
PlayStation 4′s Selling 3 to 1 vs. Xbox One on Amazon

Karam Elahi reports from SpawnFirst: "The PlayStation 4 has been a hot item every time it goes on sale at any retailer, online or brick and mortar. The Xbox One is also selling as respectable numbers, but the trends have been pointing to Sony’s PlayStation 4 doing much better sales-wise whenever the console is in stock...As long as the number of units available at Amazon are under 999, one can add in any amount to their cart and see the left-over amounts showing actual quantities available. "

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GarrusVakarian3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Not surprised in the slightest.

If the PS4 is outselling the X1 this much with "a bad launch lineup".......imagine how it's going to fair when it has the likes of Uncharted 4, Infamous SS, Driveclub and all the other exclusives Sony's 1st party devs are making get released. The numbers will be even more insane, people will want it even more than they do now. I feel sorry for Sony, demand is only going to increase.

avengers19783791d ago

PS4 did everything right from there very first announcement. 2014 is shaping up to be an incredible year for PS4. I can't wait to see 2015 and beyond.

mikeslemonade3791d ago

So where is that Jokesonyou who had been spewing about Amazon being a key indicator on X1 is gonna outsell our expectations??

GarrusVakarian3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

"PS4 did everything right from there very first announcement."

Yep, giving gamers what they want in 2013 + having a reputation spanning 2 decades of giving gamers what they want = recipe for success.


Why would anyone take Jokesonyou seriously? Or any other of those guys in that camp.

amiga-man3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Not surprising after the crap M$ tried to pull, the xbox has the weaker specs while being more expensive, with Sony having far better first party support and 3rd party games looking better on the PS4 the choice is a simple one.

Ricegum3791d ago

Fantastic news! And very well deserved. Where is Belking?

Kingthrash3603791d ago

so proud of sony for chucking their old ways out the window... most companies dont have the walnuts to do that..its shows their dedication to the gamers the devs and the business in gaming. they deserve this success.

scott1823791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )


It wasn't easy for Sony either, the culture of the company is very proud and strict to the old ways. It is good to see things change so much for the better.

bessy673791d ago Show
dedicatedtogamers3791d ago

With the Wii-U pretty much being a "secondary console" at best and the Xbox One dead in the water everywhere except NA and the UK, looks like Sony is going to have their third steamroll generation.

As an owner of their handheld, I do hope the PS4's success translates into more titles for the Vita. What a wonderful piece of kit...

Skip_Bayless3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

^Bessy cow

See you on PSN in a few years when you finally decide to buy a PS4.. lol

And from the graph the ratio is actually closer 7 to 1. They are referring to the PS4 launch edition only when they say 3 to 1. Just do the math yourself.., take the X number over the y number for each line.

TomShoe3791d ago

Well it looks like the Xbox is on it's last stand. If Titanfall can't save the X1, PS4 is going to dominate.

IcicleTrepan3791d ago


lol are you serious? XB1 is doing just fine. Just not as fine as PS4. Don't be a tool.

loulou3791d ago Show
Boody-Bandit3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

I don't even see a need for an article stating this. Why? Because you would have to be blind to not think the PS4 is selling literally as many units as Sony can manufacture.

I have been scanning the net the past week now trying to score a PS4 for a friend and up until yesterday I always just seem to miss getting one. The XBOX ONE on the other hand has been on various sites and stores shelves the past several days. Not for minutes or hours but days. I can walk into Best Buy, WalMart and Target right this minute in my area and walk out with an X1.

Best Buy in my area just listed PS4's today so I scored one there. Purchased it online and went in and picked it up. Nobody else in my area has PS4's. I was out shopping most of the day today and I could've scored more XBOX ONE consoles than friends I know that game. That's not fanboy speak, that's reality.

GiggMan3791d ago

@Mikes that's the exact same thing I was thinking lol... Where is Jokes and his Amazon stats?

Non delusional people knew this...

abzdine3791d ago

lol @ the fanboy who disagrees with this

madpuppy3790d ago

"So where is that Jokesonyou who had been spewing about Amazon being a key indicator on X1 is gonna outsell our expectations??"

He ducked back down an alley with some roly-poly little fat faced girl.

insomnium23790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

A price drop for the XBoner incoming in 5....4....3...2...

MS will be forced to drop the price with these sales. It will be 400 dollars in a few months. They either make it work without the Kinect and drop that or take a big hit on every sale and keep it. Either way that price drop is coming very soon.I'm guessing a couple of months after Titanfall launches unless that game is SO GODLIKE it makes the bone to fly off the shelves......which is highly doubtfull for a new IP to do.

We'll see.

I'm off (heading out from work) to spend the Christmas with my wife and kids. Lucky for me I only have one night of work on the 25th so I might be able to get some gaming done this month.

CuddlyREDRUM3790d ago

No Youtube or Youtube streaming, taking away music ownership/CD's/MP3's and charging you money to play music, no DLNA/streaming from PC...

All of those are everything right?

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3790d ago
sonic9893791d ago

games on the launch line up arent bad at all dont believe the reviewers as of lately since 2009 ( at least for me ) the reviewers and I dont seem to agree on which games are good and which are bad they seem to review generic games higher than they deserve

vigilante_man3790d ago

Always the way my friend.

First lets congratulate both Sony and Microsoft for an amazing end to the year. I am loving my PS4 and I bet everyone who has a XB1 is loving theirs too. Someone has to come out on top in sales and with a lower price and more focus on games its Sony at the moment but well done to both. Impressive sales figures all around.

But I have to agree with the article. Just this morning - 6:00am - I was at a large Sainsbury's supermarket and they had 11 XB1s for sale but were completely sold out of PS4s. The assistant told me all PS4s just fly whenever they are in.

PS4 is THE thing to have this year. No one can predict these things. They just seem to happen.

Bigpappy3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

This a rumor, not news. Nothing accurate or offical about it.

I would not be surprised if ps4 sells more at the much lower price, but this chart is not from good data. You guys are too quick to accept anything supporting your desire

I've been hearing this 3 and 5 to 1 stuff before launch. It hasn't been supported by real numbers so far. When the real numbers release, you are going to tell me sony didn't have supply. It is obvious rigt now they don't have supply to sell no 3:1.

Ricegum3791d ago

I'm going to take a guess and say if it was Xbox One outselling PS4 3:1 you would not have written that comment. I know your kind.

GarrusVakarian3791d ago

Lol, did you even read the article to see how the graph was constructed? I don't think you did.

Skip_Bayless3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

^bear and the cub

As oppose to zombie stats?? This one is a public store and using there accounting system to show there unbiased data. Sony or Microsoft didn't tell Amazon to say how many units they have in stock.

So this not a rumor. PS4 is outselling X1 by a wide margin. And judging from the graph, it's more than 3 to 1 when you account the slope and the multiple skus. Just from my estimates on the slopes of the line, the ratio is actually closer to 7:1. The 3:1 was derived soley from the PS4 launch edition line.

FITgamer3791d ago

This is 3:1 on amazon, not world wide sales. It's very possible.

GiggMan3791d ago

People keep talking about the price lol. Why is it that you guys can't give people credit for recognizing a good value? PS4 is not outselling Xbox One solely on price. It's arguably the better value and system. Being cheaper is just a plus.

If price was the deciding factor in consoles, the WiiU would be sold out instead...

Silly gameAr3791d ago

Hopefully those billions that MS obviously payed for all the TV ads actually pays off and the X1 does better then ok.

Meh, MS is used to burning money like that. What am I saying?

Infamous2983791d ago

Xbox fanboys never stop denying, lol pity!

osu22duke3790d ago

So a graph that consists of data taken over a 3 hour time frame is supposed to correlate to total sales? AND this is only being from one online retailer. While I appreciate the methods done to create this graph, the time frame of the study does not allow for a "3:1" conclusion to be made on the scale that many of you are making

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3790d ago
alb18993791d ago

Right now there is not X1 in amazon. So is normal that to happen.


k mart here in orlando have plenty of xb1 but no ps4

Prime1573791d ago

I'm on break right now from the shop I work at. Have had x1 in stock for over a week. @Columbus Ohio. Ps4s leave the store within an hour of receiving.

lodossrage3790d ago


That's a lie. Amazon has Xbox One in stock. Just go to their page right now and you can even see they have 1click shopping available for it.

The PS4 on the other hand constantly goes out of stock. And that shows because when you go to PS4 system pages all you see is "available from these sellers".

Which means amazon store runs out of PS4 systems and the people selling them are scalpers

GarrusVakarian3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Sold out in Korea too, PS4 is on fire.

2muchw1nn1ng3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Has Sony released any new numbers for PS4 sales? I think it's passed the 3 million mark by now, judging by the huge amount of demand and how its being held back by supply constraints. At this rate, I think the PS4 will pass Wii U lifetime sales within the next month or two.

mark3214uk3791d ago

to put it in bigger perspective ps4 sells 3 million units xb1 only sells 1 million

thats a massive difference

whome3791d ago

i agree dude. i was also going to get a second system this generation. but im trying to decide on the wii u vs. xboner. decisions, decisions. but im glad to see playstation's simplistic marketing work so well for them, they deserve the success their getting.

showtimefolks3790d ago

almost every store i have gone into has xbox one's in stock while i have been told the earliest i could get a ps4 is Late january to mid February

muttsurini3790d ago

it will be 4 to 1 when it launches to JAPAN.

insomnium23790d ago

Holy s*it indeed! I forgot that it has yet to launch in Japan! O_O

callahan093790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

Using a trusty measuring device and a calculator to extrapolate the graph into actual real world numbers, this shows the following data:

PS4 sold 1922 total units between 14:21 and 17:33, which comes out to 9.02 per minute.

Xbox One sold 266 units between 15:18 and 17:34, which comes out to 1.96 per minute.

During the time frame when both consoles were available at the same time (15:18 to 17:33), the PS4 sold 1091 units and sold out (compared to 266 for the Xbox One, with 162 remaining unsold).

shorty74a3790d ago

So with this logic the PS4 should be around 6 million sold vs 2 million for XBone? I don't understand the graph. It shows less XBone in Stock than PS4'S. Doesn't make much sense and isn't very scientific. Don't know why people would take this as any indication of future sales numbers. I don't know why their are so many comments basically about nothing. Matter of fact, I don't even know why I am commenting about this.

XiSasukeUchiha3790d ago

PS4 sucess will grow, and very deserved if i was a company ceo my motto would be gamers first and money later i realize in order to make my money i need to make cosumers happy first, while M$ mess up a lot in one week, while PS4 go off like a saint so my motto as ceo will be

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3790d ago
bessy673791d ago

I don't see how this is an indicator of anything. Amazon finally got some PS4's in stock and it sold out. MS has been supplying a steady stream of X1's all along.

GarrusVakarian3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

How do you not see what that indicates? X1 has had a steady stream all along, whereas PS4 has been sold out/haven't been able to keep up with demand. Clearly the PS4 is the most wanted console.

This isn't just normal demand, its record breaking (literally). Demand like the demand for the PS4 is a double edged sword though.


"Yeah, that tells me Sony is having supply issues."

Exactly........because the demand is record breaking. X1 = can supply for normal demand, PS4 = can't supply for record breaking demand. As i said, double edged sword. MS doesn't have any supply problems because there isn't that sort of demand for it.

bessy673791d ago

Yeah, that tells me Sony is having supply issues.

4Sh0w3791d ago

Wrong Lukas ps4 finally has supply, X1 is currently sold out which is why ps4 went up to #1 on bestsellers and that's why X1 is on the "most wished for" list above ps4, the only X1 was available are through higher priced affiliate retailers on Amazon, check yourself:

Both trade places on Amazon depending on stock or will you say the same when X1 is higher than ps4 on Amazon due to sellouts?

mikeslemonade3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )


You haven't been following that the PS4 has been in the #1 spot since Friday with the arrow pointed up half of the time. Also all 4 skus are sold out currently. That easily negates your "MS supplying a steady stream" comment.

While X1 on the graph has never been #1 since they launched and the graph indicates that sales plateaued because their line never crosses zero. If X1's demand were even close to the PS4's demand it would sell out in a timely fashion, but instead even with considerbly less supply it sells out at a considerable slower rate.

At this point I'm done debating. I shouldn't have to debate anymore as it's conclusive that PS4 outselling the X1 by a wide margin and the gap is getting bigger. I will let the numbers speak for themselves once the monthly or weekly "report cards" come out.

BitbyDeath3791d ago

Of course Sony are having supply issues. Everyone keeps buying it. This isn't an issue for ms as the demand is more on a wii U level.

AAWELLS093791d ago

Why do you spend so much time going on and on and on about how the PS4 is great at this and it's amazing because of this and the Xbox sucks because of that and this and that and I'm right you're wrong because you like the system I don't like? Is it really that important to make sure everyone knows you like the Playstation? Give it a rest man. I see you in every article shouting from your mountain about nonsense and stuff that really doesn't matter. If someone believes one thing that you don't agree with why spend all this time you spend trying to make them believe different? Does it really matter? You don't even know them lol

Skip_Bayless3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Cause it's called the trolling game. AAwells, See you on PSN too in a few years??

CuddlyREDRUM3790d ago

Unless Sony is paying you for responses on the Internet, that is a really fanboyish assessment, Lukas.

If you own stock in Sony, this would also be good news for you.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3790d ago
KingPin3791d ago

go back to 2008, when you read headlines of the x360 outselling PS3, 3 to 1, shortly after that came a flood of "PS3 is DOOMED!!" articles.

lets see if the same holds up now.

AnteCash3791d ago

Xbone aint Playstation,never will be.

fhizikz3791d ago

Still but hurt ur system was called down... get over it 5 or more years ago man grow up already...all the agrees ur getting u must not be the only one

Skip_Bayless3791d ago

That was a different scenario. PS3 outselling 360 eventually actually supports the PS4 more because the PlayStation brand and exclusives basically won the console war last generation. Now the PS4(PlayStation brand) being the cheaper system while coming out at the same time as X1 and with more exclusives. PS4 is in better position than PS3 was ever in.

karamsoul3791d ago

Yes, the PlayStation 4's were sold out because they were selling 3 TIMES AS FAST as the Xbox One. More quantities sold in a given amount of time, when both consoles were fully in stock.

HighResHero3791d ago

Bessy, going by user reviews, the basic XbOne has been reviewed approximately 500 times, while the basic PS4 has been reviewed approximately 5,500 times.
That's from that one US site.
The amount of reviews usually reflects the popularity of a product to a certain extent.

tiremfej3790d ago

Xbox One players have games to play. They don't have time to review.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3790d ago
KonsoruMasuta3791d ago

But one is selling better than the other.

bessy673791d ago

Yeah, probably Xbox One since they're actually keeping up a good supply. Will N4G explode when December NPD comes out and X1 sold more?

KonsoruMasuta3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Bessy67, it probably would........ if that was actually possible. We all know numbers will show the true winner though. *Spoiler* It's not going to be XboxOne *Spoiler end*

KratosSaveUs3791d ago

But both are selling well.

BallsEye3791d ago

You guys are really clueless. XO is currently out of stock so it sells less AT THIS MOMENT. If you count all the sales together it won't be the case. And anyway...sale numbers make you guys wet or something?

CuddlyREDRUM3790d ago

On Amazon, presumably.

Not sure how this affects any gamer.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3790d ago
Stringerbell3791d ago

Yes, we heard you the first time.

frostypants3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

Consider this: if you're a developer with only enough time and money to make a game for one platform, which do you choose? Clearly the one that is selling the most by a landslide. THIS is the issue MS is facing. Selling a lot isn't all that matters. They need to sell enough to come close to parity in order not to lose devs.

Goku7813791d ago

No surprise. I non-believers, are still welcome to join us on live from playstation. Maybe we will see you there.

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