
Ubisoft Explains The Difference Between PS4 And Xbox One Versions of Watch_Dogs

"Call us spoiled or just exhausted by the amount of great looking games, but as of now, it’s getting tougher and tougher to see major graphical differences between the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Nonetheless, all that extra power is going somewhere – and as noted by Watch_Dogs senior producer Dominic Guay, the PlayStation 4 and other next gen platforms are also helping to push for better design."

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US8F3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

“The Xbox One is a powerful platform, as of now we do not foresee a major difference in on screen result between the PS4 and the Xbox One. Obviously since we are still working on pushing the game on these new consoles, we are still doing R&D.

“This said, the platforms have some specificities that we are leveraging. For example, we are making use of the touchpad on the DualShock 4."

Insomnia_843976d ago

He actually never answered the question. It's going to be the same with the One and PS4 again. All multiplatforms will look the same on both consoles and it has nothing to do with developers not wanting to make the PS4 version better but Microsoft not allowing it. It's already known that MS won't let any game to be released on their platform if it's far superior on the the other console, they must be the same.

mediate-this3976d ago

you know this how? facts and links and please be credible

adorie3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

MS trying to hold back greatness. Good for them, because once the first party games boot 3rd parties, visually, into another galaxy, they will have no choice but to step it up or be made to look like greedy fools.

I understand you need to spend money to make money, that's fine, but MS takes this to another level.

Also, on a side note, what is up with the cheering of these practices?
MS fanboys LOVE IT when MS spends billions trying to stifle the competition. Why? You really want Sony out of the hardware game?

That's an honest to goodness question I have for the die-hard fanboys who defend MS no matter what they do. Positive or negative.

MS could have built so many studios with their cash and culled enough talent to give the Sony first parties a run for their money, but instead they destroy or help destroy the rep of 3rd parties by buying them out.

Politics, I guess?

joefrost003976d ago

Dude how much is sony paying you

Insomnia_843976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

There it is. It's in Microsoft's content policy.

@all my disagrees

Now what?

SonyPS3603976d ago

Getting the excuses in early I see.

The_Con-Sept3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

(W) Insomnia 84I agree. Microsoft is making it hard for me to trust anything American made. My car is an import. My tv is an import. Shit my furniture is an import.... The only thing American about my stuff is that it was sold by an American.

I haven't supported the Xbox ever. I knew too much about them to back their gaming sector. If they didn't have such a good desktop operating system I'd switch to another much better one in a heart beat.

As for Ubisoft... I think they should be the first company to rebel against such tyranny.

It would be revolutionary. But of course no one has any courage in this industry. Except for the guy that said 8GB of ram or you are dead in the water."

Why can't people stand up anymore?

GameCents3976d ago

Typical Gokiburi comment about xbox holding back teh powers of teh ps4.

abzdine3976d ago

the article's title should have been this instead:

"Ubisoft DOESN'T Explain The Difference Between PS4 And Xbox One Versions of Watch_Dogs"

loulou3976d ago

"Titles for Xbox 360 must ship at least simultaneously with other video game platform, and must have at least feature and content parity on-disc with the other video game platform versions in all regions where the title is available. If these conditions are not met, Microsoft reserves the right to not allow the content to be released on Xbox 360."

seems more like content to me. and also put in place to combat what happened in the ps2/xbox era. where games like gta where timed exclusive to sony, and really helped the ps2 alot.

where on the original xbox, which had a much bigger power difference with the ps2, than the ps3/360, the games on the xbox were in a different league.

3976d ago
Mr_Nuts3976d ago

I don't see why people are disagreeing, that's MS policy for third party devs

That extra 2GB of RAM Sony has....third party devs won't even touch it and it's kind of sad.

GTA6, ES6, Fallout 4, FFXV, Kingdom Hearts 3 etc

No one will hardly use it except for first party developers which is sad because devs complain about wanting more RAM, they finally have more with the PS4 and they won't use it

guitarded773976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

Here's the source... see pic.

I know, he provided a source. But I've been waiting to use this image again for months. So, here it is.

3rd party has the power to tell MS F-U. If MS wants their games, they can #dealwithit.

dredgewalker3976d ago

The logical answer why Ubi would release equal versions of their game on both platforms is because they want to cater to both. Making a superior version on another console would surely hurt their sales. A good businessman knows how to satisfy 2 different customers.

starchild3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )


You Playstation guys always say that, but it doesn't hold water.

First of all, lots of games do in fact look better on the PS3, so how are those games exempt from this supposed policy?

Second, most multi plats show clear differences and optimizations specific to each console. To those with technical knowledge this is clear evidence that developers are in fact working to best take advantage of each console's strengths.

You guys want to believe this so bad because you just can't accept that the PS3 and Xbox 360 are very close in power or that the 360 does indeed have advantages in some ways. Multiplatform games often looked better on the 360 because it has a more powerful gpu and unified memory architecture, and that it was easier to develop for, not because Microsoft pays developers to make them that way, or any other bullsh!t conspiracy theory.

PS4 is plainly more powerful than Xbox One and we WILL see this reflected in multiplatform games. Mark my words.

nypifisel3976d ago

No third party developer will praise one console over the other. These are cross gen games, in a year or two I'm confident there will be a noticeable difference between the two consoles.

starchild3976d ago

Also, your link doesn't say anything about about MS requiring devs to make PS3 games inferior or 360 games look at least as good. It wasn't about visuals or performance at all.

All the policy refers to is the fact games can't, for example, launch on July 12th on PS3 and July 29th on the 360. Furthermore, they said they reserve the "right" to not allow such games on their console, but that doesn't mean that they will exercise that right. After all, we saw plenty of games with exclusive content on the PS3.

YNWA963976d ago

They not paying, hes willfully oral....

AlphaJunk3976d ago

Where does it say anything about graphics fidelity Parity?? -->
Microsoft's Content Submission and Release Policy states:

"Titles for Xbox 360 must ship at least simultaneously with other video game platform, and must have at least feature and content parity on-disc with the other video game platform versions in all regions where the title is available. If these conditions are not met, Microsoft reserves the right to not allow the content to be released on Xbox 360."

Read more at http://www.escapistmagazine...

Manic20143976d ago

Wouldn't that be the same with Sony of not allowing one game to be superior in one system and weaker on the other.

esemce3976d ago

Also if a downloadable game has been on another platform first then Microsoft will not allow it to be on their console.

miyamoto3976d ago

Spot on!

That crap politics and DVD 9 really held back the industry in 7th gen

This is why the PS4 is created to be leaps and bounds over the XBone

No more subtle or minor differences this time around.

M$ fell for the 4GB RAM trap Sony has laid and there is no way out of it. Its too late.

As if the Ps4 is cleverly designed to defeat every move M$ will make with XBone platform.

PS4 will leave XPosed One in the dust.

PS4 Super Saiyan 4 > XBone Level 1

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3976d ago

I knew 3rd party games would look close to the same for the first couple years of this new generation.

Condemnedman3976d ago

you sir are just talking rubbish you have no proof and I will wait and see what both systems offer. Stop talking crap.

THC CELL3976d ago

better really, why dose the ps version have a extra hour of gameplay.

Consoldtobots3976d ago

We all know what the genesis of this since it was revealed what MS demanded of Rockstar in exchange for the $50 million bribe to get GTA4 on the 360.
The precedent is THERE for MS dirty tactics, the question in my mind is : I would have legally ruined MS for anti-competitive practices, violation of the Rico statute(with a good lawyer you could make this fly) and whatever else I could throw at them. Sony really is the nerdy kid who won't stoop to such levels I guess.

strifeblade3976d ago

I love microsoft- they are only here to protect their consumers- this way all that power on ps4 will never come to fruition on multiplats.

So "A 50% increase in raw shader performance, 2x the fillrate and 8x the compute queue granularity, plus a faster and simpler ram configuration" it all doesnt even matter because multiplats will look the SAME.


Man am i evil or what? microsoft protects their gamers and screwed sony gamers over. Looks like all that power will only ever show in sony first party exclusives. Well atleast msoft has cloud for first party exclusives- should defenetly make up for something lol.

In all honesty good msoft policy- protects the interest of its consumer base.


Benchm4rk3976d ago

Doesnt say anything about graphics. It talks about content and feature parity. Nothing about quality parity.

Nafon3976d ago

didn't bungie say destiny would look different between platforms?

solidt123975d ago

He is right. it is part of the certification process.

gedapeleda3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )


If you read that policy it says that games need to be equal content and feature wise. Which doesn't mean graphics. People you should stop looking for bullshit excuses.

Gamer19823975d ago

@insomnia_84 thats bullcrap did you see FF13 last gen the ps3 version blew the 360 version out he water even after MS gave S-E money to port it to the 360 AND advertised the crap out of it.

mysterym3975d ago

Jesus kid, just stick to wearing a tin foil hat.

hesido3975d ago

"Titles for Xbox 360 must ship at least simultaneously with other video game platform, and must have at least feature and content parity on-disc with the other video game platform versions in all regions where the title is available. If these conditions are not met, Microsoft reserves the right to not allow the content to be released on Xbox 360."

Feature and content parity meaning they risk release on Xbox360 if they put additional stuff on Bluray on multiplatforms.

caliman873975d ago

final fantasy and battlefield says hi

malokevi3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

What a misleading title. The article isn't about the difference between XboxOne and PS4 at all. And, when it is, the answer is essentially "they are the same".

Garbage journalism with blatant spin. Fantastic, fits right in here at N4g.

JsonHenry3975d ago

MS not allowing it? No no no. Im no fan of MS right now but the devs are the ones being lazy and (or smart with their money, however you want to look at it) and not spending the extra time making the games look the best they can on each platform.

Thomaticus3975d ago

Its common knowledge... as a m it matter of fact MS policy has something to do with Sony's similar policy which is why a game that was exclusive on Xbox has to be released as a special edition with some additional content.

It hard to pinpoint a source, but this stuff has been mentioned before. Come on guys keep up with your readings!

_QQ_3975d ago

@Adorie PC Third party games are going to look the best, so what you are saying is just get a PC?, that way you can play third party games without the restrictions of xboxone/PS4.

titletownrelo3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

It accomplishes NOTHING.

+ Show (38) more repliesLast reply 3975d ago
Mystogan3976d ago

So there you have it. You're not going to see any difference in graphics.

torchic3976d ago

So there you have it. I sincerely hope that we're not going to see any difference in graphics, even though PS4 is much more powerful with better dev tools.


SilentNegotiator3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

Uh, actually he ultimately said it's too early to tell.

"we are still doing R&D"

"not foresee" =/= 'There won't be'

But keep spreading those pro-Xbox lies. Maybe you'll misinform enough people for the Xbox's problems to all just blow away in the wind.

PFFT3976d ago

Better developer tools really. Well thats a first.
And good luck with that. Cause Sony cant code for shit. Which is why most often than not their patches and whatnot brick systems.

Gamer19823975d ago

He didn't say that he said the PS4 is like a powerful PC basically then went on to say the Xbox One is pretty powerful too didn't compare it but in reality he avoided the question.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3975d ago
DeFFeR3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

Similar to this gen, we probably won't see EXTREME graphical differences between the two consoles for third party games. Where the consoles will shine will definitely be exclusives where they have only one platform to focus on.

The edge will almost guaranteed be for the PS4 just based on the specs we've seen so far.

That said - it's still a large unknown how the XBOne cloud will play a role in the development of games and the impact it will have on graphics. If the cloud can take some of the load off of the on-system processing, there might be room to match the output the PS4 has.

Time will tell. I'll get both systems eventually, but the PS4 has my money this fall based on customer loyalty alone. The only thing MS has me hooked on is Halo and Forza - neither of which are worth spending $500 + games to play. Get some of those exclusives out (Quantum Break looks like a decent game, along with Sunset Overdrive) and make it worth the purchase. The fact it doesn't launch with a Halo title will probably cause the sales to stagger off the bat.

frelyler3976d ago

Cloud computing cannot make fidelity better based on the current infrastructure for internet service in the US. There is far too much lag, no amount of servers MS or Sony puts up is going to change that. The cloud will be used for small background things that lag would not impede. People thinking the graphics will be somehow better are dreaming, it's just a fact that with current technology improving fidelity will not work to the extent people believe it will. It is too variable and too many things come into play depending on the time of day and how many people are using their ISP at any given time. Besides if you look at the wording MS used they said in the future the cloud will enable improvements. They never specified when this will be and would you honestly pick a system that will not have a feature for a few years or ever, over one that can best it now? The way MS worded it they are not lying, but I'm not paying more for an ambiguous promise.

SilentNegotiator3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

7th gen didn't have a 50% graphical power difference.

"PlayStation 4's 18 CU graphics core has 50 per cent more raw power than the GPU in the new Microsoft console"

It would be pathetic if Ps4 versions did NOT at least have higher framerates.

adorie3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

Rumors are going around that Sony's PS4 tool set is more mature, robust than Microsoft's Xbox One's. It could be the difference in time spent developing these systems.
PS4 = since around 2007 or 2008
Xbox One = Late 2010

That said, up there, If this holds true, then I would expect a noticeable difference in fidelity out the gate.

I guess it's not even a rumor:

hazardman3976d ago


You say this about the cloud. Yet you have developers saying it can be used for ai, real world dynamics and so on. Yes it may not enhance graphics but all other aspects of gameplay. Just yesterday on this very site i heard audio on what the xbl cloud can do. Go listen to it so you get a better understanding.

JsonHenry3975d ago

Based on the specs I've seen posted and what I know from being a PC gamer/rig builder for almost 2 decades the PS4 has an edge for sure. The faster RAM and 4 extra GCN cores on the GPU should make a small (but noticeable!!!) difference if the game devs were to push both games to their max. If you look at the in game screenshots from the games announced the reason they look so good isn't really the poly count though. It is the fact they have so many gigs of RAM and the consoles will FINALLY be able to run high resolution textures. That alone makes such a huge difference in visual fidelity. You could take older games and throw on high rez textures and it would look just as good as some of the gameplay vids we have seen so far.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3975d ago
ThyPizzaGod3976d ago

Differences or not, i'll still play this game until my glasses rust and eyes burn out.

quenomamen3976d ago

“The Xbox One is a powerful platform, as of now we do not foresee a major difference in on screen result between the PS4 and the Xbox One. Obviously since we are still working on pushing the game on these new consoles, we are still doing R&D."

Translation, we dont want get on MS bad side so well make sure the PS4 version of all our games are equal to the X1 versions, regardless of any advantages the PS4 hardware might have.

dcbronco3976d ago

Your translation missed the point he was making. He was asked what the differences would be for the Xbox One version. He was speaking specifically to the Xbox One. The R & D part would imply they are doing more work on understanding One and has nothing to do with the PS4. If anything I would read that to mean they want to experiment and see what the cloud offers. Or Kinect. It doesn't mean they won't push the PS4 as far as it can go.

pete0073976d ago

tell us, what advantages are you speaking of? GDDR5? is that? it could have had 16, it wouldnt make any difference, a crap cpu and a mid range gpu wont process all 8 gb of data at a decent rate, cpu/gpu will bottleneck for sure, anyone with a brain knows it, the only advantage is in open worlds, perhaps less pop ups due to faster streaming than harddisk access/decompression ratio, apart that all flat dude

Sitdown3976d ago

Similar in power, but Sony's entry price is lower, while Microsoft is pushing more nongaming features.....

CrossingEden3976d ago

and suddenly touch controls are A ok right fanboys? -_-

SpinalRemains1383976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

When they're not the sole method of input, then sure.

Vita kicks ass. Tablet not so much.

I don't see the touchpad being this all empowering thing at all. Just an add on that you will or will nor use. You're not forced to use only touch.

I actually think the ability to push it in and have another button is a bigger deal than the touchpad itself. What will they call it? T and T1?

Nice try though!

kewlkat0073976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

"but Microsoft not allowing it."


nosferatuzodd3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

well we all know how crook·ed Microsoft are
they are more crooked than a snake with Scoliosis

YNWA963975d ago

Funny whenever somebody says something not bad about X1, someone here always say's 'but he did not answer the question' , Shut up...

Triforce0793975d ago

He's basically saying all 3 nextgen platforms will be the same.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3975d ago
ThatCanadianGuy5143976d ago

No excuses this time guys.We're not talking about a difference of 512mb split ram vs unified ram.

I should see clear advantages in every PS4 multiplat this go around.Not like i expect them to come out and say as much, since that would be stupid, business wise.

Blackdeath_6633976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

only a matter of time i doubt any major developer will come out and make hardware comparisons between the two so early in the consoles life cycle let alone before the consoles are even released. unless ofcourse you chose to take jonathon blow seriously. its pretty obvious the ps4 has the better specs how much of a difference that would translate to in an actual game mid lifecycle of both consoles like i said only time will tell

Ezz20133976d ago

and this is why gaming is going down not up
they get paid from both sony and MS on those games...they should earn that money

when a system have clear advantages and very easy to program too
3d party dev's should work on it first and take a full advantage of it
and then port their games to the other system and see what hold up and what need to get downgraded in gfx

that's logic

but no 3rd party dev will ever come out and admit the advantages even with the offical specs are out
so they won't lose the money they get

sway_z3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

@Blackdeath (not aimed at you, unless you're guilty), but....

Why wouldn't Jonathan Blow be taken seriously??

Almost everyone on N4G is an expert programmer, with about 20 years experience, and has intricate knowledge of unreleased hardware capability.

Some of you people are seriously delusional, shut up already, quit acting like you know this business, you're just an end user...don't talk out of your depth, know your place.

PS4 is 50% more powerful than X1, how many developers do you need to confirm this??

Rant over! :)

Gamingisfornerds3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

I think you won't see much differences between the two consoles in multi-platform games.

3rd party devs like Ubisoft have built their engine around all next-gen systems. If the PS4 really is all that more powerful, you won't see it in 3rd party games. Perhaps some better performance and things like AA. Which is nice in itself, but it won't make for a totally different experience.

1st party devs that build their next-gen engine around the PS4 (and Xbone to lesser extent) will make the most of the systems. Even though their architecture is similar, they're not quite the same and those subtle differences will be enough to hold back multiplats as they'll have a more generic approach in terms of development.

Also, -especially- at the beginning of next-gen you'll see a lot of games looking subpar due to 'lazy code' where devs can get a decent looking game relatively easy with just 'raw power' without having to work hard on any real optimization.

So, I think the differences between the Xbone and PS4 will be similar to current gen, but with PS4 exclusives taking it just a step further than it has been this gen.

dcbronco3976d ago

sway_z common sense is why you don't trust Johnathan Blow. He has a beef with MS. Would you want a neighbor of yours as the sole witness to a crime you are wrongfully accused of. Of, course not. It's no different than not accepting things at face value when they come from the company pushing the idea. Honesty in business is rare.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3976d ago
GDDR6_20143976d ago

Why would a multi plat developer spend much time to make a game look better on one platform? They don't care which platform you buy the game for

ABizzel13976d ago

How are they "spend much time". These consoles are again practically 90% gaming PC's, and as with any gaming PC the game scales to the specs. you want. I seriously doubt any developer who are also releasing their games on PC, are doing any kind of programming to take advantage of the console hardware when they can simply port the PC version over.

Most of the Pc developers who are porting their games over to PS4 didn't get dev kits until after the PS4 reveal, and their games were up and running (not 100% mind you) at E3 less than 4 months later, and they expect them to be complete by launch probably November (9 months from the PS4 reveal).

That being said current PC games scale to the hardware, and by all means with the PS4 being more powerful the games should scale to represent that. Now it's not going to be a night and day difference, however, PS4 versions of games should have better framerates through the entire game, or a higher resolution (PS4 1080p vs. X1 720p/900p). And that's through basic hardware scaling / game options that EVERY PC is capable of.

ThatCanadianGuy5143976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

It's not about "much time" it's about not cutting things out or lowering the bar to accommodate the weaker console.

That doesn't take much work at all.

MazzingerZ3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

They might not do it in the beginning since there's not competition but after the PS4 exclusives start releasing they must to in order to compete for sales on that platform (PS4), there are som publishers and devs that always want to deliver the best game possibles and those will start it and others will follow as no one want to deliver a multiplatform that is inferior to other multiplatform games on the same console...it's just a matter of time.

And if the pre-orders' tendency turns to be true, the PS4 will have a bigger installbase than X1...so why they wouldn't deliver a better experience on the platform that will make them more profit?

On the X1 people would buy it anyway as they don't have another option, that talk about dozens of exclusives we know is just BS, within 2 years MSFT will be back to what they love :XBLG money and multiplatform games.

thecurseddevil3976d ago

not replying about this comment

but could you be a little more specific on the specs of your 700-800$ pc which will produce similar graphics to ps4
(actual performance,not theoretical.)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3976d ago
vikingland13976d ago

I think Sony exclusives will benefit most from the power in the PS4.

Triforce0793975d ago

All 3 nextgen consoles will display their extra power on 1st party games or exclusives like Beyonetta2 or X ect even Sonic lost worlds looks quite special.

A-laughing-horse3976d ago

You are probably the worst on this whole entire website.

ThatCanadianGuy5143976d ago

I dunno man.I think this guy is trying for the record.

imt5583976d ago

Just relax, man. Wait for 2014.:) F*** the launch titles.:)

quenomamen3976d ago

Lol, PS4 could literally have 2x the power of the X1, Ass kissing devs would still make sure the games looked and played the same. They know who writes the checks.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3975d ago
Lucas253976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

Maybe we will see better performance on ps4 titles than graphics.

RememberThe3573976d ago

Yeah, I don't think people are understanding the difference.

FamilyGuy3976d ago

Yeah something like farther reaching draw distances and more characters on the screen at once in the PS4 version. I really doubt it will have something like a higher res or better framerate though.

Who knows, I just hope there IS difference to at least prove that they aren't forcing them to be similar based on the least common denominator. The month right before launch is going to be hectic with game review comparisons.

nypifisel3976d ago

Mostly this yes. People doesn't seem to understand that with the more or less identical architecture there won't be much more work than flipping a switch to get games to look better on the PS4. The devs won't really have to go the extra mile to make the PS4 versions look better, so why wouldn't there be an incentive to just flip that switch? Better performance Sony will get for free.

JackOfAllBlades3976d ago

Sounds about right Monty

And dirty console peasants disagreeing with me, clearly they do not know the glory of PC Gaming Master Race

ThatCanadianGuy5143976d ago

Shouldn't you be signing petitions for console ports?

thecurseddevil3976d ago

yeah right,have fun building a 1000$ pc if you want to have equivalent gaming experience(in terms of graphics) of ps4 .

JackOfAllBlades3976d ago

In my opinion the pros outweigh the cons.

And here is a demonstration of our superiority: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

And I am getting and playing a PS4 but the PC is still superior.

* A console game will never be able to match a computer for precision and movement when it comes to first-person shooters. A mouse and keyboard always trump a game console's joypad.
* The PC version of a game will generally look better than the same game on a console. It's a fact. Take a console version and PC versions of the same game and in some cases the graphical differences will be as stark as night and day. A high-end gaming computer has a graphics card with a powerful chipset that gives crisper and more detailed graphics and higher screen resolutions. Some games, such as recently released Batman Arkham Asylum, make the most of a special physics chipset from nVidia that makes cloth and smoke act more realistically.
* A lot of online games for a PC are free for players to play. There are a lot of PC games for which you have to pay a monthly subscription fee, such as World of Warcraft, but for the most part, a huge number of PC games are free to play.
* A lot of PC games have their own level-making software that let users make their own levels or modifications and share them with a game's online community. Very few console games give gamers that much freedom.

GDDR6_20143976d ago

More like $700-800, and add the cost of $50 a year to play online on ps4

SmokingMonkey3976d ago

obviously flame bait but i'll bite.

You can't be gaming master race if you can't play The Last of Us.

JackOfAllBlades3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

I already beat TLOU, I own a PS3 and a PC, and have a PS4 preordered. But the PC will always have the ability to be superior as they are easily upgradable.

Edit: @SmokingMankey that is doubtful, but that's why I will have a PS4 also.

SmokingMonkey3976d ago

But it will never have Naughty Dog will they?

GDDR6_20143976d ago

Gaikai is coming to pc, so yes TLOU and all Sony exclusives will be on pc and tablets

SpinalRemains1383976d ago

lol. He plays with a mouse, bro. He thinks that makes him the man.

In reality it makes him a noob with a crutch and he doesn't get the satisfaction of learning how to actually game with a controller.

Leave him be. He's the master.

nypifisel3976d ago


That's just silly. How is a more precise control method a crutch? Wouldn't that just mean that the controllers actually are handicapped more so?

MRMagoo1233975d ago


A more precise control method ??? I fix pcs for a living and know pretty much all the ins and outs of them but try playing a fighting game with only a mouse ...or a mouse at all lol. I play games on pc and ps3 and i feel that covers all the bases im not against pc at all but mouse is not better at all, most ppl that play games on pc prefer to use a usb input controller whether it is a sony style one or an xbox style one, except for maybe shooters then yeh mouse wins usually.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3975d ago
thecurseddevil3976d ago

"The PC version of a game will generally look better than the same game on a console. It's a fact. Take a console version and PC versions of the same game and in some cases the graphical differences will be as stark as night and day"

yeah generally pc games have more detail than console versions.but can you give me a game in which the diff is actually stark as night and day?

about the console vs pc graphics.
i think this pattern usually follows:

console year 0-2 very high to ultra
console year 2-3 high to very high
console year 3-5 medium
after that low-mid

this pattern was for most games,of coarse crysis is not one of those games.

but the point to notice is the value that one gets while purchasing their gaming platform.

can you show me a game as good looking as the last of us running on a 2006/7 pc(even a 1000$ one)?

not everyone likes spending 500$ each 2 years.

back in 2009 no title on pc even touched the graphical fidelity of uncharted 2.

you may say crysis 1 but even that game without mods didnt touch uncharted 2.

wishingW3L3976d ago

When the X360 came out it was even superior to most of the best PCs at the time but in recent years the PC hardware pulled ahead by a very large margin that consoles will never be able to reach.

nypifisel3976d ago

500MB of RAM was pathetic even back in 05 @wishingW3L, tri-core CPU was okey though.

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Prcko3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

ps4 with 50% more power should have better graphics and preformance,but i know developers won't use this advantage(only exclusive ps4 games)

SpitFireAce853976d ago

Right on..but at least we wont have to listen to devs complain how the PS4 is hard to develop for.Like they
said when the PS3 came out.

imt5583976d ago

Yes, it will. But it's a launch title for XO and PS4. god damn. There will be no difference in a start. Wait and you will see.

C-Thunder3976d ago

I'm expecting to see some difference in performance. I'm sure DF can't wait to make the comparison of the multiplat titles.

THEDON82z13976d ago

I suspect in the beginning there will be some differences in performance on multiplats(an if we are lucky higher resolutions)but after about 2 years when sony exclusives start hitting and the xb1 gpu/ram start being maxed things are going to really change!!! Thats when developers are going to start to really exploit ps4 horsepower and looking for ways to port it down to xb1!!!!

Gameratheart3976d ago

For all we know, x1 is the lead platform, like the 360 almost always was, if that is the case, games will always look basically identical.

imt5583976d ago


Give me the link then. PS4 devkits for developers is more simple than XO devkits.

imt5583976d ago

I didn't hear from any 3rd party or indie developers for saying that XO is so friendly for developing after XO reveal at May 21st. PS4 is different story.:)

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Hercules1893976d ago

It really isnt 50% more powerful like you say it is, there are lots of factors that can boost the power of the xbox one like using the sram with ddr3, and maybe the "potential" power of the cloud. so the biggest difference might be 10% or less, I dont really know but neither does anybody on this site

TheGrimReaper3976d ago

50% advantage is just related to the GPU
RAM (type & available amount for games) isn't even a part of the +50% ...

C-Thunder3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

The 50 percent is just the GPU. It has nothing to do with the cloud or the ram.

*Grim beat me to it lol

FragMnTagM3976d ago

First off the GPU's have about a 40% difference, not 50. Even then it is pretty negligible.

I upgraded my graphics card from a 560ti, which is the equivalent of the 7790 in the One, to a 660ti which is on par with the 7870 of the PS4, and the jump is negligible at best.

I manage to get a few more FPS, and can move a few more sliders in TOP END PC games. There is still nothing on the market that the 560ti cannot handle. It can run Crysis 3 on mid to low settings and that game takes a lot to run. My 660ti runs Crysis 3 on mid to high settings with some FPS dumps in certain areas.

The point I am trying to make is that people on this site are making it seem as if though the PS4 is absolutely going to destroy the XBOX One in graphics, when in reality, it will look slightly better on certain games (first party.)

I am getting a PS4 first by the way, so don't slam me for being a fanboy. I like to play games regardless of the system they are on.

I am just trying to keep conversations about the games instead of who's hardware is ever so slightly "better."

tuglu_pati3976d ago

I've been saying the same thing. But here in N4G its blasphemy

GDDR6_20143976d ago

So true, "upgrading" a 7770 to 7850 on pc (a 1.2 tflops gpu to a 1.8 tflops gpu) you get slightly better frame rate, drawing distance and AA, but that's all, unless you look at them side by side it's hard to even tell a difference

Hercules1893976d ago

The way i see it is like comparing a car that has a 500hp engine compared to a different car that has a 700 hp engine. Is the 700 hp going to be nearly 50% more faster, It all depends on what else is in the car.

thecurseddevil3976d ago

you are right but you shoudnt expect any intelligence from Teh InTERnEt.(a piece of advice.)

moparful993975d ago

If this were truly the case then why is it that the PS3 exclusives easily bested the 360? Especially since the 360 had the better gpu with a unified structure yet they both had 512mb ram?

Hercules1893975d ago

why does everyone make it out like the ps3 games graphics are night and day better than the 360 graphics, dont you know that halo 4 won best graphics in 2012. The 360 had far better hardware,but it didnt stop sony, so why should it stop microsoft with One.

swerve1213975d ago

I must agree on this 100 %

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The entire WatchDogs series is 87% off and it's not even Black Friday

If you are looking for a bargain, check out the huge discounts across the entire WatchDogs series on Steam.

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Watch Dogs Deserves A Remake, More Than Ever

With the world of information and technology, privacy and security growing every day, Watch Dogs deserves another chance in the spotlight, now more than ever.

RaidenBlack1021d ago

The only Ubi title that deserves a faithful remake right now is Splinter Cell 1.
All 2014+ Ubi titles are just underwhelming. Especially ones from 2016+ are just cancer.

LucasRuinedChildhood1021d ago (Edited 1021d ago )

Seriously, are we so far removed from Ubisoft actually making good games that people now praise Watch_Dogs in retrospect?

"Watch_Dogs has remained one of my favourite games of the last ten years." Jesus Christ.

HankHill1021d ago

I remember being so disappointed in Watch Dogs when I played it at release. It was alright, but I think I fell for the hype and I needed a game to play on my new PS4.

obidanshinobi1021d ago

This is what happens when mediocrity gets praised as good.
Standards are slipping across the whole entertainment industry.
What was once considering rubbish is now considered as OK, what once was OK is now being praised as good etc etc.

LamerTamer1020d ago

Everyone has their own likes. I liked it a lot myself. I played through it twice and liked the car chases and the open world with fairly decent environments and missions. It suffered from the whole downgrade thing where they showed graphics that weren't actually there. No game will appeal to everyone but it was still ambitious for it's time.

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gantarat1021d ago

assassin's creed 1 should get a remake.

ExBee1021d ago

For certain! AC1 was brilliant at the time but with new graphics and gameplay it would be amazing! Do you prefer old combat or new though?

RaidenBlack1021d ago

I'd say a reimagining of AC1.
I direct AC1 remake would be a bad idea. It'll need better story pacing and significant better world building.

BlaqMagiq11020d ago

Old. Let it play like how it did with AC2-Syndicate style gameplay but refine the setting and story.

Profchaos1021d ago

It would need a lot changed for it to be enjoyable again as even back in 2007 on launch we were all complaining about it's repetitive gameplay go here perform one of three side quests repeat then assassination now do it over and over until a big battle with a unforgiving checkpoint system.

BlaqMagiq11020d ago

Absolutely. It needs it. The only AC I truly didn't enjoy.

chicken_in_the_corn1020d ago

I'd prefer it didn't. Ubisoft would make it so bloated, it wouldn't be anywhere near the original

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smolinsk1021d ago (Edited 1021d ago )

Absolutely, this watch dogs legion was terrible boring.

Profchaos1021d ago (Edited 1021d ago )

As a fan of the franchise legion was garbage and I regretted my purchase for the first time in the franchise the entire thing felt like an experiment in NPC behaviour and released without the writers input on what makes a good story.

I don't think I'm alone in that feeling though as wrench and Aiden are brought back and the campaign was rewritten to fit them.

I am tempted to buy the season pass to play it again with Aiden but fool me twice shame on me I'm waiting for a deep sale

camel_toad1021d ago

Agreed. Despite the annoying hipness of the characters in part 2 I thought it was a really fun game. I was extremely disappointed and surprised at how many steps back they took with Legion. You'd think it was made by an entirely different team. Or was it?

It was just so devoid of fun.

LamerTamer1020d ago

Honestly one of my biggest annoyances with Legion is that they took out the camera views for the driving. I mean the behind the car view that they stuck us with is near unplayable. I always used a first person driving view. After two releases why did they take OUT features? I don't get it.

TheSinsibleOne1021d ago

The fist watchdog game was the best by far
After that they weren't weird and annoying with that hipster stuff. Aiden was a badass.

LamerTamer1020d ago

I thought so at first too. I got used to it and it ended up being good after some play time. I just had to give it a chance.

TheEnigma3131021d ago

Remake the PoP series from xbox/ps2/gc era

RaidenBlack1021d ago

They are remaking Sands of Time.

TheEnigma3131021d ago

That's good news. Hopefully it's done right.

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Inside the Driver game that died so that Watch Dogs could live

From VG247: "When cars slide, they leave tyre marks. In a game like Driver, they’re an aesthetic touch, part of the inherent cool of a handbrake turn. But those dark shadows in the road also tell a story. From tyre marks, you can determine the speed of a vehicle, when it started to skid, and its ultimate direction of travel – long after the car itself has vanished into the distance."

vallencer1086d ago

Different spellings in different parts of the world friend. Tyre is a correct way to spell it.

Pridefall1085d ago

Dunno why you got downvpted when tyre is correct in Australia.

mikefizzled11085d ago

The mystery that is En Fore Gee

neutralgamer19921086d ago

Give us driver San Francisco remastered

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen1086d ago

Why did they stop making some of the best games ever? Driver was one of them.

Gameseeker_Frampt1085d ago

Assassins Creed 2 showed Ubisoft how to make money and Far Cry 2 showed them that gamers don't like complex ideas. Now Ubisoft just turns out games that are just variations of the same thing.

WeAreLegion1086d ago

Best driving mechanics ever made. Nothing has come close.

Gardenia1086d ago

A story driven game with pure driving gameplay. I'd love to see a new Driver game or a remake of the first one.

ApocalypseShadow1086d ago

Yes. This one. A definite remake of the first without adding any ridiculous fluff. The first game had great physics and sound for its time. The start of the car in the beginning cinema I watched constantly. My father and uncles were big muscle and classic car freaks. Only thing crazy about the game was the relentless cops in the last level. Insane the way those police cars were and launched at you.

Bleemcast made it look better just like PC emulators. But would definitely take a remake.

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