
PlayStation 4 and Xbox One Console Exclusives: How Do They Stack Up?

It’s pretty interesting to see the split of the different genre games coming exclusively to each platform. The PS4 will have a lot of MMO, PC style games while the Xbox One seems to have more of a mix.

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stonecold33961d ago

titan fall is also on pc and 360 so its not exclusive and probably be out on ps4 down track ?

BadboyCivic3961d ago

Too early to judge but as an Xbox gamer. I have to admit that Sony did a better job with exclusives than MS. Will the trend continue? Only time will tell

NeXXXuS3961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

Too early to judge? There are several articles about titanfall being released on PC as well. not to mention how M$ makes plenty of their games timed exclusives ever since the second half of the X360's life. Just take a look at Dead Rising for example. I think it's even more hilarious how during E3, Xbone showed titanfall being an exclusive title only to have articles released about it being on the PC as quick as the day after. Let's face it. M$ has a terrible history with keeping their games on their console and even telling the truth about their E3 conferences. It's gonna take a while to dig themselves out of the mess they've already gotten themselves into. And they've basically run out of "damage control" options by now.

also, this (I just thought it was hilarious):

darthv723961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

I can assume they will stack up quite nicely in those cases they come in.

I know they will look good on my shelf next to all my current and prior console games.

Maybe not on the same shelf with my dreamcast ones those....those are special and dear to me.

okay, that was off topic i admit.....lol

HammadTheBeast3961d ago

Guys. Come on. Let's please hold off on the war until Gamescom. Both parties can show off more stuff and maybe even it out or edge the competition out.

justastranger103961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

Xbox One exclusives are just so much better than the PS4 its not even funny.

creatchee3961d ago

I like the announced One exclusives a little better than the announced PS4 exclusives as a whole, but that boils down to personal preference and doesn't mean that I don't like the PS4 exclusives. Also, there are more PS4 titles that haven't been announced yet.

They both have great lineups in their own right, which is why owning both is optimal if you can afford it.

BattleAxe3961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

Titanfall just went up for pre-order on Origin yesterday!!! Can't wait for this game, the PC version that is!!


Urusernamesucks3961d ago

Your an xbox gamer? Right i suppose Gandhi was a neo nazi.

SolidStoner3960d ago (Edited 3960d ago )


war? what war? :) it has ended for most of us at E3 2013.... all its left is some partizan fanboys crying in the woods with tons of guns and no bullets, lol :)

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3960d ago
WrAiTh Sp3cTr33961d ago

War Thunder, Planetside II, The Witness, Final Fantasy and Blacklight are not PS4 exclusives either--they can be found on other platforms.

HammadTheBeast3961d ago

There usually not counted either.

Either way, let's hold our judgements till gamescom. We have yet to see major games from Media Molecule or Black Tusk etc.

ExtoVert3961d ago

ya thats true. but one of the games, Planetside 2 is owned and produced by SOE ( Sony Online Entertainment ). ok its not platform exclusive but it is title exclusive, owned by sony

nukeitall3960d ago


So what is next?

Publisher exclusive? Genre exclusive?

This is getting ridiculous.

I don't care if it is on PC, because I don't have a powerful PC and I don't want to deal with the negatives of PC.

I'm gonna go play my games on my Xbox One/
PS4 and everyone can go f' off, because exclusiveness means sh!t to me. I can't play exclusiveness, I only play good games and I don't care if others can play the same game I do.

I_am_Batman3961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

To be fair Sony has much more console exclusive games that are available on PC than Microsoft cause of all the indie games.

HammadTheBeast3961d ago

Yeah but Titanfall has been the only compelling new IP MS has shown.

Gazondaily3961d ago


Entirely subjective.

For many of us, Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, Project Spark, Forza and others are excellent titles, regardless of how desperately N4G plays their importance down.

GribbleGrunger3961d ago

When we've seen the full line up of PS4 and X1 release titles, then we can judge.

warewolfSS3961d ago

Seriously. We still have gamerscom

JunioRS1013961d ago

Yeah, and Titanfall was their only fun looking game...

That being said, does one game really count as "stacking up"?

side note: BURN!

Lvl_up_gamer3961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

Forza 5, Killer Instinct, Project Spark, Quantum Break, Dead Rising and Halo 5 are all games that I felt looked great and fun to play.

Can't wait for them.



@ HammadTheBeast

Yup, it was a trailer...however I don't understand how a Halo 5 CG trailer teaser has nothing to do about Halo 5? Especially when you clearly saw a forerunner ship emerge from the sands. Then you go on and just speculate that it's for the TV series...Why would they show a CG trailer for Halo TV series which is going to be directed by Spielberg who's last Animated movie was Dinosaurs were're back in 1993 and An american tail in 1991 where Both were cartoon animated?

You are really taking a leap in speculation.

Clearly the CG trailer was for Halo 5.

ravens523961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

@Lvl_up_gamer. Smh

HammadTheBeast3961d ago

For Halo you saw some CG teaser of stuff that's not even about Halo 5. It was probably the TV show they showed.

ravens523961d ago

And clearly the cg show the graphics of gameplay...obviously i mean come on. Or maybe its the new gameplay that has all of us excited for it! I dnt remember the last halo i played 4...b4*, before* sorry

Mystogan3961d ago

You're clearly In denial if you say titanfall was the only fun looking game at E3.

Side note: go back to your cave.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3961d ago
Cueil3961d ago

so are half of the PS4 games on his list

Mystogan3961d ago

Here is the complete list of Xbox Exclusives.

Crimson Dragon
Dead Rising 3
Fantasia: Music Evolved
Forza Motorsport 5
Killer Instinct
Kinect Sports Rivals
Minecraft: Xbox One Edition
Project Spark (also for PC)
Quantum Break
Ryse: Son of Rome
Sunset Overdrive
Titanfall (also for PC, Xbox 360)
Zoo Tycoon
Blacktusk Game
Plants Vs Zombies garden warfare

airgangstarr3960d ago

u cant hate on that list or say only titan fall is good lmfao cmon i cant wait!!! plus epic is makin a new ip its gonna be fun 2014 no matter what console u chose me ill have both im jus hopin psn is upgraded my only concern

LiarasBoobs3960d ago (Edited 3960d ago )

Personally, I'm not interested in any of those. Maybe Titanfall, but I can get that for PC. Definitely not getting the Xbox.

Most of the games I'm interested in are multiplatform, like BF4, Destiny, Watch_Dogs, Witcher 3, Battlefront, GTAV, etc.

Hexer10213961d ago

The Witness is also a timed exclusive and is coming out for PC, I'm pretty sure at launch.
Warframe and Planetside 2 are also on PC. So if you're gonna compare console exclusives with PC, then those would have to be taken off too. I, personally, game more on consoles so I look at it as what console can I play it on first.

Mkai283961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

People are quick to point out Titan fall not being "exclusive". Yet more then half of these PS4 "exclusives" are for and already on PC. It works both ways sir..Just enjoy the games and stop being so defensive about some hardware that doesn't know YOU exists..

greenlantern28143959d ago

Name them, and make sure they are not pirated.

avengers19783959d ago

I think he maybe talking about games like... Black light, planetside 2, DCU online, diablo 3, stuff like that, not Sony exclusive games like uncharted and infamous

DonFreezer3960d ago

More than half of the ps4 exclusives were on pc to so shut your mouth.

greenlantern28143959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

Name some. And make sure they aren't just pirated ports.
Sorry responded to wrong person.

CaptinzLee3960d ago

Lol Microsoft fanboys didn't like that you ssadi that

CaptinzLee3960d ago

Lol Microsoft fanboys didn't like that you said that

avengers19783960d ago

Tbh both are bringing plenty of games early.
Sony always has a good flow of games from beginning to end, but MS historically does not have games toward the end.
I want to see what happens 2-3 years from now

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3959d ago
Mighty Boom3961d ago

Get both consoles and figure it out for yourselves.

Disagree me, now.

NeXXXuS3961d ago

Well... would you look at that.

Cueil3961d ago

got both pre-ordered... PS4 from gamestop (half payed off) and Xbone from Microsoft directly (free shipping)

xReDeMpTiOnx3961d ago

I frankly don't really care about launch line up. If Microsoft is going to sell me the system I need to know they are going to have huge blockbuster titles throughout the whole console life span not just the first few years and it needs to be more than 3 franchises

nosferatuzodd3961d ago

well said come 4 years from now all you'll get is kineck adventure and crap remember 360 same thing lots of games fir 3yrs then shit for the rest of the generation

PositiveEmotions3961d ago

Xb1 has better exusives but im getting the ps4 because sony has shown more respectful to its consumers unlike microsoft who was being rude to its consumers

FanboyCrusher3961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

How are they being rude? As of now you aren't a consumer, you need to consume to be a consumer, and you didn't get the product yet. They've shown off great games, and they're ditching the DRM, that's about as friendly as it gets to potential buyers. Consumers of the product all seem to like what's being shown, and whats been improved.

The tone might have been a little off, but can you blame the guy for suggesting another product to you that falls under his company? What was he supposed to say? Buy a Wii-U? Start playing PC? Of course he's going to say 360! Just like Sony would have said PS3 IF they were in the same position.

PositiveEmotions3961d ago

Im not talking about the xb1 itself bro but the employees at ms like don matrick he said if you dont have a good connection than buy a 360 to me thats rude even tho they did a 180 it was still rude of him to have said that.

Mkai283960d ago

They only say these things because the "majority" on this site are followers and not leaders . Afraid to give voice on they're own opinion. So they would rather just join the mob and bash whatever they hate. Funny thing is half of these fanbums won't get neither because they don't have jobs or there parents won't let them have one..

I wonder if they remember this, hey the PS3 is pretty expensive, are you concerned. Sony: They will want one, even if they have to get 2 jobs.

ravens523961d ago

Which ones are you talking about? I hope its zumba kinect! That blows everything out of the water. Or maybe crimson it looks so fun to control a dragon and shoot fire balls! Yes! Or maybe D4 with ps2 dragonball z graphics, niiiice. Fantasia rite? Ooooo ooooo minecraft. No cant be not with Zoo tycoon and zombies vs plants i mean come on the best exclusives ever! Ryse, anyone can play and beat it just take your time on the quicktime event or not either button you press executes an attack so really you can press whatever you want. Titanfall huh cant imagine that ever coming to ps4. dead rising...nice lol. It has to be quantum break the gameplay they showed was unbelievable!...im done there are too many great xbone exclusives! Let me jus throw below, killer instinct (the streetfighter/injustice/mortal kombat killer), project spark (lilbig?) and sunset overdrive in there as to not forget those awesome totally terrific exclusives.

Gazondaily3961d ago

You're trying too hard.....

ravens523961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

I mean...it is a pretty big list mr.septic
Figured it be easier than actually trying to explaining why these are not up to par.
You dont appreciate my sarcasm,huh?

nosferatuzodd3961d ago

everyone said better the only way to know that is to play the games what if all those game you saw just look good and come launch day they all suck then what, that i don't get you have 2 cars no one drive them but yet every ones saying oh the red car won the race what kind of crap is that

JBSleek3961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

As of right now I believe that the One has the better holiday line up. I am more interested in what they are doing than the competition even though I feel the best game this holiday is from a third party publisher.

But we have to see the full picture before that can be said with confidence. We still have Gamescon ahead of us so let's wait and see.

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