
Destiny: Bungie's own ‘Halo-Killer’?

The PlayStation 4 version of Destiny looks set to be the definitive version of Bungie's latest project. Will we then finally witness a 'Halo-Killer' on Sony's console?

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Lovable3993d ago

Huh? It's multiplat bro...let's talk about exclusive man

erathaol3993d ago

I agree but I do think there had to be one guy over at 343 Studios saying "F---, that S--- is brilliant!"

AngelicIceDiamond3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

Well I think he means in a general sense. Can Bungie outdo Halo. Kind of like can COD outdo Halo. Obviously not they both co-exist.

Same thing I can see happening with Destiny.

Though it is funny hes treating it like its an exclusive.

3-4-53993d ago

Bungie going against it's own former IP.......Titanfall going against it's own former IP.

competition is good.

Throw in BF4 & Killzone and we have a nice amount of potentially good FPS games.

Chaostar3993d ago

Destiny is looking great, let's not spoil it with ridiculous labels.

Crazyglues3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

Yeah Destiny is looking amazing, and I think it was an awesome idea to go Multi-Platform...

I think that decision will be more successful then even their wildest dreams, as I don't know anyone who is not getting Destiny...

Don't forget to check out the Games Website - it's pretty cool - http://www.destinythegame.c...

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Pisque3993d ago

So when FFXIII and Versus (XV)/ Kingdom Hearts or Metal Gear Solid goes multiplatform it's bad, but when it's Destiny it's good.

Something is wrong with PS Fanboys it looks like.

Crazyglues3993d ago (Edited 3993d ago )

@ Pisque

I'm going to assume you meant that as a general statement and not at me personally because I never even played FFXII or kingdom hearts, and I never said anything about games going multi-plat.

For example Metal Gear Soild, I thought it was awesome that it's on both consoles because I personally feel MGS4 was an amazing game, and when MGS5 comes out Xbox fans will see just how amazing Konami is...

I think as gamers we are better off when we are not punished for our system choice..

So when it's possible I think it's cool..
(but that's just me personally, I don't know how others feel about that)

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Kanzes3993d ago

Bungie vs 343i

It's like Big Boss vs Solid Snake, mentor vs student

Rusty5153993d ago

Bungie vs 343?
Sounds more like a Goku vs Krillin kind of fight.

Kalowest3993d ago

And the good thing is 343i learned from their mistakes with Halo 4!

hankmoody3993d ago

I have no doubt in my mind that both Destiny and Halo 5 will both be incredible. Destiny practically has my cash already but I'm excited to see how 343i will improve on their impressive first shot on the Halo series.

Sitdown3993d ago

So does this mean Kill zone never became the Halo killer? Only reason this game could become the Halo killer, is not because it is on the ps4,but because it will be on the xbox one and could actually steal some of its sells.

shivvy243993d ago

Killzone turned out to be a Crysis killer ! Halo is just way too different to killzone ! I think Resistance Fall of Man was PS halo then 2 and 3 changed

hankmoody3993d ago

Is anyone even excited for Killzone 4? That game does nothing for me and judging from activity on the internet, no one is exactly clamoring for it.

MajorLazer3993d ago

Not really. The only thing that anyone talks about with Killzone: SF is the graphics and as Crysis has proven many times, graphics alone don't make a game.

Sevir3993d ago

Everyone who's played KZ said it's pretty darn good and more refined from it's ps3 outings which weren't bad at all to begin with. Have a seat. The market is ripe with some great games coming forward, with KZ:SF, Titan Fall, Destiny and Battlefield 4

OC_MurphysLaw3993d ago

A multiplat title can't be the Playstation 4's Halo killer. I mean if you are trying to say that then COD was the Playstation 3's Halo killer since COD on PS3 sold better than Halo did. This article is flawed from the start.

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Bungie CTO Leaves Company After 14 Years, Joins Sony PlayStation

Bungie veteran and current CTO, Luis Villegas, has left the company after fourteen years and has joined Sony PlayStation as its new Head of Technology.

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Sonic188118d ago

"I feel incredibly lucky because as part of my new role I get to still work closely with my Bungie family."

New role and more pay and still can work closely with Bungie

18d ago
fr0sty17d ago

Yeah, he basically just got a big promotion within the same parent company.

18d ago
S2Killinit17d ago

Seems logical for him and probably for PlayStation

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Destiny 2: The Final Shape Developer Gameplay Preview

Bungie - "Join our development team to see the new updates arriving with Destiny 2: The Final Shape. Releasing on June 4, 2024."

InUrFoxHole54d ago

What is this she/her, he/him bs?


Bungie Replaces Marathon Director Amid Leadership Shakeup, Fears of Layoffs

Amid ongoing anxiety within Bungie following layoffs last year, the studio is now preparing for another shakeup, this time on Marathon.

Kaii76d ago

Layoffs should be hitting the incompetent management at this point.

Profchaos75d ago

Talk about mismanaged Bungie is a studio of tremendous potential and have made some of the greatest shooters to date. Sony pushed them to just make another Destiny style game and consult on other studios live service games and are now getting thrown under a bus as the pivot away from predominantly gaas games is unfolding.

I'd love to see a world where Bungie can focus on telling great sci fi stories again away from a live service dungeon but we all know that's a pipe dream

Rynxie75d ago (Edited 75d ago )

Are you serious? Do you just talk out of your arse naturally, or did it take years of being a POS?

Profchaos75d ago

You normally get so offended by internet comments or did it take years of being soft

purple10175d ago (Edited 75d ago )

Yes I see your point mate, someone clearly didn’t read the article.

Specifically the bit:

“Notably, multiple sources at the time and since have shared that Sony has largely left the studio to sort out its own troubles and was not responsible for the layoffs, with CEO Pete Parsons taking responsibility.“

He’s just spouting nonsense

Huey_My_D_Long75d ago

lol what so fucking hilarious is that you called him out so bad he projected him being offended onto you.

Its been well documented that Bungie's management has been more responsible for their shortfalls, even mentioned in said article that we are commenting on.

Its ok, just admit you didn't read the article.


Arrowhead Studios will be Sony’s GaaS consult now.

Gameseeker_Frampt75d ago

I like how for some, it is never Bungie's fault. Microsoft, Activision, and now Sony - it is everyone else who is pushing Bungie to make all these bad decisions.

-Foxtrot75d ago

Thrown under the bus?

Are you joking? This is all Bungie, we all thought it was 100% Activision but it's clear the higher ups at Bungie don't have a clue how to run the studio and are more bothered about saving their own skin and the money that they rake in.

Sony gave them an extra $1.2 Billion to make sure that employees didn't leave and they didn't have to cut anyones jobs. Where did that money go because Bungie still cut peoples jobs and I bet you the higher management still kept a hold of their big fact paychecks and bonuses.

Sony invested poorly in this and the best thing they can do now is throw the old Bungie management out and take hold of the studio fully.


Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Somebody at Bungie is the golden goose making great shooting mechanics, and the rest need to justify their paychecks.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 75d ago
Fearmonkey75d ago

This studio has had three owners and its never worked well with any of them....Management has issues

ChasterMies75d ago (Edited 75d ago )

Worked very well for Microsoft. Microsoft’s mistake was letting Bungie go.

Fearmonkey74d ago

it worked so well with MS that they so wanted to be away from them they bought the company back. Only to do it again with activision-blizzard, and then sold to Sony...Sony shouldn't have bought them...Bungie hasnt been the same for a long time..