
Dead Rising 3: The Kotaku Review

The real world can be a frustrating place. Stuck in traffic, trapped in line at the supermarket… it always feels like there's someone in the way. Certain games—the Grand Theft Autos, the Dead Risings—show us a world where it's okay to act on our worst, most violent impulses. Our forest of problems becomes a lawn we can mow, preferably with a flame-thrower attached to the mower.

Dragonborn3123828d ago

The review says, yes, I should play this game! Everyone should play this game! Its going to be so awesome!

StraightPath3828d ago

everyone wait for forza 5 reviews! dead rising 3 is doing great much better then both killzone and knack basically entire ps4 retail launch games are looking inferior to xbox one launch games.

XXXL3828d ago

Keep your launch games. I have no problem waiting for the PS4's exclusives.

FITgamer3828d ago

DR 3 is a 78 on metacritic KZ was 74. Not sure how that is so much better.

GrizzliS19873828d ago

??? forza 5, 200 cars compared to forza4s 400-500? 14 tracks compared to F4's 29 tracks? no day night cycle? it doesnt deserve anything more than a 7 at besttttt.

and judging by the reviews of the first few games of the bone, i actually see ps4 games reviewing slightly better.

Wizziokid3828d ago

You do know a review is an opinion just like your comment?

3828d ago
strickers3828d ago

Except Resogun is tracking much higher.

KingKevo3828d ago

I however do still think that it is pretty sad that the games has framerate and texture loading issues, especially because those appear when the game is the most fun, when there are hordes of zombies, it basically fails on a technical standpoint at the thing that's the most enjoyable, gameplay wise.

Mr_Writer853828d ago Show
MajorGecko3828d ago

grizzli if you played any of the Forza's you would know they save the rest of the game for the monthly DLC.

thereapersson3828d ago


Are you kidding me? How was that NOT a troll comment? It reeks of so much fanboyism and bias. That last part in particular was completely unnecessary.

MatriXcian3828d ago

Isnt lococycle like a 50 while resogun is in the high 80s lol

leejohnson2223828d ago

Remind me the definition of a review? Subjective ?

MazzingerZ3828d ago

I wonder how much DLC would you need to buy to enjoy all those different custumes and ways to kill? It looks like a funny game to those that likes this kind of stuff.

ShinMaster3828d ago

Keep your day 1 games. I'll take the PS4's lifetime of exclusive games, thank you ...troll

Devilbringer3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

did u see the lococycle review? got 4.2 lol out if 10

reaperofsouls3828d ago

What you talking about? DR3 isn't even next gen as the graphics are piss poor even at 720p 30fps ,its meta score is only marginally better than KZ4 and that could fluxuate as more reviews are added. Killer instinct only get the same meta score as KZ4 and crimsom dragon scores even less than knack. The pick of the bunch is resogun with a meta score of 82 not bad for a game thats FREE with PS+ and as For Borza it has less track and cars than ever, no weather or day and night cycles

cell9893828d ago

"ps4 retail launch games are looking inferior to xbox one launch games" I hope youre not serious

Yessirr3828d ago

It took 6 months to create each car in Forza 5, the circuits are all laser scanned. The team went through extraordinary measures to create this game, which I think will set the golden standard for racing simulation.

Ps: The Nurburgring Nordschleife is 14 miles long, so I understand why it wasn't finished for launch.

CalebZachary84113828d ago

Microsoft brought some heavy hitters out of the gate. Once the dust settles, PS4 will have MANY more exclusives to XB1.

mrmarx3828d ago

@FITGamer at least kz is 1080p and 60fps unlike dr3

showtimefolks3828d ago


sir you do know forza 5 has less cars because there is a thing called season pass, which costs as much as the game itself right?

complete game coming next year for $59.99 with all the dlc as part of that one price.

also day and nigth cycle is just turn 10 being lazy, if PD can achieve all that this gen why can't forza 5 have it on next gen. And before i get called a fanboy and or troll, its coming from a racing fan who likes both GT and forza and agrees that forza has done many things better than GT5

I hate these season passes, now a game is announced and before it even comes out even few months before they announce a season pass. There is no such thing as getting the whole game at once unless you wait a year and get the GOTY or complete editions

hazeblaze3828d ago

Killzone and DR3 are doing about the same. Every other xbox one launch title is doing about the same as Knack... stop being a fanboy.

XB1_PS43828d ago

Fuck fanboys. You ruined this site.

InTheZoneAC3828d ago

I'll be enjoying my complete Gran Turismo 6 game, not the beta you're looking forward to in Forza 5...

grimmweisse3828d ago

Spare us your one bubble tripe. Most launch games across the board are scoring reasonably well. Not sure what you find inferior, that argument can easily be countered. Crimson Dragon averaging about 55% and KI 74%, which by no means terrible or fantastic. Only thing inferior I can think of is the games like Dead Rising 3 getting locked down to 30fps, and sometimes dipping as low as 14fps and averaging between 20 - 24fps at 720p, please tell again what's inferior before looking into some details.

Launch titles are usually not anything exceptional. Titles will keep getting better and better on both platforms as they learn to use the hardware more and more effectively.

DragonKnight3828d ago

Here's a real review of Knack.


@Devilbringer: I think all games should be reviewed with a scale of "lol's" instead of points. 4.2 lols out of 10 means not even averagely funny.

Mainsqueeze3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

How is that review any more "real" than any other? It sounds like your just mad that most people that aren't blinded by the Sony logo think the game is garbage. Other than graphics that game is worse than Crash Bandicoot made nearly 20 years ago. Played it at Target yesterday, my god it was so bland its not even funny. BTW i'm not really impressed with either consoles launch lineup.

DragonKnight3828d ago

Mainsqueeze: I find it hilarious at how hard you had to rag on the video to the point you brought up fanboyism to discredit it. Is it somehow a threat to you that anyone disagrees with Knack reviews as they are thus far that you have to create fiction when someone points that out?

How is it more of a real review? How about the fact that it actually isn't being reviewed and just played. How about the fact that both a 10 year old boy, and a cynical grown man, both say the same thing about the game. What, are only the negative reviews the real ones?

It's been something of a mission so many people have lately to put down Knack, and the PS4 in general, out of complete fear.

Mainsqueeze3828d ago

The fact that you believe fear has anything to do with it shows just how brainwashed you are by these console wars. Now that to me is hilarious. That "review" isn't any more credible than the negative ones from major publications, just as reviews from major publications aren't any more credible than that video, they are opinions. I just find it hard to believe it isn't biased when its considered to be a "real" review which implies others aren't "real" reviews.

DragonKnight3828d ago

Of course it's fear, unless you have a rational explanation for the incessant rumours of defective PS4's supposedly being excessive, the overly harsh reviews of PS4 exclusives when based against non-exclusives that are the same old experience, the continued downplay of PS4 successes as "not mattering."

It's actually more hilarious how consistent you are in maintaining your negatives.

The review is more credible because the game is being played WITHOUT any preexisting expectations or hype, WITHOUT the goal of looking for something wrong, and WITH the opinions of 2 individuals of vastly different tastes and experiences. That's immediately more credible as it's a more realistic representation of how every gamer would actually play the game.

Point out the bias since you think it's there. Find any mention of the Xbox One in a negative, or any mention of Knack in an expected positive. Where's the bias?

nasnas763828d ago

"DR 3 is a 78 on metacritic KZ was 74. Not sure how that is so much better"

Amazing, considering the game's not even out yet!

Mainsqueeze3828d ago

Dude your entire first paragraph explains exactly how much bias you have, and if you can't see that then there's no reason arguing with someone as brainwashed as you. "overly harsh reviews of ps4 exclusives" lol yeah right KZ shadow fall is the definition of a "same old experience" and Knack is the definition of a really old and not improved whatsoever experience. Your agenda is showing dude, you should put it away.

Azmatik3828d ago

Wow this is the first time ive been on n4g since ps4 launch im havin so much fun with it ps4 is rediculously awesome and KZ is amazing. If u actually think the xbox is gona have any chance with launch titles runing at 720p lol u must be crazy.

DragonKnight3827d ago

Mainsqueeze: See, you completely avoided answering the question and just jumped right on the "You're brainwashed by Sony maaaan"

You're clearly not paying attention and just looking to pick at something. You've played neither game and you're talking about them like you have and believe in only the negative reviews. You're probably one of the people that reviewed the PS4 as 1 star on Amazon too and you don't even have one.

If anyone's agenda is showing, it's most definitely yours. I asked a question of if you had a rational explanation for the B.S. and you come out with "KZ is the same experience, Knack sucks" even though you've played neither of them. Yeah, I'M the one that's brainwashed. /s

caffman3827d ago

I'm in the UK. I don't care what the review score is for Forza. I get it free anyway

Guitardr853827d ago


If history is any indication of the future, the PS4 will have heaps more quality exclusives that the X1, and most X1 exclusives I will most likely be able to play on my PC as well.

Mainsqueeze3827d ago (Edited 3827d ago )

The reasonable explanation is those games just straight up suck...you act like their is some kind of conspiracy going on, and all of these big publications are afraid of Sony being successful. You realize that most of the people giving these games mediocre review scores, and making up these "incessant rumours of defective PS4's" are the same people who have been praising Sony since they dominated the XB1 at E3 this year. I have played Knack btw and it was the definition of mediocre. You say all I have is negatives, well at least I'm not ignorant enough to completely ignore the negatives because i'm aligned to some company or piece of plastic. And I could also care less about how many stars the damn thing has on Amazon lol idk even know where something like that would come from. Ill prob even get a PS4 when good games come out on it, but right now it would be worthless. Good day and have fun playing Knack.

+ Show (35) more repliesLast reply 3827d ago
Dragonborn3123828d ago

I would just like to say that when I saif that everyone should play Dead Rising 3, it is just me exherting my excitement for the game. Obviously play it if you want to, don't if you don't want to. To each their own. I am just super pumped for this game. Killing all those zombies is going to be so much fun!

HardcoreGamer3828d ago

YESYES YES,, i knew it was gonna be 9 OUT OF 10

Gamer19823828d ago

"It also struggles at times to maintain a consistent framerate, which is surprising, given the supposed processing heft of the Xbox One."

Confirmed. By the biggest Xbox fansite around aswell. That's pretty damning if Kotaku mention it.. I love DR games and I still hold out hope this one hits PC eventually especially after hearing the game has parts where it constantly drops below 30fps and becomes unplayable.

Its a real shame as it looks great and so much fun but is held back by trying to be a level above what the xbox one can do at this very moment in time.

Soldierone3828d ago

IGN must be a close second with its "All PS4's are breaking!!!!" articles followed up with a giant "we are sponsored by Xbox One" ads.....

frostypants3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

Sounds like it has the same issue that Deus Ex: Human Revolution had...stupid boss battles that add nothing to the game and actually detract from it. Also, there's nothing worse than bad humor. What were they thinking? Offensive-yet-funny is one thing, but lazy humor is another.

It does look super fun otherwise, though I gotta say...and this'll come off as trollish, but whatever...it looks like a current-gen game.

malokevi3828d ago

name a current gen game that does as much as DR3 does, and still looks as great as it does.

MazzingerZ3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

I saw some pretty awesome things in Halo ODST Horde mode and Resistance 2 co-op...haven't really seen any like that on DR3, just my opinion

Azmatik3828d ago

Warframe is free to play on ps4 holds 1080p 60fps with tooooons of enemys on screen while playing 4 player co-op lots of gun fire going on not just zombies that literally do nothing atleast the enemys have guns n shoot back in warframe so on a technical point dr3 does nothing what cause theres hundreds of zombies on screen that just stand there and do nothing the games good? I can see zombie killing geting very old very fast

SirBradders3828d ago

@Azmatik i gotta agree with you there although i havn't played it on ps4 yet, but if it is 60fps 1080p then yeah warframe has alot going on especially all the skills, effects etc... and then you have 3 seperate factions all with there own form of attack/weapons. Its fun and free.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3828d ago
miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3828d ago

The highest rated AAA exclusive right now is on the XBOX ONE... Rating better than Killzone.

SirBradders3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

Highest rated to what like a few hundred review sites people need to stop being sheep and determine their own scores. I don't think the world understands the concept of the media and money, let me explain.

The world revolves around money and money fuels media. The more money the media get the more companies get better credentials.

Rimeskeem3828d ago

Id rather have certain to play uncharted then play this


HardcoreGamer3827d ago

they should of said in the review, if you didnt like other dead rising games, then to avoid dr3,

because after acouple of hours, or almost 3, i got bored of dr2, and i gave up. on it.

it was ok the next session in coop, but it was like dynasty warriors to me.

dr3 looks good with all them zombies, but i know this isnt for me

tagan8tr3827d ago

The game review industry is a worthless endeavor at this point they skew reviews to further the interest of the journalist or the employer of said journalist. Also these creditable reviewers know that an industry that has multiple consoles is beneficial to them and their careers sooooo.....

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3827d ago
JsonHenry3828d ago

This game is the biggest reason I want a launch X1.

cleft53828d ago

I expect great things from this game, essentially it is the main launch game for the Xbox One. Unless you are a big racing person and then you have Forza 5 which looks great.

OlgerO3828d ago

The game is currently at a 7.7 on metacritic but it does look like the xbox one game to get

caffman3827d ago

or live in the UK and have both for the same price

Crazay3828d ago

same here. if only more of my friends were as jacked up for this game as I am.

Dragonborn3123828d ago

I am in the same boat. Most of my friends who are getting aj xbox one are getting it not at launch, so I am going to habe to wait to play the coop mode with my close friends. I do not really have many friends who are as into console gaming as me.

GiantEnemyCrab3828d ago

Well you guys feel free to hit me up on friday for some DR3 fun. XBL: chr0ma

Going to be some fun zombie slaying!

TheFutureIsBlue3828d ago

I would buy this just for the co op alone. It looks fun as hell.

SquidBuck3828d ago

Not saying it's a bad game, I'm just sick of zombies!

zerogotit3828d ago

Sick of zombies? You must love vampires.

JohnnyTower3828d ago

Im still waiting for Mummies to make a comeback.

Conzul3828d ago

Wow. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen OR heard of mummies in years.

tagan8tr3827d ago

Mummies are just really old Zombies lol

Idba3828d ago

"It also struggles at times to maintain a consistent framerate, which is surprising, given the supposed processing heft of the Xbox One. "

Only a little mention about the fps, while the PS4 reviews get teared apart for everything.

wow, just wow

XxGOWxX3828d ago

To be fair they have said this game is a 20-30 fps game. its not claiming to be a constant 30 or 60 fps game like some are on ps4

Caffo013828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

wait, so now reviews are based on what was said about the game before release? if a dev tells everyone that his game runs at 60fps and then runs at 45 to 60fps you detract more points from your review score than a game that is confirmed to run 20-30fps and reaches that goal? 45-60fps is still a lot better than 20-30, so why should anyone detract less point for a 20-30fps game?

It's like saying (not referred to DR3, but to your logic) "my game sucks, don't be harsh, i said it from the beginning" and receive forgiving scores only because no one expected a better game..

XxGOWxX3828d ago


My logic makes perfect sense. The Devs have said its a low frame rate game. Which it is. they havent over sold it therefore you cant have a go at them about it. You can say well that isnt very good and they would agree, constant 30 or 60 would have been better.

Idba is saying PS4 games are getting bad reviews because of their frame rate drops. The ps4 games are claiming constant 30 or 60 fps which some arent doing therefore they get harsher reviews because they have basically lied about the performance.

If the reviews have a section for good framerate DR3 wouldnt get a good score and the ps4 games would get higher. If they have a section for Devs claims about the game, DR3 would get full marks and some PS4 games wouldnt.

Caffo013827d ago (Edited 3827d ago )

First party devs on ps4 never said anything about constant 60fps, killzone was said to run at constant 30fps on singleplayer and it is, and 30 to 60 fps on multi and it is. Resogun and knack devs never lied on fps either. Don't know about third party devs.

But low frame rate on a game should mean locked at a minimum of 30fps for next gen. 20 fps shouldn't be allowed, they could have spent more time optimizing the game and not rushing it to meet launch, reviewers should detract lot of points for this. But that's just my opinion.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3827d ago
GearSkiN3828d ago

Not the same thing buddy, so how can you really apply that?

Idba3828d ago

FPS can make or break a game, dont act like fps doesnt matter anymore

Concertoine3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

Well the problem with knack and shadowfall is at their core they arent very interesting games. Dead rising is a really zany, goofy game with unique gameplay. Knack is unique but it doesnt have much depth.
And fps can only break a game when it hinders the game... no one seems to think it does.

strickers3828d ago

Both Eurogamer and Rev3 say its worst in the series. I thought 2 was boring shit .

Concertoine3828d ago

I think shadowfall will be the perfect dark zero of this gen. When its out it has few detractors and decent reviews, 6 years from now it is unanimously considered a disapointment.
I live 2, didnt like 3, and havent played shadowfall but it looks pretty uninteresting to me.

MidnytRain3828d ago

Would you feel better if they added more about the frame rate? Would your jimmies feel less rustled?

GiantEnemyCrab3828d ago

I thought Capcom said they will release a day one patch to address the framerate? Maybe I heard wrong but that could be why they aren't harping on the FPS as much.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3827d ago
Serjikal_Strike3828d ago

Where are the Ryse reviews?
Off topic, I know

JsonHenry3828d ago

I've got a feeling Ryse isn't going to review very well.. which is why we have not seen any yet.

Mystogan3828d ago

Ryse and Forza embargoes are lifted later.. No conspiracy theory here..

kewlkat0073828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

Lol...."I got a feeling"..reach much

Microsoft stated they were doing staggered reviews unlike sony which did most in one day...

frostypants3828d ago

@Mystogan, review embargoes until just before a game (or movie) launches are traditionally to hide anticipated negative opinions. I don't assume it applies here, because Forza I am sure will be awesome...but Ryse has had a lot of troubling press. When a demo session gets panned, thats a bad sign.

JsonHenry3828d ago

When I say I got a feeling I mean from the people I've know that have played the demo at game shows and the other media out there that has talked about it their opinions of it are not very high.

I am hoping the game is awesome. But I'm not gonna hold my breath on it.

lifeisgamesok3828d ago

They are saving the best for last :)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3828d ago
torchic3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

I heard Forza + Hardware reviews are up tomorrow, Ryse is definitely on Thursday from what I'm reading on twitter.

torchic3828d ago

embargoed til Thursday.

Dead Rising was always going to get 7/10 or 8/10 the real question was Ryse.

Bigpappy3828d ago

You are right. They seem to know that is what we are really waiting on

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3828d ago
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Ranking The Dead Rising Games From Worst To Best

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What Happened To The Dead Rising Series?

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darthv721377d ago

Interesting timing. This retrospective was released just a few days ago: https://youtu.be/Et-cKSrWuc...

Darksonic221377d ago

Ah no, I just felt like writing it as I started playing the game again and wanted to offer up my opinions 😁

InklingGirl1377d ago

I was thinking the same thing when I saw the title.

1376d ago
MadLad1377d ago

Complacency and new teams who didn't understand what made the series special.

Darksonic221377d ago

Seems like there was just a ton of infighting aswell and so many more issues. Honestly sadly Dead Rising 5 before it was cancelled sounded nothing like dead rising, nothing learnt from. Dr4 at all.

ColdSin1377d ago

DR4 should have not been made anyways. DR3 closed everything nicely.

darthv721377d ago

Check out the vid i posted above.

MadLad1377d ago

They're a solid channel. I always click on their vids, unless it's a series/game I simply have no interest in.

RamRod881377d ago

They took away the depth and charm of the game that made it fun and interesting, and made it into a generic zombie killing game.

DeadManMMX1377d ago

This was the series the got me to buy an Xbox 360. The first one was so good. It still had horror elements. As it went on it became kind of a parody. Never forget getting Zombie Genecider achievement and then restarting the game to get the Mega Buster. That thing was monstrous against enemies.

Gamerking821377d ago

But you never know it might be RISING again someday .

moriarty18891377d ago

haha yes it may....good one.

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