
Phil Spencer Explains Why Ryse is 900p and How the Quick Time Events E3 Debacle Was Born

Microsoft Game Studios President Phil Spencer is one of the men that knows the ins and outs of the development of Ryse: Son of Rome the best, he actually considers the game almost like a first party production.

What’s more interesting, though, is his explanation on what led to the choice of a 900p native resolution for the game and to the now well known debacle that made people think that the game was full of quick time events.

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Bruce_Wayne3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

The game looks nice, but I honestly don't think it's going to be jaw-dropping. It'll probably be a game that you play through once, play a few matches online, then move on. Crytek games are good, but they're not astonishing. Anyway, best of luck for those buying.

I disagree with Spencer... KZ:SF is the best-looking game in my opinion.


Well you should love the disagrees. They're a part of you. They come with the territory, in your case.


The SP gameplay doesn't have much to do with what he said. He said that he thinks that Ryse is the best looking game. He didn't say that it's the best or funnest game to play. Although, the SP still has QTEs from the looks of it...

pwnsause_returns3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

well, what do you want him to say? LMAO

edit: Not hating, im going to reiterate what i just said. you dont want to say Rise doesnt look as good as our competitor's game.. that would look bad for everyone on the microsoft side.

and yes, Ryse looks good. its running on the damn cryengine for crying out loud, it has to.

Lalanana3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

RYSE is one of the best ofthe launch titles even at 900p..only haters will argue against it without even giving the game a try...

lol @ the disagrees.. I love it.

Bruce_Wayne3841d ago

I want him to just stay quite. Problem? He's obviously being biased so his opinion is of no substance here.

shivvy243841d ago

After kzsf this is the next best looking game imo

MysticStrummer3841d ago

@Lalanana - Saying it's one of the best launch titles without playing it makes as much sense as hating on it without playing it. The game looks good. My only problem is when people say it looks "the best". To me there are better looking multi plats on both systems, but that's just my opinion just like "it looks the best" is theirs. I don't see it, but oh well. ; )

NukaCola3841d ago

It started as a 360 Kinect only, on the rails slasher. Yeah it looks good but where is the substance? It lacks content from what I have seen. It looks like linear arenas with a bunch of hhumas to QTE over. Where are the bosses, puzzles, story? Really wanting to know why guys like Jokesonyou and Lalalanana are so hell bent and defensively supporting this game because I see a lot of triangles spinning around something with the game play of Infinity Blade but now no longer on rails.

Eonjay3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

If the Xbox One could handle all the textures, AA effects, etc while maintaining a steady framerate @ 1080p if would be in 1080P. It is 900P because that is what the hardware will allow given the current tool chains, hardware horsepower, and developer experience with said console.

Irishguy953841d ago

@ Nuka...puzzles? What? God of war is the only Action game with puzzles. Some action games bring in elements of other genres, like Rising and stealth. Most don't. And all action games are linear. Very linear. Bayonetta, God of war, Ninja Gaiden, Dmc(while is has 'areas' their progression is linear), Ryse too. Stop comparing it to god of war. We haven't seen any of the bosses yet, i'm hoping the bosses are more personal and skill based than big ones like Bayonetta and god of war's huge bosses, I thought the smaller bosses where much better in those games. Not for cinematic purposes but gameplay wise much better.

Have you not seen the recent story trailer either? Watch it. Thankfully they are not giving too much away with trailers. The story seems like it might stack up though. Better than most action games again, it may even contend with god of war in this area.

n4rc3841d ago


So let's just ignore anything any developer or console maker has to say... Always.. Sony, UbiSoft etc...

But lemme guess... You didnt mean everyone did you?

mikeslemonade3841d ago

Ryse is overhyped. It would be as if the PS fans are hyping up Knack. It's on rails with lots of QTEs... period. Move on.. and stop being so nonsensical.

Sweep143841d ago

@lalanana : One of the best, not THE best

P0werVR3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

Why should he stay quiet?!

He stating a simple choice that developers make games.

You find all the great visuals, effect and AI you want in the game, and then find a balanced resolution that'll allow all that at a solid frame rate.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3841d ago
Abriael3841d ago

They have such a different art style that it's really hard to decide which one looks "best" Imho.

Loki863841d ago

I don't think you can make that assumption until you see the single player honestly.

Bigpappy3841d ago

Of course it is you opinion. Your opinion just happens to be wrong.

When Ryse is released and that single player is there for all to see, it will settle all this talk about which launch game looks best.

All KZ:SF has going for it is great lighting. The texture are bland, and there is no wow factor in character design or environments. Even the guns look low resolution in a game that is supposed to be 1080p. KZ:SF depth of field sharpness has been reduced in the latest build to try a get a better frame rate. Ryse will look much richer and beautiful al a lower resolution because it is doing more graphically than resolution.

MysticStrummer3841d ago

"Of course it is you opinion. Your opinion just happens to be wrong"

Textbook fanboyism.

*slow clap*

Bruce_Wayne3841d ago

How is my opinion wrong? There's no such thing as having a wrong opinion.

Opinion: a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

There's no right nor wrong here.

You're completely wrong if you think that Killzone has nothing else besides great lighting.

Oh boy...
Where's Eonjay when you need him?

For the record, KZ:SF has great gameplay. Ryse is an old kinect game.

AceBlazer133841d ago

You do know what an opinion is right?

FamilyGuy3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

The only thing that REALLY looks good in Ryse are those in-engine cut scenes and there's a good chance that those cut scenes are just videos that were created in a superior build. Whether that's true will be evident once the game releases and the load times before the cut scenes are checked (in-engine = instant, video play requires a load time).

As far as "best looking" is concerned I can only say Ryse is the best looking, launch title, X1 exclusive. There are PS4 exclusives that look better, there are multiplatform games that look better and there are games that release in 2014 that look better.

GTgamer3841d ago

Hmmm KZSF 30-60 fps SP 1080p has better explosions,destructions,effect s,scale have you seen the environments in KZ they are amazing especially since the game can handle 24 players on screen to attack now please tellll me How the hell ryse is doing more than KZSF I'm dying to hear this.

Sweep143841d ago

Butthurt hey ? KZSF smokes Ryse in EVERY compartment, textures, frame rate, animations, effects, particles, smoke etc...

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3840d ago

Bubble these trolls like bigpappy down plz.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3840d ago
Loki863841d ago

@Bruce I was talking to you about your comments on ShadowFall.

Bruce_Wayne3841d ago

SP of Shadow Fall is good. What is there for me to be aware of that's bad? Multiple ways to attack? The fact that it runs above 30 FPS in SP for a 1080p game?

Bigpappy3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

One thing KZ:SF does not have is great Gameplay. You can see where every enemy is even when they are walking behind builds, and when there are not behind anything, they don't even attempt to take cover. It is pure target practice and Zipping around like Spiderman. Even the pro Sony press are not talking up the gameplay. You should consider Battlefield if you want gameplay. KZ:SF if you want 1080p.

KUV19773841d ago

It seems you have never played a Killzone before, right? Killzone has always had great enemy-AI. There is no reason they should suddenly abandon this. The demos are probably set to 'walk in the park'. ALso the 'see through walls' thing comes from the OWL, a device you have with you. I highly doubt that you can use its features all the time at no cost. If so, that would really be stupid, but I am absolutely sure this will not be the case.

LordNikon3841d ago

KZ' gameplay looks fine. Ryse's gameplay is the one i'm worried about. Haven't seen such awkward gameplay in a long time.

Hicken3841d ago

@Bigpappy: Now you're just making stuff up to suit your argument.

kwiksilver993841d ago

maybe you should wait for the full release before throwing stones at killzone shadowfall -a series which i think excelled at enemy a.i and gunplay.

Bigpappy3841d ago

@Hicken: instead of just saying I am making stuff up. May be point out one, single point I made that was made up. Every thing I said is true and everyone here knows it. You are just to scared of retaliation to speak it as is. I am not. That is the real difference between us.

I am but trying to be accepted. I just talk about what I see and should be obvious to anyone with at least one good eye.

MysticStrummer3841d ago

Ooohhh pappy...


It's either time for your meds, or maybe you need to take fewer meds, or maybe different meds. Consult your physician.

Have you ever played a KZ game at all?

Gohadouken3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

Then you conveniently pick what you wanna see and talk about as usual .

"Even the pro Sony press are not talking up the gameplay. "

Really , then why do i remember extensive sections about gameplay features , the OWL or the mp and its classes ?

And why , bare teasers and trailers , did we get to see that many video footages for both sp and mp lasting from 15 min to a full hour every fricking month since the game was revealed ?

You are transparent

GTgamer3841d ago

@Bigpappy Gameplay of KZ You do know what gameplay is right? Because you just labeled what the AI does and if you watch the review of BF4 by game trailers the AI isn't anything to commend nor is the Story but i guess you didn't know that but you should know that when they demo games its mostly on a low Difficulty because i know KZ and the AI is very good so idk what your talking.

Hicken3841d ago

For one, excellent AI is one of the hallmarks of the Killzone series. Shadow Fall hasn't shown anything to be different.

For another, you can't just zip around like Spiderman. Yes, you can use a zip line, but it doesn't allow you to do anything like webslinging.

Third, Battlefield, so far that I've seen, isn't introducing anything new to alter gameplay, like the OWL is for Killzone. Not that I don't enjoy it, but Battlefield is standard fare for shooters.

Fourth, what the hell is "pro Sony press?" Media outlets that have covered Killzone have talked about its gameplay. End of story.

Like GTGamer, I question if you actually know what gameplay is.

pyramidshead3841d ago

Damn the irony hurts reading this one.

>Talking about boring gameplay
>comparing it to Ryse.

I'm honestly surprised this is being praised so much on Xbox seeing as MS fanboys decimated PS exclusives for being "too cinematic", then Crytek gives you the most cinematic launch game ever....complete with '300' like slow downs every 2 seconds.

It's the one game I'm interested in on the XB1 but maybe that's my love for PS exclusives showing. ;p

Sweep143841d ago

Play it in hard difficulty. After that we'll speak...

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3841d ago
lifeisgamesok3841d ago

I agree Phil best facial animation, best foliage, best bokeh, best character models I've ever seen on consoles

Trekster_Gamer3841d ago

You need glasses.. KZ looks great but if you at everything going on, Ryse beats it all day long.

Bruce_Wayne3841d ago

I have perfect vision... and the clear winner is Killzone in both graphical fidelity and gameplay. Ryse has boring gameplay. It'll be shovelware.

B-radical3841d ago

im getting it for the sp hopefully its good

Thepharaoh3841d ago

Why are we talking about killzone again.If yo u want agrees from the ps4 people then go to a ps4 article i know that most of the mare usually on xbox one threads however im sure uou ca nfind just as many agrees without worrying about disagrees from the xbox people.However thiss "Hurr Durr PS4 exclusives teh best evar" mentality all over the xbox one exclusives threads has gotten rather old.

AngelicIceDiamond3841d ago

"We actually had Ryse running at 720, and at 900, and at 1080, and we looked at all the graphics techniques that we wanted to put in place: the antialiasing we wanted to employ, the lightning technique we wanted to employ, and we made the decision that 900p was the best resolution for everything that we wanted to do bringing that game to market. I think it’s the best looking game I’ve seen on consoles.

You wanna make the right decisions. Other games… Forza is 60 frames per second 1080p. Game developers are gonna make their own decisions based on the artistic view they have and on how they want the game to look. That’s what gamers should focus on: does the art director’s…the animation director’s…does their vision come true on the screen?"

That's cool and in all but what about the ESRAM issues for 3rd party? I hope they resolve that soon.

MiHX23841d ago

My jaw dropped only by watching the start screen.....

mewhy323841d ago

Well what else is he going to say? I mean they've developed an exclusive game for xbone and it's meant to help sell systems. He's not going to say that the machine just couldn't keep up a good framerate at 1080p.

Tzuno3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

At least ms has come with a new Ip while sony chose to milk more. i don't give a damn about consoles anymore but i needed to say this.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3840d ago
ziggurcat3841d ago

News flash, Phil:

The game is still filled with QTEs, they just got crud of the button prompts, as replaced them with coloured halos representing the colour of the button you're supposed to press.

Hufandpuf3841d ago

The only thing is though, is that you don't have to press anything. (I've played the game)

Gridloc3841d ago

Not sure how fun a game would be if you don't have to push any buttons. If that was the case it should just use Kinect...

Gamer6663841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

In most fighting games, and games like god of war, etc. you have to press a specific sequence of buttons in a specific scenario to trigger a proper finishing move.

Ryse is no different except it "halos" those buttons onto the screen so you can see and do the sequence. Even God of War does this all throughout the game.

If you do not do the sequence you simply don't get the finisher. Unlike real QTE games like Asura's Wrath where you actually fail and get reset if you miss the events.


JCOLE131953841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

I know I'm getting tired of people calling them "QTEs."

LordNikon3841d ago

Doesn't the developers themselves call it QTE's?

Baka-akaB3841d ago

those are QTE , and while not always wanted they are hardly something to be ashamed of anyway . Putting such a stigma on it , and them morons at MS listening to such reaction , is what made a mess initially

ziggurcat3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

... And by "crud of the button prompts", I mean, "got rid of the button prompts"... Stupid autocorrect :(

kickerz3841d ago

Just another amazing launch title for Xbox 1. Only a few weeks away :)

Tctczach3841d ago

Are we still talking about E3? Wow.

Plagasx3841d ago

This is the best looking Next Generation game in my opinion...

Show all comments (88)

It's Time To Stop Giving Xbox Boss Phil Spencer A Pass

Under his leadership, many have lost their jobs and fewer games have made it out the door.

purple10116m ago

people should call for his resignation, he has literally flushed xbox down the toilet.
another 3 studios closed today, thats it now, get out

Tacoboto0m ago

Phil needs to go. His time is over. When you oversee layoff after layoff after studio closure after studio closure, it's impossible to keep going forward and have people - employees and fans alike - trust you in any way.

Especially after HiFi Rush hit their metrics. I guess we know what to expect for Ninja Theory next once Hellblade is out, and Machine Games once Indiana's out & Todd Howard focuses back on ES6.


2024 Is A Chance At Redemption For Xbox & Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer

Xbox has been lagging behind PlayStation in terms of 1st party content, but 2024 offers the platform and Phil Spencer a chance at redemption.

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isarai32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

Nah, that time has passed for many, and with their words on future plans, i really don't see it ever happening.

shinoff218332d ago

It's a wrap. Now is the time they are slowly going to move on as to not to kill the base as is. Titles will slowly drip onto ps and Nintendo consoles, etc. Those 4 already had to of been in development for awhile already cause two of them released really soon after the announcement

VenomUK31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

There is no ‘last chance redemption’ for Phil Spencer - he’s going straight to hell for tanking the Xbox console platform.

_SilverHawk_31d ago

"2024 Is A Chance At Redemption For Xbox & Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer"

I thought that was supposed to be a decade ago

Ironmike31d ago

U do rel7se ps5 is at thr moment only getting g those titles that were mentioned nothing else as of yet

Obscure_Observer32d ago

"Nah, that time has passed for many, and with their words on future plans, i really don't see it ever happening."

Xbox has PLENTY of first party games this year while Playstation has none!

There´s more first party games from Xbox Games Studios on PS5 this year than Playstation Studios own games.

Those are the *facts* and if those facts is not something to Sony be ashamed of, they can´t feel shame at all.

VersusDMC32d ago

Granblue Fantasy versus, FF7REBIRTH, Helldivers 2, Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade will have launched on PS5 and not on Xbox by the time Hellblade 2 launches.

This only first party games count is cope.

And as a bonus meme...Microsoft will have published 3 first party games on PS5 (Hifi rush, Grounded and sea of thieves) before their first for the year on Xbox(hellblade 2). Glad they have their priorities straight...

lodossrage32d ago

It's funny when people like to say xbox has more games coming to playstation this year than sony does.

YET, they leave out the context that Microsoft literally bought the biggest (Activision) third party publisher and Bethesday (another big one). So congrats on having to buy giants in order to compete?

On topic, wasn't Starfield the "last chance" for redemption?

Am I to assume that if the games they have coming this year don't get positive, feedback then 2025 will be the year of redemption?

Obscure_Observer32d ago


"Granblue Fantasy versus, FF7REBIRTH, Helldivers 2, Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade will have launched on PS5 and not on Xbox by the time Hellblade 2 launches."

None of the games you mentioned are first party. None. There´re more Xbox first party games on PS5 this year then Playstation´s own first party games, undeniable fact!

The real bonus meme is Sea of Thieves a game which PS fanboys used to sh!t on

"And as a bonus meme...Microsoft will have published 3 first party games on PS5 (Hifi rush, Grounded and sea of thieves) before their first for the year on Xbox(hellblade 2). Glad they have their priorities straight..."

Imo, the real meme is Sea of Thieves, a 6 year Xbox first party game which diehard fanboys used to mock and sh!t on, making to the top of the most pre-ordered game at PS Store in a year where Playstation has zero first party games.


Markusb3332d ago

and all will end up on playstation, and nintendo, if xbox was doing amazing they would not need ps or nintendo, if gp was amazing they wouldnt need pc. PS has multiple first party games in development that we dont know about. Look at how halo was treated, look at redfall, and look at starfield. Its fine to be loyal and prefer one platoform but to be wilfully ignorant about it just ridiculas.

badz14932d ago

LOL se we are moving from "exclusives" to "console exclusives" to now only "1st party exclusives" matters just after MS has bought 2 publishers for $77B??

Moving goalpost to always favor MS i. Your argument is getting tiring! Exclusives are exclusives! 1st or 3rd party, they are still exclusives. You do remember the PS2 literally killed the Dreamcast, Gamecube and the first xbox due to mostly 3rd party exclusives, right?

InUrFoxHole32d ago

Observe is actually correct. Sony paid to play. But we don't mention when they do it. When they do it we're totally cool with it. N4G 4lyfe!

Skuletor32d ago

Are they still counted as first party though?

fr0sty31d ago

“This notion that Xbox can only be this one device that plugs into a television isn’t something we see in the Gen Z research. Because nothing else is like that for them.

Some of them will have an iPhone, some will have an Android, but all the games and everything is the same. I can still get to TikTok on both of them, at least for now." - Phil Spencer

Read it and weep... all Xbox games are coming to as many platforms as they can put them on, and this is the first step towards them getting out of hardware entirely, just like Sega did.

Xbox has been Dreamcast out of the industry. You can deny it all you like, but it's happening.

northpaws31d ago


You certainly have more faith in Xbox than Phil Spencer does, I will give you that.

rpvenom31d ago

It's actually quite impressive watching you defend xbox. I respect the loyalty

wiz719131d ago

@VersusDMC here yall Sony fans go moving the goalpost again lol now this only first party things is a cope when yall was the one who started that crap in the first place. When Sony had all the first party games and Xbox was relying on third party , yall was shouting they had no first party games. Now the tables turn and suddenly it’s a cope. lol

wiz719131d ago

@lodossrage and so it’s also funny that the majority of Xbox first party games this year aren’t coming from any of those big studios lol except for Indy .. the biggest one this year is coming from a studio that Sony left and almost let that studio die after releasing two big exclusives on their console first. Now MS swoop in and saved them , then here they are with the best looking game this generation. Now that’s ironic , but you mention buying studios like Sony biggest studios weren’t BOUGHT my brother.

Yall need to be more worried about Sony closing studio after studio , the PSVR 2 dying , Sony losing billions , and the fact that yall biggest game this year as in Stellar Blade was once being developed as a multi platform game until Sony paid for them to be a second party studio. lol but you want to mention things being bought , your delusional

Crows9031d ago

Shame in the competitor buying up tons of dev teams in order to make that a reality? Yeah...there's no shame in that on the PlayStation side....

andy8531d ago

So now you're shifting the goal posts so only first party exclusives count. Amazing 😂

Profchaos31d ago

There's probably tons of games exclusive to Xbox that won't be on PS because of their early access clause.

However list the games that count helldivers 2 I'd argue has done more for gaming this year than any other title will.
It could be their only game and it would still be a great year because it was that unexpectedly good even haters of love service games are playing it

TheTony31631d ago

Still at it? Doesn't matter at this point. The games will eventually launch on PS5.

mkis00731d ago (Edited 31d ago )

I see you ignored his" only first party games count" line as if preordained. Is it on xbox? No...then it is ammunition. Meanwhile sony gets to passively soak up 30% of all ms game studios sales.

1Victor31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

@obscured: “There´s more first party games from Xbox Games Studios on PS5 this year than Playstation Studios own games.

Those are the *facts* and if those facts is not something to Sony be ashamed of, they can´t feel shame at all.”
That says more about Xbox than PlayStation that they have to release games on rival consoles to stay afloat, Microsoft and YOU SHOULD NOT BE ASHAMED OF THAT FACT.

Edit After thought: it took Microsoft 6 years to finally fix their sea of bugs just in time to release it on PlayStation 🤷🏿

S2Killinit31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

On topic:
MS’s last chance was Starfield…
How many last chances are there?

You’re moving the goal posts into places that have no basis in reality anymore.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 31d ago
darthv7232d ago

Life is too short to hold onto grudges. Grudges against a console, game or company is just petty.

isarai32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

Has nothing to do with a grudge. Ive been waiting 12yrs for them to get back to their greatness, im done waiting and have moved onto just watching that ship sink as i play on literally every other platform

darthv7232d ago

^^... I still play on it, as well as the other platforms. Which is why I am not someone who dwells on the negativity like others do. there is always something for me to enjoy in this hobby.

isarai31d ago (Edited 31d ago )


Again, not dwelling on negativity, they legit haven't made anything i want to play since like gears 3 and halo reach. I did play Crackdown 3 and gears 5 cause i had hope given i was a huge fan of the older games, but that was a dud on both cases.

You're thinking it's way deeper than it is 🤣 make something worth playing and ill play it, i was hoping starfield would be that but again, dud.

darthv7231d ago

^^...I never said YOU were doing that... but its obvious others (here) do. Its all they seem to do is dwell on negativity, especially if its XB related. all im saying is there is more to enjoy than there is to complain about. And this is exactly why I play all the platforms instead of just one. You say you do the same... so just enjoy it.

neomahi31d ago

It's fanbots making their last stand in an attempt to save the Xbox, what more can one expect that the most optimism they've ever had. Xbox can't get a lock in Japan, still, and Europe is about to abandon it as well. What're you gonna do? And what happens IF Japanese generates interest? They'll see Europe losing interest and decide it's not worth it either. And it's not just Xbox, Microsoft as a whole is losing their footing. They've backed on subscriptions with everything they have to offer and it's tanking. Xbox needs to port to PlayStation and Nintendo while they can stay relevant and try to stay relevant, the longer they delay, we could see a complete Microsoft nose dive

S2Killinit31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

And you think MS fans are just dandy? Besides, is it a grudge if MS continues to give reasons for people to despise them?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 31d ago
Markusb3332d ago

when you cant make enough from your own platform and pc and you have to go to ps and nintendo you know its a slow transition to 3rd party publishing, and that is fine. Xb never had the thurst or ambition after the 360

JackBNimble31d ago

The second they decided to put exclusives on the ps5 they blew any chance of redemption

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 31d ago
-Foxtrot32d ago

Even if they managed to get a win this year it dosent overthrow 10 years of mostly disappointments from Phil’s leadership.

RaidenBlack32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

Then this way, no company can redeem themselves. The very concept of redemption arc becomes impossible if the past is refused to be forgiven, even if the company manages to better themselves.
Then the now popular redemption arc of No Mans Sky or Phantom Liberty wouldn't exist in the gaming community if the same logic is also applied there.
Not defending anyone here but I want gaming to improve, companies to better themselves and most importantly competition to exist so that we get offered the best products to enjoy.
(I know in typical N4G fashion, this comment will be downvoted to oblivion, but I want good games offered from every studios irrespective of publishers.)

staticall32d ago

IMO, what @-Foxtrot means, one years doesn't mean much. It's a start, yes, but they need more, much more.

Look at your own example, No Mans Sky - they didn't just release one patch and everyone started praising them, no. They've been doing this consistently. If Microsoft will start releasing good games consistently, that'll be great, no ifs and/or buts! But hyping them up in advance (no worthy releases yet is what i mean) - dunno, i might be wrong, but i don't think it's healthy or helps anyone.

rippermcrip31d ago

Your analogies are terrible. A company releasing a single game that failed to meet expectations.

Isn't the same as Phil Spencer making mistake after mistake after mistake after mistake, telling lie after lie after lie after lie for 10+ years.

isarai31d ago

Your whole comparison makes no sense. It literally took years for both of those to "redeem" themselves in the container of a single game. MS has been lacking for 12yrs starting with the halo/gears/forza criticism begining in the latter half of the 360. So even by YOUR logic, he's right, it's gonna take a lot more than one game to be redeemed ESPECIALLY after fumbling what many were already holding as their chance at redemption with starfield

Chevalier31d ago

It's not Playstation or Nintendos fault that Xbox poses no competition. They've had more support and more money behind them than Playstation and Nintendo combined!

You say you aren't defending Xbox, but, you kind of are. Xbox has been completely mediocre for decades. The last time Xbox was competitive was the 360 era. My 360 collection absolutely demolishes my Xbox One collection and so far Series X hasn't had much reason for me to jump to a purchase.

Can you honestly say Xbox is 'competitive'?! I would say not even close.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 31d ago
Silly Mammo31d ago

With the gaming media, Xbox is always just one game away from redemption and success. It's willful ignorance that they think there's a 'magic bullet' that will somehow erase all the moves by Phil & the gang of the last 2 console generations.

"Well there's always next year!" Should be the official Xbox slogan

Chocoburger31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

100% this Mammo!

They've been screwing up for over a decade! Even if they release a game that's of the highest quality, that's nothing in the grand scheme things.

It also doesn't un-do Kinect (with lies based advertising).

Or Kinect 2 (forcing people to spend $100 extra for something they didn't even want!).

Or releasing two consoles with nothing noteworthy twice in a row (One X, Series S|X).

Or releasing unpolished games such as Re:Core, Sea of Thieves, Halo: MCC, Halo Infinite, Redfall, and Starfield.

Let's not forget canceling games as well such as Scalebound,Project Spark, and the Phantom Dust remake.

Finally let's remember the broken promises of vaporware games, languishing in development Hell, such as Perfect Dark, Fable, Everwild, what else am I forgetting?

Redemption is far far FAR AWAY for Microsoft. It'll take a full decade of only making smart pro-consumer decisions and releasing plenty of amazing games in order to make up for it all.

2024? It ain't gonna do squat on its own.

Rols32d ago

It was the same old story in 2020, 2021,2022 and 2023. XBox has never delivered this gen.

Brazz32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

Xbox360, the last time they delivered the goods, over 10 years Ago.

Skuletor31d ago

This headline just reminds me of the "wait 'til E3" comments we'd hear every year, before it was cancelled.

LG_Fox_Brazil32d ago

I wonder if the 2025's version of this article is already written, probably I would say

lodossrage32d ago

That's the same point I was trying to convey when I replied to Obscure

Hofstaderman32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

#wait till e3 2024

Aloymetal31d ago

''2024 Is A Chance At Redemption For Xbox & Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer''
We've been hearing and reading the same crap since the xbone launch, these shills/journos need to come up with something new. Good thing is most gamers know this is all BS, they all read ''"Step right up folks and hold out your money or sub to our service. You don't know what you are going to get, but like always, take our word for it" Signed Lord Phil.

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Phil Spencer blames capitalism for games industry woes.

Spencer said publicly traded companies have to show constant growth or else nobody will give them money. "I don't get [the] luxury of not having to run a profitable growing business"

LG_Fox_Brazil36d ago

I don't know Phil... You've being running, and some will say ruining, the Xbox brand for 10 years now, you know?

Profchaos36d ago

I'd say he'sade the best out of a tremendous cluster fk of a situation he was thrown into after Don tanked the Xbox brand from Kinect to the launch of the X1.

The only reason Xbox isn't in the Ms graveyard right now is because of Phil.

So I don't agree with everything he's done but I can see why these drastic pivots and moves have been made

VenomUK36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

You don’t hear Nintendo CEO Shuntaro Furukawa blame capitalism for the phenomenal success of the Switch.

You don’t hear now-departed PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan blame capitalism for the roaring success of the PS5.

Cockney36d ago

He was head of games back in don mattricks day so he should be held accountable for his involvement, the back half of the 360 gen and start of xbone lack of games was all him

Rynxie36d ago

The reason Xbox is not in the Ms graveyard is because of the money they are throwing around to keep the brand alive. Don was just a yes man, the stupidity of the Xbox one was MS doing.

romulus2336d ago

We are well past Don Mattrick at this point, people need to stop using that tired excsue. The issues with xbox for nearly the last ten years have been solely on Phil.

Plague-Doctor2736d ago

The PS3 tanked Sony and they recovered during the same generation. The Wii U tanked Nintendo and they delivered a record setting console only a few years later. At the launch of X1 it was keeping pace with the PS4 and in the US was occasionally beating it.

jwillj2k436d ago (Edited 36d ago )

All he had to do was say “the way forward is to make great games.”, drop the mic and make it happen by any means necessary. If you listen to the interview he gave after redfall came out, you’ll hear him say he thought the game was good to go and the internal team rated the game 85 out of 100. 85!! This shows how out of touch he is. He’s literally an empty vessel just collecting his check, running the division off of data-driven analytics, he doesn’t care about xbox and now pulls a Trump, blaming the clouds for his failures.

Cacabunga36d ago

Says the biggest capitalist company.. this moron should stop talking

sinspirit36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

No.. Phil was in charge of European studios and Kinect implementation since 2008. Those European studios he was in charge of were then full time Kinect developers as he was now in charge of all XBox game studios in 2010. This is why game quality has sucked ever since he was in charge and directly why the legendary Lionhead and the actual Rare devs are not there anymore. Phil is actually more to blame than anyone for the bad game quality and the Kinect push. And especially for the terrible XBox One launch.

He was the spearhead implemented employee for Kinect and Microsoft's new vision. The others were the talking heads appointed by XBox. And, honestly watching some of those old interviews it seemed like those XBox employees were possibly maliciously complient by telling exactly what Microsoft's new agenda was with Kinect and always online without dressing it up.

And directly on topic. No, Phil. Capitalism is voting with your wallet. XBox doing bad financially is in fact because of bad products, disappointments, failed deadlines, and especially lying, misleading, and broken promises for products. If you just released really good games and tried to innovate then you'd had a lot of sales.. oh and GamePass is losing out on a ton of sales which can not be recovered from a few microtransaction purchases, monthly sub costs, or even whales. The math is simple when you could have sold a $70 game 5 million times but instead maybe sold 1 million tops and now have to recoup a quarter billion of revenue from lost sales potential of the one title alone. But now you also don't want to release a lot of first party titles because of the direct loss in sales revenue from day 1 GamePass, and you don't want them to release really good games that take a little more time and money to make because you want them to be cost effective for GamePass release. So you intentionally plan to release a lot of AAA shortcomings at this point because the AAA badge is needed but you can't do it too well or GamePass will never actually profit. Even though they had said GamePass is profitable, it is absolutely not by much and never will be. And, they said that Zune was profitable a long time ago but they combined it with an entire category of products when Zune itself was bleeding money. They lose far too many direct sales that even the most generous math can not see how they could be making much money if any at all to make up for this business practice. This is what happens when marketing and trend chasing fool a business into pursuing the wrong thing to stay relevant when the clear answer all along was that they always did good when they just supported developers making genuinely full and good games.

Babadook735d ago (Edited 35d ago )

I kind of agree with you, but Phil is partly to blame.

I blame Peter Moore (for leaving). Everything went to pot soon after.

PapaBop35d ago

How many years ago was this now? I'll give him some credit for what he inherited but lets be honest, he hasn't exactly done anything praise worthy and has done a terrible job managing the studios Microsoft owns.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 35d ago
Eonjay36d ago

I thought he said it was Gen Z. I can't keep up.

Hofstaderman36d ago

Its Gen Z who are extremely capitilist. Lol, Phil is a clown of note.

36d ago
fr0sty36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

He's kinda right, shareholders expect constant growth, which is unsustainable, but it is what they expect nonetheless. That's why, even though the games industry is healthy as it has ever been, because it isn't growing, everyone in the industry is panicking. Even though we're still selling just as many consoles as ever, they expect each generation to just keep on growing and growing, and when that doesn't happen, they start to freak out.

This is true of any industry, and it's why anytime a company goes public, their products usually end up going to shit. The shareholders expect more and more and more growth, cuz they want that stock price to keep climbing, and so eventually corners start getting cut, wages start getting cut, employees start getting cut, they start cutting away everywhere they can to try to squeeze a little bit more money out of the product, until they ruin it, and then they move on to the next product.

buffig36d ago

Yeah, but everyone knows how capitalism works. This part didn't need explaining. The problem is that they bought massive plublishers for a gazillion dollars, to the detriment of the industry and now he's acting like he has no choice but to fire thousands of people because he just found out about nasty capitalism

TheEnigma31336d ago

Why I'm glad companies like Valve stayed private.

SyntheticForm35d ago

He'd never blame himself, so he's trying to score points with the kids by blaming capitalism. One of the biggest capitalists is blaming capitalism for his and Xbox's failure.

fr0sty35d ago

I agree with you, which is why I said he's "kinda" right... he's right in the fact that capitalism is behind a lot of investors freaking out that the games industry, while still healthy, is not continually growing unsustainably, but he's also being hypocritical in the same breath after buying half the industry and then laying off thousands of them, and using his own business practices as an excuse to cover for his failures.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 35d ago
mandf36d ago

It won't be until halo and gears are on playstation that xbox fans see phil for who he is. A snake fighting only for himself. The video game industry means nothing to him just his paycheck to those who believe phil is passionate and loves video games you are part of the problem. You never hold ms accountable.

Minute Man 72136d ago

Halo and Gears only when Microsoft drops outta the console market

-Foxtrot36d ago

They don't need to drop out of the market for that to happen

They will always have some kind of console going forward but Halo and Gears could only be a few years away at this rate.

Next gen might look completely different

Tacoboto36d ago

I'd actually hope for Halo to come to PS and Nintendo at this point.

The community rejected a mictotransaction option so MCC is no longer maintained - no new revenue streams and Microsoft listened. Infinite is on Content Updates now instead of Seasons - dwindling playerbase and less excitement. If MS wants the franchise to thrive, that's free money and the same could essentially be said for Gears bringing them abroad.

FinalFantasyFanatic36d ago

To be fair, Halo Infinite had a rocky start to begin with, I think they improved for a while, but fell behind again.

shinoff218336d ago

The writings on the all in huge fking letters. Just read it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 36d ago
phoenixwing36d ago

I don't blame Phil for that in the slightest. If you were offered to be an executive of a company 9 out of 10 ppl would take the job for the salary and give little crap about how they feel about any given product they sell. He's not wrong that capitalism drives greedy companies but you have to take the good with the bad.

staticall36d ago

But the person is doing a bad job and the company (including customers) are suffering because of that, how can you not blame him? The reason for high paying is the decisions you make and the responsibility you take for your actions steering the company in the right direction (if company is doing bad, it's your fault; if company is doing good, it's because of your decisions).

It reminds me of that South Park Bill Owens parody ("Follow that egg" episode), a governor who wants all the money and recognition/respect, but doesn't want to take any responsibility, how backwards is that?!

Petebloodyonion36d ago

Agree but what are your metrics for doing a bad job?
Is Microsoft's share value tanking due to its decision?
Is brand awareness worse than in 2016?

As someone who works in investment, this is how I see it and why Spencer's still around.
1) Grow the Xbox brand awareness by including PC and Gamepass making it a stronger brand by name versus 2015.
2) Showed a plan to evolve profitability by having multiple sources of recurrent income with Gamepass, PC gaming, streaming, and now other platforms
3) made new market integration possible via PC and cloud.
4) Can make hard decisions for the good of the company like cutting jobs.

staticall35d ago

I would say, we shouldn't look at Microsoft themselves, they have a ton of revenue streams - Windows sales, hardware sales, Office sales, Azure, government contracts, certification programs, etc. We need to look at Xbox - hardware sales are in decline (Xbox 360 > Xbox One > Xbox Series S + X combined). GamePass subscribers aren't growing enough and, according to the Microsoft docs, are at plateau. Games sales are abysmal (both physical and digital, thanks to "Day one on GamePass"). Xbox exclusives doesn't exist anymore (every game is coming to PC). And it didn't start yesterday, this was happening for a long-long time.

In my eyes, brand recognition doesn't mean much, if it doesn't translate to console sales, because Phil took away every reason to buy Xbox console for a regular customer (i used to own Xbox 360 and saw 0 reasons to own Xbox One or Xbox Series).

I would also argue that he didn't make any hard decisions, at least when it comes to games: Crackdown 3, Redfall, Halo Infinite - he was saying that those games are looking fine only to be laughed at on presentation/release. But i would consider that a low blow, because he did cut some jobs. But not from top management (who are responsible for the decisions).

In my eyes, as a console owner/gamer, doing good job as a platform holder = supporting your console with high quality exclusive games (like Nintendo and Sony are doing). I'm fine with releasing the games afterwards on PC, but not right away (otherwise, what's the point of a console?!). Extra services are fine (like PS+ or GamePass, or cloud stuff), but they wouldn't be a reason to buy a console for me. Phil is overfocusing on extra services, not on games. And it doesn't work out and haven't worked out for what, 10 years already? Sorry, i feel like i'm rambling at this point.

Nooderus36d ago

He's a Microsoft executive. Duh

S2Killinit36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

Agree except I think the real snake is MS itself. They are a terrible company. This clown is just the hired man for the job.

phoenixwing36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

Thats basically what I'm trying to say and if you really want to get down to it. It's the board of directors for the company who makes this stuff happen.

jznrpg36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

@Phoenixeing it’s his job as the head of the division to tell those people I think you are wrong and for success we need to this - that’s literally his job. MS motto is a big problem and Phil going a long with it is also his fault. He’s the one guy who can say something.

Abear2136d ago

Agreed they are the problem.

M$ doesn’t care about the quality of the game, they care about the profitability of the game.

When you work for a Co. like M$ you know this. It’s all about money—not the “art” or what’s healthy in the industry for devs and/or the consumers.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 35d ago
M3talDiamond36d ago

First its Gen Z now its capitalism but we can all agree that it definitely isn't Phil

JackBNimble36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

If it wasn't for capitalism there would be no xbox or Microsoft for that matter. But as the head of xbox division it is his responsibility no matter good or bad .... that's what it means to be the boss. If that's to much for him, then he needs to resign.

-Foxtrot36d ago

Kind of funny because when it comes to capitalism Microsoft is one of those great big American companies that just screams it.

They spent billions on Minecraft, Zenimax and Activision yet couldn't afford to save all those jobs they cut. With the money they make within a year they could have, someway.

PhillyDonJawn36d ago ShowReplies(3)
FinalFantasyFanatic36d ago

They've been swallowing up a lot of AI companies too and spending big on that area.

S2Killinit36d ago

If MS gets into AI they will cause the end of humanity the way they are causing the end of console gaming.

FinalFantasyFanatic35d ago


It's between Microsoft and Google, the chances are one of those two will take the AI crown considering the amount of cash they're throwing at that sector. I suppose Microsoft might be the worst out of the two, but Google hasn't been exactly great compared to the old days when they threw around their old adage of "do no evil".

Silly Mammo36d ago

MS is making millions of dollars annually with the Xbox brand. Unfortunately, they're spending billions on acquisitions too

8bitAssassin36d ago

Game Pass games are not free.

Christopher36d ago

He also blames his bank account balance on capitalism.

PhillyDonJawn35d ago

I don't think it work like that. MS is the parent company. The branch has its own budget to maintain.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 35d ago
thorstein36d ago

Making millions, taking million dollar salaries and bonuses but it's the dev in the chair that's preventing profit?

Yeah okay, Phil.

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