
Titanfall: Respawn Promises Xbox One Improvements, 360 Info; Accusation of Paying Press “Insulting”

Titanfall‘s beta is close to its end, and the game’s developers are giving more information on what you can expect from the game’s release, that will come on March 11th on PC and Xbox One and on the 25th on Xbox 360, also defending themselves from the accusation of paying press for hype.

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TomShoe3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

I don't mind the press praising the game, it's people like McCaffrey and Gies calling it "The greatest thing since Jesus walked this green Earth" that gets on my nerves.

Still, March is gonna be a great month.

aviator1893750d ago

Did mccaffrey actually say that?

TomShoe3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

It went something like this:

"This is Microsoft’s killer app. You will buy an Xbox One for Titanfall, and you should. Once Titanfall releases this spring, I guarantee you that word will spread amongst the hardcore CoD community. “Have you seen Titanfall?” they’ll say. And little by little – or maybe in droves, who knows? – they will flock to Titanfall, and they will never go back. Not after this. Titanfall is the next great evolution of the twitch-action first-person shooter. Believe the hype."

Shortened a bit for space. I know the game is good, but saying someone WILL buy an XBO for it is just a leeeeeeetle bit overstating it.

megazero123750d ago

@TomShoe how is saying somone is going to buy an xbox one for titanfall overstating, i know several friends that bought an xbox one just for killer instinct lol, infact alot of the hardcore fans of ki and general fighting community fans bought the console JUST for that game. ( max would be one) https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Pogmathoin3750d ago

True Tomshoe. If made a game I was proud off, and believed it was a game changer, I certainly would be going around thrashing it, and saying it was the worst piece of crap ever. Definitely not going to say buy it, its awesome and believe it will be the next step in FPS..... Just like Toyota said the 2014 Corolla was not better than the 2012 version....... Good comment...

Godmars2903750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

For one thing the game is available on the PC and 360.

That it especially is on the 360, just to take advantage of the install base for sales, says at the very least that the game isn't next gen.

Though it should be a legitimate worry how the game will play on the 360. Since I don't think it was involved with it.

was the 360 version a part of the beta. Seriously asking.

TomShoe3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )


The beta was for XBO and PC only.

I wouldn't be too worried about the 360 version, it's being made by Bluepoint Games, one of the best port teams in the business. They've made several Playstation ports including PSASBR and Ico. 360 owners are in good hands.


You're twisting my words. What I meant was that while TFall is a great game and system seller, this game is pushed so hard by the media you'd think it could cure leukemia. The gaming media is supposed to be objective, so you'd think they'd tone it down a bit.

redwin3750d ago

No, he actually said that if you say something good about MS you are called names or get disagrees. I think he was talking directly to N4G. Lol... My bad, my bad, my bad, don't hit disagree .. Aaaahhh . Thank u.

2pacalypsenow3750d ago

why would he say people will buy an xbox 1 for titanfall when they can play it on the xbox 360

Bolts-N-Rays11093750d ago


I bought an XB1 for TF... And I have other friends who are doing the same before the 11th of March.

lsujester3750d ago

McCaffrey is the same fool who seemed fine with NBA Live 14 until it came time to review it.

I don't have a doubt this will get good reviews, but the hype pays their bills.

k3rn3ll3750d ago

He said that its better than cod and that most cod players would rather play it. That's a pretty giant leap you took to "greatest thing since jesus"

JokesOnYou3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

TomShoe you are too focused on what other people think, you epitomize what's wrong with gaming. I bought Ryse regardless of what the press said, I don't give a damm what anyone here says and it's a great game because I know what I like and I have no regrets, that's what matters. Ive said in the past I'm not really into GTA series, I kept trying to like it but I just don't like GTA5 no matter how many 10's it gets or how many folks tell me how "f**kin good" it is= that doesn't make GTA5 any less of a game because *I CANT SEE WHERE THE HYPE COMES FROM, nope that just mean I don't get it, probably never will but you wont find me in any of the GTA5 threads leading up to its launch downplaying the game to anyone who would listen. Again your attitude is a big problem with the gaming community, I blame the internet but I guess folks need to be responsible for their own actions too.

erathaol3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

From what I hear from shooter fans, the game itself is fun. There isn't a need for any controversy from critic scores, as most people are enjoying the experience.

Even Penny Arcade



DeathOfTheFanBoy3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

I have 2 friends who are buying xbox ones in order to play Titanfall. Both had planned to hold off for a price cut (they are halo/GoW fans anyway) but after seeing the beta they were sold.

It's going to help MS shift some big numbers, and deservedly so, I am so gutted the beta has ended, was enjoying it so much even if it was only 2 maps.

And to all the nay sayers, exclaiming BS, why don't they just buy it on their 360's?
Because like everyone we are drawn towards new shiny things... plus the new consoles will soon have many many games that are not available on last gen machines.

Volkama3750d ago

Jokes I have to disagree with you there. I liked Ryse myself, and a lot of what you say there resonates as true.

But TomShoe is hardly the epitome of the popular opinion sheep you are attacking. He's just stated quite gently that he isn't keen on the degree of hype the game is getting from some corners, much like you do not buy into GTA5 hype because you have your own tastes.

That hardly makes him the scourge of gaming :)

mewhy323750d ago

as for paying the press...machinima....yeah

360 release, no doubt, is being held back in a desperate attempt to drive sales of the floundering xbone. Good move but a little underhanded.

JokesOnYou3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

Volkama well I have to disagree with you and re-emphasize that TomShoe is definitely the epitome of what's wrong with gaming nothing wrong with having a opinion or picking a side/console over the other but his post history plus now following Titanfall saying the hype gets on his nerves is both hypocritical and lacking in creditability since I'm sure he never said the same about UC2, TLOU or any ps exclusive that received a mountain of praise prior or post launch. He is transparent, again which makes him the epitome of what's wrong with gaming because it's shallow and unecessary to follow something you don't like only to downplay it, obviously the hype only bothers him because he is a biased fanboy= fanboys have always existed and always will but the hate and hope that one brand fails is a big problem right now in the gaming community, that was never there before, we argued "mine was better than yours" then traded and played games TOGETHER, then argued more= promoting the industry above all.

Boody-Bandit3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

"that bought an xbox one just for killer instinct lol, infact alot of the hardcore fans of ki and general fighting community fans bought the console JUST for that game. ( max would be one) https://www.youtube.com/wat... "

*raises hand* guilty
I bought an XBOX ONE just for Killer Instinct. Right now I can't play it though. My cronusmax stopped working since MS's latest update for the X1 and I can't get my hands on a KI Madcatz stick. GRRR!!!

Max is a great player. I watch his videos. Saves me time learning the combos the hard way.

On topic:
Why debate if TF will move systems or not? We will all know April when NPD releases their sales totals.

Personally I wouldn't buy an X1 for TF and I think most FPS gamers already bought an X1 for BF4 and GHOST. Those that didn't yet are more likely waiting on Halo and Gears over TF. TF is an unknown commodity and although it's fun, I think the hardcore might have mixed reactions to the bots.

Personally I'm not a fan of them. I'm hoping there are some cool modes in the game that don't use them.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3750d ago
megazero123750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

why would it get on your nerves, their are many sites to go to, and people to listen to. if you feel like certain individuals or press or overexagerting something, you can easily chose to ignore them. There are more than these 2 gaming sites you know?

gametrailers, gamespot,eurogamer,revGames,de structioid.

bleedsoe9mm3750d ago

hopefully when there is allot of praise being thrown around in the next few weeks for second son it doesn't get on your nerves as well ;-)

Tedakin3750d ago

Did Mcaffrey say that? Because he confirmed he's the one doing the IGN review. 15 out of 10!

OC_MurphysLaw3750d ago

@TomShoe If the likes of McCaffrey and Gies get on your nerves why do you listen to them?

lolCHILLbro3750d ago

Why cant they praise it anyway they want? dont be a puss just dont pay attention if it bothers you, Titanfall is like nothing else man its an amazing game, and if you choose not to believe that from me and countless others then thats fine but be quiet please

AceBlazer133750d ago

I know what you mean, ppl are like Titanfall is the god among games.

PsylentKiller3750d ago

I preordered my XB1 Day 1 edition in anticipation of Titanfall. I bought Forza, DR3, Ryse, Ghosts, BF4, KI, Peggle, and as of today Rayman Legends as well but the main reason was for Titanfall.
Just like I waited in line for my PS4 in anticipation of The Order: 1866. Infamous looks great but The Order is what I'm waiting for. PS+ wasn't a bad incentive either.

ITPython3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

Gotta be careful in these articles, this is xbox territory in here. One of the few places remaining for the devoted XB1 players. Reminds me a lot of last gen... *shudders*

On-topic: I am curious to see how well this game is going to be accepted among the casual COD crowd. Respawn did after all change online FPS games forever with COD4, so they might be aware of what it takes to change it again.

Although TBO the whole bot thing just isn't doing it for me. If I am going to play an online game, I want to play against other humans in a competitive environment, not get easy kills against bots. KZ2 had bots you could have in addition to human players, but it just wasn't the same killing them as it was taking out a self-aware human being that can send you hate mail.

lazyboyblue3750d ago

Agree to a point. but I find the bot thing improved the buzz you get when you take out a human player. I watched my daughters play the beta. they were rubbish but having the bots there let them enjoy the game and when they got that 100 Pts come up for a human kill they really celebrated it.

My thoughts on the beta http://thelazygameblog.blog...

MxRBrobaFett3750d ago

Some people will or have bought an xbox one for Titanfall. Just because his (keyword here) OPINION doesn't match yours doesn't mean he's wrong. He gets paid money for his opinion whether it makes you feel uncomfortable or not

3750d ago
miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3750d ago

So a bunch of sour Sony fanboys are crying that there's no way this game is as good as it is.. so they throw out that MS is paying people again eh? Just like the insiders said that MS was paying devs to keep the games the same.. and like they paid devs not to show PS4 versions of games at E3 and all the other fails right?

ma1asiah3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

I had 7 friends plus my brother in law who were all previously sitting on the fence about going next gen or getting an Xbox One, rush out and preorder TF and purchase an X1 based on their time playing Hardpoint Domination and Last Titan Standing on my X1 during the beta period.

(granted 2 of them could have got it on PC but we all want to jam this together so pretty much in the end they agreed it was a no brainer to get it for the X1)

Free running and a movement system second to none
Burn cards
Titan battles
Rodeo rides
Frantic non stop action
Great gun play
Auto Titans
Begs one more game every time

The only low is Attrition (TDM) as this personally felt like the weakest mode imo, as it was the only mode where the grunts and spectres are more noticeable and feel kind of braindead. Plus it is the only mode that could work better with 8 v 8, the other 2 modes 6 v 6 was perfect.

After going back to COD and Halo when the beta closed well lets just say they felt kind of boring in comparison.

Seriously am sold on TF and have no shame in admitting it. Though not from media hype BUT from actually logging in loads of hours playing the game during the beta.

Slothnut3750d ago

Burn cards turned out to be a lot more awesome than I thought. Towards the end of Beta I was using them all up for fun and some of them are great. Instant Stryders and Amplified nuclear explosions was just hilarious. I'm curious to see what new burn cards come out on Release day.

beerzombie3750d ago

My son just bought a X1 and preordered Titan fall. Its a big game and a dam fine one at that.

Godz Kastro3750d ago

I agree with Ryan... Like the article mentioned. He has a right to feel positive about a product such as Tiatnfall. It is everything I thought it would be and more.

ABizzel13750d ago


Well Ryan is the biggest MS support on IGN. I mean everyone has their preference, but his is borderline fanboy. I remember during most of the E3 sections he's always on the supportive when it comes to MS games.

When another IGN editor brings up a valid point about a game he's unwillingly agrees with them, but spins it back to what was good about the game to him.

Then when he rarely had to discuss a PlayStation segment he would go straight into what he felt was wrong with the game, and nothing positive besides a fake agreeing with the other editors. He also does this with Nintendo.

I mean to each their own, but you're suppose to be a professional, so leave the fanboy at home.

beerzombie3750d ago

N4g is the biggest Sony hide out on the planet. Its like all of the Sony fan-boys charge their magical rings together and become CAPTIN SONY PLANET.

ABizzel13750d ago


Captain Sony Planet
He's our hero
Com-pet-ition he has ZERO


BallsEye3750d ago Show
+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3750d ago
B1uBurneR3750d ago

I think it's because they compare it to the PS4 sales. They expect it to sell as well because it's a next gen system. If it wasn't your wouldn't hear much about the sales like wii u.

bleedsoe9mm3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

good to see the Sony fanboys on Gaf endearing themselves to the devs by accusing the of paying the press for hype

GentlemenRUs3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

"good to see the Sony fanboys..."

Is this how all you trolls start now-a-days? ... It makes me feel embarrassed to even be part of this site let alone part of the gaming community...

When in doubt... BLAME THE SONY FANS! /s

I *used* to own a X360 but I switched to the PS3 a few months before the outrage, I've always been with the Playstation since the 90's and I did own a FAT Xbox-Original(See-through) back in day.

Long story short, Stop blaming the wrong people and blame yourselves.

air13750d ago

There is no doubt about it though...

lolCHILLbro3750d ago

Well this game would not recieve any criticism if it was releasing on PS4, this game doesnt deserve criticism, its doing great things in the shooter space, and to be honest it sickens me how ignorant some people can be about a new game doing great things just because its not on thier special little box, thats whats wrong with gaming is the separate camps we put ourselves in when we are all gamers!

bleedsoe9mm3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

sorry more a indictment of crazy people running neogaf than people who enjoy sony products , neogaf fostering a one sided environment where questions like that of a dev that was good enough to answer questions , i have many sony products myself but i'm not joining the cult .

Nocando3750d ago

Blame ourselves for what? Not liking the same things that you like?

Bolts-N-Rays11093750d ago

But, as a nonbiased gamer, it seriously is mostly Sony fans. You must be blind if you don't truthfully see it.

dantesparda3750d ago


"but i'm not joining the cult"

Of course not, you've already join the MS fanboy cult

MysticStrummer3750d ago

"Well this game would not recieve any criticism if it was releasing on PS4"

My opinion about it was the same even when coming to PS4 was thought to be a possibility. It looks like a sci fi CoD, and I don't like CoD. The AI wasn't being shown then, but I'm pretty sure if I saw PS4's theoretical TF AI acting so braindead I would have spoken up about it. AI is something I've paid close attention to for years, and TF's is really bad.

It's pretty funny looking back now at Respawn's various statements about the game over the months, talking about the cloud making AI better, and that the game couldn't be on PS4 because of dedicated servers when PS3 had more dedicated server games than 360 ever did.

BlackTar1873750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

I can almost guarntee if this game was on ps4 and Xbox one the hype would be nowhere near this level.

i promise you that.

Destiny ask yourself where is the non stop hype train for that game? Only made by the creators of one of the most iconic and awesome FPS of all time. Bungie a company who has never made a bad game or put out a shotty product.

Where is that hype?

DigitalRaptor3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

@ BlackTar187


The truth is Xbox fanboys NEED this. They need something to grasp on to after months and months of negativity and realisation. And that is where Titanfall comes in.

There is no getting around the fact that this is a futuristic version CoD with mechs and verticality. There is no "holy jesus saviour" in it. It's just another shooter that was overhyped and will be eventually overrated. Now don't get me wrong, anyone can have fun with a game, but Titanfall doesn't deserve the hype it's getting.

And just to add extra proof to your statement, take a look at PLANETSIDE 2. That is another game coming to PS4 that is highly more ambitious: a large-scale, persistent, colourful, 2000-player, MMO FPS running at 'Ultra' PC settings. Planetside 2 and Destiny are both achieving more, and getting less attention, and it's not hard to see why.

Respawn aren't responsible for its marketing that's where EA and MS do their business. They have no reason to be insulted by EA's actions - they signed up for this, and have already dealt with the fact that EA went behind their backs to sign a deal for their IP. EA are probably the worst company in this business, and what they will do for a good review, throws morality out of the window.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3750d ago
ShwankyShpanky3750d ago

Why would Respawn pay for hype?

That's what MS and EA are for.

christocolus3750d ago

" I get it that its not for everyone, but to say we’re paying anyone off is downright insanity. Not to mention the height of insulting.

Personally – and forgive me if I go on a small rant for once – I can’t help but be amazed (and not in a good way) every time I read this kind of accusations. Some simply seem to be unable to accept the possibility that a game might just be so fun that most are very positively impressed by it, and feel genuinely compelled to express that sentiment.
I’ve been around this industry for a long, long time, and since I’m an old fart, I still remember the age in which video game journalists weren’t afraid to appear enthusiastic about our hobby.
Considering that nowadays, whenever someone expresses strongly positive feelings about a game, he gets accused of being a fanboy at best or paid off in the worst case, can we really call ourselves surprised if a new generation of insufferably jaded negative nancies is becoming more and more prevalent in video game journalism? Is that really what you like to read?"

well said McCoy..very well said.

megazero123750d ago

you are always the voice of reason, but you will get a ton of disagrees like usual.

christocolus3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

i really don't care bro, this guy is right. some gamers take their fanboyism way too far. the other day cboat called the respawn team liars and the sad part was that fanboys agreed with him and they were proven wrong in the end. any positive article on titanfall is bombarded and its even worse when its a negative one. the team at respawn aint forcing this game on anyone so why the fanboy attacks? its really annoying as a developer to see a section of gamers act so immature and hateful towards a game you've worked so hard on.a very good game at that.


which either way, you made a very valid point and i applaud you for that bro. gamers need to understand that.

deepio3750d ago

I can only assume a certain "crowd" are masking their dismay at Titanfall not coming out on their platform with all this negativity. Of course they'll go on to deny this by stating that if they wanted it they could get it on a PC...of course.

It's a sad state of affairs really. I click on the Xbox One tab of this site and all the top news items are all negative towards the platform. If you click on PS4, it's the opposite, in most cases.

scott1823750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

Yes, let's deny the fact outright now that it can be purchased on the PC and 360 later. I am buying it on PC, I know not everyone owns a PC, but not everyone owns an X1 either.
And find some bad news on the internet about the PS4 and submit it... Who's stopping anyone from doing that?

Abriael3750d ago

The "personally" part is not from McCoy. It's from me. That's why it isn't between quotes :D

OC_MurphysLaw3750d ago

I would like to say well said btw. We may not always see eye to eye but I can't disagree nor would I with what you said in the article. I wish more people had your attitude.

Baccra173750d ago

I've been around for a while too and the "hype" Titan Fall is getting, at least from the press side of things, seems quite disingenuous and fake. It reminds me of the "hype" and push, that was practically down people throats, that DmC got.

And when you have a press that is practically a PR mouth piece for corporations rather than media for the people, many who do such things to be awarded a job in the industry later, is it really a surprise that it is getting this type of backlash and that people are questioning the hype?

I'll believe the hype when I see the regular people in mass embrace it, till then I'm going along with that train and I'm not believing the hype from the presstitutes.

Abriael3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

I see a lot of "regular" people loving Titanfall.

Maybe it's just good.

Nocando3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

You have gone and painted yourself into a hipster corner and rendered yourself incapable of enjoying anything.I feel sad for you.Oh, and lighten the f*%k up, it's a game, a GAME! Not V for Vendetta.

Ck1x3750d ago

What I don't get is why Titanfall doesn't deserve the hype, but The Order does? I'm not against either game or the developers behind each, but I think they both have promise and should be allowed to be released before judgement is cast so quickly.

Gunstar753750d ago

Have you been living under a rock? "Regular people" have been playing it and the vast majority LOVED it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3750d ago
lsujester3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

"...I still remember the age in which video game journalists weren’t afraid to appear enthusiastic about our hobby."

That time is long gone for those journalists, and it's their own doing. Now we have a large proportion of journalists who put aside whatever love they have in trade for a certain amount of clicks or to keep the corporate masters getting advertising. This is why the population is becoming more wary of journalists, that along with us being inundated by pictures of "swag" and stories of publisher interference, ala Jeff Gerstmann.

It also doesn't help when we see these so-called journalists like McCaffrey who can praise/hype a game like this:


And review the same game like this:


That is the very antithesis of objective journalism and a prime example of why we don't always trust journalists' hype.

KingDadXVI3750d ago

The fact that CBOAT is likely run by a collection of moderators on NeoGaf makes the fact that fan boys rally around the FUD put out in his name is even more sad IMO.

The game is great, it deserves every award that it has received and all of the hype that has surrounded it.

For those that are saying that it is not a system seller because it is on the 360 and PC here is some food for thought.

Many PC gamers would not buy a console if the game was not on PC.

Many 360 owners are just waiting for that app to come out that gives them an excuse to upgrade. I was one of them TBH. I got my console back in December in anticipation of this game being the first AAA title that I had to have. I have 3 Xbox 360s, 1 PS3, 1 WiiU, and 1 Wii. I could have just gotten TitanFall for the 360 but I wanted it for the Xbox One. Many others will feel the same way.

TheGrimReaper3750d ago

"The fact that CBOAT is likely run by a collection of moderators on NeoGaf"

I see...
May I ask you if you are a reader of MisterX' blog?

KingDadXVI3750d ago

No I do not read the drivel that he posts on his site. I do however have an account at Reddit and picked the information up there.

Here is the subreddit link:


While I don't think that MisterX knows his ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to technical matters and that he has some serious delusions the data he gathered in this case has merit for a few simple facts:

1. None of the information he posted was created by him. It was all found by other members at NeoGaf.

2. All he did was attempt to document the posts that the NeoGaf moderators tried to delete or edit.

I do not believe that he guy at the center of the controversy was a moderator at NeoGaf or that he was singularly CBOAT.

What I do believe and what the verified evidence supports is that CBOAT is not a single person but a user account that is used by moderators at NeoGaf to post propaganda that promotes their particular ideas, stirs up controversy and ultimately brings in new users to their site thus generating income from advertising. The more controversy and visits to NeoGaf the more money it makes.

So you end up with a method created by NeoGaf to control and promote hits to their site.

CBOAT has been shown to be nothing more than a joke of a creation by NeoGaf in order to spread their opinions and influence investment by advertisers.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3750d ago
OwnageDC6503750d ago

Improvements are always welcome. I don't think I'll be picking this up for my XB1 though. PC version is the best version so I'll go with that.

ger23963750d ago

you get disagrees for a personel preference?

BX813750d ago

Maybe with it being the best version?

Volkama3750d ago

I played both versions in the beta. Going from max settings on the PC across to One version, the most jarring difference is the AA. The jaggies aren't omg-it's-broken terrible, but they do exist.

If improvements are in the works I hope it is on the AA side of things. The detail level and performance were otherwise perfectly adequate.

Well ok the MOST jarring difference is the controller, but that's obviously not changing :)

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15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Jiub627d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad627d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g626d ago (Edited 626d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp26d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

Read Full Story >>

Respawn Entertainment is Discontinuing Sales of Original Titanfall

Sales for the original Titanfall are being discontinued.
It will be pulled from subscription services on March 1, 2022.

Ethereal908d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad907d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal905d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.