
The game The Wonderful 101 was originally supposed to be was shelved for a hilarious reason [S/C]

Information has been trickling out for a long while about The Wonderful 101, most recently the fact that the title was originally meant to be a Nintendo All-Stars game.

At Hideki Kamiya‘s PAX Prime panel, the man himself elaborated a bit on the origins of Platinum Games’ latest and why it’s only seeing life on the Wii U now after having been shelved for a long while.

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ChickeyCantor3904d ago

Would have been interesting to see how it would have ended if they did use Nintendo characters. Would have been better than New Super mario 3D wii U.

3-4-53904d ago

They denied it because it's a BAD idea.

He could have created individual memorable characters, but chose to minimize their uniqueness buy mushing them all together in a fist, or sword .

Why couldn't one guy be the sword guy, who you control individually ?

Why couldn't another guy be the Fist hero, that you control individually.

Then multiplayer would actually be functional and not 100 random color dots moving around.

I've never seen a game throw so much potential straight down the toilet.

O wait I have, it's called Project X Zone.

ChickeyCantor3904d ago

Don't really see how it would have been a bad idea, for all we know that if they took the mario cast the game would be a good co-up game where you have to solve different puzzles together.

AWBrawler3903d ago

but the ladder thing is pointless for mario characters. Luigi jumps pretty damn high. as for the fist, Mario can grow to a giant and do that. Sword: Link or FE characters. Fat guy would be Snorlax. guns? Samus. so it didn't make sense to unite morph Nintendo characters.


Interview: Platinum explains why The Wonderful One needed to go solo | VGC

Vice president Hideki Kamiya, director Yosuke Matsumura and producer Yuji Nakao discuss the standalone release.

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The Wonderful 101: Remastered PC Review | NoobFeed

Adam from NoobFeed says, "The Wonderful 101: Remastered is a creative adventure full of amazing boss fights and dynamic events. The boss fights are thrilling cinematic encounters that test your skills in a multitude of ways and the game constantly changes in such a vibrant way that it's hard to predict what will happen next".

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The Wonderful 101 remaster is welcome - but console performance disappoints

Only PC and PS4 Pro can deliver a sustained 60fps.

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