
Camping for Next-Gen has already begun

Over the years there have been many camp outs for various products, concerts and movies. With the arrival of the Playstation 4 on the 15th November it looks like the first camper is getting a jump start on others.

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GarrusVakarian3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

LOL, that's dedication right there. I much prefer to pre order on Amazon and get it delivered to my warm, cosy house.

LOL at the picture of the tent.

lnvisibleMan3828d ago

Amazon made a killing on tent sales once the ps4 preorders sold out.

nveenio3828d ago

Yeah, Amazon has made video game purchases the easiest they've ever been.

0ut1awed3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

From the article..

"it just questions whether he has a pre-order or not"

Considering he's camping out 5 days before launch, do you really not know the answer to that question?

Why would someone with a PRE-ORDER (aka a day one guarantee) camp out 5 days (or even 24 hours) prior to the launch?

I guess the writer has to have something to write about but come on.

Flipflopp3828d ago

Reminds me of the PS3 launch. Most of the people camping weren't gamers. Just people buying to resell on Amazon and Ebay. Then they had the nerve to say I camped out in the cold to get this, why shouldn't I get twice as much as I paid for it. The games were sitting on store shelves because not enough people had the consoles to play them.

I hope this launch isn't as bad as last gen was. Glad I got my preorder in.

FamilyGuy3828d ago

That was hilarious.

OT: 5 days is overkill, this guy might get robbed. Maybe he's being paid to wait in the like this early by a friend or something though?

joe903828d ago

Yeh, you can tell how many people really want the PS4 just by looking at the picture.


mikeslemonade3828d ago

that could have been staged and there's not enough evidence show anything

Ritsujun3828d ago

There're free 2nd-hand consoles and handheld consoles inside that tent.

GameSpawn3828d ago

Camping is pointless in this day and age. With multiple online retailers, you can place your order and get it when you get it. Sure you'll never see them on the shelves, because 90% of the consoles will be sold via the web before they have even left the retailers' warehouses.

I guess this just gives some people a rush and makes them value getting one off the shelf that much more, but those lines are getting smaller and smaller each year/generation because of online ordering. Hell in the near future camping like this may be reserved only for Black Friday door buster deals.

Maxor3828d ago

Amazon is simply the best way to preorder anything PS4 related. Only chumps camp out now.

ChrisW3827d ago

If I really, REALLY want something... and I didn't get a pre-order, I will simply wait until it's in stock again. My time is too precious.

Crazay3827d ago

I don't think the the system is going to be as tough to get as many think. The futureshop near my house was saying they got way more systems than what they sold as preorder. They had 49 preorders and she had an additional 30 with no names attached to them

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3827d ago
Sitdown3828d ago

Somebody should innocently walk up and ask them what they are doing, and then inquire why they just didn't preorder from Amazon.

Livecustoms3828d ago

They probaly want the whole experience, even if it means freezing in a col November lol


this kind of dedication from people worries me, cause there are lazier people than that. there's not much for someone to follow your car home, wait for you to get out and rob your ass. where im from there are alot of thugs and shit. 22 packed. :/ fk the dumb shit

Double_O_Revan3828d ago

Thats my first question. This launch wasnt like last were Preorders were only open for one day and for a short while because stocks were lower last generation.

This time not only did they last for days in the beginning, but they reopened numerous times.

This time around, any one that didn't preorder is really at fault.

LakerGamerEnthusiast3828d ago

@ dead don't houses have drive in garages ? I would make sure I got into the garage before risking anything like that happening. Lol

rainslacker3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

If i had the pre-order, which I do, I would rather take the 5 days off after it's release instead of before. But to each their own.

As of right now I'm just hoping I can get the weekend off. Bad times at work I'm afraid.:(

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BoriboyShoGUN3828d ago

Freaking dedicated!!!!!
Gotta give it to this guy, just hope he doesn't sit there for days then they tell him the
line is on the opposite side.

Agheil3828d ago

Wow, if that happened I would probably drop a tear for him haha

Rainstorm813828d ago

Yep got mine preordered ill waltz in at midnight....and dance right back out.

I used to camp out in front of stores, but the last system i camped out for was the 360, and it certainly wasn't for days..just the night

In the famous words of Roger Murtaugh - "Im getting too old for this Shyt"

LoneWolf0193828d ago

Dance right back out in like a hour lol

rayzorn3828d ago

I camped outside for 3 hours for a n64 back in the day and got the last one. that's the longest I ever waited.

not really even considered camping I gues.

Nicaragua3827d ago


We call that "waiting in line" rather than camping.

Lwhit63828d ago

I live really close to the Amazon warehouse where the PS4s are at. They ship on the 13th so I'm gonna try to pick it up early! :D

MNGamer-N3828d ago

I think people that do this have mental issues

GarrusVakarian3828d ago

Or they are just extremely passionate and dedicated to their hobby?

Different strokes for different folks.

Tsar4ever013828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

Man, some buyers have WWWAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY to much FREE time on their hands.

And also 6 of of 10 of those early purchasers will be re-selling those launch-day buys back on Ebay or Amazon for twice or three times the price. And WILL BE SELLING them too. Some desperate prissy idiot with money to burn would have no prob paying $800-$1200 to make sure little timmy have his christmas present on time.

mark134uk3828d ago

i just pre order then go and fetch it in the morning when no1 is around lol

if i went to midnight launch id just be cold then by the time i get home around 3am id go to bed anyway and play the day after

Stuart813828d ago

I've never camped for a release of anything but I do enjoy the feeling of being there at the store for the midnight release and picking up my new console in person. Although convenient the whole ordering online and having it delivered takes some of the magic away. Especially if you are one of the last deliveries and you spend most of launch day waiting whilst others are at home playing lol

Sci0n3828d ago

LOL hilarious but this gen I thought there would be less of that since most of the people that wanted the console bad enough preorderd it and solidified themselves one. Most of the people that camp are the ones who didn't preorder or do it for first come first serve purposes. This guy could camp those doors and best buy will still call everyone who paid there consoles off ahead of him. I don't know how they do there preorders but that's how its going to be at gamestop

Sevir3828d ago

Screw the camping crap, Dedication or not, i just cant be caught in a tent outside a store. I just doesnt make sense, You wait 5 days, then get it, pack up your tent and leave!?

I'm doing the midnight launch but I'll be at Gamestop at 6p with my receipt and o grab my number, pay for an extra DS4, and while i'm waiting i'll order some pizza from Oggi's and watch the PS4 Launch event from my phone till the clock strikes midnight! and then I'll have my tazer ready, just in case some idiot tries to pull a fast one when I walk out of the Gamestop with my PS4, Knack, Injustice:GAU and DS4 in hand!

:) Greatness in 5 days! I can hardly believe I'm joining Sony and other Ps4 gamers at launch! this is a first for me! I seriously cant wait to experience it!

SDS Gamerfiend3828d ago

If they'll camp now imagine how they'll camp in COD and BF4 LOL!!

MizTv3828d ago

Glad I went to gamestop the day after e3 and got the first preorder for ps4 in that store
Not camping for me

chaosdemon093828d ago

Ya really I preordered right after e3 on amazon. I think some people just like camping for things lol

mkis0073828d ago

LOL this is in my city! I was just there, but the employes inside say he was there for black friday.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3827d ago
N311V3828d ago

Are they having a laugh? Not sure I believe this.

JoGam3828d ago

Believe it dude. I've seen this before.

Campy da Camper3828d ago

Agreed. They put even me to shame.

reaperman3828d ago

Just imagine if the person camps for a whole 5 days only to find out that they don't have any consoles unless you pre-ordered one. And if person has ordered then no need to camp out.

R_aVe_N3828d ago

I believe that Best Buy has already confirmed they have 25 units per store that are not pre-orders if I am not mistaken. It would be pretty funny if they didnt have any for sure lol

ragequitcast3828d ago

Indeed each store will have 25 Consoles for non-preorders. So no doubt they will go super fast, I would even expect that some people with a preorder might even try buy a second one if they can.

JessiePinkmanYo3828d ago

R_aVe_N, I read that too, they stated "up to" 25, but that was in Canada if Im correct. "Up to" doesn't give much hope. Are they extra consoles from Sony, or is Best Buy gambling on 25 people not able to pay for their preorders?
Also remember, if these consoles are going for big bucks on eBay (which is already happening) those extra 25 will probably be snapped up from employees at Best Buy looking to make a few bucks.

Sci0n3828d ago

That would really suck, I would cry for the camper if that happened to him LOL! He must just have vivid memories of missing out on a launch PS3 because he wasn't at the front of line. Stores back then did it the savage way with first come first serve.

KYU21303828d ago

Actually most retailers are doing the one per customer sale. I know Frys electronics is doing that. Since they announced at the last minute that they were doing a midnight launch for the both consoles. The same goes for walmart.

Bathyj3828d ago

It's worse than you think. He's camping for an Xbone and has to wait an extra week.

ragequitcast3828d ago

Ha we really hope not, that would just be outrageous :P

mistertwoturbo3828d ago

Seriously? TWO WEEKS?????

That's insane.

AusRogo3828d ago

Hahhaahahaha! I lost my shit at the pic of the tent lol. Give the man a ps4 if he hasn't pre ordered, thats dedication alright.

ssj273828d ago

yes and they should not give one to that smart guy who pre ordered right?

this guy is a drama queen he need attention and he got it is 15min of fame but is sad that they even allow such a thing sine is very dangerous.. thanks to the internet now you could get get same or better deals than black friday at retail stores without the drama and danger..

davidj883828d ago

Calm down ssj27, it's not like person is posing next to the tent with a sign saying ''look at me, i'm camping for the PS4''. Sure it's somewhat ridiculous to see someone camping outside a store this early for something but it's their choice.

I say good luck to them, it would have been easier to pre order and have it delivered to you but maybe that wasn't an option for this person at the time and now they feel their only option to have it on release is to pick it up at midnight.

ssj273828d ago

He is kind of doing that! and i'm calm lol
I just got a email from amazon and i got a deal! "buy one get one free" thanks to pre-ordering the ps4 killzone bundle!

I'm actually super happy!! lol

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