
Devs say one console is more powerful

Adrian C. (Former People Can Fly) Claims His Dev Friends Claim 50% XB1/PS4 Speed Diff

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pyramidshead3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

uh oh lol :X

Also just seen this, and had to add, made me chuckle :P

-Foxtrot3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

You know it's like a pattern with the two consoles since they were both revealed

Xbox One negative news
PS4 positive news
...and so on


Xbox One positive news
PS4 SUPER DUPER positive news that crushes/debunks Xbox news

It's hard to take a company like Microsoft seriously when they speak out about the Xbox One because as the news tells us now it's not looking good. Hell since Kinect was revealed all we have gotten from MS are lies after lies, promises that are never fulfilled or stuff which they try and cover up.

Honestly I just don't see how a gamer can stick by MS blindly and defend them when it's just an on going downward slope. I mean one or two things I understand but after everything thats happened it just makes them kind of people look stupid. Instead we get the whole "YOUR ALL FANBOYS" when really the majority of us are just normal people who have common sense and support/praise the company which are doing good...like you would with pretty much anyone

Hydrolex3898d ago

This has been said 1000 times before.... simple as sex, ps4 is stronger

Maddens Raiders3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

No Forced Camera
No DRM under patched lock and key.
Less Money
More 1st Party Studios
More Pre-Orders
More Powerful

I would say Greatness Awaits, but now that is almost like telling someone, Geico can save you 15% on car insurance.

shoddy3898d ago

Powa of teh cloud
ten billion transister
300000 server
% 10 cpu boost.
made by rocket scientists

the winner is............still the ps4

Narutone663898d ago

So Major Nelson was telling the truth that XB1 is not 30% slower than the PS4. It's 50% slower.

Enemy3898d ago

We've known this the whole time. With PS4's superior GDDR5 RAM and GPU combined, how is this not to be expected? The problem is that Xbox fanboys are very hopeful that Major Nelson, a Microsoft spokesperson, is going to be honest. Every claim that we've heard about PS4 being more powerful has come from developers that Sony doesn't even own.

ProjectVulcan3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

Yes we have known it. For ages. And tried to tell people that denied it or didn't believe it. Microsoft's damage control has been in effect.

Its not a secret. But this guy is another legit source and just opened that can of worms big time. 2

Dat can....

aCasualGamer3898d ago

A dev just confirmed what we all knew, that Microsoft is selling an inferior console for 100$ more than a superior PS4.

I don't think we'll be able to tell now, but down the line when second year titles come out for PS4 and Xbox One, it's gonna get real obvious who has the 50% speed advantage.

LOL_WUT3898d ago

Shots fired BANG BANG! ;)

MysticStrummer3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

I wonder if Major Nelson is still looking forward to the truth coming out...?

@JohnnyBadfinger - If it was all about dev time, would he have talked about maxing out the consoles or gimping a particular version in the name of parity? I don't think so.

JohnnyBadfinger3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

He (Adrian) goes on to explain its only interms of developing time... Which makes sense as the layout of the ps4 is straight forward no fancy loops to jump through like the x1. But he stated the overall performance is the same.
He claimed nothing about the console being 50% more powerful in performance only development time. Which is a no brainer. X1 has made the same mistake as the ps3 and they have tried to get all fancy and just made things too difficult. The curse of the 3rd I guess

He never said one version would be gimped just that the x1 would take more time to develop for compared to the ps4... But yes he did say if it were you'd never know about it. And it's in the link don't just disagree because it doesn't suit your agenda

MysticStrummer3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

Calm down John Boy. I read the link and I didn't hit disagree. He didn't use the word "gimp", he used the word "cripple", and of course you wouldn't know if they went for parity. Come on man...

tuglu_pati3898d ago

This put to rest the dGPU rumors. The proof is right there. If you want graphics PS4 is the best bet, that or a high end pc

Destrania3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

So not only is PS4 50% more powerful, but it's also the easier to develop for platform. Playstation domination is back baby!

@ JohnnyBadfinger

He clearly stated 50% more powerful, not 50% faster development time (even though it will obviously be faster to develop for PS4 over X1 as well) lol. I can't believe you misinterpreted that or maybe you're just being ignorant.

Ritsujun3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

Like I said, Xbosh and Mehjurr Pelsuhn need to try harder.

Poor JohnnieB.

Kryptix3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )


I did read the post you're talking about but I'm going to clarify it for everyone.


He does say in his clarification that development time is 50% faster on the PS4 but in his Twitter post he also states that the PS4 is more powerful spec wise.


By how much? That isn't cleared yet. The way it's stated is that the PS4 is more powerful so it gets developed on first then the platform with the weaker hardware gets worked on second to match the more powerful hardware graphically with optimizations.

"...they take extra time for super-extra optimizations on the weaker hardware to make sure things look the same as on the more powerful platform." -Adrian

The one with the weaker hardware, Xbox One, needs to be optimized to match the PS4 graphic wise. Rememeber, Adrian already stated that the PS4 is the more powerful console so development time is much faster. Basically stating that for 3rd party games, the PS4 will be the lead platform.

We still don't know by how much percentage is the PS4 more powerful but this does confirm that the PS4 is not only more powerful than the Xbox One but will be the lead platform for most 3rd party games. Remember how Xbox 360 3rd party games looked better because it was the lead console most of the time? Well, it's changed up now, the PS4 will look better and have better frame rates because the way it works...once the weaker console looks playable, the powerful console does get extra optimizations at the end depending on the extra time given. And this time, there's no complexity involved with development.



"And yet no exclusive on X360 looks like The Last of Us. Halo 4 looks great. Gears blew my mind in 2006. And still, the best looking AAA game of this generation belongs to the supposedly weaker platform." -Adrian

During that time, the weaker platform was considered the one with the more complex and difficult to develop hardware. Even with the PS3's Cell being more powerful, developers have stated that the tools to work with on the PS3 were weak and difficult to use. It took time to workaround the flaws, but as stated from both sides with the PS4 and Xbox One...Sony and Microsoft are working on making both consoles easy to develop for. But this whole article does confirm that the PS4 has better tools to work with or the console is just a beast so all the focus is on it.

It's different now. Weakness is now mostly measured with how powerful the graphics and RAM is, and the PS4 is showing that it's winning on the hardware side.

3898d ago
xHeavYx3898d ago

Guys, I'm worried.I haven't seen Jokes, Negative and many others.
OT. Nothing we didn't know before, otherwise MS wouldn't have made all those " power of the cloud" statements to cover their less powerful console

UltimateMaster3898d ago

He isn't the first developer to say this.
Epic Games themselves say it's better on PS4.

scott1823898d ago

It doesn't matter at all to me as long as sony has those great devs.

thechosenone3898d ago

By the way if you have a min please go upvote this it's getting downvoted to hell by all the xbox fanboys over there. Thnx!

Hello_World3898d ago Show
mistertwoturbo3898d ago

I don't understand why its even a debate to begin with. The hardware specs alone already told the full story.

The_Con-Sept3898d ago

The amount of steam behind the PS4 has generated a small cloud above Xbox headquarters..... It is only a matter of time before the Xbox one suddenly gets plastered on every Starbucks cup, burger king bag, google searches that are unrelated, YouTube commercial, and MSNBC's top story on the Xbox one... Without a good tag line because all in one input one just leaves you wondering how one hdmi input is enough when most TVs have 2-3 installed standard.

DragonKnight3898d ago

How many times does this need to be said before it will be put to rest? Sony doesn't even have to try to say it anymore, it's been said that much.

pixelsword3898d ago


The power of the cloud was actually the ability to hide facts behind techno-jargon?

That "cloud" is actually a smoke-screen.

P0werVR3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

I believe that's the problem with most of you.

No body ever contested the speed difference, except some fanboys...

The true argument was, would it make any difference that it would lead PS4 to be better between either console?! NO!

As he had further stated it, without damage control even still sticking to his claim of what he heard.

You guys are now piss celebrating all over each other without anything relevant to state that has already been stated.

So clean yourselves off, because it hasn't even started yet. Outside of this contested sweaty smog hole of a site filled with insecure "little men", it's a long run!

Mark this post, PS4 is not going to do so good after launch.

Hit me up when I told you so!


It's simple...the hasn't started yet!

My gosh you guys are thick in the head.

MazzingerZ3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

I don't trust devs when it comes to talking positive about PS4 when comparing against the X1

I trust more MSFT reps, Major Nelson regarding positive comments about X1 not for nothing all that flow of positive news about X1 comes from MSFT itself:S

Now leaving behind sarcarsm, the PS4 is more powerful, that's a fact and not just a little but also faster to develop for, PS2 devs times which means more cost effectiv dev times that can reflect in some small devs developing only for PS4 and some other releasing first on PS4 and X1 later when done

Those dev times was part of the success of PS2, many crap games indeed but also amazing gems!

ZHZ903898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

I knew Nelson and people with him won't help.

Anyways always PS4 is awesome. ;)

Can't wait to check comments from Xbox fanboys' response.

But da cloud, directx and 300,000 dedicated server. xD

ForeAllEternity3898d ago

Even if PS4 is inevitably the more powerful console, didn't MS ask for identical performance for multi-plat titles previously? I don't want MS to go away completely but they need to focus more on their products rather than forcing restrictions on developers just to "level" the playing field. Until then I refuse to support them as a gamer.

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 3898d ago
OlgerO3898d ago

Bu Bu But .... infinite power of the cloudz!

sAVAge_bEaST3898d ago

wow,, I was going to write the exact same thing, with the bu,bu,but... good thing I read comments first.- great minds/

The clowdz, were supposed to make up for this power difference, until they realized, it couldn't.

OlgerO3898d ago

By the way this article is doubting that he meant that the PS4 is more powerfull, but it is. His second tweet actually says this : Its PS4 that is more powerfull

Angeljuice3898d ago

Best quote from the comments on the article;

" No surprise at all. When you have the second coming of Christ as your systems architect you know you got something good going."

TomShoe3898d ago

Sony just keeps winning. and winning. and winning. and winning.

first1NFANTRY3898d ago

even charlie sheen couldn't win this much lol

pwnsause_returns3898d ago

Ps4, Charlie sheen plays on it..cause it's only for the winnars...

AceBlazer133898d ago

That's the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Quicktopick3898d ago

U can't handle the truth!!!

BG115793898d ago

The truth is out there...

imdaboss13898d ago

m$ just need to shut up..whenever they speak it always turn negative..because they lie like the devil

Kratos_19863898d ago

and can you believe there are MS fanboyz in this world ?

thechosenone3898d ago

they've been like that since the beginning all the way back to Steve/Apple it's not going to stop now.

cell9893898d ago

Major Nelson said he couldn't wait for the truth to come out, now that it's here, what happens next?

majiebeast3898d ago

Well this article is gonna blow up like the fourth of july. Im ready let the show begin!

Thatguy-3103898d ago

Funny thing is people will still try to prove otherwise. Even though Professional Devs have stated this already.

Xsilver3898d ago

because apparently the xbox fans know more than devs smh.

JunioRS1013898d ago

Translated into English, I believe what he said was...

"Shit just hit the fan."

3898d ago Replies(5)
Evilsnuggle3898d ago

But Major Nelson said.....


kickerz3898d ago

Interesting. Well someone is lying or have there facts wrong. Major Nelson or this dev.

stuna13898d ago

Notice how the more deluded ones have suddenly disappeared! You know who you are! Or maybe maybe they're still here, but just using the Cloak of invisibility spells.

This news has been the norm from the beginning, even to the point of retraction! When something is being compared to something else is retracted, it's usually some truth to it! Either because one party doesn't want the other party to get wind of it, Or....... One party is trying to hide information that could be potentially damaging to them!

Many would like to believe Microsoft really has some secret weapon, and they may have something that we haven't heard of yet, but I doubt it's anything to turn the tide of the battle in their favor! The best they can hope for IMO is a stalemate. The 3 os function was their ace in the hole if you ask me, but it has been seriously crippled with the always online feature.

Sony has a score to settle with Microsoft, after the loss of so many markers shares to Microsoft, which is probably one of many reasons why Sony is pushing on all fronts! This gen and next gen are pretty evenly matched as far as support on Sony part, even the Vita is showing signs of rebirth, with Sony showing not only saying it will have a integral role with supporting the PS4.

All I can say is Sony is firing on all cylinder right now, and it would be unwise to underestimate them.

SonyPS3603898d ago

Ugh, the fanboyism. I almost feel sick. You guys will believe anything you're told.

nosferatuzodd3898d ago (Edited 3897d ago )

Stuna1 bubbles up man you hit the nail on the head i was saying the same thing where are all the xbox fanboys lol
the facts are the facts bro believe it or not that's not going to change it

Olympus3898d ago

Xbox One getting a discreet GPU and it will be announced at the end of September after NDA from AMD as they will announce the new Volcanic Islands architecture which Xbox dGPU is based off.


DragonKnight3898d ago

That's a B.S. rumour. It isn't true. As if Microsoft would hide that after being blasted in PR this much about the power of their console.

Olympus3898d ago Show
PS4isKing_823898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

@Olympus Keep dreaming.

Angeljuice3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

Why would they hide the dGPU from the devs making games for their system?

MasterCornholio3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

Thats what all XBOX One fans are hoping for.

But heres the truth, the XBOX One doesnt have a dual GPU configuration.

Stop spreading false rumors and deal with the truth.


And when it turns out to be false XBOX One fans will rely on the magical cloud to try and prove that the console is on par with the PS4.

Look the XBOX One isnt a bad console but it isnt as powerful as the PS4. Now im not going to make claims that there is a 50% power difference between the two but this developer seems to confirm it.


Well they are using the NDA as an excuse but that wouldnt prevent developers from using it. And if they did use it Dead Rising 3 would be running at 1080P 60FPS instead of sub 1080P at a shaky 30FPS.

DeadlyFire3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

I can see some extra GPU cores tucked into the board silicon off the APU, but not a full discrete GPU with the time limit they have to even market this in 2013. That is just to much of a stretch. Seems more like the part that deals with GPU MMU host-guest clients. Also in same article as the next link.

An important note to discredit this I believe is that they showcased the Xbox One's SOC at hotchips with only 13.5 Gigapixels a second.

Also PS4 said to be based on 7850. Which has 27.5 Gigapixels a second while running at 1.78 Tflops. Embed it in the PS4 it likely is a little faster. Meaning faster images and more crisp detail. The difference between PS3/X360 was marginal with both having GPUs roughly with 4.4 Gigapixels/s so they both appeared about the same. PSVita has GPU with 4.0 Gigapixels/s. Its quite a difference this time around. :)

PrimeGrime3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

Omg.... No.

AMD APU Wiki read it.


"The third-generation Kaveri for high performance devices is expected in late 2013, while Kabini and Temash for low-power devices were announced in summer 2013. Semi-custom APUs based on the technology in the third-generation low-power APUs can be found in the Sony PlayStation 4 and the Microsoft Xbox One eighth generation video game consoles."

That means these are Kabini and Temash semi- custom APU's but they are based off the new technology found in the third generation Kaveri APU planned to released later on for PC's. The only difference is they still use Jaguar cores, while Kaveri uses Steamroller cores.

Have had to post this so many times already its sickening.

You drones and your stupid rumors already.. Seriously what sense would that make, they just over clocked the APU. Now you guys seriously believe that they will change the entire APU in September, two months before the Xbox One is supposed to release in November?

You know how ridiculous that sounds? I thought I had seen it all when it came to people being delusional but holy fuck that just took the cake..

PrimeGrime3897d ago (Edited 3897d ago )

To prove it even further because so many of you keep talking about this its sad.. Microsoft has released images of the finished Xbox One, way before these rumors came around.

You aren't going to find any secret GPU there. All you will see is exactly what I told you is there.

The custom AMD APU.


Notice the Xbox One only has one huge fan which covers the APU. If there were a another graphics chip, they would need another fan or another heat sink for it.

Obviously like I said they aren't going to change the APU this late either. That is even more ridiculous to think.

When developers wouldn't have been able to even use it, test it or anything. If that was the case, it would have been in the dev kits. You don't add components later after the development process and after you have started production.

Come on people use your freaking brains.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3897d ago
Magicite3898d ago

Made me actually laugh, bring the heavy Kaz Gif artillery!

PS4isKing_823898d ago

Confirmed. Sony wins next gen by a landslide.

3898d ago Replies(1)
RobbyGrob3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

This is fantastic news for Sony and terrible news for Microsoft, if true. Most of you seem to be missing two very big and important points here:


If it's true that developers can spend 25% less time finishing their games for the PS4 (50% increase in speed = 25% decrease in time), they could either spend that extra time further optimizing and bug-fixing their games, or more realistically; start working on new projects much sooner and thus save a lot of money.

This would make the PS4 a goldmine, in every sense of the word:

- Devs can spend 25% less time and money on finishing up a game, thus..

- ..make money from their next project sooner, and..

- ..sell their games at a lower price and still make more money than they would developing for the XB1.

- Sony will sell even more consoles since more games (and even more so more *exclusive* games) most likely will be created for it than for the XB1 since it makes no sense to choose a technically weaker platform that it also takes 25% longer to finish your project on and that costs 25% more to develop for.

- Gamers will have way more games to play, most likely including a lot more *exclusives* than we previously imagined, and..

- ..could potentially enjoy even more games being added to PS+ than otherwise since a *lot* more indie developers are going to turn to the PS4 over the XB1 since funding is the most important factor to them.


Larry Hyrb stated that Microsoft has some of the greatest software engineers in the world and bragged about how they created DirectX. This is the same as saying that performance is up to the work of the developer. This is true.

However, if a company like Naughty Dog can manage to spend only a few years to learn to optimize their games for the incredibly complex Cell architecture of the PS3, they sure as hell will be able to squeeze out every drop of performance out of the X86 architecture of the PS4 with ease. And since the PS4 hardware already is vastly superior to that of the XB1, that does indeed mean that at least the exclusives have an immensely higher potential in the areas of performance and graphics quality.

Microsoft may be the founders of the standard for 3D graphics today, but that doesn't mean that other developers won't be able to meet or even surpass their knowledge is optimizing it.

thetruth223897d ago

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+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3897d ago
Kingthrash3603898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

popcorn ready......watching for fanboy war in 3.....2....1....O.O
who should i belive? major nelson a MS employee or 3rd party devs a neutral source?...

question answers itself i guess....ps4 preorder looks better every day.

theWB273898d ago



CD Projekt Red

Of course, the Xbox One isn’t to be counted out. We asked Guay how the Xbox One version of Watch_Dogs would be different compared to the PC and PS4 versions of the game, to which he replied that, “The Xbox One is a powerful platform, as of now we do not foresee a major difference in on screen result between the PS4 and the Xbox One. Obviously since we are still working on pushing the game on these new consoles, we are still doing R&D.

Call me crazy...

-Foxtrot3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

Why would any of those active developers/companies say one of the versions of the games they are bringing out for next gen is less powerfull then the other version...that would cost them sales at the end of the day. The truth would just get them lower sales on that version, the main objective for them as a business is too sell as many as possible on all the platforms they are developing for so I doubt they would just come out and say "Yeah this version of the game we are making is not as good as this version"

Plus all those people you've linked us to have big games coming up...like triple A games

Kojima - MGSV

Carmack - Doom 4 (After the reception/sales of RAGE he needs this)

CD Projekt Red - Witcher 3

Ubisoft - AC4, WatchDogs, The Division...hell a lot of games most likely coming up

Kingthrash3603898d ago

i dont know if you agree or disagree with my comment...but all the links basically say the ps4 is stronger......i dont care whos stronger tho...i just wanna see fany boys go at it....its toooooo funny...to see the bosting , the denial, the wishful thinking, the comparison of games none of them has played...ect,ect.....i hate it but its the way new console arrivals are ....***bing***....ok popcorn is ready article is approved!

Enemy3898d ago

Multiplatform developers that get paid to be neutral. Good job with your argument, WB.

AceBlazer133898d ago

As major Nelson said,only a matter of time till the truth comes to light,and you guys see the Xbox one is weak.

MRMagoo1233898d ago

You claim to be neutral in all this console war crap theWB27 but you seem to be defending MS in every comment you ever make and then pretned you are trying to keep balance or some other crap, the ps4 is more powerful the devs say so, even MS themselves say that the ps4 is more powerful but they think they have the edge on software, just stfu and get over it, its done and dusted the ps4 has the better hardware and its 100% fu@king fact now.

Clarence3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

Your crazy and not smart. All of these developers work for both companies. They want to keep the money train coming in. They will not offend either company by stating which console is more powerful. (PS4)

This just like the statement AMD made about which console had the advantage.(PS4) They retracted the statement because they want to continue getting M$ business.

Now you won't see a difference in multiplates because they don't want upset a certain company (M$)

Hicken3898d ago

Okay. You're crazy.

1st link: Kojima himself says NOTHING about the power. It's implied from the article, but not actually said.

2nd link: Carmack doesn't say anything about power, again. And he even admitted he hadn't done any "rigorous benchmarking."

3rd link: Pretty irrelevant, given it says nothing about power differences between the consoles.

4th link: Again, NOTHING is said about the difference in the power of the two consoles. And that they say the XB1 will be similar to the PS4 version is probably due more to the engine being scalable than anything else.

A bunch of links that didn't prove ANYTHING. Good job!

VaporCell3898d ago

Stop wasting your time trying to defend the xbone. It's outrageously funny how you guys deny factual GPU-Teraflop difference between both. Obviously as the guy said; the ps4 is stronger !

Xsilver3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

he mentions watch dog and AC devs but to this day i haven't seen those games running on the xone so please explain that shit, ubisoft has been praising the ps4 left and right.
WB you are a die hard xbot just admit it than calling yourself neutral, u write paragraphs defending the xone so who are you fooling what do u want Microsoft to come on stage and say their console isn't stronger because that's not gonna happen they don't need you to defend them left and right like you made the console.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3898d ago
theWB273898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

3RD party would lose sells if they say one machine is more powerful.
1st party devs are biased to their own platform.
I guess those philosophies cancel each other out and makes this whole thing irrelevant.

The reason I linked those big games is because they wouldn't lose sells based off of that sentiment. Kojima especially.

Just offering a counter argument....one dev says this and another says that. All in all....they don't imply the PS4 is 30,40,50% more powerful....that's far from minimal.

Again...complain about 3rd party devs being paid and neutral...but 1st party would of course be biased and can be less trusted since they have absolutely no access to the other machine at this point.

I claim to be neutral because when it comes down to it, I support both with money. I will eventually buy a PS4. Couldn't care less how I come off in a forum. This back and forth doesn't sway how I game in real life.

-Foxtrot3898d ago

"3RD party would lose sells if they say one machine is more powerful."

But those links you provided are all third party companies, so they would loose sales if they spoke about how one version of a game they've made is inferior to another.

Besides the guy speaking here is from People Can Fly who's owners are Epic Games, the company responsible for Gears of War an Xbox 360 exclusive. They've done nothing but praise MS over the years, hell the last game People Can Fly made was Gears of War Judgement. Both companies have given MS a lot of support over the years.

Enemy3898d ago

Those 50% claims haven't come from 1st party developers though.

OrangePowerz3898d ago

As a big company that would develop for both consoles you would never ever go out and say one is stronger because you would just piss off one of the companies that could mean loosing out on possible deals in the future. Just look at Gabe, as long as Valve had only 360 games he was saying that the PS3 architecture isn`t good, but once they made games for both platforms they where both good consoles. If Ubisoft says that one is stronger you can be sure that either Sony or MS would send them a friendly mail and ask them what the hell is going on that they make those statements in public.

theWB273898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

"Those 50% claims haven't come from 1st party developers though."

"Multiplatform developers that get paid to be neutral. Good job with your argument, WB."

Both are from quotes from you.

So I don't get it....when they say it's a big difference then it's a fact but when it's stated by other devs it's minimal it's because they can't strain the relationship between Sony and Micro.

Basically it's this...if it's a big enough difference stated by some 3rd party devs and Sony to enable chest thumping then it's golden, bulletproof info. Cannot be refuted and deal with it.

When it's stated it isn't much of a difference at all by other devs and Micro then it's damage control and wrong....face it it's inferior etc etc.

Ok....got it.

Enemy3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

This guy doesn't work for Sony, WB. In fact, go ahead and find one link where a 1st party Sony developer claims 50% advantage favoring PS4. All the claims have come strictly from hardware comparisons. Everything is right there, written, on paper. It's evidence.

If Microsoft wasn't worried, why would they suddenly feel the need to clock up CPU/GPU? Unfortunately, it's too late to match PS4's specs. Microsoft underestimated Sony's plan and it backfired. This'll teach'em not to next time. The end.

Tooly3898d ago

Most of them are under nda so they didn even explain much becuz they cant

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3898d ago
Eddie201013898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

This is the umteenth time a dev has said that the PS4 is 30% to 50% better, and he also refers to other devs saying the same thing. Are they missguided Sony fanboys, I don't think so.

Look at The xbots trolling his twitter, he is a dev I would think he knows what he is talking about.

MRMagoo1233898d ago

Hey i can bet you any money Jokesonyou, edonus and the other MS shills like the one above will say the world has been taken over by sony fanboys and its all lies, its almost as bad as that conspiracy with the lizard ppl that have supposedly taken over the worlds higher ups lol. I dont know why they all dont just admit the 100% fact that the ps4 is the better hardware and just get on with their lives instead of spinning BS all the time.

DigitalRaptor3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

Oh god, edonus will pretend he's this super intelligent consumer who's superior to everyone else and immediately show his complete bias and inner fanboy for all to see with phrases like "the internet is broken" or "people have been poisoned against..." or "PS3.5" - Senseless excuses pretty much - whatever these guys can do to ignore fact, and act as though the root of gaming's problems and progression is sourced from the hands of "Sony fanboys on the internet", they'll do and they'll say it.

I'll bet you these guys will call out conspiracy in the media when PS4 games get good reviews and XB1 games get bad ones. I'll bet you they'll call conspiracy when more devs come out and prove the PS4's technical superiority.

The delusion is in place, that to them Sony cannot have a much more powerful system. It's honestly, too much for them to handle after they tried so hard like champions to prove that the 360 was more powerful than the PS3 due to "multiplats", that they aren't letting this one go. But they will... eventually.

The spin of denial is already in motion up there with our good fanboy friend, theWB27.

ABeastNamedTariq3898d ago (Edited 3898d ago )

It's the PS4, we got it already, lol. (No dGPU for XB1 guys. Unless it's so hidden that devs can't even find it, haha. It'd be nice though. But that right there just put that silly rumor down.) Got my popcorn and M&Ms. Lets see what you guys have to say.

OrangePowerz3898d ago

The dual GPU was unrealistic from the point when MS revealed the price because the console would be more expensive with an APU that contains dual GPU.

SniperControl3898d ago

Finally! I have been saying this since the DGPU rumor broke, if the X1 had a duel GPU, there is no way it would cost £430, you are looking around £550 - £600 mark.

Also, I would have thought that a DGPU would have more teraflops than 1.31 that MS has stated in all there tech announcements.

If the X1 had a significant power advantage compared to PS4, dont you think MS would be glouting and shouting more about it.

Tooly3898d ago

uh oh well well well Ummmm

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XiNatsuDragnel18h ago

Jeez how many more studios need to close to do this.

shinoff218317h ago(Edited 17h ago)

Yay cod.

I cannot fathom why people give a fk about cod(Xbox, ps, and PC players). Sure acti has others games but they haven't been the same in so many years.

When asked about Xbox games going to other platforms. She absolutely sidestepped and avoided answering the actual question.

Jeez just tell the base already