
PS4 Has 2000 Friend Limit

A new Playstation Q&A Video has confirmed that Party Chat will be on the PS4 without PS Plus. The friends list was also confirmed to hold 2000 friends.

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iamnsuperman3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

2,000 is a lot (way more than I need) but I am unsure why friends lists are capped in the first place.

Hatsune-Miku3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

ps4 is the best gaming platform, full stop.

the order 1886 looks amazing and more compelling than anything on the other inferior consoles. i can already see the praises since its being made by a highly skilled dev team. imagine what naughty dog is working on for ps4?

it seems silly to me to even consider getting inferior so called next gen consoles for more money when we know that ps4 will have the better games in high quantity.

if you are a gamer that cares about quality titles and quality exclusives with amazing hardware then playstation is it. it has been the best every generation since ps1.

a lot of FUD was spread about the ps3 but sonys message has stayed the same to make the best games possible for core gamers. look at the whole generation of the ps3 and you see other consoles with mass hardware issues and lack of quality exclusives but the extremists will tell you they had cross game chat. on playstation 3 people had a alot of quality exclusives that are highly praised and highly rated. even though ps4 is being released in about 3-4 months the ps3 has a lot of quality exclusives still planned for release and has had a lot released already in the year. its not so on the competitions console which hasnt seen a quality exclusive title for over a year and hasnt had a highly praised title for over 6 years.

ps4 first day

NewMonday3942d ago

along with making PSN a standard internet app available on PC's and Mobile devices, this will be my go to social network.

wish they would make an unlimited "follow" feature.

bumnut3942d ago

How can PS4 be the best if it hasn't released yet?

pedrof933942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

Have you seen any gameplay ? Full stop.

I really want to see some. I can't get excited just because of a fancy trailer. I read somewhere that it was a TPS ? Will it have a cover base system like Gears of War ?

But I'm getting a PS4 at launch anyway.

justastranger103942d ago

Xbox One has Unlimited friends, 300,000 servers, Azure Cloud Platform. Would rather have that to be honest.

iamnsuperman3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )


Just as you brought it up at least get the information right. It is a maximum of 1,000


joe903942d ago

"the order 1886 looks amazing and more compelling than anything on the other inferior consoles"

YEH suuuuure, Never seen a FPS set in the past with futuristic weapons 'Cough' Resistance 'Cough'

Ezz20133942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

"""Xbox One has Unlimited friends"""

did you even bother reading the news ?!
"Sony's new console will allow players to have 2,000 virtual friends, while Microsoft will support 1,000; PS4 party chat confirmed"

and party chat in ps4 won't need PS+ unlike Xbox where you need Live Gold membership to use it

like i said xbox fanboys keep post wrong info and try way to hard to feel better for paying 100$ more for a weaker console
and also post BS like Xbox have more Features when both have almost the same thing
xbox have the cloud
ps4 have Gaiki
Xbox have party Chat that you have to pay to use it
Ps4 have party chat and you won't pay for it
all the TV stuff ps4 have it as well and netflix is free on ps4
also ps+ offer tons of free games

as for games all the talk is subjective
no hard facts which game look better
just opinions and you can't judge console power by launch titles
if that was true then games like TLOU would have not looked on whole other level than ps3 launch titles
you can only judge a console
by it specs only at this time

Sevir3942d ago

@Joe it's a cinematic 3rd person action shooter. Get it right

trafalger3942d ago

2,000 friend limit on the ps4 versus 1,000 on the xbone. that's how petty things are becoming. well the xbone is blacker than black, it's the blackest black possible. beat that!

tokugawa3942d ago

wow my console is better than yours because this and that... now even the size of friends lists are being compared lol.

100 maybe 200 max is all that is needed. anything more is just ridiculous imo.

WeAreLegion3942d ago

@joe90 - Those aren't futuristic weapons. They are steam-powered. (Steam punk)

justastranger103942d ago

Xbox One has unlimited friends. So I don't see how this is impressive.

Kryptix3942d ago


You can party chat on a PS4 without a subscription, that's new info and is better than Xbox Live's party chat which you have to pay. This means you can play free to play games while party chatting, still be able to use online features without paying. Free vs $60 a year, which one is better? And don't give that Xbox Live is better crap, plus you definitely cannot say it this time around now that it's equal except you can party chat on the PS4 for free. ;)

kreate3942d ago

100 friend is not enough especially if u play ps home a lot.

But 2000 friend is over-kill.

But I see some ppl w ridiculous amount of friends on fb, I say why not.

StoutBEER3942d ago

Okay so... you seem to forget that people care about CERTAIN games not just games in general. Halo is my baby and continues to be, it is the reason I got a 360, and it will be the reason I get a ONE. Plain and simple.

This was a reply to Hatsune Miku.

mewhy323942d ago

I won't ever fill up that many friends. But it's nice to know that there's the option.

AngelicIceDiamond3942d ago

Wow 2000 is insane, and here I thought 500 is overkiller. This is a great news.

BTW whats here source on this?

Trenta273942d ago

While I want the PS4, saying its the best before its released is silly.

tokugawa3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

Kryptix... I try not to get into the whats best arguments. 1000 2000 friends is overkill, and stupid to be smug about.

Now free party chat on the other hand is great. No question

ziggurcat3942d ago

@ pedrof93:

there's been plenty of gameplay footage. full stop.

KwietStorm_BLM3942d ago

Were you somehow provoked into that rant or something?

The_Con-Sept3942d ago

Yay! I can finally stop making multiple accounts for all my friends!!! It just means I will only have to make 3!

This totally trumps the friend card for online services.

helghast1023942d ago

How much is Sony paying you?

UnholyLight3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

@Hatrsune-Miku I'm getting a PS4 day one but seriously, get off Sony's reproductive organ cus I gotta say Xbox One has a good lineup as well! I've found Sony's exclusives to just never really live up to the hype I had for them (Resistance, Infamous, GT). Killzone has to be one of the few Playstation games worth buying a PS4 for. Well, that and DriveClub.

JunioRS1013942d ago

Playstation, 4 real gamers.

BLAKHOODe3941d ago

I'm pro-PS4, but other than seeing the trailer at E3, I don't know a thing about The Order 1886. I hope it's an amazing game that absolutely blows my mind, but until I see some gameplay footage, I'm not interested.

But give me Watch_Dogs!

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 3941d ago
LAZL0-Panaflex3942d ago

Can I change my psn Id that's what I want to know

pivotplease3942d ago

Would be a nice feature. Even for a small fee (1 to 2 dollars). I am sick of my stupid name, but don't want to give up those elusive platinums.

carlingtat3942d ago

Thats your own fault for not choosing your psn name wisely.

mxrider21993942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

carling tat somepeople get sick of there name and want a change at the time it was probably an awesome name but as the years pass it gets old
i have had mine for 10+ years on everygame i play but want a change now

pivotplease3942d ago

yeah that's like saying you should never be able to take back any decisions in life you freak lol. I was 16 when I first got my PS3 and now I am 22. I would be lying if I said I have not matured at all and am a completely different person. Especially considering my name is based off of where I got my launch PS3 because it was the very last one in town. It's a nice memory, but we're moving onto a new console and it has been almost a decade. The option to change your name wouldn't be hard to include so I don't see why they wouldn't add it.

Veneno3942d ago

I want to change my name too but from what I've seen there's not enough people expressing interest in making the change.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3942d ago
Goro3942d ago

Well people could add half of PSN, it would be a little hard to find somebody if you had 35 million people in your list

slaton243942d ago

unless they added a feature where you type a persons name in and automatically find that person which would also be neat

sarshelyam3942d ago

Would it really? My PSN friends list is capped at 100 and at its busiest, I might have 1/5 of those friends online at any given time. Many of them are attached for social reasons, the remainder are found through each respective game's invite system (often listed online in the lobby portal when playing the same game).

It also sounds like you'll be able to filter those friends with a number of settings, both privacy-based and otherwise.

I think it remains to be seen, but I've never had an issue navigating the list on the current gens...with exception to XBL. I never understood why my friends list has to be populated by my friends, and the friends THEY are engaged in a party chat with.

T23942d ago

it already annoys me to scroll down through my list of 50 friends, LOL, 2000 ?? probably make me snap.

admiralvic3942d ago

@ Joecanada

I got over 2,000 saves on my PS3 and I can tell you that after about 100 the PS3 will start to lag. xD

PSN_ZeroOnyx3942d ago

You can make folders on your PSN friends list to divide people up for easy sorting

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3942d ago
josephayal3942d ago

Imagine all the pop ups when they all come online

StoutBEER3942d ago

Lol oh god, notifications goin off day one.

DoctorJones3942d ago

Now all I need is 2000 friends.


pixelsword3942d ago

torchic will be getting the Xbone.

Sorry doc,


-Superman-3942d ago

The fact is that Sony owns more exclusive companies who make great games.

Look last 3 year exclusives on Xbox 360, look at PS3 and you see who is winner.
Xbox - Halo, Gears of War and Forza
PS - LittleBigPlanet, Gran Turismo, Killzone, Uncharted, God of War, Infamous, Ratchet & Clank and more and more.

It´s all about games!

truechainz3942d ago

Was that a reply to someone? Cuz the PS4 will be just as awesome without you randomly bringing up the 360

bigfish3942d ago

At the person who claims Xbox One has unlimited friends list,,, why would you even need that many?, also playstation owners are less bligerant and better gamers, if anything, ps4 would be better off with unlimited friends, but its a pointless feature to have it unlimited anyway

PSN_ZeroOnyx3942d ago

X1 only allows 1000 friends which will be way more than enough for most ppl. But I'm happy PSN allows so many just in case. Lol.

minimur123942d ago


"also playstation owners are less bligerant and better gamers"

I watched some video about some guy tr5olling on xbox live saying 'i cant wait to get a ps4' and they were abusing him SO MUCH
and also, making references to donkey d**ks

I have never come across such profanity in a playstation lobby, it may be because i usually mute most people but when I don't notthat often I hear swearing (which is good because it comes straight out hte TV)


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3942d ago
MWong3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

Interesting Sony Q&A vid, 2000 is way more than anybody needs. Well already assumed your PSN ID would carry over since they announced you get to keep your PS+ current subscription. I wonder if it will be in 3 tiers like it is currently monthly, 90 day or annual or will it just be annual?

While I agree it's all about games I do have to say M$ has deep pockets and have proven that they are willing to pay for exclusive games or timed-exclusives.

StoutBEER3942d ago

Thank you Mwong for being intelligent and not hateful.

SirBradders3942d ago

Their pockets will only get deeper when devs realise ps4 is going to sell like hot cakes because they will do some mad calculations and estimate numbers they'll lose out on ps4 etc...

StoutBEER3942d ago

@iamnsuperman No check again. That's old news they have increased the friends list to "unlimited". Make sure to keep updated as to not post old info, it confuses the masses.

iamnsuperman3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

"Make sure to keep updated as to not post old info, it confuses the masses."

Bit ironic really because what you have just said is an old rumour information. What I said isn't



Top link is showing the "unlimited friends" was a rumour. The bottom link is about what Microsoft has just said

3942d ago Replies(1)
TheFanboySlayer3942d ago

I just wanna know when did microsoft ever say "unlimited friends"??? Where is this info coming from?

iamnsuperman3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

They didn't. Look at my coment just about dorgan1 spam. The top link shows the unlimited friends was just a rumour. The bottom link is what Microsoft has confirmed through their twitter page

Ezz20133942d ago

what i noticed here in those few days
Xbox fanboys keep post Wrong Hot air comments with nothing to back it up
and i lso notice that there is too many xbox fanboys new and Alt accounts

pixelsword3942d ago

I love that people are saying that 2,000 friends are too much, but unlimited friends is great. I never realized that unlimited meant 1,999.

minimur123942d ago

major nelson tweeted it..... but funily enough he typed it like



+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3942d ago

Exactly, But like you said 2000 is a LOT!

Starbucks_Fan3942d ago

A cap would be useful for someone who is famous on YouTube for example. I know this is what happens on XBL anyway. Once they reach a cap. If someone wants to send a friend request, they will be blocked from doing so. This will probably prevent a bunch of message pop ups on the screen say "friend request."

3-4-53942d ago

Almost none of my real life friends play video games so I wouldn't even need 100 or 200 really.

The only way I could see it growing is if I joined a Team for BF4 or another game where your constantly playing matches against others.

I do a lot of single player or offline gaming as much as online.

nosferatuzodd3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

i think that's too much now it's like face book and i don't like that

ssj273942d ago

m$ will do one like this tomorrow answering questions about the ONE!

"how big is the XBOX ONE?"
and she bring's a VHS player next to the one hahaha that will be funny!!

3942d ago
showtimefolks3942d ago

i have 15-20 now and will so 2000 is way too many lol

i would love to see someone with max out list haha

i am sure it will end up on youtube

3942d ago
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MariaHelFutura3942d ago ShowReplies(4)
3942d ago Replies(6)
aim4dabushiz3942d ago

o1shotkill... feel free to add me! or youtube me @ /Aim4dabushiz

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