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PC and Nintendo platforms suck. Are the next gen consoles weak?

Ha, got you with that title didn't I? No, I don't think PC gaming sucks. For a while, before I got my PS3 in 2011, I did play on Steam a lot. But now... you'll find out.

I also love Nintendo. I really do. I just thought it'd be fun to test a trap title. :p

The real topic of this blog is the idea that the next gen consoles are too weak to be called 'next gen'. I've seen PC fanatics all over the web, saying that consoles are now irrelevant and that they're already in the next gen and PC master race FTW... you've seen it.

I could not ignore this. So let's get into why that argument is BS. I'll get to Nintendo guys later.

A lot of these PC only gamers have the idea that this gen is gonna last 10 years. I think there's a misconception. I think what Sony and MS meant by 10 years was that that's how long they're gonna produce the consoles for, at the least. Whether or not I'm wrong about that, you can't tell me that next gen is actually going to last for 10 years. That's completely absurd. Have you ever heard of a piece of hardware that hasn't been updated or replaced in a decade? Including PCs? Like really? Also, the XBO is 50% less powerful than the PS4. So really, you guys should be calling the XBO underpowered.

Now to talk about how they're too weak in general. Let me ask you this question. You're really gonna compare a $400 console to a $900+ PC? Because it's very obvious which one is going to win. It's stupid to really compare consoles to PC in the first place as when the console releases, the specs stay the same. With the PC, you can upgrade it anytime you want to. And upgrading the PC is no joke, especially if you're talking about NVidia. If you look at amazon right now a single Asus Geforce GTX Titan costs $1,105.34. Yeah that's right. Over a thousand bucks for a graphics card. That's gonna get you very far my friend. Without a doubt you'll be able to run BF4 at least ultra settings. Some people (not gonna name names but you know who I'm talking about) have said that the next gen consoles should be able to run BF4 on ultra settings at 1080p @60 fps. Lolwut?! Do you know how expensive that would be? Even on ReviewTechUSA's collaboration video with 3KB and that comment section was FULL of PC fanboys. One guy who got the top comment said that they should be able to destroy 1080p. Do you know what that means? He's basically saying that they should be running at 4K resolutions for games. What the hell are you talking about? To run 4K resolutions, you'll need one of the highest end PCs on the market. Do you know how much that costs?
My point is, the main point of consoles is accessibility. One of the main factors in this is a reasonable price. Over a thousand bucks is not reasonable for the average consumer. It's not that they can't afford it, it's just that they would not be willing to spend that much money on for a gaming platform. I also think that on top of that, PC gamers would only criticize consoles more, due to the fact that they would be expensive and they'd have games would be at a higher price too. We all know it.

Now that brings me to Steam. Steam is a good service. Like I said I did use it regularly up until I got the PS3 and this day, I still do, even if rarely. Aside from that, from about 2009-2011 I played on the Wii. So I don't hate the PC in any way shape or form. But ever since I got the PS3, I've just loved consoles even more than I did in the PS 2 era. But back on topic, Steam is the main reason PC gaming is where it is today. But there is a fact that you cannot avoid: Steam is not going to last forever. It isn't going be any time soon, but it's not going to last forever. Fact.
What I do think what will come to a close sooner rather than later (3 years or so) is the system Steam users are used to. I'm talking about the prices to be exact. Game development costs are continuously going up and through the gen, they're gonna get higher. Not to say that game prices are gonna go up, I just think less and less publishers will be willing to sell games for $40 on Steam. The summer sale will still be there, being the main attraction of Steam, with noticeable price drops, but the day to day system is not gonna last that long. Now that's an opinion backed with reason. Not a fact.
But this is a question that I've never seen asked before: If and when Steam goes down, or when games are the same price as console games, what will you do? Go back to consoles? Handhelds? Quit gaming? I really want to know.
You'll still have higher resolutions and textures and all that stuff, but how big will PC gaming be when Steam goes down? Because I don't want to say it was irrelevant, but before Steam the PC was the last place you'd go to play games. Just Saiyan. On top of that, don't go thinking the PC is gonna get every AAA game in the book. And before this whole architecture thing for the consoles came into play, most of you guys were saying that the PC has more support from indies, the only innovative devs left in the industry. Now, you guys are thirsty for that AAA wood. Lol.

As well as the PC fanboys, the Nintards came out and were saying that the PS4 and XBO were irrelevant... Lolwut?! I mean, I plan to get a Wii U soon enough, but let me ask you this. Did the Wii U get as much demand as the PS4 or even the damn XBO? Hell. NO!
Now the tablet controller is innovative, but people have actual tablets. So that's almost irrelevant. Now some people are saying that the Wii U runs games like Bayonetta 2 @ 1080p @ 60 fps. Now that is true but shall we go down the list?
Smash Bros is a fighting game, with graphics slightly above the 360. I think that the whole KI thing for the XBO was just being bad with optimization. Which one do you think is better? Sora, or Double Helix? The people that brought us Smash Bros melee, or the people that brought us Silent Hill Homecoming?
Mario Kart is a racing game, with unrealistic visuals. I personally do prefer a creative art style, but they aren't as demanding as realistic visuals.
Bayonetta 2, is a game with visuals just above PS3 level. Again, not completely realistic art style.

Nintendo fanboys... please listen, Nintendo is struggling with the Wii U. You shouldn't feel threatened though, as Nintendo has a lot of money, so they can survive a lost gen or 2. But you guys just settle for it and act like nothing's wrong and that's why they're slacking. The PS4 is gonna be a great console because of a very hard lesson with the PS3. That's how it is with Nintendo.

Anyway, most of this stuff is just my opinion, so please don't hate me in the comment section too much. And I know there are console fanboys. I made a blog about that too, but that got a lot of flak. That's not to say I won't do it again, I'm just saying. So you don't need to give me a lecture.

Thanks for reading and this blogs recommended music is below.

TwistingWords3886d ago

"The real topic of this blog is the idea that the next gen consoles are too weak to be called 'next gen'. I've seen PC fanatics all over the web, saying that consoles are now irrelevant and that they're already in the next gen and PC master race FTW... you've seen it. "

But there are also idiots who think the PS4 is 50% more powerful than the Xbone.

SilentNegotiator3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

That must have gotten that "silly" idea from all of the professional game developers and Digital Foundry saying so. Silly fanboys. Good thing you know better than the professionals.


TwistingWords3886d ago

With no factual evidence to back their statements up with, no SSTA referencing, no datasheets to stipulate the CPUs propagation delay nor for the RAM, no gate delay references with regards to the CPU and what about contamination delay for the RAM CLK... Oh yeah, it's a software guy coming out with 'facts'.

Sorry all I have to offer is an MSc in Electronics Engineering and 20 odd years experience as a PAL and FPGA designer, but if a programmer said it, then pardon my ignorance.

XboxFun3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

Let's also ignore all the other silly game professionals that said both systems will see minimal differences, or that the whole 50% more power comes from anonymous, unnamed sources or actual sony developers.

Good thing we get to think for ourselves and let the actual games do the talking and so far the X1 is right there with the PS4.

SilentNegotiator3886d ago (Edited 3886d ago )

"or that the whole 50% more power comes from anonymous, unnamed sources or actual sony developers"

Digital Foundry, People Can Fly, Avalanche studios, Gaijin Entertainment, Just Add Water, etc, etc, etc are anonymous sources? Because they all say that Ps4 is significantly more powerful and some of them ALSO said 50%.

"Sorry all I have to offer is an MSc in Electronics Engineering and 20 odd years experience as a PAL and FPGA designer, but if a programmer said it, then pardon my ignorance"

Your ignorance is pardoned, detractor of programmers' knowledge and he who has not gotten a Xbox One or PS4 himself (unlike the people he poorly attempts to discredit).

KwietStorm_BLM3885d ago

You can have all the experience and degrees you want. You have zero experience with either the PS4 or Xbox One. Therefore, you cannot sit here and say those claims are false, not as a fact.

XboxFun3886d ago

Funny how everyone here calls PC fanboys elitist because they always shove their supposed superior hardware/specs on everyone. Constantly talk about their games in 1080p, and how their platform is the best for Indies.

No wait...that's exactly what the sony fanboys on this site do.

How can you sit there and call PC fanboys elitist or the master race when you guys do the exact same thing for Sony and the PS3/PS4?

That is just mind boggling to me. You guys love downing the WiiU/360/X1 but when a PC guy starts talking specs or anything it's "ugh, you're an elitist!" or "No one can afford a $1000 dollar gaming rig". But then when Titanfall or another great X1 console exclusive is on PC then all the sony fans have these great rigs to play it on.

Yes this is your opinion but I see a lot of what you are saying just wrong on so many levels.
"Steam is not going to last forever. It isn't going be any time soon, but it's not going to last forever. Fact."

This statement is too funny. Steam has been around for 10 years, that is just as long as the PS2. And it is still going on strong, how can you even THINK that it won't last forever. Your reasoning behind it is even more ludicrous.

EXVirtual3886d ago

Nothing lasts forever.
My reasoning is for the second thing about steam. Not that it'll go away for that reason.

I really don't think that xbox fans are completely clean. You guys were getting all excited when the dGPU rumor came up.

Like I said in the blog, it's not that the average consumer can't afford it, it's because they're not willing to throw that much money into a gaming platform. Simple as. I personally don't care about Titanfall, but I think that you're right about some Sony guys apparently having rigs. That being said, do you really think EA is going to make a game for one console? Especially when the other on is going to sell a significantly larger number?

ZHZ903885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

With all do respect.
"That is just mind boggling to me. You guys love downing the WiiU/360/X1"

Not all people from PS side love to downgrade WiiU/360/X1, you right some do like to do it but others(That is alot) like just to express reasons for getting PS3/4 over WiiU/360/X1.
So as well some people from Xbox side love to downgrade PS conosles and WiiU but others(that is alot) just like to express their reasons for getting Xbox console over PS console and WiiU.

"but when a PC guy starts talking specs or anything it's "ugh, you're an elitist!" or "No one can afford a $1000 dollar gaming rig".

But there some PC gamers still like to show off(So as well some PS gamers and some Xbox gamers as well do)

"But then when Titanfall or another great X1 console exclusive is on PC then all the sony fans have these great rigs to play it on."

Question to you, XboxFun, don't you also want you to have Agent(Rockstar game)(And Sony funded LA Nore and then they didn't minded that game be multiplat so Rockstar will have to give Sony a favor, Versus XIII aka FFXV wasn't funded by Sony at all) to be on your X1?
(I have read your comments actually)
It's same thing PS side wants Titanfall(Which isn't funded by MS at all).

(A reply please)

XboxFun3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

I have no problems with anyone who just like to express their reasons for getting whatever console they choose. But there are ways to do this without bashing the other console or making fun of people who do prefer another console.

This is mainly who my comment is directed to. To the EXVirtuel's and such who can't seem to make any comment without bashing another system for no reason.

Some PC gamers show off, but it is no different than what other do as you pointed out. But then if everyone is talking about their machine is a beast then why not recognize that PC is without calling them elitists?

Again this is only directed to the folks I mentioned above.

And who says Rockstar owes Sony anything. Rumor is Sony pulled funding when Team Bondi couldn't meet deadlines. Perhaps they repaid what Sony put in and now owe them nothing.

If this is the case then that means Agent can be a multiplat game.

Out of bubbles, I'll have to PM you if I reply next.

dark-hollow3885d ago (Edited 3885d ago )

"Nothing last forever"

Same applies to consoles.

And about The "elitist" attitude, just look at any DF ps3 vs 360 comparison of multiplats. People nitpicking over the tiniest of the details, and the fact that the majority of the hottest news on this site is about graphics this, graphics that. Huma, gpgpu, ddr3 and gddr5, and the rest of the technical terms that am sure %90 of commenters have no knowledge about. So don't get mad when pc gamers state the obvious, and brag about their rigs capabilities.

Software_Lover3885d ago

That is what I was thinking. Everyday we here about which is better. 1080p vs 900p :). 60fps vs 30fps. We have more grass. Your version has texture pop in. Our version is on one disc. Your version is blurry. Our version is brighter.

It gets ridiculous. Granted, I actually think its just the same people going back and forth with different accounts.

s45gr323884d ago

Yes that is true and really they don't want to talk about the loss of free unlockables, cheat codes, the rarity of map editors on consoles (almost every xbox/ps2 shooter, x sport like snowboarding, etc had a map editor), the lack of mini games. All of this has become DLC ugh.

duducus3885d ago

One game you didn't mention for Wii U was Monolith Soft's "X" What do you think about that graphically?... Because I have no idea about the graphical department... I just play the games that I think are fun... lol

GamingTruth3885d ago

the point is why do pc nerds even show up to many forums and posts and videos in comment sections, that have nothing to do with pc at all all their crap talk about gta5 and ignorance over how its the 'definitive version' of which no one knows if it exists if pc is trully this super mega superior platform to consoles then the platform should be able to speak for itself not having you all try to force it on us like a brainwashing which we must not obviously believe or see as pc having 'better graphics' i certainly dont

Bladesfist3885d ago

You can't see why an upgradeable platform outputs better visuals than a static one?

GamingTruth3885d ago

multiplats yes, and only cause the developers purposely make the pc versions look better

Pandamobile3885d ago

GamingTruth is probably one of the most misinformed and ridiculous posters on this website. You will be wise to ignore anything he says.

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