HAHA, Public enemy of butthurt fannies.


CRank: 6Score: 26060

Atlus should be renamed "Entitlement Inc"

So here we are again. In all honesty; I believed that the Bayonetta 2 debacle would've been the peak of this entitlement culture that is so prevalent in gaming these days but I couldn't have been more mistaken. I've always tended to forget about the strange situation that gamers often find themselves in when it comes to the games that they love or profess to love. I saw enough hate for Bayonetta 2 (a game that would've been cancelled without Nintendo's assistance.) to make me realise that there is an insidious, entitlement culture that has seeped though the gaming community.

The biggest problem that has afflicted gaming ever since the 90s has been the fanboy. You know the kind that owns all of their favourite company's consoles and belittle the competition on a daily basis. I see that type of devotion as akin to supporting a sports team, as one tends to wrap their own self-esteem or self-worth over how well a sports team, company, game series performs. When things are going good, things are great. When things are going bad, we project our own anger and insecurities at the competition because we refuse to admit that there may be flaws, mistakes and problems that should be remedied.

I look at the various comments made on N4G, on Neogaf and I laugh at all the self-righteous indignation and resentment that seems to have been generated by a mass of sentimentalists who wear the mask that they only have the developer's best interests at heart. Well, allow me to put this into perspective for the eternally offended. The Nintendo and Atlus deal hasn't happened and it might not even happen at all which makes all this "controversy" ridiculously amusing to me. It's almost as if the very idea of Nintendo acquiring a much-respected studio is so reprehensible because Nintendo will censor them and ruin them. I mean look at what happened with Bayonetta 2? Oh right. Nothing happened with Bayonetta 2. What about that excellent RPG company Monolith Soft? Have they created a Super Mario RPG: Babby edition recently? Of course not because Nintendo already have capable teams that can already do that type of thing if they wished to. I also sincerely doubt that if Nintendo were to acquire Atlus and it's assets that they would interfere or sabotage any Atlus games because it wouldn't make much sense to mess with a winning formula. Monolith Soft has done perfectly fine since Nintendo took them over; so why can't Atlus?

Let's be realistic here for a second. What if Microsoft bought them? Would that be a far better alternative than a company like Nintendo taking over? I mean they don't make games for babbies and they did a fantastic job with Rare and have clearly shown how to properly run a once-wonderful studio into the ground. Would that be far more acceptable? Or better yet; what about if nobody bought Atlus and they simply ceased to make games altogether? For some people, it is a better alternative for that to happen than for Atlus exclusively making games for a Nintendo console. I think I could say with a great amount of certainty that if Sony were in talks over Atlus; there would be nowhere near the amount of butthurt Barrys over such an acquisition and we all know why. Nintendo does not hold any great level of respect with the "hardcore" audience and that is of no great surprise due to the lack of 3rd party support that they've suffered since the SNES days. Even the term "hardcore gamer" is laughable on the face of it because console gaming has always been decidedly casual. Anyone who has ever had to figure out how to use a DOS prompt to run a game in the good old days will understand what I mean when I say that while others may be aghast at what I've just written. The truth is the truth and there is no getting around it.

There is no such thing as a hardcore gamer. Only gamers with inflated egos and low self-esteem term themselves in such a way, as if to give themselves a status that warrants some kind of preferential treatment. We term ourselves whatever we please to give ourselves a sense of identity or a sense of belonging to something worthwhile because we become so easily attached to the people and the things around us, not truly knowing ourselves nor being honest with ourselves, as if we live in a fog of deception which is entirely our own making. People should also realise that Nintendo have been doing their best to change their image to cater to gamers of all ages. Whether or not Nintendo buy Atlus and their assets is up in the air at the moment but even if they do; any self-respecting gamer should be glad that this talented studio may be granted a reprieve to create whatever games they wish to. But let this also be known. Just because you're a fan of a company doesn't mean that you are entitled to their output or that they should follow what you have to say. Asking for a proper ending to a series or demanding bugs or glitches be fixed is not equivalent to asking a developer to be multi-platform or not to be bought over by a company that you dislike. It's not as if they'll have much choice in the matter anyway because they'll just be put up for sale with little to no input on who buys them.

I perceive that there will be a huge amount of death threats sent to Atlus if they were to go with Nintendo. The immaturity that is currently present within the gaming community does not bode well for the future of games in general, as a medium cannot fully mature unless the audience themselves have matured and that will never happen for a long while yet. Unfortunately, the more measured responses to this news have been overshadowed by a glut of whiny, entitled manchildren who cannot bear the very idea of Nintendo taking over a "beloved" company like Atlus. I look forward to the internet rage spike that may occur if the Nintendo/Atlus thing comes to fruition. So much wailing and gnashing of teeth will be unprecedented and I will stand back and mock them, ridicule them at every turn and put them on academic probation.

As Izanami from Persona 4 once said; "Your anxiety causes you to see only what you want to see and believe only what you wish to believe." If you cannot abide Atlus appearing on a Nintendo console; don't buy the console and miss out on the games. If it appears on a Sony PS4 and you can't abide Atlus appearing solely on Sony platforms; don't buy their products. Although, I sincerely doubt that would be a particular problem for a number of people on this site; I sincerely doubt that there would be any outcry of any sort if Sony were to buy Atlus.

Ah well. I look forward to the future and what it will have in store for us all. It will be most interesting to see what lies in store and I hope that Atlus will be allowed the freedom to do what they want regardless of whomever buys them.

At least they would still be in business.

Donnieboi3947d ago

I was kinda conflicted about this blog. It seems to want to be neutral, but instead comes to Nintendo's defense. I will try to imagine it is somewhat intended to be neutral. Either way, there are just as many Nintendo fans acting entitled to Atlus too. But of course, i'm sure u knew that. Just guess there isn't enough room to include it.

Third party is best. It would have been more neutral if it played up the need for a 3rd party solution (which it touches on, but not as much as it comes to Nintendo's defenses).

PopRocks3593947d ago

My guess is that was the point. Kinda like my blog but on the opposite spectrum where mine came to Nintendo's defense but was mostly about maintaining a third party solution. :p

I won't start comparing how many entitled Sony or Nintendo fans there are in this whole debacle, but there most certainly is a lot of entitled brats on both sides (regardless of the ratio). Atlus should remain third party, maintain their usual business and go on as they were before. EVERYONE wins in that scenario.

gaffyh3946d ago

If they remain third party it would be best, but out of Sony and Nintendo, Sony needs a JRPG studio much much more. If MS bought them, the studio would be closed within a couple of years.

majiebeast3947d ago (Edited 3947d ago )

Nintendo fanboy calling out everyone else thats what it looks like to me. Third party is best cause Nintendo would just cancel the Persona 3 movies.

zerocrossing3947d ago (Edited 3947d ago )

Sorry but I have to disagree, just why would Nintendo want to cancel anything Atlus would desire to do?

The problem is that far too many gamers are letting their prejudice towards Nintendo cloud their judgement in regards to what's best for Atlus, I'm not saying Nintendo is the best choice but if Atlus does get taken up by Nintendo then at least they'd still be around, it just means all the petty haters will be missing out unless they can grit their teeth and actually buy a Nintendo console for a game they want, something they keep claiming is never available on that platform.

majiebeast3947d ago (Edited 3947d ago )

I dont see Nintendo publishing games like Catherine or Dragons Crown they didnt even want Binding of Isaac or super meat boy because it was too much. Nintendo would just censor everything or not localize anything or just wait till Xseed does it. Hell they cant even bother to localize Mother 3.

Producing anime's and movies isnt part of Nintendo's business and will therefore be cancelled unless its pokemon. Sony atleast has sony pictures and has produced animated movies before.

I only see Nintendo fanboys posting blogs and articles about how Nintendo would be best for Atlus. So the entitled fanboys are the Nintendo crowd. I bet that if Atlus wouldnt have localized demons souls there would have never been a Dark souls or Sony would have never localized Soul Sacrifice.

Third party solution is the best for both fanbases.

It shouldnt be Sony it shouldnt be Nintendo they should be the last resort. A holding group or a good third party publisher would be much better. Cause if we lose Atlus to Sony or Nintendo we also lose Atlus USA who do great work localizing games next to Xseed and Aksys. Nobody should want that cause they localize games that Nintendo or Sony dont have faith in and then turn into monster hits that show both they were wrong.

zerocrossing3947d ago

That's a fair point I hadn't considered, I still haven't forgiven Nintendo for not localising Project Zero 4...

In truth the best choice would be Sony but we all already know that, anyway at least if Nintendo were to acquire them they wouldn't just disappear, that was the point I was trying to make.

HammadTheBeast3947d ago

The article mentions Bayonetta 2. When it releases (and tanks), then we can fully appreciate how it would suck if any of the 3 companies get their hands on Atlus.

Here's the thing. Sony may be the most capable to handle Atlus, but then you have the other 2 parties mad that they can't get it. MS would just destroy the studio, and Nintendo just isn't a viable option because they can't do their party software properly at all.

In the end, Atlus should stay independant or with a 3rd party as it is with Index.

MacDonagh3946d ago

I agree that 3rd party would be the most appealing solution for Atlus and for gamers in general but who would buy them?

I can't comfortably say that Square-Enix would buy them because they've posted a $59.8 million loss operating loss and blamed Europe and America for the lackluster sales of Hitman Absolution, Tomb Raider and Sleeping Dogs.

I also sincerely doubt that Sega/Sammy would be able to afford Atlus since they are constantly restructuring their company due to lackluster sales. GungHo (a developer that has does MMOs etc) might work, but you'd probably have to wait a long time to get a western release, due to them being a primarily Japanese company. Not to mention that they've only just recently bought Suda 51's company, Grasshopper Manufacture and they may be short of cash.

Almost all of the major 3rd parties are hemorrhaging money. EA continually posts huge losses in the stock market. Activision's stock price has dropped, the World of Warcraft MMO is past it's peak and they will be forced to adapt to the game industry shrinking even further. Namco-Bandai might be a feasible option since they've posted profit, but it's debatable whether or not they will bid for something that will directly compete with their own games.

It'll be interesting to see what will happen next.

MacDonagh3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

@majiebeast I'm not a fan of Nintendo. I admire what they do, as they are the last of the OGs. The only ones who remain obstinate in the face of what everyone is doing, following their own way which I personally find rather admirable. Apologies for not replying directly, but I goofed up and accidentally posted the same comment twice. So I'll just directly tackle your points here.

"Nintendo fanboy calling out everyone else thats what it looks like to me. Third party is best cause Nintendo would just cancel the Persona 3 movies."

There's going to be movies? That's nice. Why would they cancel them exactly? Oh right. Because they are evil censors who don't know anything about anime. Gotcha. ;)

"I dont see Nintendo publishing games like Catherine or Dragons Crown they didnt even want Binding of Isaac or super meat boy because it was too much. Nintendo would just censor everything or not localize anything or just wait till Xseed does it. Hell they cant even bother to localize Mother 3."

In terms of localisation, I live in Scotland. I had to wait 8 months for Catherine to come out, despite it already being fully translated into English because there was a need to translate it into different languages. English isn't the only language that is being translated.

In terms of them not wanting the Binding of Issac or Super Meat Boy; it wasn't a big deal for me as I had the games on other platforms. Whether or not Nintendo would mess with the development process of Atlus is pure conjecture at this point. Monolith Soft have done perfectly fine since Nintendo took them over and I sincerely doubt that Nintendo would mess with a development studio if they did good work.

"Producing anime's and movies isnt part of Nintendo's business and will therefore be cancelled unless its pokemon. Sony atleast has sony pictures and has produced animated movies before."

That's a possibility. Video game makers should stick to what they are good at. I like anime but it's not a big loss for me personally.

"I only see Nintendo fanboys posting blogs and articles about how Nintendo would be best for Atlus. So the entitled fanboys are the Nintendo crowd. I bet that if Atlus wouldnt have localized demons souls there would have never been a Dark souls or Sony would have never localized Soul Sacrifice."

Answer me this. If Sony were linked to Atlus; would there be as much of an outcry? I'd imagine quite the opposite. There wouldn't be so much salt for instance.

"It shouldnt be Sony it shouldnt be Nintendo they should be the last resort. A holding group or a good third party publisher would be much better. Cause if we lose Atlus to Sony or Nintendo we also lose Atlus USA who do great work localizing games next to Xseed and Aksys. Nobody should want that cause they localize games that Nintendo or Sony dont have faith in and then turn into monster hits that show both they were wrong."

The sad fact is that Atlus isn't in charge of it's own destiny anymore. Anyone can buy them. Even Microsoft. -__-'

Qrphe3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

I honestly hope neither Sony nor Nintendo buy them, the turdflinging it would cause with the fanboys would sway me away from online gaming communities for a while.

Shadowsteal3943d ago

I stopped reading once I realized he thinks baby is spelled "babby"

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3943d ago
zerocrossing3947d ago

Interesting blog.

It does seem that there are far too many entitled gamers getting their panties in a twist over the prospect of the the big N acquiring Atlus, if this ever does come to be I expect the outcry to rival that of the Bayonetta 2 debacle which quite frankly was laughable.

TongkatAli3947d ago

Nintendo is region locked and Atlus always gets its games late to Europe and sometimes Australia doesn't even get Atlus games. Nintendo fanboys are pushing really hard for this acquisition, making all these articles.

zerocrossing3947d ago

I get what you're saying and to be honest I'd much rather Atlus goes to Sony, all I was getting at is that it's not as if Nintendo is a non-option here.

Nintendo realy need to change sone ot their backwards policies though, like region locking and holding back on releasing titles outside of Japan to the point operation rainfall needed to happen.

Blastoise3947d ago (Edited 3947d ago )

Couldn't care less about Bayonetta 2. All I know is I want more Persona on the Vita, because I love the hardware and think it would be a great fit.

You make out like it's just Sony fanboy's hating on Nintendo, but seem to be ignoring the massive outcry from Nintendo fans too. Looks to me Nintendo buying them out is the most popular choice.

Anyway, I have to question a lot of people on this site, there seem to be a lot of Nintendo (And Sony) fanboys who didn't seem to care at all about these Atlus franchises now all of a sudden it's "Sony should buy them!" this and "Nintendo should buy them!" that. Seems to me a lot of people just want their console of choice to "Win".

It's Monster Hunter all over again. It's just bragging rights, half the people on this site won't even consider buying any of Atlus' games.

MacDonagh3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

"You make out like it's just Sony fanboy's hating on Nintendo, but seem to be ignoring the massive outcry from Nintendo fans too. Looks to me Nintendo buying them out is the most popular choice."

Is it? O_o' I wouldn't be so sure. There is a lot of resentment from what I saw in the comments. I think people are freaking out prematurely because it hasn't even happened yet! That's what really gets me. No wonder no-one takes gaming as a legitimate medium seriously.

"Anyway, I have to question a lot of people on this site, there seem to be a lot of Nintendo (And Sony) fanboys who didn't seem to care at all about these Atlus franchises now all of a sudden it's "Sony should buy them!" this and "Nintendo should buy them!" that. Seems to me a lot of people just want their console of choice to "Win"."

3rd party would be ideal, but I don't know who could get Atlus. Maybe Level 8 or something. The biggest problem is that most 3rd parties are hemorrhaging money and they may find it difficult to justify buying up assets if they are restructuring their businesses.

"It's Monster Hunter all over again. It's just bragging rights, half the people on this site won't even consider buying any of Atlus' games."

Truer words have never been spoken.

TongkatAli3947d ago (Edited 3947d ago )

Nintendo wouldn't censor them, but Atlus would lose mad sales from not selling from multiple platforms, but only TWO.

Nintendo or Sony would be the two evils actually. Let them make more money and reaching out to more people. If Nintendo bought them only Wii U and 3DS games would be made from them. If a third party gets them look.

PS Vita
Wii U
Xbox One

Nintendo fanboys and Sony fanboys for the good of gaming f off. You're the most spoiled brats if these are the first companies that you want to buy them, you fing with Game devs money, peoples money.

HammadTheBeast3947d ago

You didn't mention Microsoft at all.

Have you not seen how Rare has been run into the ground? Have you not seen how Halo has been run into the ground?

Ravenor3946d ago

Most of Rare left after Viva Pinata, after the Stampers left Rare became a shell of what it once was. There are also plenty of cases of Rareware games selling extremely poorly or under performing critically. But of course, that's all Microsofts fault Perfect Dark Zero would have been better if they had more time right!?

Everyone was also right for sticking to their guns and not buying BK: Nuts N' Bolts, because it wasn't an amazing game that breathed new life into a world that NEVER would have been revisited if it wasn't for the gameplay that Nuts N' Bolts had. Sorry guys Banjo Threeie would have sold like shit too, but hey that probably would have been blamed on MS too.

Sony, poorly managed Zipper and they died, Activision murdered Bizarre, EA has killed countless studios, and Ubisoft kinda killed Red Storm. Everyone has Skeletons in their closets, think for two seconds and you might see that all of the major players do the exact same shit. Or keep skipping down your little path with the blinders on screaming "you're all wrong!"

Atlus can go to Nintendo, Sony or MS and it will be the exact same. Atlus will continue making Atlus games, and that will be all. The people who love Atlus games will buy whatever platform they need to play Atlus games and that will be that.

AceofStaves3947d ago

If MS did buy Atlus, I'd be quite content with no longer buying Atlus games. If Sony or Nintendo bought Atlus, I'd be quite happy with continuing to support them.

It's only entertainment. Simple, really.

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