
Xbox One 'Easily The Most Appealing Platform For Devs Like Us' Says Indie Studio

NowGamer: Indie studio No Goblin announces Roundabout will be coming to Xbox One and praises ID@Xbox as 'easily the most appealing console platform for developers like us to release on.'

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Gazondaily3759d ago

Glad to see some positive responses from indies. I feel more responses like this are needed from indies to gauge whether MS are now on the ball with the indie development community.

Ted_Breakfast3759d ago

Agreed. After the negative talk about the Xbox One from indies, it would be interesting to see how many indie developers there are who are having a good experience with Microsoft.

thereapersson3759d ago

Yeah, the amount of BS coming from Microsoft's PR department is over the top, so it's great to hear it from an actual developer who enjoys the process and ecosystem. I don't think that enough people give credit to the fact that every One can be used as a devkit. That cuts out a lot of overhead from the get-go.

No_Limit3759d ago Show
FamilyGuy3759d ago

Surprising MS is taking risk with games. This one looks cooky and reminds me of Octodad in a way.

MiloGarret3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

Well if his comment here is anything to go by, it's pretty obvious.

Volkama3759d ago

@NatureOfLogic It took them free dev kits, unity licenses, tech support and whatever else they offer indie developers

@FamilyGuy ID@XBox is self publishing, so MS aren't really taking a specific risk on the content.

Angeljuice3759d ago

"A huge thanks has to go to Chris Charla and Richard Rouse over at the ID@Xbox team for making what’s easily the most appealing console platform for developers like us to release on,"

Yet no word as to why?

It's a bit like saying "The Xbox one is the best place for gamers like me to play" without any clarification as to what constitutes a 'gamer like me' or giving any reason why you consider it the best choice for gamers in a similar situation.

I'm not bashing the Xbox here but if you're going to make a statement, you should at least state something tangible.

JokesOnYou3759d ago

Yeah xbox has always been great for indies, the lack of self publishing rubbed a few the wrong way last gen but remember that was how micro were able to build Live while simultaneously bringing indies to consoles. Folks like Blow speak badly because they have a axe to grind and a few ps dollars in their pocket, meanwhile the host of other indie devs who speak positively must bebe lying right? lol

truefan13759d ago Show
Docknoss3759d ago

Booyakasha, Xbox one is on the up and up

SilentNegotiator3759d ago

What kind of developers are they, then, compared to the overwhelming majority that has less than kind words for Xbox One and MS's policies?

johndoe112113759d ago


I was thinking the same thing. Look, the fact is that not all devs will have the same experience with all console manufacturers. Some will have good experiences, some will have bad. It could be that this dev just happened to have a good experience with microsoft.

Still, to say that xbox is the most appealing platform for indies is not consistent with what we've been hearing from most of the indie devs, not just jonathan blow. Anyone who wants to argue that is just in denial. That still doesn't mean that indie devs won't sign on to id@xbox, it just means that right now sony has the better program for most indie devs.

MetaReapre3759d ago

No mater where you comment, it's always a distasteful one. Do you ever get tired?

Back on topic:
It's good that there is a indie dev that's saying something good about ms. Although I would like to know what they find very appealing about it. Frankly, I would enjoy hearing more good news on the xb1 rather than the bad. I don't have an xb1 yet so I want something more to entice me to buy the system. Although that titanfall xb1 looks sooo cool. Lol

Giul_Xainx3759d ago

Hopefully Microsoft changes a few more things for the independant developers. Sony is seriously creating a close relationship with indie devs this gen. Maybe Microsoft will follow the same road.

This is by no means bad. I just hope indie devs can thrive this gen after a long history of scrutiny from the "hardcore gamer."

BallsEye3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

@Most posters

All of you claiming that overwhelming majority of devs talk negative about xbox one, can you please post links? I fail to remember any except sony exclusive devs and anonymous blog crap. If you disagree, please have the balls to link the articles with devs saying so. I'm just that curious since all of you are so sure about it.

Also let's not forget every XBOX ONE is a dev kit and devs do not need to buy a special dev kit units which cost A LOT. PS4 devkit = $2,500.
For indie devs THIS IS BIG. If they need 10 of them it's already 25k. XO is very dev friendly since anyone who got any idea of coding can make a game in his/her basement, without all the expensive equipment. Again, disagree? Post some fact's :) I'd love a good debate.

scootscottskeet933759d ago

Truefan... Nobody likes you.
(Sorry for the personal attack N4G)

Pogmathoin3759d ago

Scoot, so, anyone who refuses to hate on MS should be frowned up? Typical fanboy arrogance. I do not like many posters here, but do not go around blabbing it about. Get smart....

GameNameFame3759d ago

Xbox One regular cannot be used as devkit yet.

MS said they will look into an update.

Still hasnt happened. Stop making desperate stuff up fanboys.

scootscottskeet933759d ago

Pog.. Look at Truefans comment history the guy is clearly a troll. You must think that hurts my feelings to be called a fanboy but really I'm the furthest thing from one. I own an xbox1 as if it's any of ur business but I wouldn't defend the company like it's my life. I also own a ps4 and wouldn't defend sony if they did half the stuff Microsoft does. These little n4g arguments are stupid and is going to get you nowhere in life. So next time u post an ignorant comment on this site make sure u question urself, how it's going to benefit u in life. Once u realize it's not send me a message apologizing and maybe just maybe I'll forgive you.

Your Father

BallsEye3758d ago

Disagrees on my comment and no replies with links. This community is laughable. Empty words everywhere.

MetaReapre3758d ago


There hasn't been much on devs talking bad about MS, but there has been a lot of bad press on xb1 and a lot of speculation that MS isn't treating indie game devs well.


What most people are seeing are the many... and I mean MANY... articles on Jonathan Blow and his comment on the fact that he finds MS to treat Indie devs poorly.

I do believe there were a couple other articles saying other devs feel that MS treats them badly, however I could not find them, just articles on Jonathan Blow.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3758d ago
christocolus3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

The xbox team is heading in the right direction.
We have Phil spencer and Phil harrison working day and night trying to get us aa games and then on the indie side we have Chris Charla who has been very wonderful with the indies... great job guys.

Hope Sadiya Nadella is open to cashing another $1billion very soon cos judging by the rate at which Phil has been signing deals and investing into new and old ips,i bet he will be needing some more cash very soon... :P . Great job Phil i wish Don left the team alot earlier than he did. Wishing him all the best though. :)

KingDadXVI3759d ago

I agree. Don's vision was pretty messed up. Not picking on millennials but his ideas were pretty millennial (AKA Apple like).

I for one am very glad that guy is gone.

With Nokia set to resurge onto the smart phone stage, the surface pro 2 doing well, and the Xbox Brand actually being a device that they make money on we will hopefully see Nadella continue the push into the devices and services sector.

From all I have read that whole division of MS is using the Xbox Brand as its lead product and taking ideas from it.

It will be interesting to see how things shape up in the next few years especially with Bill Gates taking a more active role in the technological direction of the company.

With MS earning a profit from the sale of each Xbox now coupled with profits from Xbox Live and game sales we should see the best profits ever from the Xbox group. This should give Nadella the firm ground he needs to continue to support that division.

christocolus3759d ago


You are right. Nadella is going to support the xbx one division a lot more than past execs. I read about the guy. He is a risk taker, a team player and quite down to earth.His colleagues at microsoft who have had the chance of working personally with him all have good things to say about the guy. I also think putting elopp in charge of the xbx division will pay off in the end. The guy is focused and is willing to do all it takes to succeed. Thats what the xbx division needs right now.

Phil and Elopp will definitly make a good fit afterall Phil says his recent conversations with elopp have been really positive and very encouraging, and with Bill now playing an advisory role i believe things will go well..really really well.

cozomel3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )


You forgot to add "and I love you at the end"

That was a nice love letter

And @ Kingdad

Oh now the fanboys are going to admit that Mattrick sucked. Nice! fanboys are so honest. And how much is that profit?

BlackTar1873759d ago

I too can't wait till Exclusives are the bread and butter of the xbox.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3759d ago
Christopher3759d ago

@Septic: with id@xbox, I just can't trust what people say.

As I said in my blog about it a while back, you're selling away your rights to publish where you want first. And, to follow on that, Indies aren't going to trash talk any platform upon which they are releasing, especially if they are being forced.

Looking at Roundabout, though, their whole concept is based around Kinect and taking your likeness and putting it in the game. So, skeptic in me is going off, but I can see how they can talk this up since their game is built around Kinect as opposed to a game that will use it because they can but otherwise have a different game.

Prime1573759d ago

I didn't see anything about the Kinect in the trailer, but I did find out weird that it was slated to release first on pc/mac awhile ago, now it's first on Xbox.

That was my interpretation of this, "Alongside the Windows, Mac and Linux versions that you can pre-order right now, we’re also going to be releasing Roundabout on Xbox One. " (cite: http://nogoblin.com/post/76...
Well, hope they have the funds for it.

Christopher3759d ago

@Prime157: I got the Kinect info from their Web site. I wanted to research the game before making any blanket statements about them.

Gazondaily3759d ago

Fair enough. I didn't really research them as much so it might all be a corporate act. Who knows.

Joey_Leone3759d ago Show
Chanogram3759d ago

Hilarious that you get disagrees for this statement.
Only on n4g!!

To your point, it is good to see. Time will tell if this is a trend or just one developer's experience.

andrewsqual3759d ago

Could we get some reasons other than it is "easy"? Or do they just mean it is easier than the 4000 checklist that was, getting a downloadable game on 360?
Could they give us reasons why it is THE platform "for developers like us" over the other platforms please?
Because this article has pretty much no information.
I was actually keen to see some actual positive feedback but couldn't find anything to back it up.

AndrewLB3759d ago

when doing interviews tech journalists, developers, or anyone tech savvy know it's best to keep your discussion on the macro level and not delve into the intricacies that 99.9% of the population would have no idea what they're talking about and would stop reading the article.

Some things I'll bet he's referring to is how Microsoft gives two Dev kits to each established game developer, free of charge. Also, microsoft doesn't charge for additional development tools.

While I have never worked with Microsoft's developer assistance people, I know from personal experience that Sony is not a very easy company to deal with if you are not an established developer. I've had nothing but problems with Sony, being a PlayStation mobile developer, so much so that I'm about to throw in the towel with them.

And like the dev in the article, I'm not going to get into the specific problems I've had with PSM.

TGF_Zero3759d ago

Glad Microsoft is being friendly to devs

ITPython3759d ago

I'm confused, if you goto their main website page it talks about Roundabout, but checking out their games section (via google search) shows this:


"Stay tuned for the announcement of our first game!

We're hard at work on our first title! It's really fun! We'll talk about it soon, promise!

Oh, you want actual information about our first game, and not just a boring coming soon page? Well, here's an exclusive for taking the time to hit up our "Games" page: there are no goblins or guns in it. It'll be releasing on PC and PlayStation 4 in the first half of 2014. "

??? So their first game is going to be on PS4 and PC first half of 2014... yet this Roundabout thing is also coming out?

Unless they just haven't updated that page, it almost seems like Roundabout was originally going to be on the PS4 and PC, but 'certain events' turned the tide and now the game is going to be on XB1 and PC with the devs praising MS.

Coincidence? I wonder if the huge bag of money MS gave them had a dollar sign on it?

Gamer19823758d ago

This is a new dev with no experience on either console. It clearly states in the article this is his first game. So he has no experience with working on any platform. So as good as he thinks ID@Xbox is he can't really speak for the long standing community whos been around for a long time and had to face the hardships of releasing indie games.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3758d ago
Bundi3759d ago

Looks like indie friendly gen for everybody then. Wish this could be taken at face value and left as is but knowing this site, that is but a pipe dream.

Hicken3759d ago

If Microsoft's words could be taken at face value, then it wouldn't be a problem. But they proved rather thoroughly last year that that's something we shouldn't do. So expect things from them to be scrutinized.

There's been something of a heavy outpouring from many indie devs regarding their treatment at Microsoft's hands. It would, indeed, be good news if things have changed, but I agree with Angeljuice in wanting to know HOW things have changed. What has made "devs like us" more comfortable on XB1 than PS4 or Wii U or even PC?

Bundi3759d ago

I'm sorry, did I miss the part where these were the words of Microsoft and not this indie studio?

jessupj3759d ago

I have to seriously question the intelligence of anyone that takes anything MS says at face value.

Hicken3759d ago

Whether it's specifically Microsoft or not is irrelevant. Machinima isn't Microsoft, but it seems they were paid for their positive opinions on Xbox products.

These guys have been employed by Microsoft, as for members of Twisted Pixel, who has ONLY worked on Xbox platforms so far.

And there's STILL the lack of any details to consider which, tied with the lack of similar reports from other developers, makes this a questionable report.

Let's not pretend to be stupid, here.

Gamer19823758d ago (Edited 3758d ago )

It cant be taken at face value because of who it is hes a nobody. No games to his name and a new indie company (meaning not even a real gaming company). Never mind the site.. If this was a long standing indie dev then people would stand up and take notice but somebody who nobodys heard of with ZERO games to their name? Nobody cares.. I could easily buy an xbox register as a dev and come on N4G saying its the best thing since sliced bread too. Because im not a major indie dev though people would just ignore me.. Other than the Xbox fans who want it to be true.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3758d ago
4ShotKing3759d ago

All I want from ID@XBOX is Castle Crashers 2, GIVE IT TO ME!

Volkama3759d ago

Let Behemoth spread their wings to whatever they want, Battleblock theater was quite awesome too :)

RAGE913759d ago

It seems that both SONY and Microsoft have better indie relations this gen and that each have specific qualities for certain Indie Studios

The_devils_chum3759d ago ShowReplies(3)
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Why The Mass Effect Series Is Still The Best Western RPG Trilogy

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Terry_B1d 13h ago

Your Opinion is wrong. (Witcher ftw)

Sonic18811d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

The Witcher trilogy is my favorite but I know everything is subjective.

thorstein1d 10h ago

Balder's Gate trilogy is the best.

shinoff218312h ago

There's much better wrpg series. Mass effect dumbed down after the first one. Seemed a but different going from the 1st to the second, not in a good way.

Knightofelemia11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

My favorite trilogy will be the Ar Tonelico trilogy, Xenosaga trilogy followed by the ME trilogy.

Nittdarko11h ago

How can it be the best trilogy when the 3rd one is terrible and the only thing it had going for it was the multiplayer?
Considering all 3 witcher games are better
Considering all 3 Dragon age games are better
Considering all 3 Baldur's gate games are better

Weird choice

ChasterMies7h ago

Witcher 1 looks like ass. Until we see a transfer, there is no getting around it.

Are Dragon Age games and Baldur’s Gate games a continuation of the same story or at least the same character? Even still, need some connection to make a trilogy. Lord of the Rings is a trilogy. Star Wars is a trilogy. James Bond 1-3 is not a trilogy. It’s just more movies with James Bond.

banger881h ago

Origins was good. Really good. DAII was absolute shite, and Inquisition wasn't much better.

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