lot of what I liked about the original trilogy (I don't need my games grown up, just fun). Will wait and see with ragnarok as haven't had time to play it yet.